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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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This is semantics, and nothing more
Episode one brought up a question for me...

If the president dies, say, one day before his term is up.... and the vice president wins reelection, can he run for a technically third term?

Yes, a VP who is elevated to the presidency can be elected twice to the presidency, so long as he serves no more than two years of his predecessor's term.
Just finished watching the entire season. It is amazing.
I saw Claire leaving Frank, but I didn't think it would be this season. It left us with a huge cliffhanger which is awesome
EP 2 question:
is there any significance to the reporter knocking/tapping two times on the door (like frank does) when she meets with the press guy
? Just want a yes or no from people that have seen more. Didn't know if I caught something or if it was just a coincidence/inside joke.
Frank seems so...human in this season. Not quite the cold, machiavellian villain he has been in the past. I like it.

Well, it's a complete shift in dynamics. He's still a villain, but now it's a fight to keep power rather than get it. His humanity just can afford to be shown now.


After watching the entire season.

People won't like this season because Underwood isn't "as powerful" as before, despite the fact that he's more powerful than ever.
This season was the process of crushing who he was and a lot of people like to see him winning, and when you present an entire season on him losing ... people will get mad.

I liked the season and could be the best so far.

What do you think?


Episode 13:
Hot damn. Doug went there. Francis went there. Claire went there. Season 3 was pretty cray from start to finish, real intense. No regrets binge watching it all in one day like I did with the last season, though I must say I think this is a significant mark up from season 2 in just about every way. Still think season 1 is the best, but that may change after I've had some time to reflect.
Episode 4:
The FBI has a bandwidth access limit? Are you fucking kidding me? These writers need to come up with more plausible obstacles.


Just watched the first four episodes. The various challenges that Frank has to face have been all interesting, needless to say. This is going to be a fun weekend.
I just stopped at 4 episodes amazing so far, I had to actually pull myself away. Only 9 more episodes and then I have to wait another year :(
Episode 13:
Hot damn. Doug went there. Francis went there. Claire went there. Season 3 was pretty cray from start to finish, real intense. No regrets binge watching it all in one day like I did with the last season, though I must say I think this is a significant mark up from season 2 in just about every way. Still think season 1 is the best, but that may change after I've had some time to reflect.

I just binged all thirteen episodes.
Thank fuck Stamper finally killed her. Should have done that last season at the latest. Disappointed Frank and Claire's marriage couldn't withstand the presidency, but obvious in retrospect. The two of them aren't exactly stable individuals. Stakes were a lot higher this season, but it desensitized me.

I haven't been following this thread.
Could Frank run again in 2020 or did he inherit too much of Walker's term?

Post-Season Finale Spoilers:
Disappointed in this season, overall. I started off enjoying the season, but they've run out of ideas. There's no realistic way in which he could remain in office, let alone govern - virtually all his political ties are destroyed. They've ruined my suspension of disbelief that he could survive multiple terms in office.

I understand the need for this season to cover such a large length of time, but the way they covered the transitions didn't have much impact on me. This season spanned approximately one year, right? More like 14 months? I don't expect them to go much further past the election in season four.

I didn't really expect Dunbar to be his big political foe for this season. Also, with his political experience, it didn't seem prudent to push forward with such an unpopular omnibus jobs stimulus bill that did away with ALL entitlements. It's such a dick-headed move for someone with twenty plus years of experience in Congress. Then, when he's finally defeated over AmWorks, the plot completely discards it.

From everything he's done, the U.S. economy should be in shambles and their government seems to be even more dysfunctional than ours. I wasn't actually on the "series has only gotten worse since season one" train before today, but....

FFS, regardless of what happens to his marriage, what were the consequences if he manages to win the general election? This season undid the idea that Claire was essential to his schemes and successes that was built up in seasons one and two. Remy's been removed from the board as an antagonistic force.
What I love about this show is that each episode is like a mini movie. It moves at such a brisk pace, time just flies by. When the credits come up at the end, and I know there's nothing keeping me from pressing the "next episode" button besides how late it is, the fact that every episode is up NOW, it's really something else. Also, the way text messages are presented as an integral part of the show and so seamlessly (it's always been like this even in earlier seasons). Having the time of my life watching this. So good.
Every time Hector Mandoza is on screen, all I can think of is this:


All I can think of that scene from the shield


Ep 3
I didn't expect things to start in the middle of Frank's (and Claire's) worst moment. I thought they'd show Frank having his way for a while and then introduce some conflict.

Also, I couldn't put my finger on why I recognized the song Petrov was singing. Then I realized I know it from Tetris.

Great season so far.


Honorary Canadian.
Anyone else having problems with the sound being totally out of sync with the show? I had to stop watching twenty minutes in to episode 1. I'm assuming it's cuz everyone in the world is watching it right now.
Ep. 11:
I do not like how they retconned Freddy into an asshole.

Ep. 12:
Holy shit, that time jump between 11 and 12 is fucking gigantic.

The makeup department deserves an Emmy for what they are doing with Spacey's hair the course of this season.


Bitches love smiley faces
Just booted up Episode 3:
So far it's like, "Hey let's shit on Frank this time out!"

Enjoying it so far.


I have a bad habit of reading spoilers but the first two episodes have been so good.

For those who miraculously made it through the entire season, Season 4 is a certainty right?
Whats the deal with spraying bourbon from a syringe rather than drinking from a glass or the bottle?
My feeling is its a way for him to not feel his alcoholism is alcoholism but rather a medication. Its a rationalization for a deeply irrational action


On episode 5 now.
The "edgy" scenes from the first scene of episode 1 and the last scene of episode 4 are kind of eye rolling.

Gray Matter

I'm up to episode 3

I hate
how Doug is being left out, I kinda feel bad for him. His loyalty to frank is preventing him from moving on. Also, the way Doug treated his brother... ICE COLD.


Well, it's a complete shift in dynamics. He's still a villain, but now it's a fight to keep power rather than get it. His humanity just can afford to be shown now.
Yeah definitely. Actually my singular complaint with this season is the
time skip that happens between Frank being sworn in and the start of the third season.
I would have loved to see Frank's (and Claire's) shift first hand but that's a very minor quibble. S3 so far has been incredible. I find myself rooting for Frank now more than ever because of the focus on his humanity.
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