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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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2 episodes in.

Does anyone else watch this show and just root against Frank and Claire? I want all the worst things to happen to them.
The opposite for me. I root for Frank because he's one of the few characters under no illusion about who or what he is. Most of the other characters in the show let their own greed and lust for power cloud their judgement when dealing with Frank despite know exactly what kind of person he is. Why hate a character for simply playing the game better than everyone else?

Claire is a bit of a different story. About 3/4ths of the way through Season 3 I started rooting against her simply because I didn't understand her motivations.
I'm not sure why exactly she's so angry at Frank? He handed Claire the UN ambassador position despite Mendoza demonstrating that she clearly wasn't ready. Then she further proves her ineffectiveness in dealing with relations with Russia not once, but twice. I understand she wanted to wield some of the power that Frank had, but it was out of character to be so impulsive and impatient like she was through out this season.


What happened to
Mendoza? Did the actors playing him leave the show or die? The way they ended his character in passing ass surprising


The opposite for me. I root for Frank because he's one of the few characters under no illusion about who or what he is. Most of the other characters in the show let their own greed and lust for power cloud their judgement when dealing with Frank despite know exactly what kind of person he is. Why hate a character for simply playing the game better than everyone else?

Claire is a bit of a different story. About 3/4ths of the way through Season 3 I started rooting against her simply because I didn't understand her motivations.
I'm not sure why exactly she's so angry at Frank? He handed Claire the UN ambassador position despite Mendoza demonstrating that she clearly wasn't ready. Then she further proves her ineffectiveness in dealing with relations with Russia not once, but twice. I understand she wanted to wield some of the power that Frank had, but it was out of character to be so impulsive and impatient like she was through out this season.
The show was building up to this.
In the past seasons, Claire has pretty much been forced to sacrifice her dreams for Frank's success (like sacrificing her NGO) and it all came to a head this season. Her going through menopause didn't help things either.


Is there a reason why Frank completely fell apart as president? I don't think he accomplished one thing the entire season. Season 2 made him seem like a mastermind who kicked ass and took names but season 3?

I wanted the whip but instead got a wimp
Politics in this show are atrocious. Difficult to suspend disbelief when you actually pay close attention to the politics in the US. Moving past all of the other major glaring issues that I won't even dig into, where are the
Republican candidates? Do their primaries take place in an alternate dimension that runs on a separate timeline? What the fuck was with the Mendoza copout?

Blargh. It was alright for what it was, but each season, this shit gets more and more irritating.

I felt like I missed something with Mendoza. They spoke a few lines that I didn't understand, and he was just gone. No longer senate majority leader. No longer the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. Didn't even show up again for the rest of the season after shaping up to be a major character in the election.

Is there a reason why Frank completely fell apart as president? I don't think he accomplished one thing the entire season. Season 2 made him seem like a mastermind who kicked ass and took names but season 3?

I wanted the whip but instead got a wimp

This felt especially weird to me after the very end of season 2 where he immediately picks up the phone and fixes the situation with China in one conversation. It felt like they were setting him up to be the ultimate badass president who could get shit done.


Episode 8:
Meechum getting super protective over Frank was sorta adorable. Surprised Mendoza is out all of a sudden.
I literally didn't notice a single bit of product placement that was out of place or strange (hell, I have no idea what you're talking about with the shoes). At this point, I feel like people on GAF are just looking for shit to complain about though, so....

you can always count on this forum to make a big deal about product placement

nobody else gives a shit


Bitches love smiley faces
Just finished the season:

For the most part I enjoyed it.I thought the first half of the season was better than the last half. His presidency piqued my interest. The election, not as much.

As much as last season seemed like Frank was unstoppable, this season really put the kibosh on that idea. The only solid win he had was Jordan Valley and that turned into a disaster.

Thought Doug's ordeal was interesting, but I'm glad the Rachel stuff was kept to a minimum.

I wonder what season 4 will bring. If they're going to pick up right where we left off or do another time-jump. The general election? His first elected term?
there's a difference between the product being in the background and bringing attention to the product by commenting on how great/easy to use it is.

Exactly. I don't mind if a movie wants to show Superman getting slung in to a half destroyed IHOP. I do care when they shove Samsung tech in your face with lines like, "Here, let me make it EASIER."


I wonder what season 4 will bring. If they're going to pick up right where we left off or do another time-jump. The general election? His first elected term?
I thought they already said that it would end after 3 seasons...


Bitches love smiley faces
I thought they already said that it would end after 3 seasons...

The original series only lasted 3 seasons, but I don't think they've come out and said one way or the other.

From how this season ends, to me, it seems clear that they've already had the go ahead for a season 4. This felt more like a season finale, rather than a series finale.


The original series only lasted 3 seasons, but I don't think they've come out and said one way or the other.

From how this season ends, to me, it seems clear that they've already had the go ahead for a season 4. This felt more like a season finale, rather than a series finale.
Same thing could have been said about The Newsroom...


Junior Member
Just finished Episode 1.

Totally don't get what Doug was doing with the syringe, but I appreciate that he was a focus for the episode.

In his mind, because of past addiction, he is using it as a pain killer or medicine. If he were to actually drink it, it would be recreational and he could not justify it.


Just finished Season 3.
Posssibly the most disappointing season of a TV show in recent memory. I'm stunned how bad it was, especially after the first two seasons. What the heck were they thinking with that author guy? He didnt add anything to the plot and was possibly the most boring character ever. They didn't even show the most likable characters (Lucas, Janeane, or Hammershmidt). It was so bad.
This show works when Frank is kicking asses and on top of the world. He's not Walter White and this isn't Breaking Bad. Watching the cards fall slowly over seasons isn't nearly as interesting as watching them stack higher and higher alongside the evidence for their inevitable collapse.

While Claire wanting political power is an interesting and perhaps obvious route for the show to take, the path she travels down in the last half of this season was atrociously done. Pitting Claire against Frank? Who really wants this?

Season 3 was ultimately the writing struggling against the shows strengths as much as possible.


Finished the season
Overall I like it but often felt confused by how the show handled some of the characters and plots.
I'm not quite happy with Claire. I like the idea of her leaving and her feeling of not having enough power on her own makes sense. Just the timing and built-up felt strange. She failed to get the ambassador job on her own and got played by the Russians, nothing where Frank was holding her back. Although the whole marriage problems were handled very strangely and the role of the writer in it and how impactful his writing was.

Doug was underused. One of my favourite characters on the show and the actor does a great job. The Rachel part was stretched too long and hardly any interaction between him and Frank was disappointing.
I'm too naive: I was glad he didn't kill Rachel when he drove the opposite direction. When he turned around I was like "oh no he changed his mind", then they show him filling the grave and I though he just turned around because he forgot to close the grave and doesn't want to leave any suspicious traces. Would be fun if it turns out next season that this was what actually happened :D But I doubt it.
Not showing his reaction after killing her after he freaked out when he thought she was dead earlier was a weird decision from the writers.

Frank was ok. It was fun watching him manipulating people the last two seasons and then having the expectation how far he can go when he is president so it was an interesting change seeing Frank even though he has more power than ever not being able to achieve much when he has everyone against him. His hostility towards Claire at the end was too much in my opinion and felt out of character.
I'm not an expert about American politics. For me it was surprising that he had success with the America works plan and the 'you are entitled to nothing' slogan or least that the writer felt that it was realistic enough for the show.

No PS Vita product placement :(


Ep 9:
"I swear to God I will put you in your fucking grave." Whew, that line
End of Season and
I've got to say, wow, what a useless character Claire has been. She did nothing right and everything wrong yet somehow she was still more popular than Frank? In what world does that even begin to make sense? It all felt heavy handed and she just pissed me off. Like, what does she even want?


Finished the season
Overall I like it but often felt confused by how the show handled some of the characters and plots.
I'm not quite happy with Claire. I like the idea of her leaving and her feeling of not having enough power on her own makes sense. Just the timing and built-up felt strange. She failed to get the ambassador job on her own and got played by the Russians, nothing where Frank was holding her back. Although the whole marriage problems were handled very strangely and the role of the writer in it and how impactful his writing was.

Doug was underused. One of my favourite characters on the show and the actor does a great job. The Rachel part was stretched too long and hardly any interaction between him and Frank was disappointing.
I'm too naive: I was glad he didn't kill Rachel when he drove the opposite direction. When he turned around I was like "oh no he changed his mind", then they show him filling the grave and I though he just turned around because he forgot to close the grave and doesn't want to leave any suspicious traces. Would be fun if it turns out next season that this was what actually happened :D But I doubt it.
Not showing his reaction after killing her after he freaked out when he thought she was dead earlier was a weird decision from the writers.

Frank was ok. It was fun watching him manipulating people the last two seasons and then having the expectation how far he can go when he is president so it was an interesting change seeing Frank even though he has more power than ever not being able to achieve much when he has everyone against him. His hostility towards Claire at the end was too much in my opinion and felt out of character.
I'm not an expert about American politics. For me it was surprising that he had success with the America works plan and the 'you are entitled to nothing' slogan or least that the writer felt that it was realistic enough for the show.

No PS Vita product placement :(
Now that you mention it; AmWorks did stand out as being particularly bad. I've heard politicians say how it's "unfortunate that we have to cut welfare to do whatever"... not usually be exited about doing it. But his whole policy was incredibly vague. Cut social security to "create jobs" -- how does that work? The chant also stood out as something that would never happen irl -- especially not with democratic voters. What voter in their right mind is happy cutting social security in return for a handful of low-paying menial jobs? The biggest offense here is him comparing it to the New Deal. Not even remotely close to a good comparison.
And I think I've found a worse problem with this season besides that he accomplished nothing. The stakes have actually lowered. The best characters of this show (the ones that posed the biggest threat to his political career) are now almost all out of the picture and the evidence that was stacking against him from the first two seasons have diminished. Someone else posted this, but the consequences in the last two seasons was a lifetime in prison. This season? He would've lost the election. That's a huge step backwards for this show.


Finished watching it this weekend.

Fuck Doug. I was honestly really hoping that nobody would die this season. Those parts have been my least favourite of the whole shows life. So close, and then we see him bury her all of a sudden (red hair and ear coming out of the grave)


And done.

God damn I love the music in this show, and this is the only show where the Netflix autojump to after opening credits annoys me, cause I want to hear the music before every episode :)

Full season:
All in all, I agree with most complaints about the season, felt very disjointed.

Also, anyone else feel "ill" in the last episode, I mean, the dynamic between the characters, Francis/Clair and Doug/Rachel almost gave me anxiety attacks, could've been me watching the second half of the season in one go and not finishing until about 2am though.
The original series only lasted 3 seasons, but I don't think they've come out and said one way or the other.

From how this season ends, to me, it seems clear that they've already had the go ahead for a season 4. This felt more like a season finale, rather than a series finale.

In the original UK show (potential spoilers for where this show may go in Season 4, since it's been pretty faithful on the whole)
Francis (Frank) begins a hardcore political decline, and almost everything comes back to get him, including the murder. He makes the mistake of appointing a double agent sort of politician as skilled as him - a woman called Claire in the UK version - and she gets close to him, and then encourages, works with, and reveals his weaknesses to his biggest political rival inside the party.

In the end, his wife actually turns on him. She knows the walls are closing in, and she's determined to secure the Urquhart (Underwood) legacy. She waits until one day longer than Margaret Thatcher's term (making him the longest serving post-war Prime Minister), and then arranges for him to be assassinated. Thus he dies with his legacy intact, before the murder can be revealed, before others can bring him down. I've been wondering if, given how Series 3 goes, the 'Claire' character in the UK version (the double agent politician) and the wife role will just merge; they're falling apart, she works with his rivals, she sees him assassinated. Or maybe it'll end completely differently... I could totally see them letting rip with a "he got away with it all," ending, with him as a celebrated president.

That said, it hasn't been faithful in a 1:1 sense. The beats of the overall plot are the same, but the contents are obviously very different; the Frank character is the opposite side of the political aisle, it's 20+ years removed, it's a different country and political system... like, in the UK one, the season 2 equivalent of the crisis with the casino, Chinese businessmen and all that is actually clashes with a politically active Monarch (clearly intended to be Prince Charles) who is 'on to' his game -- but the end result is the same.
I haven't read any of the impressions yet but i think the third season is pretty bad thus far (i watched 4 episodes). Some ridiculous moments and bad writing. I don't really feel like watching the rest. Best part is
So I finished the new episodes and I find Season 3 to be the best so far. It had me at the edge of my seat since episode 1. The first two seasons, while I liked them did not grab me as much as this one. Now, the wait for Season 4. :/


I'm done with it.

Glad Doug finally killed Rachael. Looking forward to him back in action next season. I was sure Claire was going to announce she wanted the presidency at the end


Finished season 3:
Look. This show is not...a great show. That being said I still enjoy almost every minute of it. It is on the same level as a good season of American Horror Story to me. So much camp.

Doug, as much as I love his character, should have died last season. Nothing he did this season mattered/was interesting. Why was Rachel still on the show? Why is Gavin still on the show?

I don't understand Claire's character anymore. Or what they were trying to do with it.

I thought Frank was more interesting this season. People didn't just bend to his every whim. People stood up and fought him. Made for a good dynamic.
Just finished it. Watched it all over the course of 2 days. I like the
russian president
character. I liked that Frank was actually a
bad/ineffective president and everyone knew it

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
you can always count on this forum to make a big deal about product placement

nobody else gives a shit

There have been a few big product placement moments. I usually don't ever pick up on them, but when you say "here, let me make it easier" and it zooms in on your hand holding a Samsung tablet as you swipe it up to your Samsung TV I'm going to notice it.

HoC has been no more agregious with it than 24 was though.
you can always count on this forum to make a big deal about product placement

nobody else gives a shit

I thought the video game placement and review to introduce the biographer was well done and integrated naturally into the story. If that was product placement it was well done.

Full season spoiler:

The biographer (Yates) is my favorite character this season. He handled himself professionally throughout, except when he threw a temper tantrum with Detective Boney. They were a good match.
7 eps in and this is way better than season 2 simply due to two reasons

-actual foils to frank and not that cornball billionaire
-no president walker geeking up the place
What percentage of a real-life TV "news" personality's day is spent filming scenes for House of Cards? 60% seems low.

I was like, wow, don't you have jobs to do?


What percentage of a real-life TV "news" personality's day is spent filming scenes for House of Cards? 60% seems low.

I was like, wow, don't you have jobs to do?

With HoC they are doing their real jobs.

Also, LOL at that Jon King
debate. Like, debates have been played a bit loose at times but they would never be allowed to devolve into a circle jerk. Again, shows the writers total lack of understanding of politics.


I'm liking this season a lot. I'm up to episode 9 or 10 now. As much as the product placement stuff makes me laugh while I'm watching it, I don't understand why they cheapen such a great show with it. Are they really getting that much money for these things?

The whole thing about Frank asking if the guys played Monument Valley and then Seth commenting that he had to "sell his Xbox on Ebay because it was too addictive" was so over the top. Who was paying for that to be in the script? How much could they have possibly paid in order to ruin an entire scene?
I'm liking this season a lot. I'm up to episode 9 or 10 now. As much as the product placement stuff makes me laugh while I'm watching it, I don't understand why they cheapen such a great show with it. Are they really getting that much money for these things?

The whole thing about Frank asking if the guys played Monument Valley and then Seth commenting that he had to "sell his Xbox on Ebay because it was too addictive" was so over the top. Who was paying for that to be in the script? How much could they have possibly paid in order to ruin an entire scene?

Still not as bad as the PSVita segment in season 1.
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