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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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holy shit, huge fan of the first season but i'm 5-6 episodes this second season and it is complete shit.... WTF happened to this show?

What exactly is the issue? I'm a little further in, but the show is just as good if not better than last season ...


Watched 9 episodes, then skipped to the last two.

What can i say. This season was very bad. Little to no tension, lots of filler, boring story. It peaked at the end of 2nd episode and never reached that high before. Yeah, the ending was kinda cool, but i expected more from this season. The first season was only good in a second half, but this season had only like 3-4 decent episodes. Probably won't even bother with season 3, if it continues to be so bland and take no risks.


Watched 9 episodes, then skipped to the last two.

What can i say. This season was very bad. Little to no tension, lots of filler, boring story. It peaked at the end of 2nd episode and never reached that high before. Yeah, the ending was kinda cool, but i expected more from this season. The first season was only good in a second half, but this season had only like 3-4 decent episodes. Probably won't even bother with season 3, if it continues to be so bland and take no risks.

If you're going to skip episodes, you might as well bail out. I have no idea why you thought that was going to make you all of a sudden enjoy it again. I have some issues with the season, but not taking risks is absolutely not one of them.

EDIT: Also, GAF's definition of filler is all over the place. What did you think was filler?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The finale was so predictable. However, at least there are 2 loose ends for next season.

I had a much more enjoyable time with the rest of the episodes in the season.


I thought S2 was more compelling than the first.

What do you all think Doug
was going to do with Rachel at the end


So I was a huge fan of S1, and honestly I've been pretty down about S2, but episode 8 was fantastic and I'm hoping it continues as such throughout the season. Dat episode 8 ending.

Episode 7 was pretty good too.


I'm currently watching episode 3.

Is it wrong that I felt more angered by Underwood shaking hands with the Tea Parties mouthpiece then the 2 murders?


My thoughts on season 2:
Didn't like it. Too scandalous and a lot of storylines that went no where. I was hoping the last few EPs would have put things together but it didn't - it was more of the same where everyone lost their ability to think in order to convenience Spacey becoming President.

Also fuck that dude who posted season 3 spoilers. I know he tagged it but it was so unexpected I accidently scrolled over assuming it was a season 2 spoiler. I really was not expecting someone to post that...


Yeah I was pumped for ep. 11 after seeing all the hype around it. It was basically

I hope they don't fuck over Meechum because of this. Also, I knew Frank was maybe/probably bi. Was shocked that they just went ahead with it. Not too subtle.
I hope they don't fuck over Meechum because of this. Also, I knew Frank was maybe/probably bi. Was shocked that they just went ahead with it. Not too subtle.

The next morning scene was ridiculous - "I slept great!" (After we banged our security boy last night!)
Carpe diem!


I'll have to agree with the folks saying it fell kinda flet midseason. Got a little too boring for my tastes as well i have to admit.

Made me realise i watch this mostly because of Spacey and Wright. Robin Wright her character, the way she plays it .. i dont know but its so convincing and honestly it kinda turns me on.


I'll have to agree with the folks saying it fell kinda flet midseason. Got a little too boring for my tastes as well i have to admit.

Made me realise i watch this mostly because of Spacey and Wright. Robin Wright her character, the way she plays it .. i dont know but its so convincing and honestly it kinda turns me on.


I could see Don and Claire hook up.


Two episodes left, and unless these last two are amazing, Season 1 will finish ahead. S2 started well, became really boring and meh mid season, then picked up again episode 2. But I definitely have issues with the season, many of which I did not have with S1.

Jackie is definitely the best of the new characters. I did like some of the focus on old characters, mainly Rachel and Freddie.


Episode 13
why did Tusk suddenly decide to say something at the hearing and potentially go to jail? Even if he thought Remy was going to spill the details, just seems odd unless it was about getting revenge at Garett for going back on the pardon? Why not implicate Frank who was actually involved and he actually hated as well?

Anyway, the above trend was my main problem with the season....everything was just so convenient for Frank and fell into place compared to season 1 where it seemed more deliberate and calculating. Garett was simply to spineless to be a good president, the way he accepted Frank back after writing that latter and resigning over the super PAC funding which he didn't even know about!

Still enjoyed it though despite the misgivings


I finished season 2. In some ways I liked it more than season 1, UNTIL the last episode.

Garrett should have been made more formidable. He accepted Frank back too easily. I know he had a confession but in the end it made him look like a dolt and pushover. I also can't shake the feeling that they made Frank president too soon. There should have been more build. The end of next season might have been better. I did like the sexual triangle with Frank, Claire, and Meechum. I did NOT like Christina Gallagher dropping off the face of the Earth, I guess she'll return next season but her being fired with no follow up was kind of lame. Zoe being killed in the first episode was a nice twist. Stamper's strange relationship with Rachael was entertaining. I hope Stamper isn't dead, although it seems like he is. Claire's emotional breakdown was good, at least it shows she has some remorse. I hated the Jackie Sharp character at first, but she's grown on me.

So there is good and bad. No show is perfect, so all in all I enjoyed it. Can't wait for next season.


Finished S2 today. I don't think the show is any better or worse than last year, still just as good. Acting and cinematography are still top-notch. The writing was a little overly complicated this season, but it still came together pretty well in the end. I don't really agree with the lack of direction complaints; there was a clear direction to this season, it just wasn't as centralized as
Frank and Russo's arc in S1.

I also like the show's
disposable attitude toward its characters. Zoe's death was a huge surprise obviously, but I also like how they wrote out Lucas, Christina, and Constance Zimmer's character -- not necessarily because I wanted them gone, but because it would feel more contrived to keep them involved in the story. The only exception was Connor, whose hiring and subsequent move to SpaceX felt like a waste of time. Not sure why they even bothered creating him, unless Masters of Sex ended up interfering with the schedule? They also dismissed Claire's entire NGO story from last season too easily, but I wasn't that invested in it anyway.

Also, people have a strange definition of filler. Anything here that wasn't directly related to the plot only fleshed out and humanized the characters more. Wasn't that a complaint of last season?

All in all, I think this is still one of the best shows on right now, and continues to be extremely well-made and totally engrossing. Looking forward to S3 but I hope they have an endgame planned, and one that won't get dragged out by Netflix.


Can't wait for season 3 when we see Frank's beautiful house of cards...

SPOILERS!!! ...Fall when: They find Doug's car with Rachel's prints all over it (or her in it), and the hacker releases his tasty information because Doug never came to his aide, and when cadaver dogs find his body in the woods. One very short presidency.

Overall, I liked the first season more. It felt more ummm, grounded.


Can't wait for season 3 when we see Frank's beautiful house of cards...

SPOILERS!!! ...Fall when: They find Doug's car with Rachel's prints all over it (or her in it), and the hacker releases his tasty information because Doug never came to his aide, and when cadaver dogs find his body in the woods. One very short presidency.

Overall, I liked the first season more. It felt more ummm, grounded.

I doubt that happens next season otherwise the show is over.


I think I liked it better than the first season, and not just for the WTF moments. Seemed like all of the story tied together quite nicely. None of it seemed like filler to me.


I think I liked it better than the first season, and not just for the WTF moments. Seemed like all of the story tied together quite nicely. None of it seemed like filler to me.

Cos everything worked out so conveniently for Frank. Too conveniently IMO
Quick question for anyone that has finished the series.

Was it explained who leaked the photos and flight plan of Douglas Stamper visiting the casino in Missouri and going to to visit Xander Feng in Beijing?
After finishing the last episode and thinking back over the series I couldn't remember if it was ever found out.
Assume it wouldn't of been Daniel Lanagin or Raymond Tusk as it affected them when it was leaked.


We've watched three episodes so far...

EP 1:
Zoe.... wow. Did not see that coming, did not want it to happen, but I love that they did it. Does so much for the show.

Ep 2/3:
A bit fillerish... I guess I can see the point, but a lot of it feels like fluff.
the show and particularly season 2 are not as good as the best tv shows out there but for me it holds its own in entertainment value. It's like a very decent guilty pleasure.
the show and particularly season 2 are not as good as the best tv shows out there but for me it holds its own in entertainment value. It's like a very decent guilty pleasure.

I agree, overall, not one of the best, but if you just concentrate on the Underwoods and their impeccable acting it's great. I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure though. There is far, far worse.


Finished S2 today. I don't think the show is any better or worse than last year, still just as good. Acting and cinematography are still top-notch. The writing was a little overly complicated this season, but it still came together pretty well in the end. I don't really agree with the lack of direction complaints; there was a clear direction to this season, it just wasn't as centralized as
Frank and Russo's arc in S1.

I also like the show's
disposable attitude toward its characters. Zoe's death was a huge surprise obviously, but I also like how they wrote out Lucas, Christina, and Constance Zimmer's character -- not necessarily because I wanted them gone, but because it would feel more contrived to keep them involved in the story. The only exception was Connor, whose hiring and subsequent move to SpaceX felt like a waste of time. Not sure why they even bothered creating him, unless Masters of Sex ended up interfering with the schedule? They also dismissed Claire's entire NGO story from last season too easily, but I wasn't that invested in it anyway.

Also, people have a strange definition of filler. Anything here that wasn't directly related to the plot only fleshed out and humanized the characters more. Wasn't that a complaint of last season?

All in all, I think this is still one of the best shows on right now, and continues to be extremely well-made and totally engrossing. Looking forward to S3 but I hope they have an endgame planned, and one that won't get dragged out by Netflix.

I have 2 episodes left but did they seriously (character spoiler)
write out Christina completely off screen? President mentions he let her go and that's it? She was never a huge character, and this season indeed she had nothing to do. But what the fuck? I liked her a lot in S1.
I have 2 episodes left but did they seriously (character spoiler)
write out Christina completely off screen? President mentions he let her go and that's it? She was never a huge character, and this season indeed she had nothing to do. But what the fuck? I liked her a lot in S1.

She could come back in the next season, maybe. It doesn't bother me as much as it seems to have bothered others though. That's the reality of politics I guess. Here one day, gone the next.


Episode 13
why did Tusk suddenly decide to say something at the hearing and potentially go to jail? Even if he thought Remy was going to spill the details, just seems odd unless it was about getting revenge at Garett for going back on the pardon? Why not implicate Frank who was actually involved and he actually hated as well?

Anyway, the above trend was my main problem with the season....everything was just so convenient for Frank and fell into place compared to season 1 where it seemed more deliberate and calculating. Garett was simply to spineless to be a good president, the way he accepted Frank back after writing that latter and resigning over the super PAC funding which he didn't even know about!

Still enjoyed it though despite the misgivings

I believe it was because he realized that he had lost his battle against Frank because it was almost certain that the president would be impeached at that point. If he didn't end up siding with frank, he would end up rotting in prison with no out.

And yea Garret was an idiot. I was glad to see him go. Anyone so easily misled shouldn't be president.


Just finished the second season. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what are the similarities between this and the British version? Do they follow the same plot basically or is it just the same premise?


Finished season 2 and while it was still highly entertaining it wasn't as good as the first season IMO. Felt rushed at the end and

Too much focus on the battle between Tusk and Frank. Also they shouldn't have made frank so invincible, I felt he was at least a bit more vulnerable last season which made it great. Also I felt his rise to presidency was way too rushed and I did not feel the heavy impact of it as it should have been, felt like a hollow victory since he didn't really have to fight for it.

Hopefully next season the two loose ends from season one, Rachel and Christina, lead to his downfall or at least makes him highly vulnerable again.


Didnt like this season at all in the beginning, to much melodrama, not enough smart politics, but the last few episodes were much better again,

episode 13
although it was absolutely clear what would happen after season 1

looking forward to season 3


Episode 13
why did Tusk suddenly decide to say something at the hearing and potentially go to jail? Even if he thought Remy was going to spill the details, just seems odd unless it was about getting revenge at Garett for going back on the pardon? Why not implicate Frank who was actually involved and he actually hated as well?

rewatch the scene at the opera
implicating frank would have served no reason at all, since he would have implicated himself and have gone to jail, because the president just revoked the deal for his pardon.

remy was not the reason he incriminated walker, losing his pardon was.
so he sided with frank, just as frank suggested at the opera, he basically promised him the pardon there
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