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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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He won, fair and square. You guys just need to deal with it and give him a chance now it's all over.

Let's work together to mitigate the political and economical fallout, which in all likelihood will be pretty minimal. Yeah we all didn't get what we wanted and you're bound to experience some bone-headed opinions from this guy in the future, but this is basically how the republican party has felt over the last 8 years. They thought the sky was falling too when Obama moved into the white house.

Cutting all ties with people who voted Trump is just going to isolate yourself further. It's going to be a rough few years, but you'll manage.

Yep, I would have preferred a more qualified republican candidate winning over Clinton but the results are in.

This is democracy people. For better or worse.


Probably ignoring the topic for the most part, but dropping occasional barbed comments about how they voted for an economically unstable/environmentally screwed future for their kids the next time they ask me why I don't want any or something.


I live overseas, so I don't really have to deal with this personally. I am, however, seriously considering never again speaking to my long time friend (and his family) that I've known since 1st grade. They all are Trump supporters and worse than that, he's become an anti-Semite and conspiracy theory nut over the last year.


I just removed a few people from my friends list on Facebook, they just kept re-posting stuff from Milo Yiannopoulos and other outlets, and basically just went hard right as things got closer to the election. Worst part is, I honestly didn't expect it from them, but that sudden shift in opinion just caught me off guard.

I think what especially hits hard is that they lack any empathy or understanding for those that will be impacted by Trump's enabling of the extreme right. It baffles my mind.

In addition, this election has sent shock waves across the world. I'm Australian, the friends I removed are Australian. Trump's victory has enabled a scenario that is frankly terrifying in so many ways.


8 years of monkey pictures, insults against his wife's arms, bullshit about his lack of intelligence and we put up with it.

Two days of anger and butt hurt white men crying about how disgusting the hate is.

"I thought you were above hate you guys"


There is a guy in my fb that loves one brazilian politician that has all the far right visions that Trump showed during the campaign (racist, xeno, misog..). He posted yesterday 'oh, americans vote worst than us hahahaha'

someone confronted him with 'you know trump is the american version of your Bolsonaro (the politician), right?' and he was like 'no they are completely different. lol

this brazilian politician once said that 'I wouldnt rape you because you dont deserve' to another congresswoman and stuff like 'i prefer that my son die than that he is gay' or 'my sons are not gay because I always beat them when they were young so that they leanr the right way to behave'... and some shit about immigrants as well (we welcomed a few people from Haiti after the earthquake that destroyed the country)... so, yes, he is the Brazilian Trump.

oh, I almost forgot, when he was voting to impeach Brazil's honest president Dilma he also said that he was voting in the memory of 'Ustra', which was the chief of the police during the dictatorship that was personally responsible for the interrogations (torture), including the torture of Dilma when she was arrested. His torture methods included inserting dead rats inside women's vaginas and so on... there were proceedings to impeach him (he is a congressman - the most voted in Rio de Janeiro btw) because of such speach, but yesterday they cancel it all so he is good to go and keep saying shit because of ~~free speach~~.
I have a wedding to go to in rural Ohio on Friday. With luck, I can avoid conversation and that will be the last I have to see most of them.

Otherwise, I live in Chicago and don't know many people who aren't horrified right now.


Got a friend from basically an all white area who voted for him. At first I felt disappointment but I grew to understand how he came to that decision.

He went from an all white area to a major university where he showed his subtle racist tendencies. I don't think he ever fully realized it. We hung out in a diverse group, and I know the guy's not an asshole person to person, but he never had empathy on the level as I did probably since I've always had diverse friends. After we graduated, my friend became involved in law enforcement around not very diverse areas again (relevant later).

The guy is one of those pseudo-libertarian but really neo-con types, who understands science and supports LGBT rights. He didn't really know who Gary Johnson was, supported Rubio, and seems to have supported Trump because he hates Hillary.

He's also one of the few conservatives I've had debates with. Most of the time we just disagree on why things are the way they are and how to fix problems, but we identify the same problems. It's important to note that we've never gotten on tilt which is important.

Unfortunately I've seen that without school he's been just around other law enforcement and white people all the time. He's aware of it and knows that as a cop he's basically only around cops and degenerates, but it still affects the way he thinks.

I wasn't surprised to see that he voted for Trump, but it still hurt. I've seen some others (coincidentally mostly white guys but also some Asians) come out for Trump online and I get it.

I'm not sure if our debates really did anything substantial but we have respect for each other. If that can happen in a broader level it'll be great, but obviously it takes work. We didn't really ever change each others' political philosophy but there were small changes -- he showed me that gun owners in rural areas are by in large responsible and kind, and we showed him culture he's never seen before that he now appreciates. The most important thing is we don't hate each other though according to lots of people we ought to.


I have a wedding to go to in rural Ohio on Friday. With luck, I can avoid conversation and that will be the last I have to see most of them.

Otherwise, I live in Chicago and don't know many people who aren't horrified right now.
You don't know what you're getting yourself into.
This is democracy people. For better or worse.

Numerous catastrophically-destructive fascists were elected "democratically". Miss me with that "democracy" bullshit.

Are the results legally valid? Sure. Doesn't mean I have to sit by and accept them or tolerate anyone who enabled them. I'm not saying I'll go out of my way to be cruel to them (though, given the opportunity, we'll see). I'm saying I will interact with them the bare minimum that is possible and will not do a single thing to help or improve their lives. They made their beds. Time to lie in them.
Yep, I would have preferred a more qualified republican candidate winning over Clinton but the results are in.

This is democracy people. For better or worse.

Fewer people voted for Donald Trump than voted for John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Don't waste your breath trying to convince me this is what America really wanted.
Numerous catastrophically-destructive fascists were elected "democratically". Miss me with that "democracy" bullshit.

Are the results legally valid? Sure. Doesn't mean I have to sit by and accept them or tolerate anyone who enabled them. I'm not saying I'll go out of my way to be cruel to them (though, given the opportunity, we'll see). I'm saying I will interact with them the bare minimum that is possible and will not do a single thing to help or improve their lives. They made their beds. Time to lie in them.

Fewer people voted for Donald Trump than voted for John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Don't waste your breath trying to convince me this is what America really wanted.

guys, while I respect you are upset by the results - you also need to consider that if the shoe were on the other foot would you consider the same statements from the other side?

Instead of kicking and screaming that you won't accept the results because of reasons acknowledge that you lost, brace for impact and come out swinging in the next election (midterm or otherwise)
guys, while I respect you are upset by the results - you also need to consider that if the shoe were on the other foot would you consider the same statements from the other side?

Instead of kicking and screaming that you won't accept the results because of reasons acknowledge that you lost, brace for impact and come out swinging in the next election (midterm or otherwise)

I accept that Donald Trump will be President of the United States. I'm not delusional in how our democratic system works. But that doesn't mean I have to be polite or friendly or "reach across the aisle" to people who knowingly voted for an awful, awful man. I am done with these people. They lack a basic human level of empathy and nothing I say or do will convince them to grow a heart.
You talk to them like they're normal people...? It's not that difficult. Go about it like before, talk to the people the same way. They have differing opinions from you, so what. Chances are they're not going to be nasty to you so why be nasty to them.

The people that are saying how they completely break off relationships with their best friends or even their loved ones and families make me sick. These people are the one's I feel sad for.
Chances are they're not going to be nasty to you so why be nasty to them.

The people that are saying how they completely break off relationships with their best friends or even their loved ones and families make me sick. These people are the one's I feel sad for.

They wouldn't be nasty to me because I'm male, white, and straight. And I'm not going to be nasty to them, I'm just going to not talk to them at all. I have nothing to gain from talking to someone who doesn't respect human rights.

When will people wake the fuck up and realize "black people are not as valuable as white people" and "gay people need therapy to stop being gay" and "women should know their place and stay out of leadership" are not simple differences of opinion? If you voted for Trump, you at the very least tacitly agree with those opinions, and at worst you are actively advocating for regression of rights.
Just don't talk with them about politics. Look elsewhere to find what's redeeming about the person. If nothing's there, and a solid amount of the time there won't be, move on and don't associate with them.

It's also a little bit difficult when they're your family, and people are telling you to stop talking to the people who raised you and have done more for you than you can ever repay.
I accept that Donald Trump will be President of the United States. I'm not delusional in how our democratic system works. But that doesn't mean I have to be polite or friendly or "reach across the aisle" to people who knowingly voted for an awful, awful man. I am done with these people. They lack a basic human level of empathy and nothing I say or do will convince them to grow a heart.

Definitely agree that you don't need to reach across the aisle.


I just ignore them and acknowledge that they're terrible people. Rich people I sorta understand, they need to stay rich.
guys, while I respect you are upset by the results - you also need to consider that if the shoe were on the other foot would you consider the same statements from the other side?

Instead of kicking and screaming that you won't accept the results because of reasons acknowledge that you lost, brace for impact and come out swinging in the next election (midterm or otherwise)

Miss me with the "both sides" bullshit. Only one side in this election has explicitly empowered white supremacists, antisemites, anti-LGBT reactionaries, etc.

The fact that people on "the other side" might be making similar statements is irrelevant, because they wouldn't have the actual facts to back them up.

The Klan is planning a march in NC to celebrate Trump's election. To celebrate. Trump's. Election.

Let that sink in for a minute. What does that tell you?

And we're supposed to accept that shit? Just shrug and say, "Oh, well, that's democracy in action"? No. Sorry, not buying it.
You talk to them like they're normal people...? It's not that difficult. Go about it like before, talk to the people the same way. They have differing opinions from you, so what. Chances are they're not going to be nasty to you so why be nasty to them.

The people that are saying how they completely break off relationships with their best friends or even their loved ones and families make me sick. These people are the one's I feel sad for.

When those "differing opinions" include either explicitly embracing the idea that certain segments of the population deserve to be second-class citizens or, at best, shrugging and turning a blind eye to it for their own selfish reasons, why EXACTLY should I go out of my way to be polite?

Exactly how racist does someone have to be before it's acceptable to be rude to them? Do you have a chart I could look at?
Myself and my roommates here in Wisconsin voted for Trump and we had a Trump sign in the window of our apartment. Last night we got woken to the sound of smashing glass. Someone had went into the dumpster near campus and found the backboard to someone's bedset. Said backboard was thrown through our window in our living room. On top of that, our cat managed to climb out of the window and run away before we had gotten downstairs. I am not a person who typically ever comments on any political threads, and I do understand many of the concerns people are having, but I hope this isn't something many people have to deal with, regardless of what side they are on.
Oh come on. Everybody knows that there are tons of Trump supporters that are hardcore racists, sexists, KKK supporters, white supremicist. But the point is, only a tiny minority of Trump supporters is any of those. It's kinda same as saying that all muslims are terrorists and wife-beaters and sexists and whatever, since one could argue that Quran itself has a lot of those ideologies. It's not okay to generalize.
ISIS isn't running for election of representation of 1.6 billion people. When they do and win, and I've voted for them, you can gladly generalise muslims as being supporters of terrorists/wife-beaters/sexists.

What is so hard for you to believe that 59,798,956 Americans are supporters of bigotry? That is the majority of Trump's platform.
Myself and my roommates here in Wisconsin voted for Trump and we had a Trump sign in the window of our apartment. Last night we got woken to the sound of smashing glass. Someone had went into the dumpster near campus and found the backboard to someone's bedset. Said backboard was thrown through our window in our living room. On top of that, our cat managed to climb out of the window and run away before we had gotten downstairs. I am not a person who typically ever comments on any political threads, and I do understand many of the concerns people are having, but I hope this isn't something many people have to deal with, regardless of what side they are on.

What you experienced will be felt ten-fold across the length of a Trump presidency for minorities. Thanks for that. Hold onto that memory next time you want to elect a bigot.


guys, while I respect you are upset by the results - you also need to consider that if the shoe were on the other foot would you consider the same statements from the other side?

Instead of kicking and screaming that you won't accept the results because of reasons acknowledge that you lost, brace for impact and come out swinging in the next election (midterm or otherwise)

Did you miss the last 8 years, because kicking and screaming has been the mainstream republican MO since 2008
What you experienced will be felt ten-fold across the length of a Trump presidency for minorities. Thanks for that. Hold onto that memory next time you want to elect a bigot.

you didn't convince him and your anger, while justified, possibly just made him dig in his heels more

I will not lie and say that I may not have done the same thing, in regards to vandilzing somebody's home, but it is the wrong thing to do, no matter how justified you are. We are not only fellow americans, but fellow human beings as well. People seem to forget that.
you didn't convince him and your anger, while justified, possibly just made him dig in his heels more

I will not lie and say that I may not have done the same thing, in regards to vandilzing somebody's home, but it is the wrong thing to do, no matter how justified you are. We are not only fellow americans, but fellow human beings as well. People seem to forget that.

Except, to the people who voted for Trump, we're apparently not.

Or, at minimum, our humanity is of insufficient concern to outweigh whatever flimsy rationale they had for voting for him.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
People will calm in time, its still very recent, wounds will begin to heal the farther we are from the result.
You talk to them like they're normal people...? It's not that difficult. Go about it like before, talk to the people the same way. They have differing opinions from you, so what. Chances are they're not going to be nasty to you so why be nasty to them.

The people that are saying how they completely break off relationships with their best friends or even their loved ones and families make me sick. These people are the one's I feel sad for.

Nope. These people are deplorable pieces of human garbage. They deserve to be ignored and scorned. This isn't a difference of opinions. It's a matter of people's fucking lives.


Talked with a college student in a group I mentor today who voted for him. Said he wanted a leader with backbone. I countered with "Well, you voted for the one who seems to have the thinnest skin on the internet."

I love the guy, but I tried to put some "rocks in his shoes". Things that he has to take out and deal with if he wants to keep heading the direction he's in.
ISIS isn't running for election of representation of 1.6 billion people. When they do and win, and I've voted for them, you can gladly generalise muslims as being supporters of terrorists/wife-beaters/sexists.

What is so hard for you to believe that 59,798,956 Americans are supporters of bigotry? That is the majority of Trump's platform.

Some are, some aren't. This dumb idea that everyone who voted Trump is a racist bigot is such simplistic and wrongheaded way of looking at this.


I have no friends that I know of that voted for him, and only one that I'm aware of who begrudgingly supports him. After a discussion, I'm convinced this person is completely unaware -- he or she really doesn't know, or doesn't believe, that Trump is the person we know him to be. I know it's not a support built from malice; but it is one, I think, of ignorance. This person declares that Trump is not a racist, not xenophobic, none of the things he very clearly is, but is some great change-maker.

I'm starting to feel that this is the base that voted for him. Completely, somehow, unaware, ignorant, unwilling to see the world any other way. It's probably not malice; that's the scary thing. It's probably not a majority that support his antics -- they are just completely ignorant and unaware. They see the world completely differently. We're not on different pages, we're on completely different books.

I don't know what is preferable; seeing these people as dangerous because they harbor the beliefs of the president elect, or dangerous because they are so ignorant they can't see his beliefs in themselves.

As for the rest of my friends, I'm lucky enough that none of them have voted for trump, nor do they even remotely support him.
People will calm in time, its still very recent, wounds will begin to heal the farther we are from the result.

I will not. I will not forget.

When those communities that voted for Trump begin to wither and starve under his policies, I will be there with a camera to record it all and smile. I will edit together scenes of their misery to the tune of "Yakkity Sax". When those communities are devastated by preventable diseases because they no longer have health insurance, I will add a goddamned laugh track.

There's no going back from this. You made your bed, folks. You spoke loud and clear about where I and others stand in this country. Well, that's fine.
Some are, some aren't. This dumb idea that everyone who voted Trump is a racist bigot is such simplistic and wrongheaded way of looking at this.

It's not a question of whether they're racist bigots (though many are).

They were, however, apparently totally cool with voting for racism and bigotry for whatever reasons they may have. That's a distinction without a difference.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I will not. I will not forget.

When those communities that voted for Trump begin to wither and starve under his policies, I will be there with a camera to record it all and smile. I will edit together scenes of their misery to the tune of "Yakkity Sax". When those communities are devastated by preventable diseases because they no longer have health insurance, I will add a goddamned laugh track.

There's no going back from this. You made your bed, folks. You spoke loud and clear about where I and others stand in this country. Well, that's fine.

Ever thought of seeing a Dr?
It's not a question of whether they're racist bigots (though many are).

They were, however, apparently totally cool with voting for racism and bigotry for whatever reasons they may have. That's a distinction without a difference.

I've said it a couple of times in different threads, but selfishness is far more likely to be behind a lot of Trump votes. You can be sympathetic whilst at the same time making sure to put yourself first. I'm not trying to say that people like that are beyond criticism, but to me that doesn't make you totally cool with racism or bigotry.

I have no doubt Trump attracted some less than tolerant people, but a lot of people vote for the candidate they think will leave them with the most money in their pockets and the best standard of living for themselves and their families.
Ever thought of seeing a Dr?

Ever thought of having some empathy for minorities who have already been placed in greater peril through the simple fact of Donald Trump's election?

EDIT: Sorry, that was a bit glib. To expand on that:

If these people are so small-minded, so provincial in their thinking, so utterly unable to empathize with people who are not exactly like them that they were elect a man who rose to power demonizing entire swathes of the U.S. population, then I'm done with them. They have demonstrated, by their own actions, that they are not to be trusted.

EDIT 2: And by the way, my "doctor" (who is a married gay man with an adopted mixed-race daughter) agrees with the sentiment.
I've said it a couple of times in different threads, but selfishness is far more likely to be behind a lot of Trump votes. You can be sympathetic whilst at the same time making sure to put yourself first. I'm not trying to say that people like that are beyond criticism, but to me that doesn't make you totally cool with racism or bigotry.

I mean...if you "put yourself first" at the expense of minorities and at the cost of empowering white supremacy etc., I'm not really that interested in "what's in your heart". Your actions speak. Own them.
Did you miss the last 8 years, because kicking and screaming has been the mainstream republican MO since 2008

That hasn't been lost on me, however, I do not look to those particular republicans as an example to follow.

Miss me with the "both sides" bullshit. Only one side in this election has explicitly empowered white supremacists, antisemites, anti-LGBT reactionaries, etc.

The fact that people on "the other side" might be making similar statements is irrelevant, because they wouldn't have the actual facts to back them up.

The Klan is planning a march in NC to celebrate Trump's election. To celebrate. Trump's. Election.

Let that sink in for a minute. What does that tell you?

And we're supposed to accept that shit? Just shrug and say, "Oh, well, that's democracy in action"? No. Sorry, not buying it.

Lol, you're speaking to a half african half arab muslim person, I find the rhetoric spouted by the president elect and his voting bloc sickening and repulsive and I absolutely agree that you don't (shouldn't) have to agree with the perspectives of republicans.....but yes it is a democracy, its a bitter sweet system and whether or not you are not satisfied with the result you need to respect the system and its outcome....Otherwise, you're kind of regurgitating the "RIGGED SYSTEM" bullshit albeit with different words

Joe T.

This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.
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