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How did you discover NeoGaf?

I honestly forgot how i discovered NeoGaf since it's been 10 years since I joined. Now not much into gaming as before, I'm more on Off-Topic than Gaming. I do wonder how people find out about this site though. Do people find out through the love of gaming? When you do a general or specific search anything about games, NeoGaf never comes up for for me. Also, none of my friends that are gamer's have no idea about this site. Just wondering how everyone discover NeoGaf?
Read some pissy comment on one of those PS+ 'new games this week' blogs about a dev or journo hanging around on gaf and ignoring the posters on the blog, or something like that


Right around the time the PS3 was announced I was going through a rough patch and took to video games as an escape. One thing lead to another and I started posting on a forum, think it was ps3forums or something like that.

You'd see Neogaf get linked all the time, mostly around news stuff. Eventually started to browse both forums and I just liked how funny this place was, on top of having industry people and a lot of good threads/posts.

Stood out as being the place to be to talk about games. The fact you needed a legit email address and there was an unknown wait to be accepted. This is where to cool kids are haha.

So yea, 13 years later, wife, kid, house. Still browse here daily. It's probably more like 15 considering I lurked for a while before trying to join.
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After the collapse of another gaming forum, I thought I could do without. And after a few months I looked for a new place to hang out and so far I like it.

Dark Star

Pretty sure I "googled" something gaming related and a thread from the forum popped up in the results.

I clicked. The rest is history.

I lurked for ages before joining, and I've been active on internet forums since GameFAQs in the early 2000's, so it was nice to see a forum like GAF still thriving in the 2010's.
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From gaming age
Yep. There was NGO forums, Game Assault (some of you might remember that one) and Gaming-age forums. Kinda bounced around those 3 in the late 90s. The other two are long gone although Sean the former owner of Game Assault is still on youtube.

Gaming age wanted to distance itself from the forums and Neogaf became a thing.

Joe T.

Pretty sure someone on CompuServe clued me in to Gaming Age in 1996 and I've been with the forum since its early days.

Still remember meeting some of the older members at various E3s. I know there's a picture around here somewhere of myself standing around waiting in front of Konami's booth for the MGS2 or 3 trailer reveal.


I was a regular on Halo.Bungie.Org and a few of them split off onto Gaf. I lurked for a few years and got approved in 2012. I wasn’t very active here until the schism. I like the culture now sooooo much better!
Evillore has done an amazing job turning the place around.


I honestly forgot how i discovered NeoGaf since it's been 10 years since I joined. Now not much into gaming as before, I'm more on Off-Topic than Gaming. I do wonder how people find out about this site though. Do people find out through the love of gaming? When you do a general or specific search anything about games, NeoGaf never comes up for for me. Also, none of my friends that are gamer's have no idea about this site. Just wondering how everyone discover NeoGaf?
thats the reaction I get from most people I mention neogaf to also. It always surprises me. I’ve always thought of neogaf as the “main” gaming forum, going back to the early days around 2004.


The forum I was on devolved into a cliquey, circle jerk of core members who would just fight with each other and were hostile to new members, activity declined and it just wasn't fun or engaging anymore. Then they hilariously got woke and tried to beach and retcon over ten years of non-wokeness and bants.

So I needed a replacement and GAF is way way better.


I had a student that was posting here in the mid-2000s in study hall. I lurked for awhile due to a district policy against faculty and staff on social media and forums. After we changed superintendents, a few years ago, I jumped on board.

Kev Kev

i used gamefaqs in the early/mid 2000's, and i think i heard neogaf come up over there more and more over the years until i finally checked it out in 2012. gamefaqs boards are some of the fuckin worst.

their final fantasy walk throughs on the other hand :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:


Colin Moriarty referenced gaf at various points on the ign or kinda funny podcasts. That got me casually lurking. An off topic thread peaked my interest so I created an account. I had no clue about the history of the site or reset before then but after learning about all that I'm glad I found neogaf!


I honestly forgot how i discovered this site. Started lurking back in 2010-2012 up to the split. Probably clicked from some gaming blogs to this site and the rest was history. It was always the first place for gaming news and leaks(cboat).
Lurked on gamingage but spent a fair bit of time trying to educate people about why console wars are stupid in ign boards...was also a mod on a ausgaming forum for a while and used to help run lan events when lan gaming was about counter strike/quake and leeching porn

came here after things started going to shit
When broadband internet was more mainstream and nobody wanted to lan anymore

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
NeoGAF threads were linked on the Penny Arcade forums pretty frequently way back in the day. Like a lot of people did in those days, I used to follow a lot of webcomics and Penny Arcade was probably my favorite one.

But they weren’t as active as I would have liked for certain topics so I officially came over here to join the NFL thread about 10 years ago. I think I had an account made for a while that I used to lurk before then.

I used to post on IGN (had to subscribe to Insider I think??) and I may have tried GameFAQS once. GAF was kinda like those but a little more organized so it was easier to follow.


Checked back my post history - wow I started posting here in early 2012 and at this point I do not remember what brought me here, :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
Didn't post or visit much during the peak woke period, though.
Left Bungie.net when they stopped moderating that place and joined here. I hated the the layout and readability of Halo.Bungie.Org so I wasn't going there.


I stumbled into that other place due to some movie spoilers (for “Glass”) and despite being a cesspool of irrationality and toxicity I remained lurking because I’m a bit of a masochist that likes to keep myself checked by frequenting places where I tend to disagree with the over ruling majority. This place got name-dropped a lot in a disparaging manner and I thought “..Can’t be that bad then”.
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I friend of mine told me about it in....2004, then I was able to join with a college email in 2010

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I found about NeoGAF during the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube days when I was looking for a video game forum. I was actually a member for a brief period. I was a lot less social at the time so I left after a month or so. I still visited randomly throughout the years as NeoGAF was a good source for news.
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Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
EviL was passing out GAF flyers at the local punk show. When he approached me I was like “fuck off nerd...” but then he just stood there with this sad look on his face with the puppy dog eyes and I was all “gahdammit alright give me the fucking flyer, twerp...” Went home later that night, banged the smoking hot chick I was with at the time, wiped myself off, and hopped on the Gateway computer and I guess the rest is history. Lost the girl, but I still gots the GAF.

Honestly don’t remember how I found this place. It was a long ass time ago homies.


Gold Member
I started at TeamXbox and Xengen (which turned into Modojo which turned into I think CloudChaser which was the name before it was Xengen). I was there during I think High school. Both ended up dying. Lurked here first probably 2006 and then signed up for Neogaf during college when you needed a .edu email and then quit the internet for several years after 2011/2012. I am pretty dam sure I had another neogaf account before this one lol. Only used the internet for work/wikipedia, but completely ignored everything else. Started using the internet and posting more regularly last summer. Those "Wii it prints money" gifs are like the only thing I remember from that time when I first came here.
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I honestly forgot how i discovered this site. Started lurking back in 2010-2012 up to the split. Probably clicked from some gaming blogs to this site and the rest was history. It was always the first place for gaming news and leaks(cboat).

Were you here pre-Era at all? Jc
I was hanging out at the Rotten Tomatoes gaming forum from 2002 to 2006. Someone mentioned GAF there (in an angry way) at that time..
Checked out what the fuzz was all about, and never went back to there.

Loved the humor and diverse views on games and politics here.
Because of that stupid "real Email adress" thing, I only got an account here in 2012, but was reading GAF from 2006 on.


I used to read the GIA religiously from 98 until it's untimely demise in 2002. Absolutely my favourite gaming site ever, to this day. They had some site called Gameforms that was manned by some of the old staff but apparently there was some drama amongst staff and some of it lead me to reading it spilling onto Gaming Age Forums. This was mid-late 2004? I was approved on January 2nd, 2005, and I proceeded to interact with the most massive forum I had ever seen to that point. It was just before the reform into NEOGAF. This was *the* place to get gaming news, forget news websites. I specifically remember this is where I first saw pics and news of RE for the DS. (Portable RE? Madness!)

Time sure flies...
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1up podcasts I think, they used to reference the board a lot and I started lurking.

Same, specifically GFW Radio: The Brodeo 97.5. Which was both insightful and a joy to listen to (Jeff Green talking about 'The Witcher' got me on board with that game for instance) this piece though in particular made my legitimately laugh so much I got curious about the board and eventually signed up, though took an age before I got validated.



Same, specifically GFW Radio: The Brodeo 97.5. Which was both insightful and a joy to listen to (Jeff Green talking about 'The Witcher' got me on board with that game for instance) this piece though in particular made my legitimately laugh so much I got curious about the board and eventually signed up, though took an age before I got validated.

Best show on the network, Jeff and Shawn were phenomenal and the rest of the crew were always good as well, really good balance of voices (literally and figuratively)
The Heroes of the Web segment seems so quaint now doesn't it lol? I miss hearing Shawn's take on things.
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When the news we’re doing neogaf -> web -> neogaf. Ive few of them on the web and then I decided to look at the source.


Think I used to google something gaming related many many years, ended up in threads here, maybe got few laughs, then slowly became a regular lurker.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I heard about it from Gamespot where I used to post in the mid 2000s and lurked a bit. Stopped posting anywhere regularly but got the itch to join a community again when Persona 5 was announced, fiinally registered for an account here in 2014.


Were you here pre-Era at all? Jc
As a member? No, i wasn't able to join due to the paid email requirement. :( Finally was able to join both Era and GAF through my work email and well you know the rest im sure. lol

Lurked a ton though and remember a lot of avatars here before the split.


It was the most famous vg forum at the times, and every leak was from here, i didn't subscribed before because my english was utter shit (now it's just shit)
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