From the other thread I know your wrists are a bit limp... but hang with me here:
What happens when you take a country full of those people you described, whom already committed terrorist attacks around the globe, and give them the best weapons (US taxpayer) money can buy?
My wrist is rock fucking hard, thanks very much. From all the...
The Taliban are a much more internal bunch of head choppers, without the predilection for spreading their brand of religious insanity around the the world. They just want to sell us their many, many illegal drugs.
However, if Al Qaeda, ISIS or any of the other loons get chance to take root in the country again, then that could well be a huge problem. You'd hope The Tabs would prevent that, knowing how much of a good thing they are on to.
You would also hope that the west would have the where-with-all to monitor that shit, but I guess worrying about how offensive movies are from the 80s is a lot of work, so it'll probably go by the way side.