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How do you 'get into' gaming?

I mean, Im in class and I think ill game that night, but when I get home what usually happens is I laze around for hours not playing anything at all. Do you have to force any sorta mindset? Wear a funny hat?

White Man

For the most part, it has to be night. I have to have the right atmosphere. If it's going to be a gaming session with a few friends, alcohol never hurts.

I also tend to like gaming when I'm braindead from spending the day reading Derrida or translating something.

EDIT: Also 'Peach has got it' porn. Please post it, Ferrio, pretty please. Do it for your future husband/wife.
Sometimes reading the GAF, like when someone says "X game has worse graphics/sound than Y game" and if I have both, I have to compare them myself.


I actually have this problem, but thats with old/backlogged games. However, if theres a new game soon, I'm all hyped about it. D: :glares at backlog:


I usually down a couple cans of Red Bull beforehand, then spend the next half-hour or so listening to some music to get the energy levels up.


Well, sometimes i get into a mindset where i want to concentrate on a game and do my best to progress far into it...sometimes i just wanna play to play and just finish a level, one game of ESPN or a round of Bombastic...yeah right, there's no way i can shut it off after one round.

GAF gets me in the mood. Gaming mags, idle chatter at work, comercials...sequels on the horizon...friends coming over etc. Sometimes I'm into it, sometimes i force myself and sometimes i have droughts.



I want to play when I get home, but I usually end up being lazy and then going out :-\

I haven't played TOS for a week!


I have this problem too.... =\

What I've been doing is to force myself to sit down and start a game. If I feel like just being lazy and stopping to watch TV or browse the net, I remind myself that what I'm doing is more fun and that those other activities will get me no where and are just a waste of time.

Just now I played 45 minutes of Metorid Prime. I plan to go as far as I can in the game later tonight. Maybe even pull an all-nighter on a videogame. :)

The point is to remind yourself to never stay idle. Always do something. If the TV is on and you're not watiting for or watching a show you're following, then turn it off and play a game or study or read a book.


It's funny becuase i keep telling myself that i'm STILL into games as much as i was...but i'm in a "slump"...but what if i wasn't? All that i have invested in this hobbie gone? That's the wall i hit and i sit down and play for a few hours :p We're addicted...and our boddies are imune to the high...we're just looking for a new high within the same drug...we need the next gen console to be honest :)



a childhood friend talked me into going downstairs into her basement to play some Atari games. and that's ALL we did, play videogames. completely innocent we were. :) I got hooked on Atari VCS/2600 Combat and Sea Quest. After that, I had to have my own Atari!
Having friends over. I don't get anywhere near as into games when sitting around alone. I even greatly prefer playing single-player games "with" a friend, with one of us controlling and the other giving advice and helping to solve puzzles.


doncale said:
a childhood friend talked me into going downstairs into her basement to play some Atari games. and that's ALL we did, play videogames. completely innocent we were. :) I got hooked on Atari VCS/2600 Combat and Sea Quest. After that, I had to have my own Atari!

Haha if a girl ever asked me that...


I'm always down for a good single player game here and there, but when the friends come together for a session of Mario Kart or Halo, my competetive side really shines. I hold the record for broken controllers off the wall

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
My first problem is that I have a rather responsible personality. I can't really sit down to enjoy something very engrossing, like a thick book or a major (and concentration intensive) game, if there's stuff hanging I have to do. Things hanging I'm responsible for, etc.

To really get settled in for a while too, a certain mood helps. I've actually found I'm most comfortable taking off on long gaming sessions (3-4 hours or more) after doing intense exercise for the day and getting fatigue poisons cycled through my system. Then I can really hole myself up and zone in on a game.


MrAngryFace said:
I mean, Im in class and I think ill game that night, but when I get home what usually happens is I laze around for hours not playing anything at all. Do you have to force any sorta mindset? Wear a funny hat?
Gaming is best done when you haven't had to do anything else. I can't do it to unwind unless it's something I can drop really easily (fighters, puzzle games, etc).


If you have to "get into" some sort of mindset to motivate yourself to play games, perhaps you shouldn't be playing games.

Don't overthink things so much. Play games when you feel like playing and don't play them when you don't.


3 simple steps:

1) Do NOT visit the GAF before playing
2) Do NOT visit the GAF before playing
3) Do NOT visit the GAF before playing

evil ways

It just happens. If I'm off work, and have nothing important or planned to do, I just sit down and start playing whatever game I feel like playing, most of the time it's a fighting or wrestling game, or GTA since they are quick, pick up and play games. Sometimes I'll just look at the shelf and see a game that I haven't played in a while and I start playing it again.


I've been thinking of playing for the longest time, "tonight I'll play some games", but I rarely do it. I usually end up watching TV or sitting in front of the computer instead. It's hard to actually start playing a game, and keep my interest up for a longer period of time. I think about playing during evenings, but then I end up in front of the computer, chatting with friends, spending time here at GAF and suddenly it's like 1 am and I feel it's too late to start playing a game.

I have been playing more and more lately though, but not to the point where I'm hooked for hours. It also doesn't help that I have few friends who are interested in games, much less want to play games that often.


Hppens to me all the time. The trick for me is to listen to game OST. This makes me remember how much it gives me joy to play games. After 15 min of listening, I just run for a good night of gaming !


As someone said above, why would you have to motivate yourself to play a game? If you don't feel like it, you don't feel like it. I'll go a week where I'll play every night, and then maybe three weeks where I play nothing, and then two weeks where I play Game Boy on the bus every day. The only time I guess not playing would concern me would be if I was buying new games and then not playing them. But if I'm not in the mood to play, I don't buy new games.


rawk said:
As someone said above, why would you have to motivate yourself to play a game? If you don't feel like it, you don't feel like it. I'll go a week where I'll play every night, and then maybe three weeks where I play nothing, and then two weeks where I play Game Boy on the bus every day. The only time I guess not playing would concern me would be if I was buying new games and then not playing them. But if I'm not in the mood to play, I don't buy new games.

Noooooooooo... stop saying this please. My understanding is (trying to convince myself so bad !) that when you don't want to play, its just that you're mind is a bit lazy. The minute you start to play, it all come back together.

If I didn't play all the times I didn't felt like it, I would never be able to complete all my games... :...(


"All right… It's Saturday night. I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta and my all rush mix tape. Let's rock!" - Fry


inertia... my life is ruled by it. I just can't seem to do something other than what i'm already doing. Unless it's something i'm really excited about playing (Metroid Zero Mission...never had a problem) I find it hard to turn the console on. once i get started, no problem... except that i just won't stop..... inertia my friends.... it's why i seldom shower, but when i do i won't come out.

Oh yeah, to answer the question. I've been having this problem this week in fact. Halfway through TOS right now. haven't played in 3 days. I know if i put it in, it's a huge time investment... i just can't get up the will to plan that far ahead. What finally gets me to turn the game on will be a feeling of guilt


I usually have to have hours in front of me before I start playing most games, which only really happens at night times and sometimes weekends when I'm a lazy arse. Even if I only play for half an hour, I don't feel comfortable starting when I only have an hour or two 'til my next lecture. There are a few exceptions, like Monkey Ball and F-Zero, but I tend to play longer adventury games.
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