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How do you play your GBA games?


I'm thinking about buying a Gameboy player and Fire Emblem but I'm not sure about the GB player. I use the SP when I'm out but I don't mind playing it at home too. So, to the people that have both an SP and GB player: is it really worth it? How much Gameboy Advance game time does the player get compared to the SP?

If I get the Gameboy player the Wavebird will have to wait several months too....


I play GBA games on my SP until my eyes start hurting, which is after half an hour. Then I either continue playing on the Gameboy Player or just stop playing.


Running off of Custom Firmware
SP for me almost exclusively. I haven't touched my GBPlayer since practically the day I installed it (which was the same day it came out.)

Playing portable games exclusively at home... just doesn't work for me. And if I'm gonna boot up the GCN, it'll be to play something I CAN'T take on the road.


works for Gamestop (lol)
SP rocks because I can play it before going to sleep in bed. I can go to sleep quicker by playing Goldensun at night!

Plus, if you get the Gameboy Player, how in the hell are you gonna play GOTY GBA 2004? (Made in Wario 2)
For Fire Emblem stay the hell away from the GBPlayer. It looks asstastic compared to the perfection that is the GBASP. Now, I have component cables hooked up on a NON HDTV (before I had A/V) and it looks much better, (some games like Metroid Zero Mission look fantastic) but Fire Emblem still looks absolutely terrible.


I haven't used my GBP since I got my SP at the beginning of the year. I used it a fair amount at Christmas, before I had my SP, when playing Mario and Luigi, but I haven't bought a real epic experience like that recently. If I pick up Zelda: Magical Hood, I'll be more likely to use the GBP. It's a matter of the style of the game; if its a game that could, in fact, find a home on a console, I'm more likely to use the Player.


Grandma's Chippy
On my computer...I hate my GBA (old version) after playing one of the new ones...so I just play GBA games on my PC :D


Usually lazy days I have off I like to play on the GBP. Like long games of Golden Sun 2, I play on that, because I can lay down and not hold something up to my face.



Often with my SP, cuz it's just easier that way. But I use my Player almost as much.

Dragona said:
It looks asstastic compared to the perfection that is the GBASP.
Pst, you forgot to say AGBSP.


I got my SP and my GB Player during the same week; the U.S. launch of SP and the Japanese launch of the Player, both in late March. I enjoyed both for different purposes. The SP was a godsend in the car and the Player very nice at home. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire were released in this period, so I used them both extensively and say that I love the SP and Player equally because of the different purposes they fulfill.


I have a GB Player.. I don't really use it.. I play the SP while in bed and while sitting at the computer.. Both things which are right next to the TV with the GB Player. I'm not sure why I don't use the GB Player.. it's really fantastic and I really recommend it.. but I don't much use it, so you might not either.
I remember going nuts trying to find a purple GBPlayer to match my purple cube (I got a free American Player from Nintendo, so I already had a boot disc). Once I did, I was ecstatic, and spent that first night playing all my GB games on tv.... only to realize that Super Game Boy was far better implemented. Now all I use is my SP.... best damn thing ever to happen to my commute.


I play it when on the toilet. Y'know.

Or when I'm nice and snuggly naked under my covers. The warm light, it is like a second mother. Oh, the times...

My Game Boy Player is gay, and doesn't deserve to be acknowledged.
How do I play my GBA games? With my fingers.

Oh, uh, on an early GBA system (pre-SP). I like the portability - it's nice to be able to play games while sitting in another room or at the computer instead of being stuck in front of the television, so I don't have any desire to use a GBA Player. And my existing GBA system is fine with me; the SP isn't worth the cost. I suppose I'd save on batteries in the long run with an SP if I played it a lot, but I only play a few GBA games a year at most.


Grubdog said:
I play GBA games on my SP until my eyes start hurting, which is after half an hour. Then I either continue playing on the Gameboy Player or just stop playing.

Like him :)


Zelda games, Metroid, Sonic, etc = GBA SP
Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Pokemon Ruby, and other RPGS = Game Boy Player


Wario64 said:
SP rocks because I can play it before going to sleep in bed. I can go to sleep quicker by playing Goldensun at night!

Plus, if you get the Gameboy Player, how in the hell are you gonna play GOTY GBA 2004? (Made in Wario 2)

You can always tilt your whole cube :)


No additional functions
I agree w/ Teddman. The GB Player and a Hori digital controller is the way to go. The graphics are'nt as sharp because they're blown up to fit on the tv, and you'll probably have to turn the color down on your tv to compensate the high contrast needed on the GBA screen, but it's worth the extra effort for me to be able to play it on the tv. I would say it's graphics are comparable to playing SNES or Genesis. I don't recommend you get the GB Player without the Hori controller though. Believe me, it makes all the difference. The GCN controller just does'nt work well for those types of games. If you already have a GCN, buying the GB Player and Hori pad would actually be cheaper than buying a GBASP. I think the main factor you should consider before making the purchase is would you rather play the games on the tv or on the GBA. You have comfort and control against portability and graphics.

Deku Tree

I usually use my GBA player + Hori Digital Pad.

But some games look terrible on the GTA player + my big TV; for those I use my GBA SP.


Dragona Akehi said:
For Fire Emblem stay the hell away from the GBPlayer. It looks asstastic compared to the perfection that is the GBASP. Now, I have component cables hooked up on a NON HDTV (before I had A/V) and it looks much better, (some games like Metroid Zero Mission look fantastic) but Fire Emblem still looks absolutely terrible.

I second that. I tried to play Fire Emblem on my GBP and it just looked fhugly ! Now, I have the GBP since its realese and I have yet to find a game that will look better on it then on the SP. I just think gameboy games aren't made for the big screen !
I played most of Fire Emblem on the GB Player with a HORI Pad. It was awesome. I'd rather play any slow paced game on the GBP just to save batteries and have a comfortable controller. I'd much rather play any fast paced game on the GB Player too because fast paced games on the GBA (Mario Kart, Double Dragon, RCR, ect.) make my hands hurt after about half an hour. Basically, I still take my SP everywhere, but I don't play it a whole lot. I do most of my GBA gaming on the GBP. I carry my GBA around just in case I get stuck somewhere for a while.


go eat paint
GBA SP if I'm out or laying in bed / laying on the couch.

GB Player if I'm at my computer (damn, everything is hooked into this sumbitch)


SP. I can play it on the can. At my computer. In the bus. In my bed. During lectures.

SP > you.
It depends on the game. Fire Emblem's map looked pretty bad on the GBP, but it is rather simplistic looking anyway. The battle animations (when I used them on the first attempt for each level) looked pretty decent, but the GBP let me notice a few that looked a little jerky.

Metroid Zero Mission is probably the best looking game on the GBP, but Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was awesome on the GBP and Mario & Luigi looked incredible. The Horii Pad definitely helps.

I use my SP to play on the toilet or in bed when I don't have a book to read.
I say get the GBP. I find that its real nice to kick back and play it on the big screen from time to time - I quite enjoy all my games on the tv and there are several gba titles that'd have you feeling like you're playing a SNES (mario/lttp/awesome metroid/castlevanias)
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