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How do you stop asses from reserving entire aisles at the Star Wars previere??

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My city is rather small (1 million), but for big events (LOTR, HarryPotter) it brings out the losers who reserve seats by posting a fat/ugly person on both edges of an aisle and throw all their coats and shit on every seat in between. I think its annoying because if your fucktard friends can't get their on time, why the fuck did I buy a ticket and get there early.

The theatres should fucking sell tickets like a sports arena, row A seat 34. But they don't so I'm thinking of bringing a dark bag of dog shit and hiding that in a jacket or waiting till the lights go out and putting it on a "reserved" seat - not near where I am sitting.

Any suggestions?


Tritroid said:
You've got every right to barge past them and steal a few of those seats.

I've done that and all you get are really disgusting people giving you disgusting looks.

I do like the farting idea though, I've got lots of beans and I'm lactose intolerant.


Just grab an usher and tell them your problem. They are supposed to make people holding seats for those who arent there get up and get new seats when their friends come.


Still Tagged Accordingly
tetsuoxb said:
Just grab an usher and tell them your problem. They are supposed to make people holding seats for those who arent there get up and get new seats when their friends come.
ding ding!

reserving seats for mates is a non-issue for me anyway. you don't talk to them during the movie so what does it matter whether you sit next to them or not?


tetsuoxb said:
Just grab an usher and tell them your problem. They are supposed to make people holding seats for those who arent there get up and get new seats when their friends come.

I don't know about you but if bouncers have trouble getting stupid people to move, I don't think highschool dropout/senior citizen is going to do anything.

thatguy said:
reserving seats for mates is a non-issue for me anyway. you don't talk to them during the movie so what does it matter whether you sit next to them or not?

You from America? Talking during a movie is almost a given.
how about you show up to the movie at least 3 hours early. at the phantom menace, we didnt save seats, but people came in like 5 minutes before the movie started and the ushers turned the lights on and demanded everyone moved as far left as possible to open empty seats up. everyone laughed and didnt do a thing. if you want to get a good seat show up early like everyone else


Grow two feet taller and gain 150 lbs... or get a friend of that spec.

Seriously, though, you could just avoid the premier rush if the situation is that impossible.


acidviper said:
You from America? Talking during a movie is almost a given.
i went to see Crash last weekend and the price was $9.50! (when the fuck did this happen?) if im gonna pay $10 per person to see a movie, you better shut your hole.

edit: there were 4 of us, we got drinks and snacks for $28, so total was $66. for $16.50 per person, you better not fucking make a peep.


LaneMeyer said:
i went to see Crash last weekend and the price was $9.50! (when the fuck did this happen?) if im gonna pay $10 per person to see a movie, you better shut your hole.

edit: there were 4 of us, we got drinks and snacks for $28, so total was $66. for $16.50 per person, you better not fucking make a peep.

Pfft, $9.50 ain't bad.


8bit said:
You don't need to go and see it on opening night, you know.
Give this man a beer!

I laugh at all those guys who are waiting hours, days even for a ticket. I'm going to see the same goddamn movie 2 days later. And it's not one bit different from the one you're going to see.

Well, maybe except that I won't be freezing my ass off while waiting to enter the theatre. (and my local theatre sells tickets with row and seat numbers :D)


keep your strippers out of my American football
8bit said:
You don't need to go and see it on opening night, you know.

Hate to sound rude, but that is the best solution. Go during the week after release and I am sure the theater will be close to empty. Plus you don't have to deal with the opening night idiots.


Still Tagged Accordingly
LaneMeyer said:
i went to see Crash last weekend and the price was $9.50! (when the fuck did this happen?) if im gonna pay $10 per person to see a movie, you better shut your hole.
people will tie you down and shit in your mouth if you do that in australia.

no really.


truffleshuffle83 said:
how about you show up to the movie at least 3 hours early. at the phantom menace, we didnt save seats, but people came in like 5 minutes before the movie started and the ushers turned the lights on and demanded everyone moved as far left as possible to open empty seats up. everyone laughed and didnt do a thing. if you want to get a good seat show up early like everyone else

3 hours?! You're being sarcastic, right?
no for phantom menace we showed up like 6 hours early and there were already tons of people there. im goin at about 10 for this one, but all the midnight showings are sold out around here so it will be packed. it will just give me an excuse to play the psp in front of everyone


Holding an entire row? That's bullshit. I'd probably tell them to fuck off and proceed to sit wherever the hell I want.


hyperbolically metafictive
at a star wars premiere, i'd be more worried about people whose asses legitimately occupy whole rows. the movie will still be there in a week. some of the weirdos won't.


crash said:
I saw Crash.
Yeah well Crash is an arthouse movie in limited release. Only about 1000 screens. Whereas Ep III is going to be 3000+ screens. It is a completely different audience.

8bit said:
You don't need to go and see it on opening night, you know.
I'm not even talking opening night. I refuse to go on opening nite because you have costumed assholes who cheer/clap everytime anyone says anything. And the sausage ratio is way too high.

I'm talking about evenings in general for a major blockbuster.

drohne said:
at a star wars premiere, i'd be more worried about people whose asses legitimately occupy whole rows. the movie will still be there in a week. some of the weirdos won't.

The weirdos are the ones that see it multiple times.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
let me be the first in this thread to admit (and yeah I know there are other posters in here as well who have done the EXACT SAME THING) that I have done this before. That is I have been one of the ones holding the entire row..

and it is bullshit. but, if it makes you all happier, I have made demands and the theater has made changes.

first some clarity though. for star wars in specific (ep1and2) no one of mine has EVER arrived to the theater after the line was let in. in other words this ISN'T me for a star wars movie. everyone is usually there for the movie a good 3 hours before the movie (just so you know the line usually starts about 18 hours before the movie).

anyway, I used to do that, got tired of getting glares from people, so started telling people that they needed to be there shortly after me. I will usually only hold a up to 10-15 minutes before the show now (for normal shows). If you aren't there within that time you can find your own spot to sit. so I have curbed it so that I'm not holding a whole empty row (which was rare anyway) five minutes before the show.

also, the theater by us changed (about three years ago ironically) so that you can only hold two seats per person and you can't hold any seats five minutes before the show starts. so if a row is seats, you would need at least 4 people to hold the entire row, three people to hold the entire row except for 1 seat. and anyone who isn't there within the last five minutes has to find their own seats.

as for my thought on why h9olding numbers of seats is ok.. well, I usually get to a big midnight premiere by 8 in the morning. it is assumed that the first 20ish people behind me will get pretty much their choice of seating give or take a few rows. the thing is, the first 20 people behind me don't usually fill up until say noon or so.. that is PLENTY of time for the whiners to get there and get the same privilege.

so is holding an entire row of seats bullshit? you bet. but am I going to cry for the people who get there 12 hours after the line started and want to sit in the THX certification zone that is being held out by 3 people? fuck no!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ElyrionX said:
3 hours?! You're being sarcastic, right?
if you don't show up at least three hours early for a midnight showing of a movie like star wars, you deserve to sit in the first row in the left most seat.

nuff said.

there is being a geek, and then there is just not being an asshole to the 400 people in line before you. the thing about being an asshole to those 400 people is no matter how bad ass you are, they are still 400 people.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
If I can take the people holding the seats, they will be fine. I'm a center middle person, and no one, not even your granny or kid sister's protests will keep me from getting that seat.


Knows the Score
acidviper said:
I'm not even talking opening night. I refuse to go on opening nite because you have costumed assholes who cheer/clap everytime anyone says anything. And the sausage ratio is way too high.

I'm talking about evenings in general for a major blockbuster.

You don't need to go and see it at all. George can live off the extras trapped in his beard for several years, much like a camel without your money.
Just don't bother attending until all the geeks and freaks complete their third viewing. At least, that's what I'm doing. I made the mistake of attending the opening of Episode I and I thought I had entered some cosplay convention -- in fact, I think I may have even spotted border in the front playing lightsaber wars -- anyway, just wait a few days.

Hearing a bunch of reclusive nerds hrmmm and hahhhh at every single scene is simply not worth the price of admission.

evil ways

For the original Spider-Man, my friends and I got the great idea of going to the midnight showing since it's late and people wouldn't bother to go watch a movie at that time during the week. Wrong. We got there at 9pm to buy our tickets then probably walk around Borders which is open until 12am, and there was not only a huge fucking line for tickets but a 2nd line inside the theater to get in.

Luckily we got some good seats but there were a lot of folks who had to sit up front. There were also people pulling the "reserved seats" bullshit, and I know I would be pissed if there was this retard sitting with 3 seats on each side claiming they are taken, only to have his friends arrive when the movie is starting.


ManaByte said:
If reserving seats pisses you off, what about people who rented an entire theater?

For Star Wars? I think Triumph the Insult Comic Dog said all that needed to be said to those kinds of people.


dskillzhtown said:
Hate to sound rude, but that is the best solution. Go during the week after release and I am sure the theater will be close to empty. Plus you don't have to deal with the opening night idiots.

The best solution is to cave to other interests?


I would go tell one of the movie attendants about this, and tell them these jackasses are reserving a whole row. I can understand saving one or two seats, but a whole fucking row?

Escape Goat

ManaByte said:
If reserving seats pisses you off, what about people who rented an entire theater?

Thats slightly different. They paid to have the theater so more power to them. People who buy individual tickets do not get to reserve seats, its free for all. So these geeks who try to reserve tables are being dicks.


Say what you want about the geeks, but they are at least courteous movie viewers. The only way to see this stuff is at the first midnight showing. After that point, the theatre's screenings will be filled with the usual assortment of loudmouths, cell phone users, screaming babies, and kids running around.

I would much rather see it with an enthusiastic audience that won't be fucking around when the movie is actually playing.....which is a pretty rare circumstance at evening shows these days.

Unless you want to get into a confrontation, there is no way to stop overzealous seat saving. That much should be obvious. If you get into a confrontation though, your average dork will probably back down anyway.

Escape Goat

I can't watch movies like this on opening night. I want to slaughter them all when they clap after a character does something. He could sit down in a chair - thunderous applause. Character opens a door - thunderous applause. Sweet Mary, give me strength...


The theater I usually go to gets HUGE lines and for movies like LOTR or Star Wars they usually have fans helping keep the line civil, and because of that the theater ropes off an entire row for the people so they will have a decent seat in exchange for helping the theater.

At ROTK they did that and one guy...

jett said:
Holding an entire row? That's bullshit. I'd probably tell them to fuck off and proceed to sit wherever the hell I want.

decided he wanted to sit in that row and started pulling people out of their seats and shoving them out of the way. The theater manager had him dragged out of the place by the cops while his girlfriend looked super embarassed.

At that same theater Intel rented one digital screen for ROTS while a fan group rented the other so family and friends could all see it at once (one person is also bringing about 50 people from his church). Well, there are a couple SDSU students that are so pissed over the two of the SIX FUCKING SCREENS being rented out that they want to "start something". In addition to the manager not taking that kind of shit from anyone the rented screens won't use regular tickets for admission but rather custom laminated badges with unique numbers on each.


border said:
Unless you want to get into a confrontation, there is no way to stop overzealous seat saving. That much should be obvious. If you get into a confrontation though, your average dork will probably back down anyway.

Or try to bludgeon you with a code red filled battlefield earth collectors cup.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
as border says.. I would rather see a movie with 400 clapping individuals for someone sitting than with 400 individuals who are all

screaming babies
on cell phones
carrying on conversations
talking at the screen/movie

the average viewer of a midnight premiere: geek who just wants to see and enjoy the film
the average viewer of evening show on opening weekend: "normal" person who thinks they are in their living room

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Nerevar said:
huh? I don't know what shitty theaters you go to but I rarely hear people talking.

Yeah and when I do they arent talking to me or other strangers. So sitting in between these freaks shouldnt be a problem.

Plus unless someone is litterally screaming I dont hear it anyway cuz I'm watching the movies. Everything else is easily blocked out. Some people are just way too easily distracted.
ManaByte said:
decided he wanted to sit in that row and started pulling people out of their seats and shoving them out of the way. The theater manager had him dragged out of the place by the cops while his girlfriend looked super embarassed.

Yeah, that is completley different than just going and sitting where you want...
borghe said:
talking at the screen/movie
This pisses me off more than anything. Moreso at home than in movies, what the fuck are poeople's problems so that they talk to a television set?

Anyway the best time to catch movies is an afternoon showing on a Monday, after opening weekend if you really wanted to see it (but I shouldn't need to tell anyone this). There's usually nobody in the theater sans a few, and it's still in a decent sized room so you can space out.

Personally, I don't even see movies with companions anymore. I'd rather enjoy it on a more personal level without the distraction of a body next to me on either side.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Brian Fellows said:
Yeah and when I do they arent talking to me or other strangers. So sitting in between these freaks shouldnt be a problem.

Plus unless someone is litterally screaming I dont hear it anyway cuz I'm watching the movies. Everything else is easily blocked out. Some people are just way too easily distracted.
went to see boogeyman (nice movie up until the entirely pedestrian ending).

the couple behind me talked through the trailers (which bugs me), but then proceeded to talk through the movie. so after about 10 fucking minutes straight of them holding a fucking conversation, I turned around and asked them to be quiet ("Could you please be quiet"). They gave me a funny look and kept talking. I moved to a different seat.

This happens ALL the time, no matter what theater you seemingly go to. About the only way you are guaranteed to avoid this, ironically enough, is at a big event pic that is sold out and primarily filled with nerds.


The worst are the retards who show up five minutes after the movie starts and walk around the front of the theater bitching very loudly that there aren't any seats left.

Or the psycho hose beast who shows up in the middle of the movie and starts screaming at people to move out of their seats so she could sit with the male escort that she rented for the night.
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