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How does Neogaf feel about the Last Jedi?


It started with Ghostbusters, at least for movies. If you disliked it, you were obviously a 50s-esque misogynist who didn't want "funny" women to have screen time.

Which was kind of a dumb argument to start with from GB, as the big reason it was shit was the writing, not the actresses outside of McCarthy and maybe McKinnon, who was too hammy. Let's say 2.5 of the actresses could have done it well if they had better material. Leslie Jones was actually pretty great regardless.

But the "Misogynists hate us!" thing was a great way for the studio and director to shield themselves from criticism and defend poor performance. And that set an example for other studios as well now.

Yeah, Ghostbusters. That was such a shitshow of a movie. Acutally, it was the fucking worst comedy I paid money for to see. There's a lot of recent Adam Sandler movies that were worse, but at least I didn't pay money to see them. Case in point, I absolutely adore the Wedding Singer, it's my favorite RomCom of all time.

Back to Ghostbusters. I actually managed to hate this movie and express my hate on OldGAF and Resetera. I actually avoided being banned a multitude of times while defending Cinemassacre for not wanting to see that movie and so on. I don't know what I did "right" when every other person stating the same opinion was banned instantly, but fuck off.

This movie has nothing to do with "feminism" or "diversity". It actually has great talent, fantastic comedians, but did not use them at all. AT ALL. It's a shitshow with a shit script and a shitty director. Just judging by the talent they got there, it could have been great, but now, it's actually worse than Ghostbusters 2 (which is really hard) and the cartoon.

It's a shit movie. And it was super shitty to paint people who hated it as misogynists or alt right or whatever GAF and Resetera did back then. But it also was just some movie, and there was NO REASON AT ALL to start a hate campaign on twitter and harass the actresses and specifically target the black actress for stupid reasons, like that self professed "dangerous faggot" douchbag lowlife Milo did.


Might have been my favorite on first viewing, but by the nature of the film it loses a lot of impact on repeat viewings and can drag.

This should have a poll.


Faith - Hope - Love
I actually really enjoyed it, although I can understand how some people would be disappointed with it.
It's a shit movie. And it was super shitty to paint people who hated it as misogynists or alt right or whatever GAF and Resetera did back then. But it also was just some movie, and there was NO REASON AT ALL to start a hate campaign on twitter and harass the actresses and specifically target the black actress for stupid reasons, like that self professed "dangerous faggot" douchbag lowlife Milo did.

It was definitely a shitshow all around. I hated what happened to Jones - she was the best actress (and actor, in a gender neutral sense) in the movie and had all of the best lines. She had a little bit of that schlubby everyman deadpan charm the original had.

That trailer was done so bizarrely - it instigated most of the backlash, especially against her.
I feel like RJ believed he was doing the right thing but I wish someone had intervened and said “hey maybe let’s not do this or that, or reel that in a little.”


To a non-Star Wars fan, TLJ is just another middling forgettable popcorn flick, it reaches a base level when it comes to entertainment if you just shut off your ability to think critically or if you are 10 years of age or younger.

For a Star Wars fan, the movie is a disgrace. I honestly think that a lot of the defenders made up their minds during the initial onslaught of "glowing" reviews. "This movie is good, I mean, all those professional people said it was good, so it must be good." If Disney wasn't so powerful and influential, I think more of the media would have had the courage to say the movie was average or horrible (which it is).


That trailer was done so bizarrely - it instigated most of the backlash, especially against her.

Yeah, that trailer sure was something. And the movie itself was even worse. I really couldn't belive it while watching it, and my wife too. Such great talent, but such a bad script, such shitty pacing, such a disdain for what makes fantasy comedies great.

And that's also my criticism with The Last Jedi. Pacing is shitty, script is shitty and the characters are just treated as plot devices, not actual characters.

And I have to add: There's a lot of hate on the internet on how Rey is a woman and should not be allowed to be basically Luke 2.0, because evil SJW and how there's now black dudes and chubby asians and what ever and it's contributing to white genocide and so on....

That's all bullshit. It's such lame bullshit. None of those are reasons why The Last Jedi is a shit movie. It's just the script, the pacing and the director.

Not liking The Last Jedi does not make one a racist mysoginist, because the movie had A LOT of problems that made it not good.

REEEEing on twitter and voat and whatever about how you hate Rey and about how TLJ is a SJW communist propaganda piece however makes you... well. At least someone who should get out of your basement for 10 minutes and enjoy the sun instead of the internet.
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none of the characters are likable. none of the characters really care for each other. in ESB we start off with Luke out in the cold, back at the base people are worried, there is a pan in on Leia's face as she contemplates leaving Luke out in the dangerous conditions, Chewie cries out in worry when they close the shield door. this is how you show characters care for one another.

nobody cares in TLJ. Luke asks about Han but his response isn't given any screen time. his feelings towards his lifelong friend are irrelevant. Rose is a manic depressive who flips from being a fangirl when she sees Finn to immediately thinking he's a coward & tasing him. she treats him with alternating contempt and reverence. she is an incoherent character. real people don't act like this. high schoolers maybe. makes sense that RJ basically wrote her character after the girls that would talk to him in high school.
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There've been several threads about these movies already so I won't go into too much detail, but all the Disney movies suck so bad, it's like they're trying their hardest to retroactively ruin the original movies. Even the prequels come off looking good compared to this shit.


I enjoyed it and liked a lot of the things they attempted with some of the core ideas and themes but it also has a ton of weird ass things going on with the actual story and direction of the film that drag it down as an experience.
It's about a 6.5 for me. I found myself struggling to get through some scenes, whilst others were enjoyable. And yes. Luke is more powerful than Kylo and Rei.


I thought the movie was alright until I started thinking about the movie. Rey is just too skilled and powerful. She woops luke and kylo both people who are skilled at combat and kylo who still uses the force.


I think if he had help it could have been a great movie but Hollywood is all about ego. He was too arrogant to ask George Lucas or have a co-director.


I was kinda excited for it going into the theater. It was one of the more disappointing theater experiences. It's rare for me to be bored and thinking about when the movie will end while I'm at the theater, but this movie managed it.

And then when I got out and started talking about the movie with the people I saw it with, all the really dumb elements started unraveling. There were just so many bad elements to discuss that I got more and more irritated with it the more we talked.


ChatGPT 0.001
Very typical, about everything you’d want as a Star Wars fan. 6/10 they can strip a lot, and have more warfare ala Clone Wars. Respect to the series I guess.


I liked it, but I can see why people hate it.

To me it was the first time Luke Skywalker was a remotely interesting character, but then again he was so different from the OT.
I thought the movie was alright until I started thinking about the movie. Rey is just too skilled and powerful. She woops luke and kylo both people who are skilled at combat and kylo who still uses the force.

I would have a lot less problem with this if they explained why. After TFA it seemed like we were for sure headed toward a huge reveal that paints Rey as some special Jedi but it’s just left basically left ignored. She’s strong “just cuz.”

Fox Mulder

It is what it is. Johnson wanted it to be different and subvert expectations or whatever, but turned me off by throwing out interesting things from TFA and ended where I just don't care about the next one at all. Went to both TFA and TLJ on opening night.

way more

I liked it but get why many would dislike it.

40 minutes in I realized, "oh yeah, this is a star wars movie. I totally forgot. That's neat." But the stuff that reminded me it was a star wars movie like the casino sequence was just crap. And the slowly moving transport ship followed by a slowly moving armada was just crap.

Everything with the girl and Luke I liked and that was most of the movie.


I thought it was ok. I liked grumpy Luke, some of the visuals (like the red salt), and the fact that some things came as a surprise (Snoke snuffing it, Flynn not dying in his suicide run, even the hunt for a hacker going sideways,...).
The flow isn't always great, but it rarely is in that saga. The slow chase was a great idea, but I'm not sure it was well executed.

I really hope they manage to tell an interesting story with the Rey/Kylo relationship in the sequel. Not the usual "dark vs light".
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Terrible movie written by a halfwit who had to change the way physics worked just so that he can have splosions and an idiotic space chase. Ryan Johnson can't write himself out of a corner even if the corner was made out of ice cream and the only pen he had was as spoon.



I could write an essay on the flaws of the movie, but others already have.

It's very pretty at times? 6/10 will watch again when episodes 10 to 12 are out.


I hated it. I was just waiting for it to be over with by the middle of it. I won't say it was as bad as AotC, but I think it annoyed me even more. I haven't seen AotC since theaters and won't ever willingly watch TLJ again.

I already gave my thoughts on it in the OT. I think people that liked it are in denial and will eventually come around. People liked AotC too back when that was out. They just needed time to reflect on it.

MC Safety

Laura Dern was godawful and you don't save someone by smashing your spaceship into theirs at high speed.

The slow speed chase was dumb even for Star Wars.


Rose is a manic depressive who flips from being a fangirl when she sees Finn to immediately thinking he's a coward & tasing him. she treats him with alternating contempt and reverence. she is an incoherent character. real people don't act like this. high schoolers maybe. makes sense that RJ basically wrote her character after the girls that would talk to him in high school.

This was baffling to me. And it says a lot about Rian's attitude. Broom boy is basically Rian proxying himself into the movie. Admiral Holdo feels like Rian proxied Kathleen Kennedy into the film.

It's like Rian Johnson the emotionally scarred kid who was bullied in school is now getting his revenge by putting more nerdy people into his movie and making them look better than the "cool" people like Luke and Poe. Maybe it's good that Han Solo died....Rian would have turned him into a little bitch.


There isn't anything original about this movie.

It just recreates scenes from the original trilogy and reverses the result at the end of each scene. That is not original if you ask me.

Space Chase: basically and over drawn out version of the opening to ANH

Rey and Kylo Throne Room: Dialogue imagery ripped straight out of the throne room scene in ROTJ: "I can feel the conflict in you" and "Fullfill....you're.....desssstiny!" Then Rian has Kylo Force turn the lightsaber and ignite it to kill Snoke as a response to FANS who back in the day complained "Why didn't Luke just turn the lightsaber towards the emperor and ignite it?!?!?!??!" Rian you fkn hack

Crate: Almost plagiarism it was so bad that they had an extra literally break the fourth wall to tell us "This not Hoth because it's salt"

Canto Bight and the whole hacker story: Cloud City but with political commentary...then a Lando type betrayal...except this time the "traitor" isn't secretly trying to do the right thing!

Holdo manuever: maybe the only unique part...but also stupid. Then again this was Rian trying to outdo the Kamikaze attack on the Super Star Destroyer in ROTJ....so maybe not that original.

Rey in the Falcon being chased: totally ripped off Lando flying out of the exploding Death Star

Luke's fate: Stalling for time to let the heroes escape on the falcon by disappearing like Obiwan in ANH
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Well let's see...

It was a terrible, god awful movie that shat all over 40 years of lore and ignored everything that the previous movie built towards.

Being such a terrible movie, it makes watching the previous movie pointless, because in the end you know it goes nowhere.

Being such a terrible movie, it has made the desire to watch the next movie, episode 9, virtually non-existent. I may watch it when it comes to Sky movies or Prime, but I will not be paying to see it at the theater or buying the blu ray.

So to re-cap; It is such a shit movie that it managed to destroy three movies for the price of one. I have never seen a movie do that before. What a shit movie. Rian Johnson really deserves to be dragged through the street... by his cock, whilst people throw buckets of piss at him.


It's probably my least favorite star wars movie right now. I agree with a lot of the criticism but a ton of it is way overblown. I still look forward to watching it again...


I hate how the Holdo maneuver gets a pass. It's worse than Rose's writing.

The Star Wars universe (minus prequels) is based around the lore of an oppressive Empire. The tool of the Empire's oppression is massive battleship-class ships. They don't use corvettes, frigates, or even cruisers. It's all battleships with interceptor wings.

The lore explains this. It's the Tarkin doctrine, which uses warships as a tool for intimidating the populaces. The Tarkin doctrine works because the gains they produce in terror more than compensate for the reduced versatility of the Empire fleet.

Even though the movies gloss over the lore, you can see and feel it throughout the original trilogy. Everywhere the Empire goes, they warp in these massive battleships. Their entire endgame is building even more massive weapons.

The Holdo maneuver ruins Star Wars for me because it tells us:
  • The Empire is utterly incompetent because they're building capital ships that can be destroyed by strapping a hyperspace drive to a rock.
  • The Rebellion is utterly incompetent because they've never thought of strapping a hyperspace drive to a rock.
It turns the entire universe into a bunch of mouth-breathing morons. Why even build a fucking deathstar in the first place when you can cleave a planet just by filling an ore freighter full of rocks and hyperspacing it into a planet?
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Spoiler. It was all a dream.



I like it a lot! It's one of my favorites. The first two-thirds of the Finn/Rose plotline is pretty bad, though.

So... you liked the last third? Culminating in her ramming her skimmer into his, in a way that was almost guaranteed to kill both of them, in order to preserve the First Order's assault?
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Gold Member
I hate how the Holdo maneuver gets a pass. It's worse than Rose's writing.

The Holdo maneuver ruins Star Wars for me because it tells us:
  • The Empire is utterly incompetent because they're building capital ships that can be destroyed by strapping a hyperspace drive to a rock.
  • The Rebellion is utterly incompetent because they've never thought of strapping a hyperspace drive to a rock.
It turns the entire universe into a bunch of mouth-breathing morons. Why even build a fucking deathstar in the first place when you can cleave a planet just by filling an ore freighter full of rocks and hyperspacing it into a planet?

Why did they even need the plans to the Death Star if they could have just thrown rocks at it. Because how they took Empire down mattered. Anyone could have just strapped a hyperdrive to an asteroid, but the Empire could have simply brushed it off as savages attacking them to the outer reaches, far far away from the conflict. Spun it, to make people scared of the "Terrorists"

Terrorists are not a Rebel Alliance trying to over throw the Empire.
Simply killing and destroying are not the point, especially when you have an entire galaxy to control.
So... you liked the last third? Culminating in her ramming her skimmer into his, in a way that was almost guaranteed to kill both of them, in order to preserve the First Order's assault?

Eh, that part is pretty dumb too, but I like most of their material once they're aboard the enemy ship. Which is arguably act 2, I suppose, although cutting the movie up as such makes for a rather bizarrely short act 3.

Codes 208

This movie made Clone Wars look like a damn masterpiece.

Everything from the Leia scene to the boring af casino world to the anti-climactic death of luke just leaves a sour taste in my mouth that won’t wash out. I’ll gladly take the anakin “I hate sand” scene over literally everything from this movie.

This wasn’t a good movie. And it was a shit Star Wars movie. Which is a shame because I legimately enjoyed TFA
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Why did they even need the plans to the Death Star if they could have just thrown rocks at it. Because how they took Empire down mattered. Anyone could have just strapped a hyperdrive to an asteroid, but the Empire could have simply brushed it off as savages attacking them to the outer reaches, far far away from the conflict. Spun it, to make people scared of the "Terrorists"

Terrorists are not a Rebel Alliance trying to over throw the Empire.
Simply killing and destroying are not the point, especially when you have an entire galaxy to control.

That is absolutely insane logic.

Billions died on Alderaan, and you think that people would have seen the rebellion as terrorists if they chucked a rock at it, versus getting countless thousands of loyal rebellion soldiers and most of their fleet destroyed trying to shoot a torpedo down a tail pipe.

What the hell, man.
Spun it, to make people scared of the "Terrorist"

Because anyone under the reign of terror of the Empire would believe that the group which destroyed a weapon of planetary destruction, which had just blown up a planet of innocent people, were terrorists.

Also, sneaky infiltration missions with criminals sent to die and guerrilla kamikaze trench runs are not similar at all to terrorists.


Eh, that part is pretty dumb too, but I like most of their material once they're aboard the enemy ship. Which is arguably act 2, I suppose, although cutting the movie up as such makes for a rather bizarrely short act 3.

I'll buy that. My only real complaint with the capital ship infiltration was how utterly disrespectful they were to that lady who commanded the infantry. She was fucking awesome and now I don't even remember her name because they gave her a chump's goodbye. At least Boba Fett had a few cool scenes.


you can't put a price on sparks
it sucks

too long
first half is really boring and stupid
last half is fine, but by that point i was seething in my chair at how stupid the dialogue was
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