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How does Wavemaster operate with the other Sega teams?


I've asked this once before about a year ago, but I'm not sure if it was
here, or on Usenet... and either way, nobody had an answer...

Take for example, a music heavy game like Space Channel 5, or Sonic
Adventure. Mizuguchi or Naka go to Wavemaster and say, "Hey, we need x
amount of songs for this game."

Now, Wavemaster is of course Sega's music development studio... but how did
they operate both before, and after the individual teams were given budgets?
Before then, was it first come, first serve, and you got all the music you
wanted for free and Sega's entire budget paid for it? And afterwards, since
I assume Wavemaster was then responsible for their own budget just like the
other teams, did they basically charge the teams that needed music per song
or something? "No, no Naka, that'll be a million yen for your soundtrack."

It's something none of us here probably know the answer to, but I'm really
curious about it.


I know nothing about how a company works, and I'm not sure of its significance, but Sega's annual report from 2001 mentions the following:


(1) Scope and Principles of Consolidation
The Company had 64 subsidiaries and 15 affiliates at March 31, 2001 (46 subsidiaries and 13 affiliates at March 31, 2000). The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and 54 of its subsidiaries (35 at March 31, 2000), which are mostly listed below.

Wavemaster Inc.*
Does that mean Wavemaster had their own account/budget? Perhaps those who know about such things can make sense of it. I sure can't.


I'd ask Jun but he's busy. I dont think they have budgetary restrictions with regards to individual projects (to a certain extent of course), since they're pretty much regarded as an internal department, rather than a studio. I could be wrong though. However they recently started a record label, so I'd imagine that part of the business is bringing in revenue, so...I dunno.
This is a pretty interesting question which I'd love to know the answer to as well.

I've also been curious about B-Univ, or Baby Univers (I think that's what they were called). They did the soundtrack to Virtua Fighter 1 (which I still love), but what else did they do? Were they involved in Daytona USA as well? And for that matter, just AM2 games? Were they absorbed into Wavemaster or did they stay seperate, or simply go away?
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