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How fitting... Burnout 3 just crashed on me :p

john tv

Anyone else had Burnout 3 for Xbox crash on them? I was at the 'select location' screen and I chose a spot, and as it was about to take me to the next screen, it just froze up.

is this irony or a pun I cant remember

oh well more prince of calgary!

john tv said:
Anyone else had Burnout 3 for Xbox crash on them? I was at the 'select location' screen and I chose a spot, and as it was about to take me to the next screen, it just froze up.

Yeah, but I bet the crash allowed you to get an excellent view of the sparks, which are much better than the PS2 version, right?


But they would have been even better on the Gamecube if Criterion had any sense. Especially since Burnout 2 on GC was better than Burnout 3 on Xbox/PS2.
I haven't gotten it to crash, but I did fall through the ground and descend into a bottomless pit once. That happened to me several times with Burnout 2.


Burnout 1 - managed to get out of the world several times (bottomless pit)

Burnout 2 - managed to go so fast on a couple of the tracks (multiple burnouts in a row for lap after lap with no crashing) that we ended up seeing the next section of track popping in closer and closer until eventually it didn't pop in fast enough and we drove off the end of the road seeing it pop in as we plumeted into space!

Burnout 3 - managed to get out of the world a few times, managed to get it to stick us back on the track facing a wall after a crash many times, managed to get it so that it placed us back slightly in the track after a crash so that whenever you moved you just fall out of the world again and again and again and also had it crash once on the last race of the sports car grand prix just turning a corner with nothing special happening - very annoying!

Still, burnout 3 > you all :)
OKay does anyone know how I can contact EA 'cause this is ridiculous. When I first got BO3 I had problems online with getting connected to lobbies. Well I tried it again for the first time in almost a month and I'm still getting the same problems. Out of the 20 or so lobbies I've connected to since having the game I've managed to get a race out of 1 of them.

Sho Nuff


I've been playing BO3 extensively today, and I have to say that the online implementation is garbage. Minute-long beginning-of-match waits, random dropouts, bizarre nonsensical error messages, and it doesn't end.


Test your shitty games before you ship them. At least have the decency to patch them or acknowledge the fact that you don't have your shit together and you're working on it. Twats.


being watched
john tv said:
Anyone else had Burnout 3 for Xbox crash on them? I was at the 'select location' screen and I chose a spot, and as it was about to take me to the next screen, it just froze up.


Make that the 51st reason why you should buy Outrun 2 on Uk Resistance.



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I learned that the sky has some form of collision detection. I popped straight up in the air after a sick crash, into the clouds, after some time I hit the sky...complete w/ sparks.

It was cool.
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