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how many gaming magazines do YOU have ?


I bought a bookshelf and managed to fill it up with nerd memorabillia and got to thinking, who has as much or more gaming magazines then me ?

Here is a picture -


I used to have a good bit more than that, actually. I sold/dumped a shitload awhile back, but I still have a trunk and several big ass boxes full of various video game magazines (that date back to the late 80's at the oldest)


That's gotta be a bitch to lug around . The stuff in that shelf filled 4 boxes. One of which was very heavy. For reference sake the bottom shelf has gamefan, gamers republic and play also game players, the middle shelf is 3/4's egm with the bit at th eend being OPM issues and PSM issues. The top has Xboxm and manga , but it's easy to see.
I have tons. Possibly over a thousand. I have everything from Next Generations, Game Pros, and Nintendo Powers to EGMs, Gamer's Republics, and Game Fans. It's ridiculous. I have a bunch of boxes full of them in my parents attic and 4 shelves full in my room back home plus the ones I have in my apt.


I own most of the issues of EGM dating from April 1994. A bunch of Gamepros and around 47 or so issues of EGM2/Expert Gamer.


I have 5, the most recent issue of EGM, Gamepro, XBN, OXM, and PSM.

I had all the EGM starting from the white/gold SFII cover one and some EGM2/Gamenow. 3 or 4 years worth of Gamepro. A bunch of old Nintendo Power, XBN, OXM, OPM, and PSM. Those are in addition to all the famitsu I pick up once in a while, and all the HK magazines that family and friends send/bring me. But I threw them all out, along with all these other magazines, just a little while ago because they've completely taken over my apartment.

I only try to keep the most recent issue of all the magazines now, and just tear off pages from older magazine that I want to keep for reference.


o_O @_@ O_o
I have a ridiculous amount as well.

Actually I've been thinking about selling a giant lot of em on eBay. It's mostly Nintendo Powers, but there are an asston of varied mags in there including the famed EGM Buyer's Guides from the early 16-bit era.

I'm sure I'll get paid $5 + $50 shipping or something for the whole lot, but at least I'll have more closet space.
I have pretty much every Nintendo Power between 1 to 75 or so. They're all packed up.

Since I got the internet, I've really not bothered with magazines. I tossed all my old PSMs in the trash.
I have most 1997-2001 EGM, ODCM excluding issue 1, all Incite (eh), and some miscellaneous OPM and OXM's.

I get GMR and GI now. They usually get stored in the bathroom magazine rack until its emptied out every few months; along with whatever Maxim, Stuff (both free thanks to Wario!), and Sports Illustrateds are in there.


i've got you beat by a large amount. i'm not taking pics this late but...

gamefan sept 93-death
gamers republic-whenever gamefan died thru death
next generation-first issue thru death
egm-probably sometime in 93 thru present day missing a few hear and there
scattered issues of OXM, OPM, PSM and a few other crap mags.
intelligent gamer...best game mag EVER
a few UK issues of saturn magazine


I have a large number of Nintendo Powers. They only fit 2/3 of the shelf they're on. I also have two OPMs and one XBN. (I only wanted them for the demos.)


jebus beonedge.

I expect pictures of this monstrous collection tommorow when we are all part of the waking world again.

I kind of figured my collection was small compared to other gaffers, but I was hoping for more pictures... I guess most of you are an hour or 2 ahead of me right now so its pretty late. TOMMOROW THEN.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
About 4 years worth of PSM, EGM, and Gamepro. About 5 months worth of XBN and GMR. And there is some PC Gamer magazine I get, but I rarely read it.


crappy fast shots but u get the idea


Next Gen and OXM

EGM and a bunch of others. i lied about the EGMs i forgot i tossed the newer issues when i last moved.
I used to have tons of them. I had a huge Gamepro collection (I know, I know... but I was 12 or so when I started reading it, I SWEAR) that I threw away to save space. I had bunches of Next Gen mags, but they were also tossed. All I have left are bunches of EGMs and Gamefans.

Mags I currently have subscriptions to: EGM (through 2010. Thanks Wario!), PSM, XBN and GI.


About 1500-1600 so far and counting. I'd say 45% of them from the C64 era 1985-1990, 45% the 16-bit console era 1990-1994, the other 10% from 95 onward when I started writing for these magazines and realised how shite most of them really were.

Nowdays the only mags I buy are Edge and Retro Gamer, because I'm old and I hate games.


Shelves full. All 180 or so NP. A majority of Game Pro, Game Players, EGM and a lot of others. Most are at home in California though.


Two full shelves on one of my bookshelves, a two foot stack next to my right foot, and six apple boxes (like from the produce department) stuffed to the gills.

Probably going to sell them for like $3-5 each on ebay before too long...


Rorschach said:
I have a shitload more, unfortunately. Some dating back to 16 bit era. ><


I had copies of Joystik lying around until I threw out all magazines recently.


Had almost every EGM, Next Generation, and Gamefan.



Probably approaching 200 by now. I dumped about 60 of them awhile back, because I had other magazines that had the same content but better written. More specifically:

Gamefan - issue 2-the last one, with about 10 missing overall.
All issues of Play
Gamers Republic - issue 8 -last one
GMR - May 2003 - current
scattered issues of Next Generation, EGM, and Gameplayers. I would really like to have some Nes era issues of EGM or Gameplayers, since I have no magazines from that period.
I used to have tons more, but they become such a burden when you move that I always get rid of some when I do. But afterwards I always regret the decision so at this point I'm holding on to what I can.

Despite my public hate for Gamefan, it still has some sweet screenshots of certain games, so I took the whole lot that a friend of mine was going to get rid off.

My most treasured issues is the first issue of Next Generation and some old Japanese Mega Drive magazines.

I can't wait for all of that stuff to be available as PDFs so I can get rid of my hard copies.
I have WAY more. Try every single Nintendo Power, tons of EGM (although I dumped every EGM since 1990 until 2000 to save space), lots of Famitsu Cube and Nintendo Dream and some others here and there.


I used to have a thousand plus (starting from EGM April 1992) but as I got tired of swimming through them in my room I boxed most of them up and let my mom give them to kids at the school she works at. Now I have like 200 or so from recent times thanks to free subscriptions


I have random magazines here and there that I bought, the only ones I ever subscribed to are Nintendo Power from the SNES era, which I dont have those anymore. Also, Ive been a subscriber to PC Gamer pretty much since forever, I might have every one. I dont know, I might have lost a few. Its close though.
I tend to toss 'em after a month or so. I keep 'em by the crapper so I have something to ogle while grunting out the remnants of lunch, and to occasionally wipe my ass when I see a Dave Halverson article* or anime fan spread.

(* yes, I do on occasion read play. Shut up. Like you ever thought I was cool.)
Probably over a thousand of them. EGMS, Gamefans, Video Games, Tips N Tricks, GamePro, Game Informer, SWATPros, Game Enquirer, PSMs, Nintendo Powers, EGM2s. Admitedly, most of these were bought between 1991 and 1998. And yes, they are a bitch to lug around. But I can't seem to part with them. I still read them all the time.
every issue of EGM from about `97 on, with a few Gamefan's, GI's, PSMs, OPMs and Nintendo Powers thrown in for good measure. They are all stashed in shoe boxes in the top shelf of the closet. For some reason i can't make myself throw them out, but one of these days im gonna have to. Those bitches take up a ton of room.


Party Pooper
had a few hundred, donated them all to friends when i moved of state. so now i've got like 4 or 5 lying around the house. i dont buy much mags anymore unless i really want the demo to a game thats not out yet.
I've kept some old NextGeneration issues, all twelve issues of ODCM, and "tricks" magazines with certain strategy guides, but any other magazines, I'll just leave on BART or the bus.


Outisde of the odd code/strategy magazine, I first really started buying gaming mags when Nintendo began releasing info on the Super Famicom. From there I regularly purchased Nintendo Power, SNES Buyers Guide, Video Games, Tips & Tricks, GamePro, GamePlayers, EGM, EGM2, GameFan, MegaFan, and Gamers Republic.


SaitoH said:
I had copies of Joystik lying around until I threw out all magazines recently.

You threw out copies of Joystik? Gah! There's magazines, and then there's artifacts; if nothing else you could have sold 'em on eBay.

I have some late-80s/early-90s EGMs laying around that I don't really care about, a near-complete run of Next Generation that I probably don't need, and about a dozen early-80s video game magazines (particularly Electronic Games) that I cherish.


Pure nostalgia gold, man.

Used to have a ton of EGM and Gamepro from when I was a kid, gave them away at some point. The magazines i did keep were all of the Turbo Force/Turbo Play mags that were ever made, shitty as they are, I have all of them, and all in protective covers :)

I also have a few stray PC engine Fan, Famitsu, and who knows what else lying around. I regularly inherit PSM (which seems to be quite awful now) from a friend, and regularly toss them after I look through.

Speaking of PC Engine Fan/Saturn Fan Mags, anyone got any they want to get rid of? I'd like to get a few more PCE Fan mags particularly.
I have:

Every EGM dating back to 1990 to now
Every Gamefan EVER
Every Play
Every Game Developer from 2001
Every GameGo! (woohoo)

I had but got rid of:

Every Next Gen
Every Gamer Republic
Every Nintendo Power dating back to 1997
Every PC Gamer

...and other misc. crap not worth mentioning
I just threw a ton of EGM and Game Informers out last month. Theyre not really worth keeping around once you've read them. I do have a ton of old GAMEFANS sitting in a cozy trunk, wrapped in shrink wrap in my garage. GameFan was the last of gaming publication greatness.
T-1000_Model3 said:
I just threw a ton of EGM and Game Informers out last month. Theyre not really worth keeping around once you've read them.
I don't know why but I can't bring myself to throw away the TON of EGMs I have stored but would have no problem selling them. Problem is I don't think there's much of a market/interest in these old game mags. Especially the likes of EGM, which has been one of the largest pubs for quite a few years now.


Banstick Emeritus
I've got you all beat...or at least, I did until a few weeks ago when I moved and turfed out a bunch of them. Picture 9 Dell computer boxes. The big ones. Filled to the brim with computer mags.

Compute's! Gazette
Amiga Action
Zzap! 64
CU Amiga
The One for Amiga
Commodore Magazine
Next-Generation (every issue)
GamesTM (every issue)
GameFan (every issue except the first 4)
Intelligent Gamer
PSM (every issue up until last December when I stopped giving a damn about the mag)
Official Xbox Magazine
Game Informer
Ultimate Gamer
Electronic Games (including the one that Fnord just posted)
PC Gamer
Computer Gaming World
Strategy Plus
Computer Games

plus a bunch more one-offs and also-rans that somehow found their way into my heart.

My woman gave me (yet another) ultimatum when we moved into the new house, but this time I around, I actually agreed with her - that's just too many magazines to cart around, even with my own new office space to hold 'em. So I turfed everything except the GameFans, Electronic Games, Next-Generation, Ahoy!, Compute and Compute's Gazette, along with the British mags.

It hurt my soul, but I'm better off for it. My back is, anyways.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
According to my most recent Excel list I own 1681 game magazines. This is out of date, though, and I think there are a couple hundred or so issues I haven't put into the list. Some of it's in a bookshelf, but most of it is unfortunately in closet storage due to lack of space.

For a look at some of the neater stuff in my collection, check out these entries in my weblog:

This collection includes bits and pieces from all of the following magazines. The ones in bolded are magazines I'm looking for more issues of:

16-Bit Video Gaming
Arcadia (Japan)
Atari Age
Beep (Japan; my current favorite magazine. If you have any issues of Beep or Beep Megadrive, please let me know!)
CD-ROM Entertainment
CD-ROM World
Classic Gamer
Code Vault
Computer + Video Games (UK; some random 86/87 issues)
Computer Game Review (need a few to complete the run; PM if you have any)
Computer Gaming World (any issues 10 or years older I'll take)
Console Mania (Italy)
Crash (UK)
Cyber Sports
Dengeki Nintendo 64 (Japan)
Dengeki PlayStation (Japan)
Dengeki Sega Saturn (Japan)
Dreamcast Fan (Japan)
Dreamcast Magazine/Dorimaga (Japan)
Electronic Entertainment
Electronic Game Player (any issues besides vol. 1, no. 2)
Electronic Gaming Monthly
Electronic Gaming Retail News
Expert Gamer
Famicom Tsushin/Famitsu (Japan; a couple hundred issues, from 1986 to 2002. If you have old ones, lmk)
Famitsu Cube + Advance (Japan)
Famitsu PS2 (Japan)
Famitsu Xbox (Japan)
Family Computer Magazine (Japan; several issues from 85/86)
Fusion (need any besides issue 1 and 9)
Game Buyer
Game Developer
Game Informer (trying to get all issues before switch to "wide" format)
Game Intelligence (anyone know about this one?)
Game On! USA
Game Players / Nintendo/Sega / Ultra Game Players
GameFan (need the first year)
GamePower (Brazil)
GamePro (complete set up to around 2000)
GamePro en Espanol
Gamers' Republic
GamesTM (UK)
Games World (UK)
Gamest (Japan; got the first issue :D)
Gekkan PC Engine (Japan)
Gekkan Coin Journal (Japan; arcade operators' magazine)
High-End (need any and all issues you got)
Hippon Super! (Japan; looking for issues of its predecessor, Famicom Hisshoubon)
Hyper (Australia)
ie Magazine
incite PC/Video Games (want to complete both of these)
Intelligent Gamer
Joypad (France)
Login (Japan)
MCV (USA edition)
Mean Machines / MM Sega (UK)
MegaDrive Fan (trying to complete this)
Marukatsu Famicom (Japan)
Marukatsu PC Engine (Japan)
Mega Play
MSX Fan (Japan)
N64 Pro (UK)
Newtype Gaming (looking for any issues after V1 N5, if there are any)
Next Generation (complete set)
NG (Japan)
Nintendo Official Magazine UK
Nintendo Power (complete set up to around 1998)
Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine
Official US PlayStation Magazine (looking for first issue)
PC Accelerator (anyone got any? I like the first issue)
PC Entertainment (any 'n all you got)
PC Games (Looking for the older issues)
Planet PlayStation (UK)
Play Meter
PlayStation Pro (UK)
PlayStation Zone (UK)
Pocket Games
PS Extreme/PSE2 (looking for more recent ones)
PS Max (was there a second issue?)
PSi-2 (UK)
RePlay (anyone in Northern California want these?)
Retro Gamer
R-Zone (any you got)
Saturn Fan (Japan)
Saturn Super (Japan)
Sega Challenge (need issue 1)
Sega Visions (need issues from 1992 and earlier)
Sinclair User (UK)
Super GamePower (Brazil)
Super NES Buyer's Guide
Supergamer (Brazil)
SWAT (full run, I think)
The 64 Dream (Japan)
The Adventures of GamePro
The Games Machine (UK; trying to complete this since I love the mag so much)
The Sports Game Review (was there more than one of these?)
The Team Sega Newsletter (need any besides issue 5)
Tips & Tricks
TurboPlay (need a couple to complete)
Ultimate Gamer
Video Game Advisor (need a few to complete)
Video Games (complete)
VideoGames & Computer Entertainment (complete)
Xbox Nation
Your Sinclair (UK)

And all sorts of one-off publications.

(Yes, I plan to start a website about all this... someday...)
Mr_Furious said:
I don't know why but I can't bring myself to throw away the TON of EGMs I have stored but would have no problem selling them. Problem is I don't think there's much of a market/interest in these old game mags. Especially the likes of EGM, which has been one of the largest pubs for quite a few years now.

Well to be fair I was refering to magazines from the last 5 years. EGMs from the 16 and 32 bit days I could never disgard of either,I have only a few left though,I never took care of them,to the point where they had to be thrown away because they were falling apart.

I still remember stumbling upon GameFan for the very first time. I believe it was Volume 1-the October of 1993, issueI think,its been so long I'd have to doublecheck for accuracy though. Dave Halverson's article on the Jaguar and Cybermorph sent me over the edge,I bought the package and enjoyed it a hell of allot after readin his take. Years later I find out that he was literally high when doing the review,holy shit that place must have been insane to work at. But anyway-GameFan did more justice to the Jaguar than the system actually deserved,their Alien vs Predator and Doom spreads on the system were orgy material for me in those days,heh. EGM and their phone book sized Oct./Nov.and Dec. issues around 1991-2000 were pretty amazing as well.

I wish I had taken better care of my EGMs cause it'd be great to go back and read them now. Luckily my GameFans are pretty much in mint. I need to dig them out and go into ectasy all over again. It was a pleasure to read their take on gaming.


I used to have 2 8 foot tall stacks. Threw most of them out when I moved. Only kept certain 'collectibles' and I have some certain Pop Sci, Time, Rolling Stone, etc that I keep for a certain cover or whatnot. I can't estimate how many that actually was. Pretty much every PC Gamer and PC Games there was. I rooted for PC Games before they folded to PC Gamer. It was kind of sad watching the amount of pages in the magazine go down by 10 almost every month. 1 stack was gaming mags, other stack was everything else.

My dad has every Popular Mechanics since about 1970 or some crazy shit.

I have the first PC Gamer that previewed Quake 1. That is a trip to read.

Now I just throw them out when I get the next month.


Steroid Distributor
I have a ton of old mags. Everytime I move everyone always cusses me out cause they are so freakin heavy. I would say I have about 15 to 20 boxes full. Those shelves in BeOnEdge's picture there? Yeah I could fill that easily... Twice maybe three times.

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