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How much are DS games going to be?


EGM said 30-40 bucks like the GBA but Gamespot is selling them for 50 bucks. Also is it official that the DS unit price is going to be 150 and the PSP at 300? I heard Sony might drop it.
I've prepaid for my DS and games. Both Mario 64 DS and Feel The Magic are $30, so it's safe to say that 1st and 3rd party games will be $30. Some games will even be $20


It seems like a lot of third-party games are going to be $40, unfortunately. That's really too expensive for what they are. If they're the same price on PSP, I might go with the PSP versions if they look better. I'm guessing all of Nintendo's non-Pokemon games will be $30.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Based on import pricing, PSP games will be selling for around $50 each, with the Sony games being around $40, so as of right now, DS games are cheaper.

And remember that this is a system LAUNCH people...the prices will start to go down after a few months.
snapty00 said:
It seems like a lot of third-party games are going to be $40, unfortunately. That's really too expensive for what they are. If they're the same price on PSP, I might go with the PSP versions if they look better. I'm guessing all of Nintendo's non-Pokemon games will be $30.

Close to launch, the only 3rd party games that are $40 are the EA games. And EA likes to rape everyone in the ass, so that's not a fair judgement. But of course you never make fair judgements.


Lyte Edge said:
Based on import pricing, PSP games will be selling for around $50 each, with the Sony games being around $40, so as of right now, DS games are cheaper.

And remember that this is a system LAUNCH people...the prices will start to go down after a few months.

Few months?! I doubt that unless something really goes wrong.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
tt_deeb said:
Few months?! I doubt that unless something really goes wrong.

Nothing's going to go wrong, but the prices should drop a bit if enough units sell. Gameboy games used to cost $30-$40 too.


Lyte Edge said:
Nothing's going to go wrong, but the prices should drop a bit if enough units sell. Gameboy games used to cost $30-$40 too.
That was because Nintendo was charging outrageous royalties, and they were later lowered. I'm not sure that's the cause this time.


Lyte Edge said:
Based on import pricing, PSP games will be selling for around $50 each, with the Sony games being around $40, so as of right now, DS games are cheaper.

And remember that this is a system LAUNCH people...the prices will start to go down after a few months.

Another person comparing Japanese PSP game prices to US DS game prices?


Lyte Edge said:
Based on import pricing, PSP games will be selling for around $50 each, with the Sony games being around $40, so as of right now, DS games are cheaper.
Wait, are you comparing American DS prices to Japanese PSP prices? How does that work?

If you look at Japanese DS prices (taken from IGN), they reach upwards of 45$ USD:

Super Mario 64 DS, Nintendo, 4800 yen
Pokemon Dash, Nintendo, 4800 yen
Band Brothers (Jam with the Band in America), Nintendo, 4800 yen
Chokkan Hito Fude, Nintendo, 3800 yen

No different from GBA games there, really. And since games on every platform are cheaper when they're released in the US, you're kind of misleading tt_deeb here. :p
Nintendo is going to fleece it's willing userbase once more:

Zoo Keeper $39.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour DS $49.99
Yoshi's Touch & Go $39.99
WarioWare Inc. $39.99
Sonic DS $49.99
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed DS $49.99
Egg Monster Hero DS $49.99
Dynasty Warriors DS $49.99

I'm sure PSP software may be in the same price range, more likely Sony itself will try to keep pricing on the same level of the PS2, $39.99 for first party stuff. I eagerly await Sony starting a pricing war by announcing a PSP Greatest Hits line within a year of the systems release. That's a huge blind spot in their portable monopoly that is in dire need of exploiting.

I know I'd certainly buy more GBA games if they were in the range of $15-20 for quality stuff, and not the $10 shovelware you can find floating around out there.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Nintendo is going to fleece it's willing userbase once more:

Zoo Keeper $39.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour DS $49.99
Yoshi's Touch & Go $39.99
WarioWare Inc. $39.99
Sonic DS $49.99
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed DS $49.99
Egg Monster Hero DS $49.99
Dynasty Warriors DS $49.99

I'm sure PSP software may be in the same price range, more likely Sony itself will try to keep pricing on the same level of the PS2, $39.99 for first party stuff. I eagerly await Sony starting a pricing war by announcing a PSP Greatest Hits line within a year of the systems release. That's a huge blind spot in their portable monopoly that is in dire need of exploiting.

I know I'd certainly buy more GBA games if they were in the range of $15-20 for quality stuff, and not the $10 shovelware you can find floating around out there.

Oh my god, seriously. How stupid can you fucking be? Almost all of those games have yet to get an actual release date, those prices are place holders. Zoo Keeper I believe has been confirmed for $30.


Running off of Custom Firmware
The EB I preordered my system at has every game except for EAs listed as $30.00.

EBgames.com and Gamestop.com had ALL DS games as $50 back when dates, prices, and boxart were all placeholder. Some games are so far off, that their info is ALSO still placeholder.

You won't be seeing many, if any, DS or PSP games breaking $40 in the US, and most will likely be $30.
30 to 35 $ should be fair, but I fear that the games will cost 40-50 € in Europe.
The prices for GBA games are already higher here.

I import most of my stuff, but recently I had to pay 39.99 € for my copy of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

Damn your pricing policy NOE
The Take Out Bandit said:
My guess is pretty stupid as I was dumb enough to buy a GBA. :p

Don't worry. I'm positive DS games will be severely overpriced.

Hey, when you consider the fact that it's impossible to see games on the GBA, so was I.

But, I don't believe DS games will be as expensive as you think. We'll see though.
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