I debated putting some money into my company stock fund. My company's stock is kind of a dog, but I've become optimistic we'll do better. Only 5%.
All of my schooling (and even logic) says this is a bad sense. There's no growth in my industry anymore and I am simply taking away from some other category where I could be doing better.
But I want to own some company stock. I'm dumb.
The REIT fund I hopped into on Smooth's recommendation is doing gangbusters this year. Well, until I got into it. lol.
All of my schooling (and even logic) says this is a bad sense. There's no growth in my industry anymore and I am simply taking away from some other category where I could be doing better.
But I want to own some company stock. I'm dumb.
The REIT fund I hopped into on Smooth's recommendation is doing gangbusters this year. Well, until I got into it. lol.