Open palm? switch? ruler ? rolled up newspaper? leather belt?
Corporal punishment has fallen by the wayside the last 20 years or so, but many of you are old shits like me and weren't quite "spared the rod." So what was the poison of choice for the authority figures in your life growing up?
My parents mostly spanked open palm on either the backs of our legs or bare bottoms. The belt was often threatened, but rarely used. Usually a "just wait till your father gets home" and a few audible pops of the belt were enough to keep us in line. At school, they would use a ruler. It stung a bit, but I usually had to feign pain to get them to stop. One of my grandmothers would use a used fly swatter.
The worst was my grandfather's house keeper. She would watch us on occasion and if we acted up, she'd make us pick our own switch from a tree outside and then whip us with it.
Corporal punishment has fallen by the wayside the last 20 years or so, but many of you are old shits like me and weren't quite "spared the rod." So what was the poison of choice for the authority figures in your life growing up?
My parents mostly spanked open palm on either the backs of our legs or bare bottoms. The belt was often threatened, but rarely used. Usually a "just wait till your father gets home" and a few audible pops of the belt were enough to keep us in line. At school, they would use a ruler. It stung a bit, but I usually had to feign pain to get them to stop. One of my grandmothers would use a used fly swatter.
The worst was my grandfather's house keeper. She would watch us on occasion and if we acted up, she'd make us pick our own switch from a tree outside and then whip us with it.