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How were you spanked?

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Spanking with open hand was for a big fuckup.

"The Belt" happened <5 times, and was only reserved for nuclear level fuckups.
my mom open hand or sandal on the ass.

My dad would bust out the belt but only on certain occasions. The only time I got the belt from my dad was when he heard me mutter the F-word at my mom after she scolded me.


I only remember getting spanked once and that was when I was in first grade. It was with a belt but my dad half-assed it so bad that it didn't hurt.

Other than than time, they never disciplined me that way.



Usually a belt, sometimes a skinny tree branch (switches). Once a paint stirrer lol.

I actually got way more spankings than I should have, because I had 2 mischievous brothers and my mom didn't know who was guilty, so she whipped all 3 of us. Fun times lol.

LOL at the dramatic folks here. I, of course, didn't enjoy the spankings as a kid, but looking back they weren't that bad.

They were -always- warranted, just enough to make me cry a few mins and think about what I did, and realize I shouldn't do that again.


Bringing back fun memories. Got hit with everything, shoes, cords, "switches" from the tree, belt, open hand and fists as I got older. I look back and laugh about it now, but man the things I got beat for were really ridiculous.

I remember doubling up on my pants and undies one day cause I knew I was going to do something that would end up making me get spanked and my sister told on me. That resulted in me getting a spanking so my parents could prove I would still feel it with the extra clothes on and then after I removed the extras, I got spanked for dirtying extra clothes.


open hand very rarely

didn't really have much of an effect on me overall

honestly i'm surprised it happened as rarely as it did looking back,I did some really awful things as a kid


Usually just a belt, but at least one time my dad made me take a bath, then he'd whip me before I could dry off because the water would make it hurt more.

E92 M3

Its alright to kick a child in the stomach? If you say yes there's something wrong with you.

No, but you probably picked the most egregious example. Also, next time clarify which parents you think should go to jail. There is a difference between a spanking and assaulting a child.

A lot of us here got a little open handed spanking and turned out better because of it.
The mom always used hands to the leg or butt. Father used any tool that was nearby. I can't remember being spanked past age 6 or 7 though. I was generally a good kid but sometimes just did really dumb shit and disobeyed the parents. Looking back at what I can remember I deserved all the whoopings I received.
I'm a Marine brat and my father was drill instructor at the time so in addition to the yelling it was more often with fists if not a belt.

I'm chill with my dad now though at the age of 22, but fuck corporeal punishment and any who says it's good for you. When you have a marine going drill instructor on your ass in addition to the beating, I don't see how anyone can say it's all good.


I got the choice between an open-handed spanking or a tablespoonful of horseradish. I always chose the horseradish, my sister always chose the spanking. I always ended up in more agony afterwords lol.


Ubisoft Marketing
Its alright to kick a child in the stomach? If you say yes there's something wrong with you.

I ended up peeing blood after i brought a B on my report card back home and my step mom flew into a rage.

Clearly not okay, but it happened. Was under the impression that's what the OP asked...how you got beaten. So people are sharing.
Also, next time clarify which parents you think should go to jail. There is a difference between a spanking and assaulting a child.

Nearly 5% of posts before his initial post involved kicking children. I fail to see why he needed to clarify that to anyone who bothered reading through the thread.
I remember when I was 17 or so and got into a heated argument with my dad. I was objectively right and when we pressed my mom to mediate, she sided with me. He became frustrated and because he couldn't do anything physically to me (I was bigger than him by this point), he sent me to my room.

About an hour later, I was chilling in my bed with the door shut and lights off. I heard a knock and my dad cracked the door open. I assume he had cooled off and was there to apologize. Nope.. He cracked the door open and flung a huge cup of milk at me. It went everywhere. Bed, carpet, everything.. completely soaked.

He's never addressed it. Never apologized. It's been almost 20 years now.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
By mother, rarely. Open hand.

At school, cane, belt, steel ruler. Hand and butt.

Scotland. 1970s man. But we didn't have crime or bullying or wars or bad behavior back in those days, so it definitely worked.
I got backhanded in to another dimension when I was six by my dad. I was coming in from playing outside, and I was taking off my shoes, and I tried to fling my shoe off my foot. But it didn't budge, and my dad was laying on the floor, and I accidentally kicked him in the face. I explained to him what happened in between sobs, and he ended up feeling really bad lol


I got the belt once, that was a fearful night. My older brother had it WAY worse than me, I was usually only subject to hand spankings as a kid. But I vividly remember the night I got the belt. Is it as recurring theme that parents get softer as they have more and more kids?
Belt or slipper from my mom and a switch granny made me pull from a tree in her front yard. I love my mother and I love and miss my granny but its not something I'm going to do if I become a father. Interestingly enough, my dad doesn't believe in spanking.


By my father: With a belt, usually after he had a cooling down period and a drink.
By my grandmother: With anything that came to hand, including: hot wheels track, extension cord, wooden slat from the back of a chair, blood weed, razor strop, and mesquite switch.


Wooden spoon, like what you'd use for stirring a pot of stew. Got spanked very rarely. You might say I was a quick learner
Wooden spoon. Until it broke. lol

My father never touched us. Never had to, when he talked we listened.

Y'all know what's up. My brother got more spankings than I did. He eventually broke the wooden spoon over his knee. You can imagine how that went over


Yep. A few times from my stepfather that I will never forget. I wouldn't call it a spanking but a beating.

Horrible stuff.
Hand. There was this chicken noodle soup-stained hard plastic ladle that was nicknamed "Black Betty" for whatever reason that was threatened to be used, but I have no recollection of that threat ever being carried out
My dad never did though i feared him the most (for no real reason other than my mother threating me with my dad's fury).
My mom did give me a beating or two. One time with a shoe and one time with a piece of wood (that i used as a baseball bat).
Both times i was laughing while she was furiously trying to punish me.


we all knew her
I have a very foggy memory of my dad spanking me with his open hand (one set of two or three reps) exactly one time, but I don't remember what it was for. For all I know, it didn't actually happen.


Sandle, Belt, Open Hand.

The worst for me was "tapa boca" which is Spanish for basically popping you in the mouth. Cursing, talking back, sticking out your tongue at your mom when you think she can't see (but she can). That's what usually got this form of punishment. My sister handled it fine, mostly because she was a girl and they were easier on her but I couldn't just stand their close my eyes and slowly wait for my mom to pop me in the mouth. LOL, one time I just made a run for and my mom tackled me and I got it worse.

Yea.....I don't plan to carry on these traditions to my children but in all honestly I look back at these events and laugh. I never felt I was abused but I think I can do better for my kids. We tell these stories and laugh in my family. My grandpa used to spank with the flat side of a machete. He was a little unstable.


Very rarely an open handed spank on the butt. Got a belt once when I grabbed a wood saw and tried to attack my cousin with it. Never did that again.



A few times.

Not this brand in particular.

These things are light so didn't hurt. But it was intimidating.
Leather belt
double prong military belt
extension cords / sega genesis controller cable
flip flops

Despite it all I turned out okay. Would have turned out much better if none of the above were applied. Haven't spoken to my stepfather in 15 years and he could die tomorrow and I wouldn't care.
Wooden spoon and flip-flops. I remember so vividly my mom just running and trying to catch me. I love her so much. I deserved that shit.
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