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How were you spanked?

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My dad would threaten me with his sandal, but I don't think he actually hit me with it. He would just pretend like he was about to, which got me to stop whatever I was doing.

I remember this one time when my little brother (who was about 3 at the time) smacked my dad in the back of the head with a plastic golf club. My dad turned around, took off his sandal, and raised it in the air. Then my brother dropped the golf club, took his little sandal off, and raised it in the air as well. Everybody started laughing lol.


Junior Member
I had good parents, so I wasn't.

My grandfather would stick my dad and his brother's heads through walls when they were growing up, so he swore to never be terrible.

well, just because your parents didnt spank you doesnt mean they are good parents. just as someone who spanks their kids doesnt make them terrible.


Mom's love that wooden spoon don't they?

I honestly didn't know it was this common.
Small, lightweight, and with a small, flat surface. Perfect spanking utensil, really.

My mom actually drew a sad face with a sharpie on the wooden spoon. Its name was "Spankula"


Ubisoft Marketing
Even worse was when they beat you out in public.

Nothing like getting slapped when in a shopping center and all the other kids staring at you like you had two heads.


Never by parents
Let the teachers handle if it was serious enough
Teachers watched wrestling and trained on the students


Open hand or with a belt. I once made the mistake laughing and telling my mother I didn't feel anything after she spanked me one.

As a kid I thought my dad had hands made of stone.


Leather belt
double prong military belt
extension cords / sega genesis controller cable
flip flops

Despite it all I turned out okay. Would have turned out much better if none of the above were applied. Haven't spoken to my stepfather in 15 years and he could die tomorrow and I wouldn't care.

Only on NeoGAF.


Took a couple good knocks from my dad, but the one thing that ended up affecting me most was the time he didn't believe me when someone else said I did something that I didn't do.

My mom used and open hand and that was really just to get my attention when I was being stupid. She wasn't theatrical about it.


My mom threw a pot at me once haha. Other than that, just a hand spanking every now and then. My parents were/are pretty lenient.
Reading this thread makes me realize why gaf goes so crazy about spanking. This is some intense stuff and not really what I'd consider spanking at all.

My parents spanked, but not often. Just an open hand, always over clothes, straight on the butt, and usually just one smack. My mom used to get the belt, paddles, or repeatedly hit with hairbrushes all the time though as a kid. She said her legs would sometimes be black and blue afterwards. My mom calls it as it is though, her parents straight up beat her.

My wife was spanked with a hose once by her father, but he felt terrible about it and reportedly never did it again. The funny thing though is, my wife said that was all it took, she never wanted to mess with him again.
I don't remember being spanked but my sister said we were when we were young. Probably scared me straight and it was too early to remember. I've been smacked in my older years, but usually because I deserved it.


Phone table. Over the knees. Bare ass, by hand.

I think it was pretty effective way to teach me that misbehaving will have repercussions, but at the same time, I've grown into being a damn timid adult.
My mom would use the metal end of the fly-swatter. My dad just palmed me.

I don't blame them, though. I was an ornery little shit when I was younger. I basically backed my mom into a corner with it, as she would threaten it, and I'd taunt her/call her bluff.

She learned that she can't say things like that and not back it up, or else it just makes it worse. So she had to follow through. The fly-swatter didn't really hurt that much.

My Dad though... He had some rough hands. He was a roofer for years, then contract work, his hands were calloused and torn. It hurt like nothing else. I think he spanked me like twice in my life. Again, I provoked him, so I don't blame them or hold anything against them for it.

I've come out well adjusted in spite of it.


Mom: switch (I had to get it myself, if I got weak one it was twice as many lashes), coat hangers (thin metal), wooden paddle, anything within reach. She would throw shoes, pots, pans. Looking back my mom was stressed lol.

Dad: leather belt, fan belt (motor), bare hands, wooden paddle. Bare hands were the worst once I hit 13ish, wasn't spankings after that.

Honestly though, that wasn't the worst. The worst was standing in a corner, with my nose touching the corner holding a penny, while the tv was turned on playing a show I liked. But turned down low. That shit was murder.

Two Words

My parents spanked me when I was young, but they never really passed a certain point. Once I knew that and they realized it didn't effect me, they stopped. Honestly, the most effective punishment I've ever had from my parents involved no spanking or grounding. I stole some money from my mom's drawer and bought a couple of video games with it when I was in middle school. When I got caught, they basically told me how disappointed they were in me and how they worked so hard in their lives to make sure their kids had the things they didn't have. I felt like a piece of shit. They didn't have to punish me because I was basically a wreck for a while afterwards. If they just spanked me or grounded me, I might have taken it far worse growing up.


At home, my dad used a leather belt. Got spanked quite a bit, usually for staying out too late. Used to spend the day after school at my best friend's house next door playing games and I'd lose track of the time.

At school, a wooden paddle with holes in it by the PE teacher. She would line up people in the field behind the school for detention then wail on them. You don't forget pain like that and the sound of the hit echoing in the distance.


Reading this thread makes me realize why gaf goes so crazy about spanking. This is some intense stuff and not really what I'd consider spanking at all.

My parents spanked, but not often. Just an open hand, always over clothes, straight on the butt, and usually just one smack. My mom used to get the belt, paddles, or repeatedly hit with hairbrushes all the time though as a kid. She said her legs would sometimes be black and blue afterwards. My mom calls it as it is though, her parents straight up beat her.
It's interesting how different peoples' experiences were with corporal punishment. I'd imagine the posts that look back fondly on the experience would be from people who have less of an issue with employing such punishment for their kids, while those who recall traumatic experiences would likely feel the opposite.
It goes to show how much our past experience colors our present view on the world.
My mom would use the metal end of the fly-swatter. My dad just palmed me.

I don't blame them, though. I was an ornery little shit when I was younger. I basically backed my mom into a corner with it, as she would threaten it, and I'd taunt her/call her bluff.

She learned that she can't say things like that and not back it up, or else it just makes it worse. So she had to follow through. The fly-swatter didn't really hurt that much.

My Dad though... He had some rough hands. He was a roofer for years, then contract work, his hands were calloused and torn. It hurt like nothing else. I think he spanked me like twice in my life. Again, I provoked him, so I don't blame them or hold anything against them for it.

I've come out well adjusted in spite of it.
I think the important thing is that if a parent threatens a punishment, it is their duty to follow through with it. Otherwise you teach the child that your word isn't good. Last thing you want is to teach your kid to call your bluffs!
Mostly with a belt on the bottom.
Couple of times it got to a high level of pain but nothing
I couldn't handle or didn't deserve.

Before and after each whooping my parents gave me I was sat down and talked to.
House rules
How it made my parents feel
I was asked how I felt
Relatable passage from the bible
And a hug and a kiss before I left with my sore ass.

So yes I got whooped, and I thank my parents for the fashion in which they did it. Only really about 6 times my entire life and I was a little shit sometimes.

My parents are my best friends now and we laugh about it. The two times it really hurt my dad apologized for and had issues dealing with it for parts of my childhood.

I won't be spanking my kids but it sure was effective for me.


my father hit me once when I was a kid cause I was aiming a fork at a power outlet

got the message

I wouldnt hit my kids but I feel like if you're gonna, doing it to prevent them from wanting to do something that is life threatening is the way to go
It's interesting how different peoples' experiences were with corporal punishment. I'd imagine the posts that look back fondly on the experience would be from people who have less of an issue with employing such punishment for their kids, while those who recall traumatic experiences would likely feel the opposite.
It goes to show how much our past experience colors our present view on the world.

Its weird because I look back at it and laugh but I know for fuck certain I would never subject my future (maybe) child to what I went through as a kid.


I was a very naughty child so I got the slippers many time but it had no affect as I was still naughty, heck one time I broke a hole in the fence and my mother just lost it and just started smacking me hard that she had to be pulled off by my aunts.

We just laugh about it now.
My mom got a little paddle-ball toy and ripped the elastic band and ball off. That was pretty much it. I got spanked a few times with it. It was really light and didn't actually hurt. My mom later said she felt guilty about it.

On one or two occasions when I really fucked up, like hitting my older sister in the face with a brick, my dad got the belt.

I think it was my great-grandmother who made me got get a switch out the woods once or twice. I don't think she actually used it though.
Belt, hands.

Love my parents, turned out fine, yadda yadda. But I knew not to fuck around as a kid. While I will never go as far as they did, I still think a harmless spank or two on the bottom isn't out of the question.


This thread is crazy, so much child abuse. Most of you poor people had parents who straight up violently assaulted you. This stuff isn't spanking when you have broken bones or curled into a ball getting beaten. Horrifying.


Mostly being slapped and that was only a few times. Thing is most of these happened after I came to know the more effective method of making a child think that everything bad happens because it exists and that anything it does is wrong as its whole existence is the definition of being false and unnecessary. Man I barely gave a shit about getting beaten, either because I had lost all belief in myself or in humans in general. It also helped that I was beaten up way worse by my class mates.


I got spanked with the hands or sandals, but most of the time it was kneeling on my knees against the wall for punishment.
If it was small enough to hold in your hand... Switches, belts, sandals, heels, spoons both metal and wooden, spatulas, and the fun activity paddle ball paddle, that saw 10000% increased sales when stores stopped selling paddles. Also bare hands, sometimes fists. Never by my dad, though.


This thread is crazy, so much child abuse. Most of you poor people had parents who straight up violently assaulted you. This stuff isn't spanking when you have broken bones or curled into a ball getting beaten. Horrifying.

To be fair, I was a little fucker in the first thing I mentioned. They thought I got kidnapped or something, for hours. The thing with the recliner felt escalated because the argument was over wearing a jacket.
whatever my mom can get her hands on.

from straw brooms, electric cords, sandals, kitchen tools, belts. even her hand.

she was into throwing things too. plates, small infrared heaters.
Kitchen slipper or Hangar.
As we got older it got funny cause my mum would chase us around.

Never found it a big deal, wouldnt change a thing about my parents.

It was 99.9% my mum doing the hitting.


Its weird because I look back at it and laugh but I know for fuck certain I would never subject my future (maybe) child to what I went through as a kid.
I'm still really on the fence about it with my daughter. She's got a few years before it becomes a real question.
On one hand, I definitely remember the lessons I learned that were punctuated by spankings (don't lie, don't wander into the street), but on the other hand corporal punishment does have a negative stigma for being old fashioned. I just can't personally vouch for the efficacy of other methods of punishment.
There is definitely a line between what is acceptable and what is excessive though. Is never use a belt or any such whipping tool, for instance, but an open palm (or wooden spoon in my case) on the bottom doesn't seem nearly as harsh.


Whatever was in reaching distance, boy do I remember. I have a 7 year old brother now, he never gets spanked/hit, maybe my bad parenting talk finally got through to them.... Or maybe they just didn't like me, I was a really messed up kid from what I hear from relatives.
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