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How were you spanked?

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I was constantly thinking about this when I was reading about all the gaffers who had to go and pick a 'switch'.
Is this a US cultural thing? I had never heard of it until I watched Community.


only one time when i was 8. some klaps on my ass. It was more symbilic. I stole money from my mother and i still think my spanks were necassary.

Never before and never after i got spanked. When my parents talked, i listened.
I got smacked on the butt once or twice, but only when I was being a real shit like pretending to run away from home. I probably deserverd to be smacked more than I did to be honest.
My parents weren't the spanking type, and by the time I was 13 or 14 I was stronger and bigger than my dad, so no.

You said that like it actually means something. Haaaaaaaaaa. I was bigger and stronger than my mom at an earlier age than 14 but I wouldn't dare hit her back if she struck me.


Got slapped exactly twice. I don't think it traumatised me or anything, although I can recall it perfectly (must've been 22 and 16 years ago, I'm 29 now).
I was mostly spanked on my bare-ass. If I done something really bad, the classic feather dust comes out. The bamboo rod has a really mean elasticity which I imagine how it would feel from a leather belt.
Once, open handed, I laughed, I don't think my parents really intended to harm me when they did it. My parents shrugged and realized that taking my allowance away was more effective and I never got spanked again.

Spanking is a joke.

I have a friend that got beat with a belt and the buckle and just said it was normal. He also hates his dad and was the oldest of 9 kids.

I can't believe that people can justify that kind of behavior.


Belt. And only times I can remember it happening is when I disappeared for hours without telling anyone.

I learned my lesson, and I hold nothing against them for it. I have those memories, sure, but I don't really see a problem with it. I was stupid, and it created a memory that made me remember not to do it again.

Not sure if I'd spank my children, if I had any, but yeah.


Down on the floor and with a slipper.

I laughed cause it didnt hurt at all, which in turn made my mum much much furious. My siblings (jokingly) goads my mom to hit me harder - since its not clearly working. :p

Dad, didnt do any spanking at all. He just looks at you and you'd know you screwed up, then gives you ice cream later in the day

With teachers... Tons! rulers, ear twisting, open palms...


My step-dad beat me until I had bruises for weeks. That wasn't a LOT but it was more than once or twice. He was an abusive mofo to both me and my mom. I don't particularly care for him now.

My mom would spank me on my ass, but never hard. More like something to startle me rather than actually cause pain.

My grandmother and I to this day though, joke about her rings. One time we were in the car and I was jokingly mouthing off to her and she was jokingly smacking my face (it wasn't meant to hurt, it was just a joke) - when she "smacked" my face, she hit slightly harder than she meant to with her rings. So now if I get "mouthy" with her, she threatens to put on her rings and smack me.

I love my grandma.
Was never spanked. But once when on a school trip, we visited a 'Olde tyme' schoolhouse and had a lesson as it was done decades ago or whatever. Cursive writing. I was joking with a classmate and all of a sudden felt a huge SLAP on the back of my head that jolted me forward and knocked the pencil out of my hand. It was the teacher, providing what I can only assume he felt was period-specific discipline.

Also my dad smacked the back of my head a few times. Always made me feel strange.


I was slapped a few times, spanked with a belt a few times. It never taught me any long lasting lessons and it didn't stop me from doing anything.

Spanking is a joke.

I have a friend that got beat with a belt and the buckle and just said it was normal. He also hates his dad and was the oldest of 9 kids.

All it teaches a child is that big people can hurt little people, that if you don't want to get spanked, don't get caught, and that people can be assholes and that includes parents.

The most effective methods are, as far as psychology is concerned, extinction and positive reinforcement:


My parents actually had a good psycological play when it came to me and my brother. My mom was always the one to go to, ask permission, etc. She did spank us a few times, but never anything seriously. Just her hand on our clothed bottoms. It was mostly a scare tactic to get us in line. My dad never did, but due to how their roles were, if mom said "when we get home, you're gonna deal with your dad" we were utterly terrified, even though he literally never laid a hand on us.

Well played, rents.

Other than that, my dad would threaten a belt when we were in our teens, but it was as a joke because we were all being smartasses to each other.


I was actually never hit other than one time I was refusing to eat in like the 2nd grade and my mom punched me in the stomach, my mouth opened and then she put the food in. Closest thing I had happen that constitutes abuse, but I laugh about it now. Still won't do it to any of my kids personally.

Everything else was like fear tactics, like my dad taking off his belt but never using it, picking up a hanger but not using it. My mom slapped me quite a few times though.
For me, it was a switch (small, thin branch) to the ankles or the calf. I got the belt once, but I forgot why. I got switched all the time.

I personally have no real opinion on whether it did me good or ill.

Ric Flair

I was spanked a few times (maybe 3). It didn't teach me anything, but made me fearful of my dad in the times they happened. My dad almost punched me when I didn't get out of bed to go to my grandmas house with him one time. I think my grandpa was on deaths door and I didn't have any concept of what that meant, or what it meant to my dad. I think I understand the punch more than the spankings. My dad is generally speaking a really loving guy. Very nice, I think we just have a little rage in our family DNA that will poke its head every now and then.
Smacks on the butt or pinches on the arm were the worst I or my siblings to my knowledge ever got. My parents would routinely threaten us with belts and the like, as I'm sure their parents did to them, but they've never gone through with it.


Open palm only, on my bare buttocks. I think I was bent over their knees too. Relatively regular before I became a teenager.


I was beaten at home and at school. At home I'd get everything from the hand, to a switch, to the hanger. I would hide under the bed, but my dad's reach could get me. At school, teachers would use the thin edge of metal rulers on my palm (this could be for simply missing a homework assignemtn)... The principal would use a switch... And I had a chair thrown at me, which luckily hit my foot.


I'am the youngest of three and wasn't spanked at all, I think my parents got it all out of there system on my brother and sister.
I'am the youngest of three and wasn't spanked at all, I think my parents got it all out of there system on my brother and sister.
Same with my little sister, though coincidentallythey're so lenient on her she's also the most spoiled and a bigger brat than either of us older siblings were.


Open Palm on the leg or rear. I was actually hit with a belt...maybe twice? Usually by my father. Can't remember what I did but I must have been a real shit because Dad rarely ever was upset.

Anyone spanked with feather duster handles or slippers? Asian parents here.
Asian acquaintance of mine got it with a spatula I remember hearing.
Never. I was spoiled (only child, years of trying beforehand, then almost died twice as an infant).

There was one time my mum lightly tapped me with a wooden clotheshanger for being a brat when she took me shopping for school uniform. I give her shit about it to this day (good-naturedly) and she still feels guilty.
My mom used kitchen utensils on my back and buttocks. Usually wasn't too bad, though on a few occasions she hit me hard enough to snap them in half.

My dad was a different story. He would apply an open palm when fairly calm, usually to the buttocks, sometimes to the face...but when he wasn't, as was often the case, he liked to wrestle me to the floor, pick me up and throw me into furniture. My most traumatic memory is of him throwing me onto the floor from my top bunk bed in the middle of the night and then violently kicking me repeatedly in the stomach. My brother's is of him dragging him into the bathroom and slamming his head against the toilet seat, again and again.

So i guess you went to the police.


Mom's love that wooden spoon don't they?

I honestly didn't know it was this common.

Lol me either, I see it a lot in this thread

I got spanked with a few things, switch, belt, hand and slippers

We all got spanked and none of my mom and dad kids they raised (4) ever been arrested or strung out on drugs, so it must have worked.
Reading more of this posts, people considering keeping this practices for their children are just saying fuck you to tons of studies and research about learning, discipline and education of kids. In this era of information, trying to teach something while physically punishing someone is being a literal lazy fuck. You wanna be a parent? Read, search, find professional assistance, figure the best way or method to teach without looking like a man from the caverns.

And stop justifying the abuse.


Open hand. Only thing it taught me was that my parents were easily manipulated, and I got better at hiding my bad deeds. Totally counter-productive. It's a sign of weakness in parents IMO. Typically only a way for them to vent their emotions, not really a way to punish.


I'm 24 and I got spanked as a child...more like slapped with an open palm. Sometimes I would get "Botteh" on my butt, however the most painful was always the hair pulling.

Growing up Italian yay

To be honest I preferred the physical abuse to the mental abuse, bumps and bruises heal.
Open hand, backhand (last time a parent hit me, was 18 and had an argument with my mom), flipflops (preferred tool), coat hangers (once or twice), rods (3 times), belts (when what I did was more severe than a flipflop use but less than a rod).
Lots of ear pulling.

I don't think I would ever hit my hypothetical son/daughter, but it must be really hard not to sometimes.
I never really got spanked from what I remember, but my dad used to flick the back of my earlobe if I was doing something really stupid. My brothers and I were more scared of my Dad yelling since he was a big guy and intimidating, kinda like Jack Arnold from Wonder Years.

Wasn't until years later I understood why he was grumpy a lot of the time when we were younger.

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Never had physical violence used against me by my parents. It's kind of unthinkable to me, honestly.
Belt, fly swatter, open hand. The worst is smack to the face by my mom.

One time when I was like 16 my stepdad was lecturing me and I have a tendency to zone out when people are yelling at me. So I dunno what exactly happened but he flipped me over to spank me (which btw is totally inappropriate) and my head got slammed into the hearth of the fireplace. And all the sudden my mom and stepdad were like oh we're so sorry blablablabla.. And I yelled "FUCK YOU!" to both of them. Then my mom said "and see that's why you got hit" I'm thinking wtf no you hit my head and that's why I said fuck you. But whatever makes them sleep a night. Honestly, I had pretty abusive stepdads. Fuck them (not my mom..just my stepdads).
I hope I never spank my child.
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