Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alright. I grew up on the prequels. They were my original Star Wars. Everything about them captivated me. The sci-fi aesthetic, the buddhist-like Jedi council, the lightsabers, the characters, the vehicles. I saw Episode I when I was 12, about the same age as Anakin is in that movie. It was my first Star Wars movie. I loved it. The pod racing, the space battles, the EPIC lightsaber duel at the end, the amazing score, the cool characters (Qui-Gonn and Darth Maul). I enjoyed Episode II as well, especially the Kamino sequence. Episode III was by far the best and I loved pretty much everything besides Anakin's super speedy heel turn.
I saw the OT later in my life and realized why people didn't like the prequels. The OT is very focused, and tells one story: Luke Skywalker becoming a Jedi and redeeming Anakin Skywalker. It has a sense of urgency and despair to it. The Jedi are a mystical fallen order, and there is a sense of mystery to the world. The Empire is a legitimate threat throughout the story and Darth Vader is an extremely iconic villain, right from his first appearance - and he appears in every movie after. Lucas said he wanted us to feel like we were thrown into the middle of the story, and he did a good job. There's a lot of goofiness to these movies, too, with Chewie, the Ewoks, the DEATH STAR (twice), so I don't think the complaints against the prequels' goofiness are founded, but I don't have the nostalgia going for me, so... (I like it in both sets of movies, even if Jar Jar is a bit much)
Anyway, I'm rambling. The point is this: the prequels are lacking something the OT has. Why do we start with kid Anakin? It makes Episode I feel so far removed from the others that it is nearly pointless. II introduces the Clone Wars instead of taking place during the Clone Wars, which the far superior cartoon takes up instead. Episode III is the only story where we see Anakin at his peak, and I feel the only prequel movie to live up the the OT (I like it better than Episode VI and equally as much as IV). Why didn't we start with Padawan Anakin? Why didn't we see more of Obi-wan and Anakin doing Jedi missions together? Far too much time was wasted on space politics and extraneous setup. I think it would also have been much better if Anakin was not space Jesus and was simply a very talented Jedi Knight. I think his reason for his fall was fine - he was impetuous and let his passion control him, but it was ultimately Sidious' fault. That was alright, but it needed more time to gestate, and I think it's because we only see "adult" Anakin in one movie.
What would you have done differently? How would you show Anakin's downfall and the Jedi in their prime? Please don't shitpost and say "lolol the prequels were shit, erase them" or anything like that. We've heard it all already. Try to be constructive.
I saw the OT later in my life and realized why people didn't like the prequels. The OT is very focused, and tells one story: Luke Skywalker becoming a Jedi and redeeming Anakin Skywalker. It has a sense of urgency and despair to it. The Jedi are a mystical fallen order, and there is a sense of mystery to the world. The Empire is a legitimate threat throughout the story and Darth Vader is an extremely iconic villain, right from his first appearance - and he appears in every movie after. Lucas said he wanted us to feel like we were thrown into the middle of the story, and he did a good job. There's a lot of goofiness to these movies, too, with Chewie, the Ewoks, the DEATH STAR (twice), so I don't think the complaints against the prequels' goofiness are founded, but I don't have the nostalgia going for me, so... (I like it in both sets of movies, even if Jar Jar is a bit much)

Anyway, I'm rambling. The point is this: the prequels are lacking something the OT has. Why do we start with kid Anakin? It makes Episode I feel so far removed from the others that it is nearly pointless. II introduces the Clone Wars instead of taking place during the Clone Wars, which the far superior cartoon takes up instead. Episode III is the only story where we see Anakin at his peak, and I feel the only prequel movie to live up the the OT (I like it better than Episode VI and equally as much as IV). Why didn't we start with Padawan Anakin? Why didn't we see more of Obi-wan and Anakin doing Jedi missions together? Far too much time was wasted on space politics and extraneous setup. I think it would also have been much better if Anakin was not space Jesus and was simply a very talented Jedi Knight. I think his reason for his fall was fine - he was impetuous and let his passion control him, but it was ultimately Sidious' fault. That was alright, but it needed more time to gestate, and I think it's because we only see "adult" Anakin in one movie.

What would you have done differently? How would you show Anakin's downfall and the Jedi in their prime? Please don't shitpost and say "lolol the prequels were shit, erase them" or anything like that. We've heard it all already. Try to be constructive.
Example: Don't do this ^^^^^^^Destroying every copy available, if possible.