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How would you fix the Star Wars prequels?

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Page one rewrite. It's the only hope.

Yup. Rewatch Hope-Jedi make notes about what is hinted at and then build up from there.

The big thing would be young Vader as a man who is great a pilot. Not a kid who chances lucks into blowing up the end the movie button and then has the craziest growth spurt ever when the directror realized he couldn't do romance with a woman and a kid.


By the by, why would Vader think Obi Wan died if he last saw him with his legs chopped off and crying.

He wasn't even that old *shrugs*


By the by, why would Vader think Obi Wan died if he last saw him with his legs chopped off and crying.

He wasn't even that old *shrugs*

I think you have the people reversed there (Obi Wan cut off Anakin/Darth Vader's legs), also Anakin lost both of his legs plus his one remaining normal arm (he had a robotic arm from when count Dooku cut it off), and Anakin was left being burned alive on the edge of a stream of lava. He was a charred husk when Sidious came and found him, so it's not much of a stretch to believe that he was dead. Still I agree. Even if it would have been out of character, Obi Wan should have stabbed him at least once to finish him off.

Edit: found the scene on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_YozYt8l-g


I think you have the people reversed there (Obi Wan cut off Anakin/Darth Vader's legs), also Anakin lost both of his legs plus his one remaining normal arm (he had a robotic arm from when count Dooku cut it off), and Anakin was left being burned alive on the edge of a stream of lava. He was a charred husk when Sidious came and found him, so it's not much of a stretch to believe that he was dead. Still I agree. Even if it would have been out of character, Obi Wan should have stabbed him at least once to finish him off.
I misspoke, I mean why would Vader think Obi wan was dead when Obi wan beat him like a little bitch and then went into hiding.
Make politician Palpatine an unwitting clone of Sidious, with no midichlorians and no force abilities. At some point the Jedi kill the clone (believing he is the Sith lord) and the real guy emerges from the sidelines, crying that his loyal decoy has been killed and that the Jedi are now enemies of the Republic.

This would tie up some loose threads and seemingly useless information.
The original idea was that he fell INTO a volcano. Which would make Ben's going in after him a lot more prohibitive.

When he decided to morph that into that "high ground" scene, there is now no real reason why Obi-Wan couldn't have walked down there and put "his brother" out of his misery.


Cut the entire first movie. Nothing happens in it.

Cut all the stupid references to the original series that make no sense. C3PO being made by Anakin, R2D2, Chewbaca knowing Yoda, the bounty hunter's dad being the father of the clones, the clones wearing storm tropper outfits.

-Keep the droids but for gods sake don't use them as a source of comedic relief!

-Remove Jar Jar

-Remove midichlorians

-Add in Ashoka - people liked her lots

-Remove every cringeworthy line of dialogue

-Flesh out the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan, and Akakin and Padime. Also make it clear why Anakin was having so many problems. Show his progression to the darkside. This is the hardest part to pull off.

-People like to complain that the jedi order shouldn't have been some intergalactic peacekeeping organization. Meh, it was fine. Doesn't matter. But bring that into the story - make that more of a part of why they fell. They got too big for their own good.

The answer pretty much exists as-is in the form of "The Clone Wars"

Eh, its like putting a bandaid on a huge wound. Theres too much stupid in the prequels that just makes no sense (Largely but not limited to the form of references to the original films)


Water is not wet!
C3-P0. See Threepio in the books. R2-D2. Artoo Deetu in the books. So before we got to actually see the Clone Wars i thought it was something like this. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a clone of the Ben Kenobi template. OB-1. Anything would be better than what we got.

Not Spaceghost

Style the movies to follow the same beats as classical fallen knight stories, like paradise lost and the Arthurian story of mordred.

At its core the prequel movies are basically about the road to evil being paved with good intentions but only episode 3 managed to convey that in any direct way.

I like the world building focus of the prequel movies and even the story is kind of alright in an outline.

But it all felt so out of focus.
C3-P0. See Threepio in the books. R2-D2. Artoo Deetu in the books. So before we got to actually see the Clone Wars i thought it was something like this. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a clone of the Ben Kenobi template. OB-1. Anything would be better than what we got.

Please no. If there's one thing I give Lucas credit for, its that he did NOT turn the Clone Wars into a Body-Snatchers-esque, "Anyone can be a clone!" bullshit horror story.
Cut the entire first movie. Nothing happens in it.

Cut all the stupid references to the original series that make no sense. C3PO being made by Anakin, R2D2, Chewbaca knowing Yoda, the bounty hunter's dad being the father of the clones, the clones wearing storm tropper outfits.

-Keep the droids but for gods sake don't use them as a source of comedic relief!

-Remove Jar Jar

-Remove midichlorians

-Add in Ashoka - people liked her lots

-Remove every cringeworthy line of dialogue

-Flesh out the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan, and Akakin and Padime. Also make it clear why Anakin was having so many problems. Show his progression to the darkside. This is the hardest part to pull off.

-People like to complain that the jedi order shouldn't have been some intergalactic peacekeeping organization. Meh, it was fine. Doesn't matter. But bring that into the story - make that more of a part of why they fell. They got too big for their own good.

Eh, its like putting a bandaid on a huge wound. Theres too much stupid in the prequels that just makes no sense (Largely but not limited to the form of references to the original films)

Any non democratic power with so much power just plain renders any attempts of a muh democracy story pointless.

What is that? Iran?
Apart from everything.
What I would really like to see is some actual motivation for vader to go the Dark side
Maybe Obi trained Anakin alongside Anakin BFF, and BFF had to die because of some Jedi bureaucracy or something. IDK I liked the OT but not huge fan so sorry if that sacrilegious or something.
- Why did Anakin have to be attractive? I think young Vader should have been played by someone average-looking at best and perhaps even unattractive. Obviously, the thought here is that Anakin's character would win Padme's heart through depth of character. Paul Dano would have been perfect.

- Darth Maul was awesome. His character could have been used to better explain the significance of the master/apprentice relationship in the Star Wars universe. His story should have been built out to span (perhaps) the duration of the trilogy. Which brings me to my next point.

- Count Dooku was pointless.

- General Grievous, behind the blitz of CGI, seemed like a fascinating character. Too bad, like Maul, he was used almost exclusively as a means of reminding the viewer just how cool lightsabers are.

- With the exception of the rolling sentry droids, I found the vehicles and mecha underwhelming in their designs.

Those are just my thoughts. All in all, I don't hold the prequel trilogy in too negative a light. They were fun. Far from perfect, at least they were entertaining.


I write them off as elaborate, misguided recreations of the story that actually took place.

The story, on paper, isn't bad. The characters, on paper, aren't bad. The movies just do a terrible job of selling them to you in a way that makes a compelling film.


I could write a 50 page essay on this, bit I'll stick to some major points.

-Give Obi-Wan something to actually do in Phantom Menace. Some kind of actual fucking arc. Something to make a character out of him.

-Don't make Anakin 10.

-Don't make Tattooine the planet they find Anakin on.

-Do something more with Darth Maul. Show him on his ship training or something.

-throw out the Phantom Menace script and start again.

-In Attack of the Clones, don't kill Zam (the shapeshifting assassin). Maybe Anakin keeps the poison from spreading through her system (he is supposed to be crazy powerful, right?) and she's kept alive for interrogation after she recovers. Hell, team her up with Obi-Wan in hunting down Jango. She'd probably want revenge for him trying to kill her. She could bring a different energy to play off of Obi-Wan, and atleast then you have a female character that doesn't suck ass.

-Maybe make the inclusion of Beru and Owen more interesting than "we live on this shitty farm... I guess."

-Completely rewrite the Padme and Anakin romance. As is, he's a creepy fucking stalker and she's a complete non-person who falls in love with a murderer. Also if you're supposed to be in hiding, don't go BACK TO YOUR HOME PLANET.

-Who the fuck is Count Dooku? Why does he matter? Why did he leave the Jedi? You have Christopher Lee and you aren't going to use him? What if he's supposed to be the mediator between the Separatists and the Republic? Have Padme and Anakin stay with him, but then play up this false sense of security Dracula angle. Maybe he can use the force to mess with people's fears and their dreams? It would work thematically with Anakin being afraid for his mom. It would show the force off in a way that isn't the same shit we've already seen before. Maybe when staying with Dooku, Anakin starts getting exposed to ideas from a Jedi who has left the order and doesn't see it as so great, unaware he's being manipulated by another fucking Sith.

-Don't make Anakin a murderer of children! Atleast not in a movie where he is still supposed to joke and be (presumably) likable afterwards.

-Dooku's line to Anakin "you have fear you have anger, but you don't use them." Take that from Revenge of the Sith and put it at the end duel in Attack of the Clones. And then, after losing his arm and getting his ass beat, Anakin lashes out in anger, after all his built up anger and all the manipulation, and starts tearing the hanger down before passing out. The Yoda comes in and keeps it from killing them all.

-Cut that bullshit Yoda lightsaber shit.

-Keep the plot for most of Revenge of the Sith, but hand it to a writer who knows what people sound like... Not like that dumb fucking scene on the balcony with Anakin telling Padme she's so beautiful, and that horrifically awkward exchange back and forth between them.


Complete re-write.
- No Prophecy
- No Midichlorians
- No ridiculous trade disputes
- No boring political blathering
- No Kid Anakin
- No Jedi: Space Police

Quick Summary:
The Jedi are a much smaller group that uses their collective connection to the Force to shepherd the thousands of planets and distinct species of the Republic to maintain peace. They're in the background, listening to the Will of the Force and pulling all the strings to make sure the galaxy doesn't tear itself apart.

The conflict arises when Jedi begin to lose their connection with the Force. The Sith (here, more of a cult) have been trying to clone Force Sensitives for generations, and in doing so one acolyte (Palpatine) discovered that all clones share a singular connection (so the more clones, the more diluted their power with the Force). He uses this to quickly weaken his rivals, assume the role of Master, and begins cloning Jedi to both create his own army and weaken his enemies.

The Clone Wars are just that; a war over the cloning of Jedi (in this version, cloning would be well established, with the Republic's army having been built that way for centuries). It's basically the "Free will to use our power" Sith vs. the Determinist Jedi (Edit: To be clear; the Force doesn't tell them what to do like some kind of awareness, they just use it to sense unrest and then act to quell it through mediation or intervention).

Palpatine turns Anakin not with spooky dreams and crappy speeches but by pointing out the moral implications of the Jedi manipulating everything (i.e. The "Mind Trick" only works on the weak-minded, isn't that taking advantage of their weakness?) and appealing to the contradictions of nature (i.e. the Jedi weaken the galaxy by denying it the conflict it needs to grow, like preventing a forest fire from clearing room for new growth). Where the original trilogy was very much about Destiny, Fate and the Monomyth, the prequels would step back and look at Will vs. Destiny.

The nugget at the core of this idea is when Obi Wan says he "Doesn't remember owning a droid" in Episode IV. That's because there was more than one of him running around and he's the original "Ben Kenobi". "Obi Wan" could actually be more like a designation, like "Zero One." Maybe a bit too "Hail Hydra" for Star Wars, but anything is better than "Let's try spinning, that's a neat trick!"

I misspoke, I mean why would Vader think Obi wan was dead when Obi wan beat him like a little bitch and then went into hiding.

In the above universe, it's cuz Vader eventually killed Obi Wan, his friend and mentor, not realizing he was a clone of Ben all along.


Neo Member
1) The bad guys are the clones, always thought the republic should have had an army, which started out small but grew as the war went and became the empire.

2) Don't have the jedi being against emotional and physical relationships, always hated this.

3) Make Anakins wife a jedi, i like the idea of there children being so powerful as they are the product of 2 jedi's. Also she shouldn't die at the end of the film.

4) no C3P0 or R2D2.

5) Make the clone wars last a lot longer, like 10 or 12 years, i want the galxay almost broken by it, thus explaining why the empire was able to get into power.

6) in the final fight between obi-wan and anakin, have him fall into what ever scars him be in lava or tar, and he manages to get himself out by encasing himself in a force bubble of pure rage. but not till after he's injuried horribly by it.

7) no Death star plans

8) start the film with anakin as the same age as Luke.

9) Make Owen Lars make fucking sense.

10) obi-wan is the main character, we follow him through his story.

11) Palpatine is in it, but you never see him as his sith lord persona, so your always in the dark about what he's up to, just like the main characters are. He has an apprentice and he is the main villain of all 3 films.

MC Safety

No podracing, no slavery, no miracle birth, no young Anakin, no Jar-Jar, no Padme, no trade agreement/economic blockade nonsense, no midichlorians, no Jango and Boba Fett, and no massacres of children.

The story would begin with the onset of the clone wars as Obi-Wan loses an apprentice and finds a new one in a teenaged Anakin.

I'd keep most of the ending intact, except for the ridiculous bit about Padme dying because of a broken heart. And we don't need to see Darth Vader at all in the prequels, but if you nutters are going to get up in arms over this and vent your spleens, then just assume I said (and meant) that Darth Vader absolutely should appear at the end of the prequels.


I've only seen each of them once so I don't remember much but:

First one: make darth maul actually a real character. He looks cool but is pointless, has no personality or purpose. Less cgi more practical effects. No small child anakin, start him at 10 at least. Get proper actors, or make sure the actors you get actually act.

Second one: don't be so fucking cheesy. Make a proper love story with characters you relate to and you buy their romance. No cgi Apple eating

Third one: make it dark as fuck. No crazy silly cgi video game level sequence( I seem to remember conveyor belts and pneumatic presses and guys jumping around like a 8bit mega man game). No higher ground. No "noooo". No dumb shit child birth scene.

I guess just less of what we got and more of somethng different. I don't have much to offer this discussion I think, just make them completely different haha.


No midichlorians
No Space Jesus
Start with an older Anakin
No R2D2 or C3PO, especially not owned/created by Ani
Use Darth Maul for three movies. Anakin is his replacement.
More well developed love between Padme and Anakin, not this creepy shit
No more conveyor belt scenes
Don't have Padme die, just flee.
No "nooooooooo"


- Have Episode 1 start somewhere in between the current Ep. 2 and Ep. 3. No kiddie Anakin nonsense.

- Keep the focus squarely on Anakin and Obi Wan's relationship in Episodes 1 and 2, with Palpatine and Anakin's association developing in 2 and especially 3. No pointless self-indulgent effects porn like the podrace.

- Ep. 3 would show Palpatine dropping his facade (no face melting. Make his younger Palp face a Force illusion concealing the Emperor's classic look), a newly christened Vader hunting Jedi, the consolidation of the Empire, and the first glimmers of the Rebel Alliance. This movie would serve as a bridge between the two trilogies.

- An equal distribution of important plot developments across all three films.

- A more restrained depiction of the galaxy in the days before the Empire, with a tone and style much closer to those of the Original Trilogy.

- No glowstick ninjutsu.

- If Darth Maul still exists, keep him as the primary villain through at least the first two films.


Better writing, better effects, better actors, better directing.

Have the story focus more on Obiwan and make the characters interesting, be logically and function appropriately in the Star Wars universe.

Keep an air of mystery like in the OT. Have Anakin be less Space Jesusy. Age Anakin a bit so he's not a little kid in the first movie. Give Maul more of a presence.

A more natural Padme and Anakin relationship.

Less kiddy, more cool, make Jedis less stupid.
If I had my pick, I'd go with a complete revision of the prequel scripts from top to bottom -- if we're talking about remaking them as a film trilogy. No space jesus. No Jar Jar. Better writing, and directing, etc.. No amount of fan edits can save the prequels. And even though I felt a number of the stories from The Clone Wars was handled well, they can't salvage the prequels for what they are.

But since Disney seems invested in preserving material from The Clone Wars I think the next best thing would be to greenlight an animated series set during the prequels. Produce each of the films in the form of 15-20 episode seasons, which in addition to retelling the prequels more competently, can be used to explore more backstory of the characters, factions, lore, etc... Doing so could allow the writers to better flesh out their world.

For example, they'd be better equipped at developing the backstory of Naboo and its culture. Padme's past, along with her present circumstances could be explored. I'd also age her abit, place her at around 18-21. No Jar Jar preferably, but minimally if absolutely mandated by Disney.

Each season could be broken down into 4 or 5 multi episode arcs that lead into the next. And they wouldn't necessarily have to be carbon copy, frame by frame retelling of the prequels either. Just hit all the important story points well and in a way that works in harmony with the material from TCW and Rebels. Sign of Dave Filoni and his writers to pull off the task.

In retelling the prequels, Filoni should look to the more successful reboots of the past. One example, albeit an unconventional one, would be the Mortal Kombat reboot from 2011. Its story mode may not have been the most original, but it did a decent job in piecing together the already established source material in its story mode. I liked that Ed Boon wasn't above incorperating characters like Jax or Kitana into the MK1 portion of the story mode. Imagine characters like Count Dooku or members of the Separatists having roles in the Phantom Menace for example. Or characters from TCW's making appearances. And why Lucas could only give Tarkin a cameo in ROTS boggles my mind. A retelling of Episode III would allow for a more meatier elaboration of Tarkin's role in Palpatine's rule.


I've always felt it was a missed opportunity to have no mystery surrounding Palpatine. Just as we knew Anakin would become Vader, we knew Palpatine was Darth Sidious and would become the Emperor. We even get that stupid scene at the end of episode 1 where Mace Windu and Yoda talk about the Sith Master, and the camera pans to Senator Palpatine staring into the fire intently.

I would have liked some misdirection. Maybe have a couple of characters that could become Palpatine (make Palpatine an assumed ruling name he takes on when he becomes Emperor), but we don't know for sure until it happens. Throw in a twist with Darth Sidious - he turns out not to become the Emperor at all, and is just another pawn.


For me, cut out Episode I. (Darth Maul, I love you, but Kid Anakin.......) Rework elements of it throughout the other movies.

Instead, start with the Clone Wars. SHOW the Clone Wars. When I watch the Clone Wars animated series, I think, "Yeah, this is how the prequels should've been." That era has so much potential that the movies barely even scratch the surface of.

Maybe better writing in places. Don't let George Lucas have so much say in it.

The Mule

Machete order helps.


Basically cut out EpI

They'd have to be re-written from scratch. No way around it.
But at the end of the day this is true. The issues are chronic. Anakin is a terribly realised character. Lucas failed to make him tragic yet relatable and the relationship with Padme is hamfisted at best. Ewan did his best with Obi-Wan, but you can't polish a turd, no matter how good of an actor you are.


Machete order helps.


Basically cut out EpI
Episode 1 has some high points, like some of the art design (Amidala, some ships, some droids, Theed's architecture, the Gungan city from afar), the exceptional score, and Darth Maul.

Machete order is trash. Release order makes the most sense.


i actually started watching phantom menace last night. i made it about 20 minutes in.

you know shit has already gone wrong in the first paragraph of the opening crawl:

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.


Trade disputes, huh? thrilling. really grabbed me right away.

it only went downhill from there, of course.
I wouldn't do anything to them. Love them just as they are. Unique and visionary films.

And truly, if I thought I was a better storyteller than George Lucas, I would spend my time creating my own stories. Which is what I do.


Machete orders exists because you keep riding the high of Empire and you're dying to know what's up and have to deal with two fucking movies so you can finally get back to what actually matters (and it turns out a relatively dissapointing wait) making Jedi feel worse than it actually is.
Machete also knows it can't subjugate you to 3 straight trash movies in a row because not even Empire high gets that high.
The original idea was that he fell INTO a volcano. Which would make Ben's going in after him a lot more prohibitive.

When he decided to morph that into that "high ground" scene, there is now no real reason why Obi-Wan couldn't have walked down there and put "his brother" out of his misery.

Yeah the original visual dictionary talks about this if I remember right. It's interesting to read the original one that came out before the prequels and the re-done one that came out afterwards.
I wouldn't do anything to them. Love them just as they are. Unique and visionary films.

And truly, if I thought I was a better storyteller than George Lucas, I would spend my time creating my own stories. Which is what I do.

Just to clarify, you just stated you're a better storyteller than George Lucas, yet simultaneously claimed there's not a single thing you wouldn't have changed, in a thread entirely about possible changes.

Machete order

Is just basic fan editing for people who dont have equipment.

Just like actual fan edits, it never actually does what its creators say it does. It just shuffles broken things into new broken shapes.
Now that George Lucas gave up all control of the franchise I'm starting to feel like it's cruel to keep piling onto them.

The reason the prequels were so disappointing in the first place is that we had waited over 15 years for them. It's a long time to get lathered up only to end up watching The Phantom Menace. When George Lucas seemed to ignore all of the criticisms to the special editions and the prequels it started to feel like the future of the franchise was going to be a bunch of silly, ponderous nonsense.

In that context it felt totally reasonable to act like they were the worst films ever made. But now Lucas has completely washed his hands of it, and JJ Abrams and Disney are currently bombarding us on all fronts with Star Wars movies designed specifically to address the issues people had with the prequels.

The prequels were failures, but Lucas really was trying to do something ambitious. There are many, more cynical franchise runners out there who would have released Star Wars 7 in 1984, with Darth Vader brought back from the dead for 9 more sequels.
Nah, there was way more to it than a 15 year wait. And it was never reasonable to act like they were the worst films ever made. That was always dumb as shit.

But you're right that it's strange as hell people still can't, 10+ years after Sith came out and 3+ years after he sold the company entirely, let go their weirdly-placed animosity.


Get rid of Ep 1, make the trilogy all about the Clone Wars. Have Anakin and Obi-Wan be close friends from the start so the climax of Ep 3 is more emotional. Develop Anakin and Padme's relationship and Anakin's descent gradually over the course of the movies. Actually, just make it the Clone Wars TV show.


The original idea was that he fell INTO a volcano. Which would make Ben's going in after him a lot more prohibitive.

When he decided to morph that into that "high ground" scene, there is now no real reason why Obi-Wan couldn't have walked down there and put "his brother" out of his misery.
Maybe in Lucas's original vision Anakin fell into the caldera and used his limbs in catlike fashion to keep his trunk above the lava's roiling surface, and he was all like: 'Oh man, oh jeez! It's so hot!"

And as his limbs slowly melted he continued: "Oh god, oh no! My body and face are inching toward the searing crust of this liquid inferno! Oh sweet holy mercy, my fingernails have boiled away! My hair is a nest of cinders! My eyelids are scorched paper! My ears are desiccated shells! My tongue is inert in my mouth, a wedge of parched leather plugging my throat! My teeth are pebbles cradled in charred rinds! By the ears of Yoda, the agony is unreal! My life is pain! Obi Wan, you did this! You did this!"

And then he added: "If my son survives to hear about me, you should probably embroider this part."

Yeah I think that must be pretty close to how he saw it.
Just to clarify, you just stated you're a better storyteller than George Lucas, yet simultaneously claimed there's not a single thing you wouldn't have changed, in a thread entirely about possible changes.
Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not.

But that doesn't mean I feel like I have the right to make changes to his stories.

So I am in complete disagreement with the whole premise of the thread.

Neil Gaiman said:
Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Cut the first two down into one movie, wit a lot more hints of Anakin's risk of turning to the dark side in the latter half.

Second movie is basically the first 3/4ths of ROTS, but with a more convincing build up for Anakin becoming Vader. End movie with that scene of him kneeling before Palpatine.

Then third movie is him as Vader, showing him conflicted and building up to a convincing point of no return that leads to the battle with Obi Wan.
I'm not sure how I would fix it, but you would have to start over completely from scratch. There's no part of the prequels that are worth saving.
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