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How would you fix the Star Wars prequels?

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1) No kid Anakin. Introduce him and start the prequels with Anakin being a teenage padawan. Introduce Padme as a Senator and use the Queen of Naboo shit as backstory.

2) One villain for all three movies, preferably Darth Maul. The prequel trilogy handled its villains terribly and since Maul, Grevious, and Dooku all die in sub-movie length time it detracts from the rise of Vader and makes Vader simply feel like the Emperor's new flavor of the month.

3) No Anakin being Force Jesus storyline

4) Flesh out Obi-Wan and Anakins relationship. Make them actually seem like believable friends. The Clone Wars TV show really helped with this.

5) No Yoda lightsaber fighting

6) No Emperor lightsaber fighting

7) Make Anakin's descent to the Dark Side more believable. The prequels actually started down a believable path in Attack of the Clones when Anakin watches her mom die and then goes ham on the Sand People (which is the best scene in the movie). But then they back off that and instead have Anakin get tricked into going Dark Side. Simply have Anakin get a taste for the Dark Side, like it, and not back down from that.

8) Have Anakin turn to the Dark Side relatively early in Episode 3 and turn into proper suit Darth Vader earlier in the movie. Make the final act of the movie Vader hunting down and murdering Jedi. Make the entire fall of the Jedi Order much scarier, tragic, and impactful.

9) Switch it up so Padme is the one lusting for Anakin instead of Anakin lusting for Padme. It makes more sense that Padme would be the one to coerce Anakin into breaking the Jedi no-love rule instead of the stupid "I'm a senator!" bullshit.

10) Palpatine's "evil" look is simply caused by prolonged use of the Dark Side, not because he took Force Lightning to the face.

11) Nobody besides Palpatine gets to use Force Lightning.

12) Less over choreographed fights. The lightsaber fights in Episodes 2 and 3 are fucking awful when it comes to having tons of unnecessary flips and twirly bullshit. The Maul fight in Episode 1 is actually better about this and feels like a more believable fight between trained lightsaber users (based off of what he saw in the OT).

13) No C-3PO and R2D2. They're pretty unnecessary for the prequels.

14) No Padme dying of a broken heart.

15) More practical effects, less CG

16) Do all of the Stormtroopers really need to be Boba Jango Fett clones? Like the "Anakin Force Jesus" thing, this felt like the franchise being too self aware of one character's popularity.

17) More dynamic camera work, less soap opera cam-1 cam-2 type stuff.

18) Less Jedi being killed by people who aren't Darth Maul or Darth Vader. The Geonosis battle pretty much murders the mystique of the Jedi because it shatters their aura of invincibility. Keep the Jedi deaths reduced, this helps make Vader's rise more impactful once he starts offing Jedi.

10 his face is messed up as a side effects of using force lightening.

He's the best who ever used it
- Make Anakin a little older from the start. Also give him little nods to having anger issues. (being raised without a father)

- Qui-gon dies in front of both Anakin and Obi-wan. Darth Maul gets away. They both deal with his death in different ways.

- Drop Dooku. Keep Darth Maul in multiple movies. Anakin and Obi-wan fight Maul. Mirroring the first fight they had with him. Anakin violently kills Maul. First step towards Dark Side.

- No Anakin and Padme secret marriage, he just knocks her up. Both stress out trying to hide it from the Jedi and the government.

- Slight love triangle between Anakin, Padme, and Obi-wan. Making the final fight not just a battle of different ideals.

- Way less CG. Practical effects and more built sets and location shooting.

There's way more. That's just the first things that I thought of.
First you change the starting point. Have Anakin as a Padawan from Episode 1 training with QuiGon as Anakin struggles with being a Padawan that was inducted late. Also show him struggling with the attachment to his mother. QuiGon is still murdered by Maul and him being taken under ObiWans tutelage.

Episode 2 is basically The Clone Wars animated series condense and Episode 3 is the same except with better writing.


As an amateur writer who took a few screenwriting and creative classes, and have no knowledge of Star Wars outside the movies (I never read any of the books or comic books), here are my 2 cents:

1. Drop all "he was going to bring balance to the force" bullshit, prophecies are one of the laziest things you could add to a prequel. Acting as if the events of the originals were set in stone and had to happen. This is a trap a lot of writers fall into when writing prequels, as if the conclusion if a Destiny we should wait. Instead, use the prequel to tell a self-contained story.

2. Have a story about Anakin slowly turning into the dark side because of troubles he has in his life. He doesn't have to kill innocent people or decapitate someone to turn into Darth Vader, let us feel his journey and slowly develop his relationship with Obi-Wan and Padme.

3. You don't have to connect everything to the originals, did we really need to have Anakin build C-3PO ? Did we need to include him or R2D2 at all in this story ? We didn't need to see Chewbacca in the prequels nor did we need to see how Boba Fett got his helmet. Try to tell an original story with the need to in making all of these connections.

4. Epics are boring without interesting characters ti guide us through them, the spectacle you have doesn't matter when the story and characters are dry. Try to make them involved and interesting.

5. Don't shove in pointless action scenes for the sake of having an action scene.


Neo Member
Dont let George direct. Hayden Christianson looks like he doesnt know what the fuck hes reading and you need a stronger direction to make him shine.

Episode 1:
Start anakin off at obi wan's age as a pilot in training on Naboo (Not tattooine). They could grow up together and they could play off each other's insecurities with Anakin developing an inferiority complex from seeing how far ahead Obi-Wan is from him.
Use Anakins pilot skills to get past the blockade.
Less Jar Jar screen time.
Make Qui-Gon feel less aimless.
No Trade politics. No droids. Simple war were declared story. Trade-Fed wants to fraction from the Republic. Trade-Fed builds a clone army to fight the republic. Republic needs to rally troops across star systems. The first battles of the war would start in this one.
Id rather see lives lost that hold more weight. "OH NO! That Clone Army was wiped out by...droids? Why do we care?"
Axe Duku and Grevious and have Darth Maul be a reoccuring villain. Comes back with robo legs and foreshadows to Obi Wan of things to come.

Episode 2:
1000% less jedi. No temple in Courescant.
No romeo juliet story. This part is very important and is why it was the worst in of the trilogy.
Replace it with more character development between anakin and obi wan. We could witness Anakin overtaking Obi Wan in terms of skill but witnessing him slip to the dark side after his mother dies coupled with Anakin's desperation for glory in this war. Obi wan could reflect on how pointless spending lives to fight an army of almost endless clones is.
No Yoda sabre fight.

Episode 3:
End of the war. Republic flying to destroy the last Clone facotry.
Anakin kills Maul here.
No forbidden love between padme and anakin. Jedi can get married. It's fine.
No order 66. Less Jedi requires no need for this order. Can still be a mandate to kill Jedi.
Get rid of Palpatines god damn sabre. Episode 6 implies he is repulsed by these "Jedi Weapons" Him and Yoda should be going at it with the force ONLY.

Quick and dirty.


The prequels still have a lot of potential. Say what you want about the quality, but the OT doesn't come close to the amount of lore started in the prequel trilogy, and the music was phenomenal.

I'd make Anakin older in episode 1, and definitely include Asoka to some degree since she's one of the Star Wars universe's most interesting characters.
I actually have a system

1. Can't get rid of Jar Jar. That's too easy, no challenge. Instead, make Jar Jar good. My idea usually involves changing Jar Jar to being an ex-general. Older and arrogant, but not very good. He thinks himself wise, but he's actually kind of ignorant (I guess think Zoidberg). He wouldn't be a bumbling asshole, and he wouldn't have an annoying voice. He would be the films' comic relief through all three movies. Speaking of which...

2. No C3PO, don't need him. Maybe we can have a cameo for him in the third movie, but he isn't necessary (especially when we have Jar Jar). R2D2 can stay, because we can entertain the idea that he belongs to Amidala.

3. Make Amidala a more fun character, consistently. And try to walk back Anakin's "she won't love me" anguish. It reeks too much of the "women break the man" trope. Have the relationship be a little bit more fun and less dark and romantic (it's fine to be romantic, but it was a bit too silly).

4. Retroactively, no work of fiction can give Palpatine a name. He should just be called the Emperor. Thus, when we see Palpatine (who in this should look a little younger and not as evil - maybe make him look like more of a young Republican type), we don't say "hey he looks and sounds like that monster man in the cloak."

5. No Jango Fett, have Boba Fett instead, and he's not related to the clones silliness. I think it'd be super neat if you just had Boba Fett, sounding like he did in the original films, and thus creating an intrigue of how old he is and what he looks like.

6. Like Belated Media said, Anakin shouldn't turn evil for something that stupid. He should turn evil because he legitimately grows to see the Jedi as betraying him.

7. When Padme dies, it should be that Palpatine made sure to set it up so that Obi-Wan kills her. For instance, let's say that Obi-Wan is about to defeat Grievous, who was betrayed by Palpatine so that Obi-Wan would go, kill Grievous by blowing up his ship, unwittingly killing Padme in the process. Afterward, Palpatine would leak to Anakin that Padme was on board.

8. Darth Maul should be the secondary villain through all three films, and Palpatine's goals are to use Maul to fuel Anakin's rage. I had this idea before seeing Belated Media, FYI :v

9. Dooku shouldn't be a villain of sorts. We shouldn't have Qui-Gon, Dooku should be Obi-Wan's mentor. That would be way more powerful IMO than Qui-Gon whatever.

There ar e so many things you could do, but these are the first that came to mind.
I mentioned this in an earlier post but seeing the posts above, wouldn't it be better to replace Naboo with Alderaan? Scrap the Gungans and keep the cool architecture. We never really see Alderaan so it would make it's destruction more of a thing and also have Bail Organa play more of a role. Get rid of the queen thing too and just have Bail/Padme as Senators. And yeah Darth Maul should be the primary Sith antagonist that the characters see while Palpatine is the secret bad guy.
I mentioned this in an earlier post but seeing the posts above, wouldn't it be better to replace Naboo with Alderaan? Scrap the Gungans and keep the cool architecture. We never really see Alderaan so it would make it's destruction more of a thing and also have Bail Organa play more of a role. Get rid of the queen thing too and just have Bail/Padme as Senators. And yeah Darth Maul should be the primary Sith antagonist that the characters see while Palpatine is the secret bad guy.

I think that you could keep the Gungans, just make them tolerable; after all, Alderaan looks pretty wet.
One big one:

Obi-Wan needs to older, by like a lot. He's only, what, ten years older than Anakin in the PT? No wonder Anakin never listens to him! He doesn't see him as a father/mentor figure, just an annoying older brother who is constantly bossing him around.

Obi-wan needed to be at least 20+ years older so the mentor aspect could feel believable.


Example: Don't do this ^^^^^^^

Why ? I think there is absolutely no way to save the prequels, is there is something wrong in stating my opinion ?

It was a good a idea, the movies came out at the right time too. people were hungry for more Star Wars. Lucas underdelivered on all fronts.

There is nothing to salvage from that mess, in my opinion.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Because he specifically asked you not to in the OP.
Thank you, haha. Seems like a lot of people don't care/didn't listen, but what are you gonna do.

Also, this is far from a hate thread. I still watch and enjoy the prequel movies while recognizing that they are inherently flawed and could have been a whole lot better. I love the concept of pod racing, Jedi in their prime, young Obi-wan, MACE WINDU, the fantastic scores (better than the OT, IMO)... there's a lot to like about the prequels. If they were released as standalone movies, I doubt they would get hated as much. Not living up to their legacy and to the fanbase's expectations is their crime.


I agree with the sentiment that you really gotta start from scratch. While the PT has some good ideas (which I will steal in my suggestions) there are so many fundamental flaws in the PT that a quick fix isn't enough.

Basically this: Obi-Wan is a simple Jedi who hangs with his Jedi crew until one day he meets Anakin, who forges a relationship with Obi-Wan yet also gets entangled with a much larger conflict that forever changes the fate of the galaxy. "But isn't that already the story of the prequels?" KIND OF, but...

+Have the heroic Obi Wan be the main character, except this time not boring as hell. His arc could be anything really: trying to be a leader, learning to connect with people (Anakin), coping with loss etc.

+The Jedi should only be a handful of folks at a few locations or perhaps just one temple. They should be like the witchers in... The Witcher. Superhuman monks, dwindling numbers, aware of untold mysteries, people don't really see or care about them etc. If you don't have personal business with them, you will probably never encounter them in your life. People only seek them out for arcane knowledge or some odd task.

+Anakin is already an adult/late teen. He would be introduced in the first movie as someone with innate force abilities and thus of great interest to the Jedi. Maybe he is running away from the proto-empire, which causes the Jedi to be thrust into larger affairs.

+Make Padme a Jedi too. Why is she some sort of queen, or senator... just make her a jedi. And speaking of that, you can make the jedi monkish without making them sexless robots. You can still have their relationship be the source of some strife, but "we can't do it because of reasons" shouldn't be the central conflict of their relationship.

+The Clone Wars being the TRADE FEDERATION vs. space democracy can be scrapped entirely. You could literally replace it with any other idea such as....
-The Empire (why can't they already exist? Why do they need an origin story at the same time as Vader?) starts using clones to overwhelm planets they're trying to conquer.
-Maybe the bad guy is a clone and thus the name of the conflict is "The Clone Wars"
-Some smaller conflict, like two planets simply going to war, but it spirals into something much bigger, like space WWI
-Palpatine makes a bunch of clone monsters that attack indiscriminately. No one knows where they come from, which destabilizes the galaxy and lets his Empire pick up the pieces.
-Literally anything else. Honestly the conflict is supposed to be the BACKGROUND to Obi-Wan's story and not something that takes up so much screen time.

+Have Anakin's turn start from movie one instead of him just being a dick all of the sudden. He should be a tragic figure, someone who was heroic (perhaps in a naive sense), but mistakes and difficult choices caused him to turn his back on what he once believe. Instead of wanting to save his wife with immortality magic and then not caring after he learned there was no such thing. Also you know the earlier idea about having only a few Jedi in one place? When Anakin KILLS THEM ALL, it will have more impact because we've seen them bond as a family for three movies instead of Anakin killing a bunch of kids we don't care about and Nute Gunray.


Full reboot. Don't even keep The Clone Wars animated series. The Clone Wars are just some war in the past where Obi Wan fought deep in the trenches beside Bail Organa (Anakin is not involved at all).

The Jedi don't sit around on Coruscant in a clean office as a bunch of government-sanctioned stoners. They're independent, disorganized wanderers who try to help people and make peace and make the galaxy a better place and fight on the side of good.

In the middle of nowhere (Tattoine, I guess), Obi Wan meets Anakin, a bush pilot running unglamorous shuttle runs, who is unconsciously juicing his piloting abilities using the Force. Obi Wan recognizes this and invites Anakin to tag along and learn the ways of the Force. They become very close. Anakin meets Padme and gets her pregnant. Anakin grows high on power and the divide between his new life and his old one, becomes greedy, meets Palpatine somehow, and becomes convinced to hunt down and murder individual Jedi in one-on-one combat (not sure on the details of Anakin's heel-turn, but this part is super-important to get right, as basically the entire character hinges on this part). Maybe he thinks this is making him stronger. The scars of battle are turning him more-and-more into the image of Darth Vader, until the Jedi are almost extinct and Vader is almost a robot.

Padme has twins, and an emotionally-torn Obi Wan helps an emotionally-torn Padme escape an increasing mad, possibly abusive husband. Obi Wan stashes Padme and Leia with Bail Organa, since they were war buddies (the successful war is why Organa is now a respected political leader) and he knows she can be comfortable and safe with him.

Obi Wan sets Luke up in Skywalker's home as bait in an obvious trap, diverting as much attention as possible attention away from Padme/Leia, while hoping to have a final reckoning with his fallen friend, but the asshole never shows. The movie ends with a young Obi Wan, waiting.

One movie. Two if you want to try and make something out of the Clone War.
Better acting, better script, better CG.

They were fine concepts on paper, poorly executed. Extremely poor. Lacked the threat, the real feeling of danger, and too many attempts at humor that came off poorly every time.


Neo Member
I mentioned this in an earlier post but seeing the posts above, wouldn't it be better to replace Naboo with Alderaan?

I don't think you could given that Vader, knowing his wife was from Alderan, would know Leia was his daughter in under a second. Which is why Anakin being from Tattooine is a lil silly in the first place.


I don't think you could given that Vader, knowing his wife was from Alderan, would know Leia was his daughter in under a second. Which is why Anakin being from Tattooine is a lil silly in the first place.

I think that part makes sense actually. It is the one place in the galaxy he would never return to. Perfect place to hide Luke.


If they chopped the stupid droid factory sequence and readded the deleted Naboo sequences that better established the relationship, Episode II would be immediately a lot better, and that's stuff that was actually filmed. If they had done some of the love triangle plot that they implied would be an issue, that would have helped a lot as well. But honestly, they aren't bad movies by any stretch. They just aren't the movies any of us would have made.


I think that part makes sense actually. It is the one place in the galaxy he would never return to. Perfect place to hide Luke.

I always liked the idea that Obi Wan was using Luke as bait. Why else would he not even bother to have the Skywalkers use a fake name? He used a fake name for himself.

Obi Wan knew Anakin Skywalker. He knew that Anakin would show up looking for Padme/Luke. Obi Wan didn't know Darth Vader. He didn't know that was the one place that Vader would never look. After almost 20 years of waiting, Obi Wan came to terms with the fact that he totally doesn't understand and can't predict Vader, and resolved it in his mind as Anakin and Vader being two entirely different people, and that lie was easier to tell Luke than the truth.
Hmm. There's quite a bit I would fix. Thinking of more stuff as I keep writing.

1) No little kid Anakin. Have him be aged 18 in the first film. Closer in age to Obi-Wan who is 27 or something.

2) The first film takes place in a time where the Clone Wars are already happening. The entire trilogy covers nearly a decade.

3) Less Jedi. Seriously. Having a billion Jedi hanging around the Jedi Temple honestly removed some of the mystique for me. Have them be an order of just over 20 knights. Give 'em that feel of being mysterious hermit peacekeepers that are also feared but respected warriors of great power. Not just space FBI with laser swords.

4) The rise of Vader should happen at the end of the second film, with the third film being about the downfall of the Jedi Order.

5) Have one villain across the trilogy (Darth Maul) so we can have their personality fleshed out and relationshops developed.

6) None of this Jango Fett bullshit. Have the army be clones of one of the finest soldiers in the Republic. Leave it at that.

7) I'd rather the bad guys use clones than droids. Their use of clones pushes the Republic to create their own to combat them. Palpatine uses this to his advantage later down the line (Order 66 etc.).

8) Qui-Gon doesn't exist. We already have Obi-Wan in the mentor role. The perk of Obi-Wan being a mentor is that he is young and prone to mistakes.

9) Yoda is someone we don't see much of. He leads the Jedi Order but is more of a spiritual leader. He gives advice but it's sometimes vague and difficult to figure out.

10) Yoda doesn't use a lightsaber.

11) Yoda doesn't use a lightsaber.

12) Palpatine doesn't use a lightsaber.

13) Palpatine looks like a butthead because he taps into the dark side fad too much and it takes its toll on his body.

14) The previous point also applies to Vader. Vader is in the suit and has robotic limbs (mostly) because of the damage done by the dark side.

15) Most of the Jedi Order don't meddle directly in politics. They have have representatives. These representatives are Obi-Wan and Anakin. This is how Anakin meets Padme (senator) and Palpatine (senator soon to be chancellor).

16) Have Padme seduce Anakin rather than how it played out in the actual films. He's the one shying away because of the Jedi Order but he can't resist in the end.

17) Obi-Wan and Anakin are the best of friends. They're like brothers. That relationship and dynamic is shown throughout the trilogy (unlike the real films) with both ups and downs.

18) Palpatine is pulling the strings of everything. I mean duh.

19) No Anakin is midichlorian space Jesus stuff. Anakin is someone who is strong with the force and accepted into the Jedi Order. That's it.

20) Have Owen Lars play a bigger role. Make him Anakin's half brother rather than stepbrother.

21) Anakin's descent into the dark side is done gradually with him getting just a taste of its power and he starts tapping into it more and more until it consumes him. Introduce his first experience with it near the climax of the first film.

22) Padme dies a week after giving birth to Luke and Leia (Vader is unaware of their whereabouts). Vader has decimated the Jedi Order and Maul is still alive but almost a broken man. He uses Padme to get to Vader as revenge for being beaten and humiliated. In all the commotion, Padme is killed but we're not sure if it's by Vader or Maul. This drives Vader further to the dark side.

23) Lightsaber fights more like the OT. The choreography was far too flashy in the PT and often unintentionally hilarious as a result.

24) More practical effects. It was still early days for CG and using it excessively really made the films pretty ugly to look at.

25) Shot on film. Sure, the actual films promoted the use of shooting digital but it came with the cost of not being able to view it in slightly less than 1080p.

Okay, I'm getting tired now and the ideas just aren't popping into my head anymore. I'll probably edit this post tomorrow when I think of more shit.
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