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How would you grade Jim Ryan's tenure as head of PlayStation?

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I don't really know what he's going to be remembered for. I feel that Sony has lost its charm. They need someone who rules over development studios with an iron fist. Also bring onboard more Japanese devs. And behead anyone who steps out of line. The more they dance with Microsoft, the more they are hollowed out.
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A Sheep
PS5 is the best Console ever and I have the biggest backlog ever. I’d say he’s done an awesome job!
Lots of wannabe GMs in here..


GOAT's Tier

If there were a Mount Rushmore for Sony: Masaru Ibuka, Akio Morita, Kaz Hirai and Jim Ryan would be the faces looking outward.

PS1 era: Jim Ryan built SCEE's infrastructure in Mainland Europe

He joined SCEE in 1994, a business with no employees in the continent

PS2 era: Return to profitability

Sony's gaming business reported record loss of 51 billion yen in FY00

Ken Kutaragi met up with SCEE's leadership team in Tokyo, Jim Ryan included, to find a solution

PS3 era: Kaz Hirai and SCEE saved Sony's gaming business

SCEE sold 40 million units across Europe and PAL regions. The PS3 outsold the Wii in the región

PS3 sales were in free fall in America and Japan, and Xbox 360 held a lead over the PS3 by 1 million in Europe at the end of 2008

Jim Ryan was appointed as COO of SCEE in 2009, CEO in 2011, and the PS3 dominated the early 2010s


PS4 era: Kaz Hirai and SCEE saved Sony's Group

Moody's cuts Sony's credit rating to junk

SCEE sold 60 million units across Europe and PAL regions

PS4 market share over 90% in continental Europe

Jim Ryan was named Head of Global Sales & Marketing of SIE in 2016

Deputy President in 2018

President and CEO in 2019

PS5 era: Jim Ryan saved SIE, Sony's Group and changed gaming forever

The pandemic broke PS5 supply chain

Microsoft acquired ZeniMax and Activision Blizzard for $80 Billion

Sony's market value dropped by $20 billion in a day

Xbox Series was about to overtake the PS5 in the US lifetime sales (PS5 7.37 m / XBS 6.72 m, May 2022) with the launch of Starfield looming

Yoshida and Totoki had blown Sony's load too early (2 trillion yen wasted on buybacks, dividends, Music and Pictures)

Sony really had its back up against the wall:

Jim Ryan decided to run SIE on razor-thin margins

He rebuilt his supply chain and sold PS5 at a loss

He increased spending on R&D, advertising, marketing deals and secured third party exclusives and partnerships in Asia

He delayed Activision Blizzard acquisition and kept CoD multiplatform.

And here we are:

Majority of Xbox games coming to PS5 at some point


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