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Howard Stern fans...

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Did Clear Channel take Stern off in your city? Or did you miss a show? I found a great little radio P2P program that streams the Howard Stern Show live while on air and repeats the show during the day. http://www.chaotica.u-net.com/streamer.htm
It's a nice program, and beats downloading full shows off file share or torrents. The list of stations automatically shows up in the program window, there's two Howard Stern options. The current show for the day and The Howard Stern Archive.


Junior Ace
It's never been on in my area, so I download them to listen to at work. Great way to make 4 hours pass quickly.


Bacon said:
Meh, I'll just stick to downloading the shows. They usually pop up around noon my time, and no commercials rocks.

If one were to download these shows (not me), where would one go (again, not me)? Have sympathy, I live in Miami and now have Howard Stern replaced by Cross and Lopez types.
draven said:
If one were to download these shows (not me), where would one go (again, not me)? Have sympathy, I live in Miami and now have Howard Stern replaced by Cross and Lopez types.

I guess one would have to check their PMs. Hypthetically, of course...
I don't think downloading it is, but helping distribute it probably is. The shows are also commercial free, which is probably against some law.


Really, I wouldn't be able to pay for it if I tried. So I can't really see how it would be illegal.

I personally prefer it pre-recorded, commercials or not. Rather than hear Stern during the half-hour morning commute, I can now listen to and from work, at the gym, etc, on my Karma. Good stuff


man, I haven't heard Stern since the Jacky days (I'm talking first holdout, not when he quit). Charlotte took him off the air shortly after I moved, and he isn't on in Raleigh. I sure would like to listen to him hypothetically, since I just got dsl. Rome followed by Stern would make my day.
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