I wonder if senritsu's "curse" is related to the dark continent in someway
Also, lol
Sounds like he was forced to stay in bed?
If so, I'm very glad he finally accepted help on this.There's been some scuttlebutt that Naoko Takeuchi - Togashi's wife and Sailor Moon mangaka - is helping out Togashi with Hunter x Hunter now because of his health problems.
I can definitely see that. The backgrounds on the first image and Bisque's eyes compared to the volume cover drawn by Takeuchi are similar...
If so, then at last then. Never understood why she never helped him on this.
The cover of volume 20 was drawn by Takeuchi? Where did you hear that?Bisque's eyes compared to the volume cover drawn by Takeuchi are similar...
Who said he didn't accept help before? He has assistants.If so, I'm very glad he finally accepted help on this.
The cover of volume 20 was drawn by Takeuchi? Where did you hear that?
Scratch Marks x ScribblesWho said he didn't accept help before? He has assistants.
Seems a bit odd that he'd let her draw the cover and not even credit her, and I couldn't find anything about that after a cursory search either... Also, I can't say I'm "seeing it", personally.I didn't research it but I've heard it before.
I was only reacting to that part about "not accepting help". Still, assistants do more than simply cleaning up, and sometimes do actively draw some of the art.Having someone edit your work (cleaning it up and such) is different than someone actively drawing parts of it.
Sure.Has he ever actually had assistants?
Or that he's too busy playing Dragon Quest to work. People don't know what they're talking about.I always thought the famous narrative was that he always refused and wanted to do it himself.
So... there's a chance of a good prolonged run???
And a return of the anime!?
Really nice summary write up!
prolonged run - 20%
anime - 0%
manga are pretty nice if you manage to have mint tea with it.
OMG the spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy moly those spoilers
I'm wondering though
About the spoilers
If Hisoka can really face Chrollo 1v1 and actually push him [I doubted him before, the man would fight anyone, he wanted to fight Netero!] but the point is... if he can fight Chrollo I guess that means the Zoldycks really aren't as powerful as we thought. Chrollo held his own 2v1...
manga are pretty nice if you manage to have mint tea with it.
OMG the spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My question is...How will this tie into the current arc? This has to mean either Hisoka or Chrollo are coming along, or both. Chrollo = connected to the 4th prince = maybe trying to get Hisoka to come along as an ally? I dunno.
the previous spoilers saysHizoka is with melody as bodyguard
so maybe this is a flasback (hizoka wins?)
or maybe is just a wet dream of Hizoka xp
manga are pretty nice if you manage to have mint tea with it.
OMG the spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the previous spoilers saysHizoka is with melody as bodyguard
so maybe this is a flasback (hizoka wins?)
or maybe is just a wet dream of Hizoka xp
Jeez, thanks for the scan, surprise ruined :/
Would be interesting.
It might be a thing where they end up not killing and they both walk away from the fight so they can "play" another day and keep fighting.
TrueI don't know. Maybe your normal Shounen
But If I see something like: "we're going to fight to the death right now" in this series - one of them is going to die.
He isn't afraid to let characters die in this so it could happen. I guess I'm just thinking that both of those characters seem sort of important. Its hard to imagine one of them dying but if one does, I'm sure he can pull it off just fine