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Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!



Yeah pretty much is.

Chrollo kills Hisoka, Hisoka is a zombie that can grow back limbs, proceeds to decapitate Kortopi and slash Shalnark's guts open within the same chapter.

We're not really ever topping that I think.


Positive news, Volume 33 already sold 650k copies.

The thirst.



that's one way to kill off some of the characters

it's ok at least Machi is alive, will be interesting to see Hisoka dealing with Feitan


Was not expecting any of that outside of the
Hisoka death. His ressurection still seems nuts even if it falls under the rules of his own nen ability and those of nen in general. His bungee gum just continues to become even more broken and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.


Does Hisoka seriously expect to murder Kaluto and walk away ?

Maybe Illumi will actually finish Hisoka off.

That's also one way to get Zoldycks in the arc.

I'm guessing only Feitan Nobunaga and Chrollo are a danger for Hisoka, currently.

Guys you should really spoiler tag everything you type :/

The chapter is out dude.

Was not expecting any of that outside of the
Hisoka death. His ressurection still seems nuts even if it falls under the rules of his own nen ability and those of nen in general. His bungee gum just continues to become even more broken and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

His foot melted when he dashed at Shalnark. So while he looks normal, he is permanently disfigured / crippled. He has to be careful about the strength he uses or it can melt. Rubber limbs.

Whoever will punch him in the face will see zombhisoka.
Does Hisoka seriously expect to murder Kaluto and walk away ?

Maybe Illumi will actually finish Hisoka off.

That's also one way to get Zoldycks in the arc.

I'm guessing only Feitan Nobunaga and Chrollo are a danger for Hisoka, currently.

The chapter is out dude.

His foot melted when he dashed at Shalnark. So while he looks normal, he is permanently disfigured / crippled. He has to be careful about the strength he uses or it can melt. Rubber limbs.

Whoever will punch him in the face will see zombhisoka.

Maybe Kurapika as well if he starts taking his quarrey? I wonder if Hisoka will call on Illumi to aid him? Either way a bit of interesting development, shows he is a bit childish, maybe even a bit jealous of Chrollo? Also means next time they meet Chrollo won't play with him...he will be super serious. This fight has made me feel that Hisoka would get absolutely destroyed by someone like Ging who is a great strategist and seems to have a lot of fighting power.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Chapter is out. Will still spoiler tag.

So it seems the only way to truly kill Hisoka now is to complete destroy his organs. Unless this is a Nen that will only work once. We shall see. Of course decapitation is always an option.
There's our connection to all the Dark Continent stuff. Maybe we'll see more of Chrollo going all out?
Damn, two Phantom Troupe members taken out *snap* like that. Makes me wonder how many more will die by the end of this (possibly massive) arc. Granted, Shalnark and Kortopi no longer had their powers since Chrollo took them, so the others are going to be much more difficult.


now that you mention it,
it looks like he may have used the elasticity to gain speed with his rubber foot

Hisoka might be crazy enough to kill Kalluto, I guess we'll see how it goes


I laughed.
Not to mention her angry face, damn.

Never thought we'd be seeing Kurotopi's face, but here we are. RIP ya small fry troupe members :(
Kurotopi had a pretty rare ability, right? Troupe ain't gonna be happy about losing that either.
After reading about the spoilers I figured it was Hisoka going around limiting Chrollo's movepool, but I guess he just learned he should just surrise attack murder his 'toys' now for the best results. Kalluto better watch out.

Using his abilities to fake-repair his missing limbs kinda works I guess, but it does feel like a bit of a cop out. Seems like a bitch to maintain too. Maybe he'll become zombie faced again when he's running out of stamina in a future battle.
His foot melted when he dashed at Shalnark. So while he looks normal, he is permanently disfigured / crippled. He has to be careful about the strength he uses or it can melt. Rubber limbs.

Whoever will punch him in the face will see zombhisoka.
Ah, is that what it was? Thought it was supposed to be some bungee gum trap that Shalnark stepped into or something. If these details are consistant then I'm a lot cooler with it these results.


Saint Titanfall
HxH really does have some Bleach tier ass pulls. It's one of my major problems with the Manga. The intricate Nen system is all well and good, until ridiculous nonsensical ass pulls are invoked. Brain damage is a is thing and he's been dead for hours. None of that ressurection makes even the slightest bit of sense.


His foot melted when he dashed at Shalnark. So while he looks normal, he is permanently disfigured / crippled. He has to be careful about the strength he uses or it can melt. Rubber limbs.

Whoever will punch him in the face will see zombhisoka.

That's fine if he's still a cripple, but we don't know, as BatDan puts it,
if it's a one time thing or if he can use it again to restart his internal organs.
Kind of still feels like a cop-out, even if it does mean we will get another fight between Hisoka and Chrollo that might be even more insane than the one we just got.


When you realize that the 'Deathmatch' chapter name actually meant 'Team Deathmatch' and it's Team A with only Hisoka as member versus the entire Phantom Troupe in Team B.

Things are moving fast, and Togashi still manages to draw fantastic key scenes/panels. Now I wonder if the story will stay with Hisoka/Chrollo for now or jump back to the Dark Continent stuff.
I laughed.
Not to mention her angry face, damn.

Never thought we'd be seeing Kurotopi's face, but here we are. RIP ya small fry troupe members :(
Kurotopi had a pretty rare ability, right? Troupe ain't gonna be happy about losing that either.
After reading about the spoilers I figured it was Hisoka going around limiting Chrollo's movepool, but I guess he just learned he should just surrise attack murder his 'toys' now for the best results. Alluka better watch out.

Using his abilities to fake-repair his missing limbs kinda works I guess, but it does feel like a bit of a cop out. Seems like a bitch to maintain too. Maybe he'll become zombie faced again when he's running out of stamina in a future battle.

Ah, is that what it was? Thought it was supposed to be some bungee gum trap that Shalnark stepped into or something. If these details are consistant then I'm a lot cooler with it these results.

Where is Alluka mentioned in the chapter? Also, that thing in Alluka...doesn't it potentially have godlike power? Maybe it can activate under certain threat to Alluka's life...


All that for that, goddamn and a simple phone call to tie to the arc...
The last five pages felt like fast forward, the pace is messed up, I worry a bit with the ever looming hiatus.


Oh my fucking gosh. Well there is your ass pull haha but it's not nearly as big of an as pull as I'd thought it'd be, it made sense and I like how the Togashi even tied in the whole Nen becomes is stronger after death. So not only did Hisoka save his own ass with his clever thinking but his nen also recieved a boost because of it. I'm glad it happened as both Hisoka and Chrollo didn't deserve to die yet, they have way too much potential. I'm also happy that everything is also connecting to the DC arc, it's gonna be really really good. But man Hisoka is fucking ruthless. Wow. I guess it really pissed Hisoka off that he lost.

I wonder if we'll be getting chapters like this where we will see where the Zoldycks, Alluka, and Gon play a part in the whole DC stuff. Who knows maybe they'll skip out on the arc
Not sure how to feel about this.

Thinking about the properties of his powers... I guess it could work... but surely only right away... right? The Troupe were having a conversation and Machi had time to move his body before the revival process began... surely by then brain death would of happen.

Hisoka is mad salty though. Nobody was forcing him to fight, Chrollo didn't even want it! I wonder how Chrollo is going to react, will we see a bloodlusted Chrollo?


It feels so weird to see his character change with a defeat. I guess now he will want to be more strategic and plan out battles against tougher opponents. I wonder if he will have new moves now that his nen has become stronger. Wonder if he'll ever bother to get it fixed by someone and he refused help from Machi because he will hunt her later.


Yea, I'm not a big fan. Especially if he offs some more of the Spiders. I mean even his fake rubber leg is coming apart, he shouldn't be able to hang with the higher tier spiders. So what's gonna happen? If he surprises Lucifer and kills him I'll be pretty upset.


He refused Machi's help. He doesn't care about getting fixed.

Maybe this too. But I don't think Machi could regenerate his limbs. Just treat his wounds. If he wanted a full job he'd need Nanika.

Would Hisoka tell Illumi that he's going to try and kill his brother too or would he keep that information to himself?

I can see he doing this after he is already regenerated. Not that Illumi would really care as it isn't Kilua.
Yea, I'm not a big fan. Especially if he offs some more of the Spiders. I mean even his fake rubber leg is coming apart, he shouldn't be able to hang with the higher tier spiders. So what's gonna happen? If he surprises Lucifer and kills him I'll be pretty upset.

Same. It's alot to hope for but I hope Chrollo kicks his ass again. Seems like he'll know he's coming at least.
Oh shit...

So Hisoka is also going to kill Kalluto?

For his sake I really hope not. He could end up picking apart the troupe one by one and ultimately beat Chrollo but still loses because a certain family exists called: The Zoldycks. I don't care how powerful or slippery Hisoka is, if he kills Kalluto, he's done. They'll just send Maha and game over.
Yea, I'm not a big fan. Especially if he offs some more of the Spiders. I mean even his fake rubber leg is coming apart, he shouldn't be able to hang with the higher tier spiders. So what's gonna happen? If he surprises Lucifer and kills him I'll be pretty upset.

Yeah I don't get why he didn't let Machi fix him then make his fake limbs. Not to mention he shouldn't be very strong considered he's still actually injured and missing limbs. Those rubber appendages shouldn't be able to do much damage...


Yea, I'm not a big fan. Especially if he offs some more of the Spiders. I mean even his fake rubber leg is coming apart, he shouldn't be able to hang with the higher tier spiders. So what's gonna happen? If he surprises Lucifer and kills him I'll be pretty upset.

You think Hisoka will dare challenge one of the tougher spiders right now? Well there is a chance since he's just the type of character to do it but he's definitely going to get healed. Whether that happens off screen while the spiders gather up and the Princes are preparing to sail or Togashi shows us Hisoka being healed it doesn't really matter. Even if he doesn't get healed and finds another spider before doing so. He has a huge advantage with the element of surprise because I'm sure word has gotten out through the media covering it and phone calls with the other spiders that Hisoka is dead


That chapter was pretty nuts. We now have a reason for the Zoldycks to go to The Dark Continent, and with the Spiders going, it's going to be interesting to see how Kurapika reacts to that. DC is looking pretty crazy.
It makes sense that Hisoka went after Shalnark and Kortopi first. Those abilities gave him the most trouble in his match with Chrollo.


When you realize that the 'Deathmatch' chapter name actually meant 'Team Deathmatch' and it's Team A with only Hisoka as member versus the entire Phantom Troupe in Team B.

Things are moving fast, and Togashi still manages to draw fantastic key scenes/panels. Now I wonder if the story will stay with Hisoka/Chrollo for now or jump back to the Dark Continent stuff.

This is an end I say. We can continue the story with
"Chrollo goes to Dark Continent, the rest of the Troupe follows, and Hisoka hunts them all
. It's kind of a new status quo to establish the Troupe's role in the pre-Dark Continent Arc.


I think he didn't let Machi heal him because then she'd blame herself. Also I wonder if Chrollo is notified when powers have expired in his book.
I think he didn't let Machi heal him because then she'd blame herself. Also I wonder if Chrollo is notified when powers have expired in his book.

I was just thinking this. I wonder if he actually needs to try to use Gallery Fake or Black Voice for him to know if something has changed. Probably so since it seems Kortopi was dead already during his phone call with Shalnark


Guys, how Machi would really heal him? I'm mean, his nose, left hand and right foot disappeared after the explosions.


Normally I'm really frustrated by characters coming back from the dead, but holy shit that was awesome. I love this

This is vintage HxH shit. Hisoka really did run out of options, but had a neat variation on his ability, and now he's picking off spiders who don't have their powers right now. Glorious

My real wonder right now is... did Hisoka talk to Kurapika? I could imagine some... anger from Kurapika if he's not the one to kill the spiders perhaps, but maybe dead is dead and that's all he really wanted.


Due to the very sudden way the fight came to be (despite we already knowing that the Spiders got the exorcist back then) I knew the only way I'd be satisfied is if Chrollo ended up winning. He did, but not with the result I expected, I didn't really like the nen-kickstart that Hisoka gave to himself, the only reason it wasn't a complete out of nowhere asspull was because we already saw something similar happening with Pitou beforehand.

That said, his foot melting gave me some kind of hope, I was already expecting Hisoka to live, as I thought before that either character dying didn't make narrative sense at the moment, but when he got his fingers and feet blown up I was thinking it'd be interesting to see him deal with that for the remainder of the manga. Then it seems like he could just completely heal himself, but then it turns out its not stable at all and he may still have to deal with the consequences. He's using a combination of texture surprise and his transmutation to have the same effect as Tocino's eleven black children I think, so on melee fight, his leg and fingers should be more or less useless against another Nen user.

Speaking of consequences, despite thinking Shalnark was one of the most "affable" troupe members, it is kind of interesting that since Chrollo ended up borrowing some of his troupe's members powers, it ended up biting them in the back almost immediately. They got targeted because of it, and they couldn't defend themselves either because of it.


Guys, how Machi would really heal him? I'm mean, his nose, left hand and right foot disappeared after the explosions.

Not like he really knew what sort of combat damage he'd receive from the fight, and it looks like his actual goal was to get time alone with her.


Junior Member
Yea, I'm not a big fan. Especially if he offs some more of the Spiders. I mean even his fake rubber leg is coming apart, he shouldn't be able to hang with the higher tier spiders. So what's gonna happen? If he surprises Lucifer and kills him I'll be pretty upset.

So far, he only killed Kortopi who doesn't know how to fight, and Shalnark who is completely useless in fighting without his antenna and cellphone. I imagine Hisoka's killing streak won't go very far, since everyone else in the team are good fighters.

How Hisoka revived himself (and recreate his body parts with rubber) did felt a bit of cop out move to keep him alive at the end though, but hey I love Hisoka and I would rather see him for more chapters.


Not like he really knew what sort of combat damage he'd receive from the fight, and it looks like his actual goal was to get time alone with her.

I was talking about people saying that he refused her help after the fight. She couldn't do that much as her power is not regeneration.


Do Ghost Writer even work that far? I thought it was only a few days.

But yeah Shalnark's prediction was creepy.

Weren't they able to tell which of them was gonna die based on how the prediction assigned "months" to the members, does anyone remember which ones were supposed to die? I remember Shalnark, but I don't think Kortopi was one of them, nor was Pakunoda on that prediction for the matter if I recall correctly.

The phone one with Shalnark though.

Mr Git

Not sure how to feel about this.

Thinking about the properties of his powers... I guess it could work... but surely only right away... right? The Troupe were having a conversation and Machi had time to move his body before the revival process began... surely by then brain death would of happen.

Hisoka is mad salty though. Nobody was forcing him to fight, Chrollo didn't even want it! I wonder how Chrollo is going to react, will we see a bloodlusted Chrollo?

My thought was that Machi's nen kickstarted Hisoka's final command. Sort of in the same way hearts are jolted back traditionally.


He's gonna get killed by Machi, mark my words.
He got childish again and let her live because "reasons" and he's gonna pay those consequences.

Yeah his survival was 100% ass pull, but man what an asspull.
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