Due to the very sudden way the fight came to be (despite we already knowing that the Spiders got the exorcist back then) I knew the only way I'd be satisfied is if Chrollo ended up winning. He did, but not with the result I expected, I didn't really like the nen-kickstart that Hisoka gave to himself, the only reason it wasn't a complete out of nowhere asspull was because we already saw something similar happening with Pitou beforehand.
That said, his foot melting gave me some kind of hope, I was already expecting Hisoka to live, as I thought before that either character dying didn't make narrative sense at the moment, but when he got his fingers and feet blown up I was thinking it'd be interesting to see him deal with that for the remainder of the manga. Then it seems like he could just completely heal himself, but then it turns out its not stable at all and he may still have to deal with the consequences. He's using a combination of texture surprise and his transmutation to have the same effect as Tocino's eleven black children I think, so on melee fight, his leg and fingers should be more or less useless against another Nen user.
Speaking of consequences, despite thinking Shalnark was one of the most "affable" troupe members, it is kind of interesting that since Chrollo ended up borrowing some of his troupe's members powers, it ended up biting them in the back almost immediately. They got targeted because of it, and they couldn't defend themselves either because of it.