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Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!


He's gonna get killed by Machi, mark my words.
He got childish again and let her live because "reasons" and he's gonna pay those consequences.

Yeah his survival was 100% ass pull, but man what an asspull.

Nya he won't die. What he did with Machi reminded of that one old Crimson Comics doujin with him and Machi lol


Well Hisoka sure should target Neon.

That could get Kurapika on board to stop him and ironically help the spiders.

Because that moron of Hisoka, still overconfident despite what just happened, decided to WARN the spiders.

AKA they know he's coming for them. Chrollo still.... has the fortune telling ability.

GG Hisoka. Brilliant thinker.


I don't have a big problem with Hisoka coming back. It's a big asspull, and I'd rather he'd stayed dead, but it was expected.

I hate the development of him going after the Troupe though. There's no reason for him to all of a sudden want to fight them if he didn't before. I don't need explicit reasoning, but nothing is even implied. He just said "now I'm gonna kill y'all" and that's it.


Hunter X Hunter 357:

While I'm partially glad Hisoka survived so that he can continue to be used in future chapters, the way that fight was presented and made so one sided against Hisoka, IMO Hisoka should have died and stayed dead for the good of the overall story.


Well Hisoka sure should target Neon.

That could get Kurapika on board to stop him and ironically help the spiders.

Because that moron of Hisoka, still overconfident despite what just happened, decided to WARN the spiders.

AKA they know he's coming for them. Chrollo still.... has the fortune telling ability.

GG Hisoka. Brilliant thinker.

This really needs to get him killed, HxH emphasizes smart thinking and studying opponents/situations out, is the whole reason that even thought Hisoka survived thanks to patented Anime Asspull™ he still got utterly destroyed by Chrollo.


Hunter X Hunter 357:

While I'm partially glad Hisoka survived so that he can continue to be used in future chapters, the way that fight was presented and made so one sided against Hisoka, IMO Hisoka should have died and stayed dead for the good of the overall story.

Hisoka dying doesn't add anything to the story since the Ryodan are going to DC anyway.

But now they are going to DC with Hisoka hunting them down and Machi throwing a fit.


Holy shit. Hisoka is zombie out for revenge now lol. I thought he was going to be dead as dead could be, he looked so grisly. The Dark Continent Arc boat ride is going to be very interesting now with the Spiders on the move, and Hisoka on the hunt. Him and Kurpika gotta collaborate.


I don't have a big problem with Hisoka coming back. It's a big asspull, and I'd rather he'd stayed dead, but it was expected.

I hate the development of him going after the Troupe though. There's no reason for him to all of a sudden want to fight them if he didn't before. I don't need explicit reasoning, but nothing is even implied. He just said "now I'm gonna kill y'all" and that's it.

Now that I think of it, him picking the Troupes one by one will alert Chrollo somehow. Allowing Chrollo to prepare again, though not as crazy prepared as fighting in a public tournament so he can clone people into bombs.


Now that I think of it, him picking the Troupes one by one will alert Chrollo somehow. Allowing Chrollo to prepare again, though not as crazy prepared as fighting in a public tournament so he can clone people into bombs.

Alert Chrollo about what ?

Machi will call Chrollo and tell him. He doesn't have to be alert. The whole troupe will know.

Chrollo still has the ghost writer power.

Kalluto is still a spider. (aka Zoldyck helping)

There is no way in hell this doesn't backfire.

Plus, I know Chrollo was the clear winner, and that Hisoka is supposed to be the underdog seeking revenge....

But it's SO not working. It feels like more like the asshole with OP plot armor going after helpless characters atm.

So hopefully Chrollo can put him down without losing more of his team.

Once again, Hisoka is bringing this on himself.

He is like that moronic kid that wants to touch the fire, his mom tells him not to, he does it anyway, burns himself, then cries and gets mad at his mom for whichever reason.


are people really hating this chapter?

my only issue is with the leg and hand being resotred with texture surprise

Not the whole chapter, but Hisoka surviving like that is bullshit, everyone knew he was gonna do an asspull and survive, because it didn't make sense killing him now, but doesn't mean it wasn't still bullshit.

Him picking off the spiders one by one might be very interesting, but he picked off the two that couldn't fight back right at that moment, at the very least it should be interesting to see how he deals with the spiders because there's no way he can actually beat them specially under his condition.


I really am excited that Hisoka lives, asspull or no asspull. That honestly was a hype way to come back to life. There gotta be severe consequences for this tho, which I'm eager to learn. He was straight up dead for a minute. The foot already doesn't look stable. But man, could this increase his combat abilities if anything? He could shape those Bungee Gum limbs into whips and shit like Youpi.


Not the whole chapter, but Hisoka surviving like that is bullshit, everyone knew he was gonna do an asspull and survive, because it didn't make sense killing him now, but doesn't mean it wasn't still bullshit.

Him picking off the spiders one by one might be very interesting, but he picked off the two that couldn't fight back right at that moment, at the very least it should be interesting to see how he deals with the spiders because there's no way he can actually beat them specially under his condition.

an asspull is when you are against the wall and need to use the last resource to get yourself out of it.
but Togashi had planned this fight a lot time ago, he go this way because he thinks is the best for the manga

now everyone (except killua and Gon LOL) is heading to Dark Continent

Of Nen returnign after death? Yeah, but there's was no indication that he could kickstar his organs like that with his aura.

he said
"well, if i'm going to die anyways i might as well try this out"

it was a gamble


I mean, his entire nen is based on expanding and contracting. That's exactly what the heart and lungs do. They specified that he died from suffocation and not the explosion as well.

Not like he somehow came out with a win. Chrollo fucking stomped him. And now Hisoka is salty.

It's your total right to like it.

But you can't say that.

Why didn't he use his magical texture to fix his arm and leg while fighting then. The first thing he thinks is "I can't use my nen properly with my hand, i'll use my foot".

Well given he needed half a second to recreate both, why didn't he do that ?

Rubber limbs is clearly not a proper replacement. You see in this chapter even that his leg falls apart when he attacks Shalnark.


I don't think it's bullshit. The concept has been well established at this point.

It's your total right to like it.

But you can't say that.

Why didn't he use his magical texture to fix his arm and leg while fighting then. The first thing he thinks is "I can't use my nen properly with my hand, i'll use my foot".

Well given he needed half a second to recreate both, why didn't he do that ?


It's your total right to like it.

But you can't say that.

Why didn't he use his magical texture to fix his arm and leg while fighting then. The first thing he thinks is "I can't use my nen properly with my hand, i'll use my foot".

Well given he needed half a second to recreate both, why didn't he do that ?

I thought about this too and figured during the fight that he couldn't. The nen used to keep his heart and lungs going was nen that was stronger after death. I'm guessing that Togashi is showing that the stronger nen can now be used to shape into parts of his body and then covered with texture surprised.

He also didn't use the texture to truly fix his arm the last time he was injured badly in Heaven's Arena.


It's your total right to like it.

But you can't say that.

Why didn't he use his magical texture to fix his arm and leg while fighting then. The first thing he thinks is "I can't use my nen properly with my hand, i'll use my foot".

Well given he needed half a second to recreate both, why didn't he do that ?
That is not an option during a fight lol. Leaving yourself wide open.


His foot melted when he dashed at Shalnark. So while he looks normal, he is permanently disfigured / crippled. He has to be careful about the strength he uses or it can melt. Rubber limbs.
Weird that so many people saw his rubber foot 'melting' as a weakness in that panel, to me it looked like he intentionally used it to contract and accelerate his movement (Gomu Gomu Hisoka). Plus rubber can be really quite hard if needed, so I'm not so sure his rubber appendages will be as weak and useless as people expect.

Not sure how I feel about the whole self revive stuff yet, but at least the fact that he didn't die due to the explosion but rather suffocated helps make that a bit easier to swallow. Overall it's nice to still have Hisoka around as his interactions with the other characters make for fun scenarios.


Alert Chrollo about what ?

Machi will call Chrollo and tell him. He doesn't have to be alert. The whole troupe will know.

Chrollo still has the ghost writer power.

Kalluto is still a spider. (aka Zoldyck helping)

There is no way in hell this doesn't backfire.

Plus, I know Chrollo was the clear winner, and that Hisoka is supposed to be the underdog seeking revenge....

But it's SO not working. It feels like more like the asshole with OP plot armor going after helpless characters atm.

So hopefully Chrollo can put him down without losing more of his team.

Once again, Hisoka is bringing this on himself.

He is like that moronic kid that wants to touch the fire, his mom tells him not to, he does it anyway, burns himself, then cries and gets mad at his mom for whichever reason.

Dude calm down lol. I'm a huge Chrollo fan, I have a custom-made Chrollo avatar in this forum even. I want Chrollo to win from the start, but the manga took turns I really didn't predict. Hisoka is the hunter now, Spiders are the hunted. And I enjoyed it, it's why I love Hunter x Hunter in the first place.

All I'm saying is Hisoka's plan to pluck off the troupe unaware is a bit hindered if Chrollo is aware of his plan. At the very worst it's not going to be a one-panel slaughter like he did to Shalnark.


Hunter X Hunter 357:

Hisoka dying doesn't add anything to the story since the Ryodan are going to DC anyway.

But now they are going to DC with Hisoka hunting them down and Machi throwing a fit.

Understand that I am speaking from an author writing to his audience perspective, not from within the Hunter X Hunter universe. For the audience and to prevent cries of "ass pulls"/readers looking for "ass pulls" going forward in the story, Hisoka either should have died in this fight, or this one sided fight should have never been presented to the reader.


Hunter X Hunter 357:

Understand that I am speaking from an author writing to his audience perspective, not from within the Hunter X Hunter universe. For the audience and to prevent cries of "ass pulls"/readers looking for "ass pulls" going forward in the story, Hisoka either should have died in this fight, or this one sided fight should have never been presented to the reader.

I think the purpose of this fight is to establish a status where the Troupe goes with the ship to DC and Hisoka hunts them (otherwise Hisoka has no reason to be in the arc). Though how Togashi established it was rather bombastic and ended with a bit of asspull. Maybe he should've been a bit subtle lol.


random musings...
Kalluto may be part of the spider but Hisoka absolutely doesn't know about him being part of the Zoldycks.
I don't think the Zoldycks know that Kalluto is part of the troupe either (or maybe tagging along with the troupe was a condition given to him by the family?).
Texture surprise doesn't disappear after being applied.
We've seen that when he healed himself with Machi or with the prediction, once applied it's just there.
We know from the one shot released last week that Texture surprise isn't limited to 2D texture but can be use to mold a face.
I'd gather that as long as he keeps the gum activated it won't disappear (or it's a happy accident and Texture surprise make the gum stay in place and Hisoka doesn't to use his nen to keep them from melting away).
Sharnalk can be easily replaced as he himself said but Kortopi is not (like Machi).
Kurapika doesn't care about the troupe anymore, that was the whole point after the end of the Yorkshin arc, he only cares about the eyes of his brethen.
What Kurapika did during the time we didn't see him is take back the eyes, it's really the only thing he cares about.
If he cross path with the troupe again he will certainly try to kill them but that's not his objective anymore.

e: when Sharnalk died, Kuroro wasn't aware about Hisoka and neither was Sharnalk.


It feels so weird to see his character change with a defeat. I guess now he will want to be more strategic and plan out battles against tougher opponents. I wonder if he will have new moves now that his nen has become stronger. Wonder if he'll ever bother to get it fixed by someone and he refused help from Machi because he will hunt her later.
The "10 spiders remain" at the end would indicate he spared her because she previously helped him out.

Kurapika's going to give him the biggest bro-hug ever the next time they meet.


get some go again
Yeah except here I meant brat as in He got exactly what he asked for, and didn't like the outcome, so now he's all mad and throws a tantrum and seeks revenge.

But HE CAUSED THIS to happen. Every single person he met told him NOT TO FIGHT CHROLLO. He did. He lost, got completely outsmarted and outpowered.

And now what ? He's mad ? What did he expect ?

So the opponent has to be strong but not too much ?

What happened to strong opponents on their knees ? His plan is now to render Chrollo powerless.

Which is pathetic because he just spent an awful amount of time GIVING HIM HIS POWERS BACK.

I just hate it. Wish he would just move on, because nothing is gonna save the troupe from his plot armor, and it's a waste of great characters just for Hisoka, that is showing absolutely no growth in character and is getting pretty old.
every single person in the troupe was already marked as a toy by hisoka. that means he always planned on killing them at some point. he will kill them all one by one until only chrollo is left and then move on to his other toys. hell even illumi is one of hisoka's toys he will probably try and kill one day.


get some go again
Oh shit...

So Hisoka is also going to kill Kalluto?

For his sake I really hope not. He could end up picking apart the troupe one by one and ultimately beat Chrollo but still loses because a certain family exists called: The Zoldycks. I don't care how powerful or slippery Hisoka is, if he kills Kalluto, he's done. They'll just send Maha and game over.
i think hisoka is smart enough to tell illumi he is going after the spiders and then it's up to him to see what he wants to do. i'm sure the spiders all have bounties on them and illumi can end up giving kalluto an order to betray the spiders so they can collect. i have no doubts both illumi and hisoka might end up going to the dark continent going after the spiders. although with hisoka and chrollo now likely to board the ship kurapika will likely end up confronting some of the spiders. if hisoka finds him on the ship he will definitely use kurapika to distract the spiders while he goes after chrollo. i think hisoka will end up being killed by one of the calamities.


Just got around to reading the Hisoka origin story... really cool stuff. I know it wasn't drawn by Togashi, but was that declared canon?

Hyun Sai

You guys really think the rubber foot will be a handicap ? Seems like the last panel showed that he used that to gain extra speed on his attack.

I think if he masters the possibilities, it could be even more frightening.

I can't wait to see the spiders dropping like flies, especially with the possibility of Hisoka teaming up with Kurapika. Exciting times...


You guys really think the rubber foot will be a handicap ? Seems like the last panel showed that he used that to gain extra speed on his attack.

I think if he masters the possibilities, it could be even more frightening.

I can't wait to see the spiders dropping like flies, especially with the possibility of Hisoka teaming up with Kurapika. Exciting times...

He needs to have his nen activated at all times though. I'm sure it will be a handicap in the future.
Did anyone actually expect Hisoka to die?

This fight mostly felt like some fanservice thrown this way for those who wanted to see how a Hisoka x Chrollo fight would go.

Not sure how much it added to the overal plot but I enjoyed the fight itself from start to finish & it's obvious Hisoka got absolutely wrecked from start to finish.

Him cheating death is a far more acceptable ass-pull compared to Hisoka straight up escaping and killing Chrollo with a super secret move or something.

That being said, I'm surprised the explosion didn't do more damage to his actual body. Feels like he lost his nose and his skin got messed up a bit. I guess his ability to use nen offered him some protection compared to a regular human?

I kinda forgot the exact limits of nen w/regards to physical protection.

Hyun Sai

He needs to have his nen activated at all times though. I'm sure it will be a handicap in the future.

Many are constantly with activated nen, like Biscuit, or even Kurapika with his materialized chain during the York arc.

That being said, I'm surprised the explosion didn't do more damage to his actual body. Feels like he lost his nose and his skin got messed up a bit. I guess his ability to use nen offered him some protection compared to a regular human?
It's explained by Sharnalk in the chapter.

By the way, I'm sure Korutopi and Sharnalk already had their nen back (he just have to tear the page after all). Judging by what Chrollo said, Sharnalk just needed to retrieve the phone and antennas, which are not made of nen. And I'm sure Chrollo would have noticed Kortopi's death during the call.


No Scrubs
The Nen offered him some protection, but he also used the mind controlled dudes sent to attack him as a shield. According to the chapter, at least the translation I read, he survived the blast (barely) but died of suffocation due to being buried under all those bodies.

I imagine he's only got a certain amount of time he'll be able to hold himself together, so his arc will likely be moving pretty quick.


Did anyone actually expect Hisoka to die?

This fight mostly felt like some fanservice thrown this way for those who wanted to see how a Hisoka x Chrollo fight would go.

Not sure how much it added to the overal plot but I enjoyed the fight itself from start to finish & it's obvious Hisoka got absolutely wrecked from start to finish.

Him cheating death is a far more acceptable ass-pull compared to Hisoka straight up escaping and killing Chrollo with a super secret move or something.

That being said, I'm surprised the explosion didn't do more damage to his actual body. Feels like he lost his nose and his skin got messed up a bit. I guess his ability to use nen offered him some protection compared to a regular human?

I kinda forgot the exact limits of nen w/regards to physical protection.
That's one of the main ways to defend yourself from nen is with nen. I forget which term is used for that exactly


Junior Member
I don't have a big problem with Hisoka coming back. It's a big asspull, and I'd rather he'd stayed dead, but it was expected.

I hate the development of him going after the Troupe though. There's no reason for him to all of a sudden want to fight them if he didn't before. I don't need explicit reasoning, but nothing is even implied. He just said "now I'm gonna kill y'all" and that's it.

He already said he made a mistake of fighting Chrollo while being assisted by other people, saying that was too much for him to handle. This is why he wants to get rid of other Phantom Troupe members so that they won't be available to help Chrollo.
When Machi mentions the neck wounds I thought hisoka glued a fake head to another body and used texture surprise to make them look like himself, but it was actually him! lol

I'm fine with the asspulls in this chapter, it was clever. What I'm not convinced of is Hisoka's motivation for hunting the spiders. I mean, he asked Chrollo for the fight and now he looks so vengeful, there is something off with him

Hyun Sai

When Machi mentions the neck wounds I thought hisoka glued a fake head to another body and used texture surprise to make them look like himself, but it was actually him! lol

I'm fine with the asspulls in this chapter, it was clever. What I'm not convinced of is Hisoka's motivation for hunting the spiders. I mean, he asked Chrollo for the fight and now he looks so vengeful, there is something off with him

I think it's logical. Hisoka lost because of Sharnalk and Kortopi abilities, he won't make the same mistake twice and let Chrollo use the spiders powers against him.


get some go again
would the zoldycks even try to get revenge on hisoka if he killed kalluto? illumi only seems obsessed with killua so i don't think he would care all that much. the zoldycks always avoid unnecessary fights and going after someone who is powerful enough to kill one of them without some kind of financial reward seems out of character. killua might be the one that tries to get revenge on hisoka and that might be the reason he follows him to the dark continent. illumi then goes after killua to try and get him back.


LOL at the people screaming "asspull" in HxH. Did you guys forget:

- Hisoka fixing his severed arm after his Kastro fight
- Gon restoring his lost arm after Bomber blowing it up only with a magic nen card
- Meruem ressurection after a direct hit from an atomic bomb
- ...and the ressurection actually made him LOL demigod
- ...only to die afterwards from poisoning
- Gon "ressurection" with Nanika

HxH never was immune of the senzu curse.


Alas poor Shalnark we knew him well.

It's certainly going to be an interesting boat ride.

Now how do we get Gon back involved in the main plot?


That being said, I'm surprised the explosion didn't do more damage to his actual body. Feels like he lost his nose and his skin got messed up a bit. I guess his ability to use nen offered him some protection compared to a regular human?

I kinda forgot the exact limits of nen w/regards to physical protection.

Just in case you missed it, it's mentioned in the chapter that he was also shielded by tons of human flesh due to puppets under the 'break' command.

I was kind of 'ehhhhh' at the spoilers, but this chapter was amazing. It's all in the execution.

The above noted reason for him not being obliterated makes perfect sense in the scheme of the fight. Chrollo actually messed up, his lack of fine control over all of the puppets helped Hisoka survive, so I wouldn't call this a 'perfect' match on his part. The only real 'asspull' with the way he ressurected himself is the aforementioned brain damage from being dead for longer than a few seconds but I can suspend my disbelief for the idea in general. One must wonder why it took so long for his Nen to 'restart' his heart and lungs though.

Kortopi's death is a huge loss for the troupe in terms of their thieving capabilities, I imagine Chrollo will be pretty pissed. Shalnark fucked up by not asking for his ability to be returned. The rest of the troupe (maybe with the exception of Machi and Shizuku, although the latter could be fatal if Hisoka's injuries don't heal) won't be so easy. It does make sense to me that Hisoka would take them out to 'soften' Chrollo. There aren't many other Nen users who would willingly provide him with new abilities.

Someone earlier mentioned that it doesn't make sense that Hisoka would want to cripple Chrollo (via killing spiders) when he wanted to fight him before but didn't. I think the difference here is that Hisoka is the one doing the crippling, not Kurapika. He lost the fight but he'll win the war, kind of thing now.

Also I found Hisoka's blown off nose strangely hilarious. Probably because of the sheer nose power drawn by Togashi these past few chapters.

Hyun Sai

Shalnark fucked up by not asking for his ability to be returned. The rest of the troupe (maybe with the exception of Machi and Shizuku, although the latter could be fatal if Hisoka's injuries don't heal) won't be so easy. It does make sense to me that Hisoka would take them out to 'soften' Chrollo. There aren't many other Nen users who would willingly provide him with new abilities.

Are you sure ? He was talking about the phone, and I think it's a physical object like the antennas. It would make sense that Chrollo tore up their pages (or else he would have sensed Kortopi death), but has to give him the phone in person.

And Sharnalk is too smart to jump on Hisoka knowing he doesn't have nen. He would have fled.
It's explained by Sharnalk in the chapter.

Just in case you missed it, it's mentioned in the chapter that he was also shielded by tons of human flesh due to puppets under the 'break' command.

Right, it just felt a bit weird to me that the explosion did create that massive hole in the floor at the same time.

There's also some stuff like ... his nose and lips clearly got burned off, I can't tell what the damage to his skin is like as it's too scribbly..

But his eyes and eyelids survived? Though I can't really tell what's going on with his mouth, it seems like he still has lips in some panels.


He already said he made a mistake of fighting Chrollo while being assisted by other people, saying that was too much for him to handle. This is why he wants to get rid of other Phantom Troupe members so that they won't be available to help Chrollo.

I agree that that's probably the reason, I just feel like it's going there way too fast. I feel like it would work a lot better happening in the background during something larger, like during the BW journey.
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