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Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!


Well, Hisoka died of suffocation that time so there was very little real damage. Yea he lost some limbs and got fucked up, but no fatal blow was dealt. So all Hisoka needed to do was restart his heart and he was fine. Had he taken a fatal blow it would have killed him and his trick wouldn't have helped. Basically he bet everything on the mind controlled dudes cushioning him from the blast and him taking very little damage from it. Had he taken the full force of that blast he'd be dead for sure.

EDIT: Even now I'm not sure how much time he's got. He's using his nen just to stand up and walk around. That's got to be exhausting. Seems like he's living on borrowed time for now.

I think keeping his limbs should be similar to constantly using Gyo, but using them to stand because his nen is actually rubber. Also if we go by the early rule that humans usually just excrete nen all the time, then its not that farfetched to think that Hisoka can keep his nen under control with his texture surprise and not actually lose it.


I think we already know that his Nen is stronger though. I really don't think Hisoka was able to make those Bungee Gum limbs before his resurrection. I believe what we are seeing with Hisoka is brand new. He may have had such great compatibility with his Nen, that he was able to implant such a suggestion/condition. Hell, it almost did feel like he was speaking or "praying" to his Nen. I think this is unlike anything we've seen before. The one common denominator though is the concept of "Nen becoming stronger after death", which I believe did occur here.

I don't think the Nen becoming stronger after death works like that. Hisoka isn't dead. It's Nen that remains lingering after it's users passing that becomes stronger. There's no reason to think Hisoka's Nen as a whole became stronger. There's also the fact that the Nen usually becomes stronger because of it's users negative emotions. Hisoka looked lke he was having a pretty good time when he died.


I doubt its Nen getting stronger after death either that revived him.

He just put a command on his nen to do that (for the first time).
I doubt its Nen getting stronger after death either that revived him.

He just put a command on his nen to do that (for the first time).

I saw it as both. Nen is heavily tied to will and condition. He set a condition for his nen and it worked after his death because of strong will.

I'm at least glad Togashi has set up nen after death on more than one occasion. It's an understood concept, at least to the characters. It kind of become a throw away when you so something like this but as long as we don't see someone dodge death again in this way I'm ok with it.


Judging by spoilers the focus returns to the princes and Kurapika again. Seems like either the boat is about to leave, or has already left.
Saw the Raw -
It's set around the launch of the boat and a party happening on it. The princes are all there. Mostly dialog but it ends with what looks like something happening nen related to Woble


get some go again
Saw the Raw -
It's set around the launch of the boat and a party happening on it. The princes are all there. Mostly dialog but it ends with what looks like something happening nen related to Woble
it's probably his nen beast guardian. i really do think the guardians are going to end up killing some people by surprise. wonder if any of the zodiacs or even a spider ends up getting caught killed by one.


Apparently it takes 2 moths to get to the dark continent in this big ass ship.

Some crazy stuff is gonna go down with the baby.

Glad the Zodiacs are making their way back

Togashi ain't leaving us anytime soon 😎😎


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Nen Baby, or someone else's Nen.
Kurapika could probably wreck a lot of those goons by himself, but I'm sure the craftier Princes got some insane Nen users. Maybe even a Phantom Troupe member or two. We'll see. The boat ride begins.


Can already tell that these Spirit Beasts are going to be a problem. They were already stated to have their own will, and that they act autonomously. That aura looked malicious. This baby is about to have a evil ass guardian, that will probably cause a lot of chaos. Hell, all the Spirit Beasts are going to be causing chaos. This boat ride is going to be wild.


Guardians are controlled by the will of the user right? I wonder if the baby was responding to Oito's distress after realizing they could actually come out of this alive.


Poor Queen, hope she makes it out alive :(

But yeah, I'm betting the baby has a crazy powerful nen beast that'll hardly be under control

Also I didn't think the 3rd prince would be so tiny, lol
Shit is gonna get wrecked worse than Yorknew or the chimera ant arc.The trip was planned to be a bloodbath from the very beginning before even arriving to the dark continent.


This. Fucking. Manga.

The ship details, the mini-society that's being built in, the power games between the princes, Kurapika being a smart paranoid guy as always, the Nen beasts about to come out etc.

And on top of that Togashi is bringing his A-game in terms of drawings.

This is simply insane.

We're probably in for the best ride in shonen mangas history.

Permanently A

Junior Member
This. Fucking. Manga.

The ship details, the mini-society that's being built in, the power games between the princes, Kurapika being a smart paranoid guy as always, the Nen beasts about to come out etc.

And on top of that Togashi is bringing his A-game in terms of drawings.

This is simply insane.

We're probably in for the best ride in shonen mangas history.

Perfect time for the hiatus.
Guardians are controlled by the will of the user right? I wonder if the baby was responding to Oito's distress after realizing they could actually come out of this alive.

I suspect Togashi is going to use the concept of small babies being capable of detecting the mother's humor/stress, so that's why he depicted her as super worried and stressed, incapable of dealing with the life/death situation. That should give a reason for the nen beast to act.


So many people forgetting about the Nen beasts. I guess a Hiatus will do that!

I think its the sound of emanating nen. Not really sure though. I don't think nen has ever been illustrated like that

You're spot on. I think in particular it is used for hostile intent with Nen.

Hostile Nen has been illustrated like that since its introduction though, and even used the same sound effect!


Looking at the ship designs and hearing what is already happening on the lower floors, this whole voyage already seems fucked and they haven't even left port yet. Also baby Woble nen beast seems like it'll put a massive wrench into most anything Kurapika is already planning to keep both the Queen and Prince safe.

God...two months on this boat, shit already going down and the actual real shit not actually hitting the fan till they reach DC? You a nen beast yourself Togashi.
What if they don't reach the Dark continent at all because of the internal struggles? Or what if the calamities actually save the day for the protagonists?


So many people forgetting about the Nen beasts. I guess a Hiatus will do that!

You're spot on. I think in particular it is used for hostile intent with Nen.

Hostile Nen has been illustrated like that since its introduction though, and even used the same sound effect!

Ah, I see. Thanks. I couldn't remember nen looking like that before. Good to know for sure what was actually happening in that panel :)


All the shit occurring on the lower decks of the Black Whale is so much more than I expected. Almost reminds me of Battlestar Galactica. There is going to be a lot of social strife going on in the lower levels. I think there's going to be a lot blood spilled due to things like riots. Looks like the Kakin folks managing things don't really seem to give a fuck either. This is going to be blood bath on all levels.


Just read the official translation from last week, thought I'd compare a couple parts (official translation 2nd)



This one just for fun. "Stroke me all over" is such a Hisoka thing to say lmao



Very different connotations here. The unofficial definitely makes it sound like Hisoka is going to ambush his enemies, while the official seems to indicate he's just going to fight anybody he comes across.



Again, less assassination-revenge-y, which was a big complaint by a bunch of people last week since it didn't particularly fit his character.

It's really too bad that Viz can't release first. Like with scanlation art, people can get bad misconceptions with unofficial work. I do appreciate the scanlators bringing it as quick as possible though, as well as in other series where there is no official way!


So many people forgetting about the Nen beasts. I guess a Hiatus will do that!

Nen beasts not ringing a bell at all... yea I totally forgot whatever those are lol.

Just read the official translation from last week, thought I'd compare a couple parts (official translation 2nd)

It's really too bad that Viz can't release first. Like with scanlation art, people can get bad misconceptions with unofficial work. I do appreciate the scanlators bringing it as quick as possible though, as well as in other series where there is no official way!

Those are quite different. Hm

So I take it no Gon this arc?

This possibility bums me out. Gon/Killua are the soul of this series, though I am happy we're getting to see Kurapika and Hisoka again.

Hyun Sai

I'm happy with a no Gon arc. I find the manga much more interesting when he is not around, and the way he behaved at the end of the Kimera arc pissed me off.


get some go again
I'm happy with a no Gon arc. I find the manga much more interesting when he is not around, and the way he behaved at the end of the Kimera arc pissed me off.
this non gon arc might be the longest arc this manga has ever had. it will have many parts to it so that means going years without seeing either killua or gon. hell this trip might take years so you might even have a significant time skip. it could be that this arc ends after ging and the others reach the dark continent and we get a big time skip. later on adult gon and killua end up going to the dark continent together and we finally see what it's like.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I kind of hope there is some kind of time skip. I'd love to see an adult Gon and Killua wrecking house.
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