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I forget, was Gyro turned into a Chimera Ant or is he still human?
Turned Ant, retained 100% of his memories and personalty so he defected from the colony right after his rebirth.
I forget, was Gyro turned into a Chimera Ant or is he still human?
Turned Ant, retained 100% of his memories and personalty so he defected from the colony right after his rebirth.
On a semi related note would reborn Chimera Ant Kite have the same hatsu?
I forget, was Gyro turned into a Chimera Ant or is he still human?
Turned into an Ant, but unlike any other he was able to break the inherit connect to the King/Queen. Palm talks about how after she was transformed she still had this natural loyalty to the King. Gyro is the only dude to be like fuck all that. The foreshadowing Togashi applied to him is like final villain shit, but let's be real the DC arc is going to take like a decade to complete.
... what if they happen at the same time?Man are we going to get Gyro after this and the DC? Or will Gon be going on an adventure concurrently? Because this is going be long af
The foreshadowing Togashi applied to him is like final villain shit, but let's be real the DC arc is going to take like a decade to complete.
This. Chimera ant was 132 chapters and took roughly 9 years (2003-2012) from start to finish, and this was back when Togashi was still getting about 20 chapters a year out after the serious hiatuses began in 2006.
DC got 1 chapter in 2012, 2 in 2013, 9 in 2014, 0 in 2015 and 11 in 2016, 23 chapters over a total of four years. If we assume that Togashi publishes 10 chapters a year from 2017 onward, and that the DC arc is at least 120 chapters, it'll be around 2026 by the time it's over.
If he publishes less than 10 chapters a year (which, on average, he has since 2013), and if the arc is more than 120 chapters, we might be here until the early 2030s. And Togashi isn't getting any younger either.
Kind of sounds like Berserk will end before HxH.This. Chimera ant was 132 chapters and took roughly 9 years (2003-2012) from start to finish, and this was back when Togashi was still getting about 20 chapters a year out after the serious hiatuses began in 2006.
DC got 1 chapter in 2012, 2 in 2013, 9 in 2014, 0 in 2015 and 11 in 2016, 23 chapters over a total of four years. If we assume that Togashi publishes 10 chapters a year from 2017 onward, and that the DC arc is at least 120 chapters, it'll be around 2026 by the time it's over.
If he publishes less than 10 chapters a year (which, on average, he has since 2013), and if the arc is more than 120 chapters, we might be here until the early 2030s. And Togashi isn't getting any younger either.
Isn't Gyro implied to be the Ant King (Meruem) equivalent
Isn't Gyro implied to be the Ant King (Meruem) equivalent
Isn't that the scene where every hair follicle got feared off of Welfin's body?Strength wise? I'm not really sure considering we didn't really get much exposition on what he became after he was reincarnated. In terms of influence, I'd say that he does rival Meruem given that some thought so highly of him that they kept that memory after their reincarnation. Welfin was even willing to die by saying Gyro was his king to Meruem's face.
Isn't that the scene where every hair follicle got feared off of Welfin's body?
doesn't he basically want to end the world? if he knows about the calamities he might head over and try to bring some back to unleash on the human world. although i think he will likely take over meteor city while the troupe is gone and then try to take over more of the world after. a lot of the really strong hunters will be in the dark continent so right now there aren't many who will be able to stop him. i do think if togashi ever gets to finish the dark continent arc he will likely have a time skip.Till you find out he is in the boat
That scene is one of the best of the arc.The aging scene happens right before that. When Meruem starts to walk away to find Komugi after he remembers her thanks to Welfin, Welfin says that Gyro is his king and not Meruem. Looking back it's a really powerful scene.
Technically Komougi is stealth hero since his affection for her helped him find traces of his humanity.That scene is one of the best of the arc.
Welfin denouncing Meruem and stating Gyro is his true king, even though he believes this will cost him his life.
Meruem completing his journey towards humanity by not only not killing Welfin, but letting him go and wishing him the best of luck finding Gyro and regaining a normal life.
Pouf's despair and breakdown at failing to stop Meruem becoming human. He'll he even dies soon after.
Basically Welfin is the true hero of the arc.
Technically Komougi is stealth hero since his affection for her helped him find traces of his humanity.
Too bad Meruem could never give her like a Nen hanky or something. I honestly don't even think the man cared.Yup. If not for Komougi the world doesn't stand a chance.
I like to use this scale:
After 1-4 chapters: Hiatus level green.
After 5-9 chapters: Hiatus level yellow.
After 10+ chapters: Hiatus level red.
Normally, we'd have roughly two more chapters before we enter the "yellow" danger level. The problem is that Dragon Quest XI comes out on July 29 in Japan, an atypical circumstance which brings us to level red at that point and potentially ends this year's run instantly.
Expecting Togashi to put up with agonizing back pain and the inability to poop is one thing, expecting him to hold off on playing a new DQ is pure foolishness.
You'd think I'd be used to it by now. I was reading this back in 04... Before the breaks started.
He's going to need to output 30 chapters a year if he wants to end this in the next 10-15 years. His assistants need to take over.
Who cleaned up the tanks? Him? I thought he had help for those.He has no assistants. You think he'd have had scribbles published if he had assistants? It's just him, and lately, his wife.
Who cleaned up the tanks? Him? I thought he had help for those.
Who cleaned up the tanks? Him? I thought he had help for those.
He has no assistants. You think he'd have had scribbles published if he had assistants? It's just him, and lately, his wife.
I knew I wasn't crazy. lolThat's not true man. they did a video with WSJ lately (?) and he mentioned that a lot of the backgrounds/etc in Dark continent are because of his assistants hard work or something, in vol 24 or something he mentions an assistant making a sticker... that stuff is a myth
That's not true man. they did a video with WSJ lately (?) and he mentioned that a lot of the backgrounds/etc in Dark continent are because of his assistants hard work or something, in vol 24 or something he mentions an assistant making a sticker... that stuff is a myth
Togashi can be spotted in public and is known friends with several mangaka and is married, Miura? That man is a hermit.Damn. Then what gives? He's like Miura, all by himself?
You'd think I'd know that by now.
Togashi can be spotted in public and is known friends with several mangaka and is married, Miura? That man is a hermit.
Togashi needs all the help he can get, though I do know I can't get used to HxH every week.I know that. I meant as a mangaka.
I know his wife has helped in the past, so he's not above receiving help. I remember reading on the Evil Genius forums that he got some assistants for backgrounds and such. But that wasn't sourced.
Togashi needs all the help he can get, though I do know I can't get used to HxH every week.
I'm just glad this picked up pretty much the week Berserk went back on hiatus.Those were good times.
You had Naruto
One Piece
In one week. Didn't last long.
Togashi and Jump need to think the long run and plan something to get this manga to end.
We're at what, half-way through the story?
We had our sports shhonen with the dodgeball now we should try a nen cooking battleThere are only so many Shonen genres left to cover.
We're way farther than that. I think Togashi has said he has plans for 3 more arcs, but didn't specify length (stuff like the election arc was only 20 chapters) and it's possible that DC is considered one of them (with the boat being it's own arc).
Things that definitely need to happen before the story ends:
-Gon must meet Gyro.
That's basically it. It's the only thing the narrator has told us will absolutely happen. On the other hand, if we look at important plot threads that need to be resolved and most likely won't be a part of DC:
-Illumi's fate.
-Hisoka's fate.
-Gon relearning Nen.
-Gyro's arc.
-The surviving Chimera Ants.
That's not a ton of stuff. It's reasonable to assume that DC is the end of Kurapika's story, and possibly Ging and Leorio's as well. They all have core objectives and main antagonists tied directly to their motivations featured in this arc, and not much left to do after wrapping that stuff up.
Killua's story almost ended in the Election arc, when he found a semi-peaceful resolution to his family's internal conflict. The only loose thread is Illumi. Gon's story seemed to reach a definitive end in that same arc when he achieved his objective of meeting Ging, but if he's destined to meet Gyro then that means Togashi isn't done with him yet.
Potentially, the story could go Boat -> DC -> Gyro and then be over by the mid 2030s, if these arcs aren't gigantic and Togashi doesn't take any more 80-issue breaks.
A big part of HxH is that "you are not the main character." Gon/Meruem not meeting, Gon being absent most of the past two arcs, Kurapika going off the grid for even longer than that, Leorio going to med school and actually doing normal adult things- these are all part of that.It's weird that Gon isn't even part of the story this arc.
He is the main character. Or at least he was.
A big part of HxH is that "you are not the main character." Gon/Meruem not meeting, Gon being absent most of the past two arcs, Kurapika going off the grid for even longer than that, Leorio going to med school and actually doing normal adult things- these are all part of that.
Isn't Gyro implied to be the Ant King (Meruem) equivalent
From the ViZ translation:Right, that's what I'm wondering. Though still seems like he'd get his own big arc.
Any other translations out there for this panel?