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Husband travels 160 miles to kill man having an affair with his Wife

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All three of them deserve their fate. Don't sleep with married women. Don't cheat on your spouse. Don't fucking murder people.

House-breaker is dead.
Murderer is in jail.
Cheating wife is, hopefully, devastated.


Bane was better.
Preferably by stoning, amirite? damn women, forcing men into sin.

Listen, I'm not advocating violence of any form here. What I am saying is that the other guy was the least guilty of the three and the most dead.


All three of them deserve their fate. Don't sleep with married women. Don't cheat on your spouse. Don't fucking murder people.

House-breaker is dead.
Murderer is in jail.
Cheating wife is, hopefully, devastated.

What in the holy fuck is wrong with you people.
That's a truly disgusting way to look at a tragedy like this.

Meh. I don't have a huge heart for scumbags. Mind you, I didn't read the whole thread.. If guy didn't sleep with woman, if he was just a friend, etc., then I'd change my mind. SEeing that the wife was bound up, well, that changes my mind on her.

Never the less, I don't feel sympathy for the murderer or the cheater... If the wife was in an abusive relationship, I'd feel more sympathy for her.


This is precisely the attitude we should challenge, since thinking that cheating is "one of the worst nightmares" is not some kind of a universal, inherent biological belief.

Yeah. My worst nightmare is losing my mind again and winding up rocking in the corner of a home while they water and medicate me to keep me silent. Being eaten by underwater cats is a close second.

Getting cheated on doesn't even make my top ten. I imagine it would be incredibly painful. Certainly, my friend whose wife cheated on him was very broken up. And yet he didn't smash her brains in with a hammer. He cried and was depressed and then he moved on.

The idea that being cheated on somehow is an attack on your masculinity, and therefore it's okay to respond with aggression and violence, is an old idea that needs to go away.


Meh. I don't have a huge heart for scumbags. Mind you, I didn't read the whole thread.. If guy didn't sleep with woman, if he was just a friend, etc., then I'd change my mind. SEeing that the wife was bound up, well, that changes my mind on her.

Never the less, I don't feel sympathy for the murderer or the cheater... If the wife was in an abusive relationship, I'd feel more sympathy for her.

There's no amount of new, relevant information that would make your post any less disgusting. No, home wrecking doesn't deserve death in front of your family by a homicidal maniac. No, being a cheater doesn't deserve being tied up and most likely mentally tortured to then have your homicidal maniac of a husband drive hours to murder your acquaintance.

Absolutely one of the more disgusting posts I've read on this board.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Why not?

Meh. People attach waaaay too much value to sex. It's fun, people should treat it as such. Making it a huge deal and some kind of big commitment takes all of the fun out of it.

I think you mean morals, by the way. The law does not dictate that adultery is illegal (at least in the US), cheating or sleeping with someone you know is cheating is a personal decision.
So you would be okay with never having sex again? Maybe replace it with another fun activity like skiing?


I think at some point we have to draw the line between severity of cheating versus murder. At no point is it ever justified for a murder to take place. Cheating is horrible, breaches trust, ruins relationships, can be emotionally traumatizing, and shows a clear lack of restraint and personal responsibility as well as a selfish disregard for others' emotions, but it is nowhere near as bad as ending a life.

The Lamp

Gee I wonder why she fell for another guy with such a charming level headed husband like that around?

People also cheat on their spouses for petty and unfair reasons. You're insinuating that there's usually a sensible reason for cheating. Which is not alway the case.

Don't cheat. Don't kill people. Stop being shitty humans.


People also cheat on their spouses for petty and unfair reasons. You're insinuating that there's usually a sensible reason for cheating. Which is not alway the case.

Don't cheat. Don't kill people. Stop being shitty humans.

I've seen a lot of the 'cheating is fine, deal with it' mentality crop up in the past few years.

Seth C


The guy that killed someone ruined three lives.

All three are guilty of their own vile or stupidity.

A. You do not kill a man for sleeping with your wife. If anything, the fault is hers or your own.
B. You do not cheat on your husband. You talk to him and/or divorce him.
C. You do not fuck another man's wife because you do not know if he's crazy and might hunt you down.

A is the most vile, C is the most stupid, B is somewhere between the two.


All three are guilty of their own vile or stupidity.

A. You do not kill a man for sleeping with your wife. If anything, the fault is hers or your own.
B. You do not cheat on your husband. You talk to him and/or divorce him.
C. You do not fuck another man's wife because you do not know if he's crazy and might hunt you down.

A is the most vile, C is the most stupid, B is somewhere between the two.

Somewhere between the two... In your educated opinion, on a scale where 1 is the most vile and 10 is the most stupid, where exactly does cheating fit in there in regards to this specific case. I'm not going to lambaste you, I'm actually genuinely interested.
Well, it would make the woman suffer more because she would suffer from extreme guilt. Physically unharmed, but you bet she's been hurt.

How in the world does the physically unharmed woman suffer more than the man who was murdered? This reminds me of the HIlary Clinton quote about women being the primary victim of war.

Seth C

Somewhere between the two... In your educated opinion, on a scale where 1 is the most vile and 10 is the most stupid, where exactly does cheating fit in there in regards to this specific case. I'm not going to lambaste you, I'm actually genuinely interested.

Well I'd consider them not two sides of one scale, but I'd say the wife's actions were about a 3 out of 10 on each scale, the homicide victim about a 1 on the vile scale and a 7 on the stupid scale, and the murdering husband a 9 on the vile scale (gotta be worse reasons to kill someone) and I'll not rank his stupidity because I'm assuming his actions were purely emotion with little thought given at all.

The only one I feel sorry for is the homicide victim, mind you. The "wrongness" of what he did is pretty minor. He gave a willing adult something she wanted. Fair game. It was stupid because there are millions of others he could have slept with and, ridiculous as it is, sometimes when you fuck another man's wife he comes at you for revenge. Avoiding things that make other people angry with you also helps you avoid being killed. It's not right, but it IS the reality of the world.
Not sure I fully understand why the assumption is that she's some horrible horny woman, and not that she was unable to 'officially' leave a relationship with a guy who sounds pretty nuts and dangerous.


Cheating is bad, murder is so much worse.

The woman was not the cause of this, but she still did something wrong; it just pales in comparison

Seth C

I agree with that. It sucks a person can't just move on to the next.

Well, they can. Marriage is a choice, and it comes with expectations from your partner. Everyone is quite free to not get married, and in this country also free to divorce for any reason.

Camp Lo

Well, they can. Marriage is a choice, and it comes with expectations from your partner. Everyone is quite free to not get married, and in this country also free to divorce for any reason.

I meant moving on after getting cheated on or even looking past it to reconcile. Some people really take that shit to heart and I feel fortunate that I wouldn't in that situation.


All three are guilty of their own vile or stupidity.

A. You do not kill a man for sleeping with your wife. If anything, the fault is hers or your own.
B. You do not cheat on your husband. You talk to him and/or divorce him.
C. You do not fuck another man's wife because you do not know if he's crazy and might hunt you down.

A is the most vile, C is the most stupid, B is somewhere between the two.

How about you don't fuck another man's wife because that's shady behavior.
Yeah, cheating and murder aren't even close to equal. Dude should have handled that another way (the fact that he tied her up and Jack Bauer'd the info out of her might say that he wasn't playing with a full deck from the get-go).

But while they aren't close to equal, the wife and the other man are still douchebags for being cheaters. They don't get some kind of magical "free pass" of innocence. No, they didn't cause the murder or are responsible for the murder, the dude who shot did. But they're still assholes. Just not nearly as much of an asshole as the dude tying people up and shooting others.


What if the guy didn't even know she was married? lol

Yeah and that dude's family is wrecked right now... husband busts in and kills him with them right by. Messed up

Kind of crazy he didn't stop along the few hours of driving and reconsider, too bad


This killer is such a simp. Wife cheated because he's wack, then goes out and kills instead of fishing the ocean again. Sucka shit.


"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions"
Man's not taking that crap. Lets see how he fares in prison.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
How in the world does the physically unharmed woman suffer more than the man who was murdered? This reminds me of the HIlary Clinton quote about women being the primary victim of war.

I didn't mean that the woman was harmed more than the guy, I mean that it's possible depending on your pov that the woman might have suffered less with a quick death because now she will possibly have to suffer through years of psychological stress. The guy I was responding seemed to be implying that the woman wasn't even a victim in this case, when a basic level of empathy will tell you that's not the case. And why compare it to the guy anyway and have that pissing contest?


All three of them deserve their fate. Don't sleep with married women. Don't cheat on your spouse. Don't fucking murder people.

House-breaker is dead.
Murderer is in jail.
Cheating wife is, hopefully, devastated.

I can't tell if this thread is reaching meta ironic levels of posting or if these are genuine posts. The guy deserved to get killed? Seriously?


Told my LMSW mom about this thread and what I said. She agreed with everybody being against me! What I said made me seem like I was victim blaming. I worded it wrong without explaining my full thoughts.

I should have said the wife set things in motion by having the affair, while the psychotic husband is to blame for everything else.

Something like that. Sorta hard to type it out for some reason.

If we're going to keep playing the blame game. Maybe I shouldn't even submit this posting.
I don't get the whole "You cheated on me! I'm gonna make the person you cheated on me with pay!"

The other person "took what's mine", so to a super possessive partner, the other person "stole" something. And "stealing a possession" is something worthy of death. At least, that's what the castle doctrine has taught us.

If someone thinks of their partner as a thing to be owned, as opposed to another human being with independent thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., that type of mindset probably makes sense to them.

I'm just speculating though.
The other person "took what's mine", so to a super possessive partner, the other person "stole" something. And "stealing a possession" is something worthy of death. At least, that's what the castle doctrine has taught us.

If someone thinks of their partner as a thing to be owned, as opposed to another human being with independent thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., that type of mindset probably makes sense to them.

I'm just speculating though.

That's the only way I can wrap my head around some of the responses here. That it's about ownership.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
So the updated program is:

Delete Facebook.
Hit the Gym.
New wardrobe.

Gotta love all the "Well she ruined 3 lives, shouldna done that, he's just a boy!" .. how about you don't fucking kill people. Dude shoulda noped outta that fucked up marriage and went to mexico for a mid life rage party.
sad shit..


Told my LMSW mom about this thread and what I said. She agreed with everybody being against me! What I said made me seem like I was victim blaming. I worded it wrong without explaining my full thoughts.

I should have said the wife set things in motion by having the affair, while the psychotic husband is to blame for everything else.

Something like that. Sorta hard to type it out for some reason.

If we're going to keep playing the blame game. Maybe I shouldn't even submit this posting.
Please hug your mom for all of us. What is LMSW?
To all the people saying it's the wife's fault/hope she learned her lesson/doesn't feel bad for her..etc:

Do you think cheating on your legal spouse should be illegal?

...cause I'm pretty sure it isn't and murder is.


Wow, a whole 160 miles?

I mean seriously though guys cheating is horrible and the guy could have used an ass whooping but murder took it a bit far.

How did the husband "win" by the way? Everyone lost.
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