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Husband travels 160 miles to kill man having an affair with his Wife

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The Adder

Anyone who wants to is welcome to disagree, but looking for nuance when it comes to an assault and murder seems gross to me and I feel more comfortable just saying that victim blaming is always equally bad. If you need those lines, have at it.

So maybe you should read the posts you respond to better because I didn't say blaming the victims here is a justifiable thing to do. My post was about it being wrong to associate victims of disproportionate retribution to innocent victims because it invites people to look at innocent victims as if they are guilty of something which there is already far too much of when it comes to rape victims.
I've always been curious as to why people get mad at the person who was roped in by the cheater, as opposed to the cheater themselves. If you're going to kill anyone, why not just kill the wife in this instance? Who knows, poor dude might not have even known that she was married. Doesn't really seem fair to kill him!

I don't get when someone finds out something like that, they don't blame their wife/gf but the guy who she cheated on. I think you shouldn't hurt anyone but if he was going to hurt anyone it should've been the wife, she's the one who "cheated", all the guy did was bang her.
What if the guy didn't even know she was married? lol

You need to learn to forgive your SO. Also, the likely thought is that she was forced into sex, which is not uncommon.


So far everyone in this thread who has bothered to make a comment about the murderer has leapt to the conclusion he's a terrible husband with a history for violence. Only 3 people had the presence of mind to point out that everyone has different emotional triggers.

It's fine to make a guess on who the person is that led up to this disaster but don't pretend you know for sure what his history is.
I don't give a shit about what his emotional trigger is, tying up your wife and threatening her makes you a terrible husband, period.


At the same time, don't you feel like you have a responsibility to hold a post at its entirety? You can't honestly take from my post, that I'm saying people are literally condoning murder, but the idea that she is at fault, however much. I mean, perhaps you can, and thats my mistake. And I'll work on being completely clear when trying to make a point. And you're right, if thats your take home, that I was saying that, then clearly thats how anyone with an alternative/supplemental view would respond. I just felt that I kept clarifying with my posts. I don't think the actual opinions are what is being discussed. Just people getting miffed at others, and throwing in assumptions. (shit earthquake in los angeles...) OK, thats over, back to gaf...

The post (mine) comes off a bit dramatic. I really don't mind that much.

I just thought talk of condoning murder (I didn't even know it was you who was the poster or even that much of the context) would do more to inflame the situation.


He shouldn't have murdered anyone. She shouldn't have cheated on him (assuming she actually did). Both acts are morally reprehensible, but the first is far, far more so. She bears no moral responsibility for the murder. She bears some causal responsibility for the murder. Does that cover everything?

She bears responsibility for inciting his wrath. No one who gets cheated doesn't get upset. How far we go to make ourselves feel better or to gain justice though have no bearing on the person who angered us. It was his irrational choice to commit murder.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
You really feel like it's a leap to say that someone who ties another person up and then murders another might have a history of violence?
If not, they damn sure jumped onto the Crazy Train with both feet.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
She bears responsibility for inciting his wrath. No one who gets cheated doesn't get upset. How far we go to make ourselves feel better or to gain justice though have no bearing on the person who angered us. It was his irrational choice to commit murder.

That's why I said she bears causal responsibility, but not moral responsibility. Yes, she incited his anger. However, even if someone has made you incredibly angry, society still places a burden of expectation upon your actions, and that burden must not broken regardless of your emotional state. He did not meet that burden, and he alone faces the moral responsibility for that - not her.
So maybe you should read the posts you respond to better because I didn't say blaming the victims here is a justifiable thing to do. My post was about it being wrong to associate victims of disproportionate retribution to innocent victims because it invites people to look at innocent victims as if they are guilty of something which there is already far too much of when it comes to rape victims.

I don't know how else to express that I disagree with you so I'm just going to smile and nod and back away.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I am sorry, but trivializing cheating when compared to murder is sorta the sane thing to do. Cheating is wrong, sure, but murder is fucking murder. Everyone always wants to jump on board and blame the woman in these threads, like cheating--->murder is the 'rational' response and she should have expected it, like she jumped in front of train or something. It's disgusting to me.
Cheating -> you should expect some kind of irrational emotional response. Killing someone is obviously an extreme that everyone considers beyond the range of acceptable response, same as say forcible castration, but to think that betraying someone by cheating on them is not an act that will result in anything more than a measured discussion is to be in complete denial of the human condition.
Best thing to do is to get as much evidence of infidelity to get most of the joint assets, divorce her and take her to the cleaners and move on. If someone is willing to cheat on you then he/she was never really down with you in the first place.

But lol, murder someone (that didn't owe you shit) guess that'll show her while you rot in prison whilst she meets someone new. Sweet, sweet revenge!


You need to learn to forgive your SO. Also, the likely thought is that she was forced into sex, which is not uncommon.

I was being sarcastic about he should hurt her, no one should get hurt...I would do that also, forgive her and forget her.
You leave one girl, you still got more than 1billion girls that would be single and better than her.

It's just me, if my SO cheated on me, I would forgive her, but I can't stay.


lmao really

You really feel like it's a leap to say that someone who ties another person up and then murders another might have a history of violence?
Don't under-estimate the emotional trauma of cheating. I've had friends go completely fine to seriously suicidal when they found out. A loved one cheating in general is a huge emotional trigger.


Awesome thread for the reading. I enjoyed listening to everybody's statements and arguments.

Terrible thread due to the actual news though. Don't understand violence, and I don't understand how you can terrify your wife.

Checking out for now.


You'd figure after 22 years of Maury, we'd have resolved this as a species.

Humanity tends to take a while to learn from its mistakes.

You need to learn to forgive your SO. Also, the likely thought is that she was forced into sex, which is not uncommon.
Wat. She was forced into sex? It sounds like this was an ongoing thing, I doubt she was forced into anything. Besides, pretty sure it's just called rape at that point, kind of hard to pin someone with cheating if they were raped.

Having a SO is silly and outmoded anyway, being a free agent will make you a lot happier in life.


also, this thread has it all.
Playing with fire is always fun. :)


The guy who cheated is an idiot and because of what he did, now he is dead.

Sleeping with a married women is kind of like poking a bear. 99 times out of 100 nothing comes of it, but most people know there is a chance of a jealous husband who might try to kick your ass, or worse (which happened here).

BHZ Mayor

Cheating is shitty.

Torture and murder are an order of magnitude shittier.

You know what normal people do in this kind of situation? They get a divorce, or marriage counseling. Not murder.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The guy who cheated is an idiot and because of what he did, now he is dead.

Sleeping with a married women is kind of like poking a bear. 99 times out of 100 nothing comes of it, but most people know there is a chance of a jealous husband who might try to kick your ass, or worse (which happened here).

He may not have known. Hell, she may not have even been cheating and just yelled out some guy her husband would believe so her husband wouldn't kill her. You just don't know enough about the situation to say.


You really feel like it's a leap to say that someone who ties another person up and then murders another might have a history of violence?

I made the same conclusion but it is still a jump to a conclusion by assuming what his background is like.

That's why I said she bears causal responsibility, but not moral responsibility. Yes, she incited his anger. However, even if someone has made you incredibly angry, society still places a burden of expectation upon your actions, and that burden must not broken regardless of your emotional state. He did not meet that burden, and he alone faces the moral responsibility for that - not her.

Ok. I was trying to figure out why you used casual as an adjective.
Don't under-estimate the emotional trauma of cheating. I've had friends go completely fine to seriously suicidal when they found out. A loved one cheating in general is a huge emotional trigger.

Feeling depressed =/ being murderous. Everyone feels sad when they get cheated on, not everyone kills over it.

I made the same conclusion but it is still a jump to a conclusion by assuming what his background is like.

Well yeah, but it's not like A) we are his court appointed doctors and his fate rests in our hands or B) thinking that someone who resorts to violence is a violent person is unreasonable.


Bane was better.
If anyone, he should have killed his wife. The other guy could have not known anything about her.


The guy who cheated is an idiot and because of what he did, now he is dead.

Sleeping with a married women is kind of like poking a bear. 99 times out of 100 nothing comes of it, but most people know there is a chance of a jealous husband who might try to kick your ass, or worse (which happened here).
Yeah, nah. Even if he had known (and as stated, there's a possibility that he didn't), he shouldn't have to fear for his life because the woman was thirsty. Nothing wrong with giving out the D when it is desired, you know?
Wat. She was forced into sex? It sounds like this was an ongoing thing, I doubt she was forced into anything. Besides, pretty sure it's just called rape at that point, kind of hard to pin someone with cheating if they were raped.

Having a SO is silly and outmoded anyway, being a free agent will make you a lot happier in life.

The fact she consented does not mean she wasn't pressured into it, and if this was ongoing the guy likely knew she was married.

As for your other point, not everybody wants to die alone.


The fact she consented does not mean she wasn't pressured into it, and if this was ongoing the guy likely knew she was married.

As for your other point, not everybody wants to die alone.
Okay... So... Isn't that still rape? Are you saying there's a blurry line? I'm pretty sure it's black and white. Either she wanted the D or she didn't, there's not a whole lot of room for interpretation here.

I might die alone, but at least I will have lived free.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Nothing wrong with giving out the D when it is desired, you know?

No there definitely is something wrong in certain circumstances. If you sleep with your best friend's girlfriend, everything about that is wrong. If it's a guy you don't know it makes you less of an asshole but you're still not a decent human being. If you didn't know, you're innocent. None of the three situations warrant death, but there is severe assholery involved. You're free to disagree, though, not everyone shares the same idea of ethics.


It's not a compliment.
Why not?

No there definitely is something wrong in certain circumstances. If you sleep with your best friend's girlfriend, everything about that is wrong. If it's a guy you don't know it makes you less of an asshole but you're still not a decent human being. If you didn't know, you're innocent. None of the three situations warrant death, but there is severe assholery involved. You're free to disagree, though, not everyone shares the same idea of ethics.
Meh. People attach waaaay too much value to sex. It's fun, people should treat it as such. Making it a huge deal and some kind of big commitment takes all of the fun out of it.

I think you mean morals, by the way. The law does not dictate that adultery is illegal (at least in the US), cheating or sleeping with someone you know is cheating is a personal decision.
True, but also she's the root of the cause. Without her cheating, the husband wouldn't have killed the man.

Or, she may not have cheated if she was married to a rational human being - which she clearly was not. It's unfair to label her the "root cause" when we know a fraction of the story.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Meh. People attach waaaay too much value to sex. It's fun, people should treat it as such. Making it a huge deal and some kind of big commitment takes all of the fun out of it.

It's important to some people, and it's generally good to be sensitive to other peoples' feelings. You can find other free spirits at bars, (strip) clubs (that's where I go >_>), online, or people in more unorthodox type relationships. Not every opportunity that comes your way should be taken, even if it's true that said hypothetical wife would just cheat with another guy anyway. Don't always take what you can get. Just my opinion breh, I would hope that I would never hurt another person like that.


Cheating is wrong. Everyone knows that.

But her husband is a lunatic and I almost can see why she felt the need to cheat. I don't condone it, she should have left him but at the same time he's insane so maybe it was more complicated.

Either way, he can now spend his life in jail thankfully.
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