Pimpwerx said:If you lost a wallet with that amount of money in it, would you expect to ever see it again? No. Would you be really happy if someone returned it to you? Yes. Would that person be a complete sucker for not keeping the cash and bailing? Yes. Do you want to be that sucker? No.
Seriously, I'll refer you to the case of Finders v. Keepers. The ruling was finder, keepers. Losers, weepers. If you return that wallet and money, I'll lose faith in humanity. Human nature is greed. $600 for free is no small potatoes. I wouldn't even have thought about it. I would have made sure the coast was clear, transfered the money to my wallet, and chucked the wallet into some bushes. Probably buy a t-shirt that said, "Smartest Man Alive" on it, and high-fived everyone on the way home. I'd then probably preorder a PSP, b/c there's really no way I'm gonna do that with my own cash.
That said, I'm glad there are so many honest folk on here. If I ever lose my wallet again, I want you guys to find it. But don't lose your stuff around me, 'cause its mines.And fuck karma up its ass. There's no such thing. PEACE.
Papi said:This is a moral question. Everyone has different morals based on a whole heap of crap, which has influenced them since their birth, such as the society, culture, and religion. Someone growing up in a society where the majority believe that finders-keepers is the right notion will probably adopt a similar perspective. No society's way of thinking is superior to another and no one's moral is superior to another person's.
You can't say that keeping the wallet is wrong - what is the reason why it's wrong? It might be wrong based on your personal morals but your morals can't be shown to be correct.
If i was in border's situation i'd give everything back except for the money. I'd probably gamble some of the money, throw some parties, get really drunk, and buy some clothes.
border said:Wallet returned with money intact. No reward. I got a mild smile and the kind of curt, obligatory "Thank you" that you might give to a stranger that holds the door open for you. On the phone the guy even seemed mildly annoyed that I couldn't meet him closer to his own residence. He seemed to regard it like I was returning a book that I borrowed or something.
Don't feel much better about myself, don't feel like the guy's "faith in humanity" is somehow heightened.....just feel like I wasted a lot of time and gave up a lot of money on a wallet delivery service. So fuck it, I'm keeping the next wallet I find. I don't care if the ID inside is a hot girl, homeless guy, AIDS victim, celebrity or a nun. Time to even the score with the universe....I'm just not sure if I should automatically keep the only next single lost wallet, or continue to accumulate them until the cash total of them reaches $600. =)
ManDudeChild said:Oh nos! He didn't give you any cash or lick your boots with gratitude!!11 I guess it's a good idea for you to keep the next one you find :rolleyes
Probably not. The guy's car was a Civic w/ rims and a custom spoiler. Here I am thinking about somebody's rent payment or a guy getting his legs broken by a loan shark/bookie. What a moron I am =P This fucker will probably just use $600 to buy some stickers or a loud muffler or some other stupid shit. Most likely living with parents (unidentified older-sounding male answered the phone), pocketing what he doesn't pay in rent to blow on ridiculous vanities like car upgrades.karasu said:He may have even saved his ass.
Ristamar said:You heard it here first, folks: Downloading MP3s = Killing Native Americans
karasu said:say huh????
This entire country was 'found'.
My words exactly.Teh Hamburglar said:Yes, Border did a good thing. And, I agree, the guy probably could have been a bit more appreciative for having recieved his 600 bucks again. But that doesn't change the fact what Border did was what he should have done regardless.