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I’m afraid it’s been 9 years…since Metal Gear Solid V released



The Phantom Pain was released on September 1, 2015. What are your thoughts about the game now? Have they changed over time? I was so hyped about it and it mostly delivered. The story was somewhat lacking but the gameplay was awesome. I haven't returned to it in many years but now could be a good time to do few side missions again. I'm suprised that I didn't see a thread about this yet.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Opinion hasn't changed at all. It's by far the best MGS game and it's not even close. Gameplay far surpasses anything in the previous entries. There really aren't many stealth action games close to it.

The fact that anyone actually takes any of the stories in these games seriously is still genuinely shocking to me. The story about the clone hand villain, and the vampire, and the nano machines. It's always been a terrible story that just sets up the fun gameplay.

2. MGS2
3. MGS1
4. MSG3
5. MGS4
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The Phantom Pain was released on September 1, 2015. What are your thoughts about the game now? Have they changed over time? I was so hyped about it and it mostly delivered. The story was somewhat lacking but the gameplay was awesome. I haven't returned to it in many years but now could be a good time to do few side missions again. I'm suprised that I didn't see a thread about this yet.

Me after this realization:

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Power Pro

First time I ever felt disappointed in a Metal Gear game. Never understood people who said the gameplay was good...it was far worse when it came to how the AI handled being spotted. You couldn't have fun with the AI like you could in previous games either. You get spotted by one dude, even if you kill or tranq him immediately, EVERYONE knows where you are. In previous games, enemies had to have seen you themselves usually, or have been notified by another enemy to know where you are.

Don't even get me started on the story also. Even if you ignore the fact that it wasn't finished, it was still one of the most boring plots ever. I hated the whole vocal parasite plot. It's weird to have such a crazy scenario take place in a prequel and never is addressed or mentioned in games that take place afterward. Also the "twist" people knew as soon as trailers were shown. There was no mystery to this game. Also fuck what they did to Dr Strangelove. One of my favorite characters from Peace Walker.


First time I ever felt disappointed in a Metal Gear game. Never understood people who said the gameplay was good...it was far worse when it came to how the AI handled being spotted. You couldn't have fun with the AI like you could in previous games either. You get spotted by one dude, even if you kill or tranq him immediately, EVERYONE knows where you are. In previous games, enemies had to have seen you themselves usually, or have been notified by another enemy to know where you are.

Don't even get me started on the story also. Even if you ignore the fact that it wasn't finished, it was still one of the most boring plots ever. I hated the whole vocal parasite plot. It's weird to have such a crazy scenario take place in a prequel and never is addressed or mentioned in games that take place afterward. Also the "twist" people knew as soon as trailers were shown. There was no mystery to this game. Also fuck what they did to Dr Strangelove. One of my favorite characters from Peace Walker.
Agree the stealth system is not as good and might be unfinished. I do remember the enemy having to call in with a radio to go into alert phase.

It's a good action game though. I had a ton of fun with this game.
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You have to admire this game running at 60 fps on the ps4, and looking really good.

This game takes note of your strategies and changes the enemies tactics of later missions. For example, if you do lots of headshots, they start to wear helmets.
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Neo Member
loved it.

Characters, setting (reminiscent of Rambo 3) and gameplay are great, and even the graphis hold up today, except for the lack of anti-aliasing.

I rember grinding the end-game for hundreds of hours to get some kind of over-powered sniper rifle.



Christ. Where did that go?

I enjoyed it for what it was, a damn fun game. The plot was utter nonsense but everything else was brilliant.
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Gold Member
loved it.

Characters, setting (reminiscent of Rambo 3) and gameplay are great, and even the graphis hold up today, except for the lack of anti-aliasing.
Yea I hate how the game basically forced FXAA on PC, you could turn it off in the INI files though. I forced SMAA and used downsampling which made the game look WAY better.


Still got my ps4 copy, game wasnt finished but what we got was really good, it just needed part2 on same engine at the end of ps4 gen, then remaster for current gen all in 1 package.


Gold Member
Quite possibly the greatest gameplay ever in an open-world, wild amounts of depth, complexity and experimental weirdness as can be expected from Kojima. Calling in the chopper and hearing stuff like this never got old:

My biggest complaint with this game was the switch to Kiefer Sutherland as Snake (though I otherwise like him as an actor, 24 ftw), Hayter was iconic and the change was jarring (and it simply didn't fit the character as well). I know many love to hate on the story but there is actually a lot going on with exploration into themes of language, vengeance, legacy, identity and the cost of war. Base building was another highlight, Quiet was *chef's kiss*, Shalashaska was that dude, what more could a man want?
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MGS 2 and 3 are some of my all time favorote games, but I just couldn't get into MGS V. I don't remember exactly what set me off this game. Maybe I'll give it another try.
mgsv was a huge disappointment. Nonsensical story, awful stealth gameplay, and stupid AI. Even the gun details are inferior to the older games. And the fox engine couldn't handle more than a dozen enemies at once so the open world feels extra empty.

I don't blame konami for kicking kojima out.


Gold Member
It’s a good thing I’m on vacation and don’t have access to a keyboard or I would rage-type a 23 page essay on why this game is outrageously disappointing and a permanent blemish on the “genius” of Kojima.

The absolute frustration I feel about what was promised in contrast to what was delivered sits deep. A half-baked cobbled together Frankenstein of a game, disjointed story, HUGE plot holes and situations that just never get resolved and just “end”. A bunch of kids steal a fucking Metal Gear from you and everyone’s just like “o well, anyway”. Never mentioned again, lmao. Ridiculous. This game’s story is a calamity.

As for gameplay, look up one of the TGS gameplay demos where they show the “jungle”, of where they explain Mother Base and compare that with what we ended up getting.

Fuck this game.
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I remember the excitement over "Red Band" and "Nuclear" trailers. Kojima is a master leveling up the hype.

The fact that anyone actually takes any of the stories in these games seriously is still genuinely shocking to me. The story about the clone hand villain, and the vampire, and the nano machines. It's always been a terrible story that just sets up the fun gameplay.
MGS also explores a lot of deep meaning concepts like Nuclear, Death, AI, Society, Control, War Children etcetera. Not just over the top sci-fi stuff.
By the way MGS4 also has an emphasis on other characters emotional ties with Solid Snake like Otacon, Meryl, Raiden or Big Boss.

As for MGSV, like others have said, the fluidity of the gameplay is incredible, the game feels fun to play. It's a follow-up to Peace Walker including the grinding.

In the end Kojima pursued a loop similar to Star Wars I-VI, the story is pointless and retcons alot.
I like the war's psychological pain thematic, but I didn't care for that quarantine scene and many of the characters.
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John Bilbo

I think it is one of the best stealth games I've played.

I am not a stealth enthusiast though so there could be way better games in the genre out there.

blue velvet

Poorly written just like any other Kojima game but I enjoyed tf out this back in 2016. One of the few games I platinumed on my aging PS3. The open world design was awful, it feels like a one huge theme park where there's not a single civilian. Ground Zero semi open world map should've been the template for a game like this.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
I couldnt get out of hospital, but it was good intro, I heard that later parts of the game werent that good so I am fine for what I got from it.
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I loved the trailers for this game. Gameplay was amazing but i missed the long cutscenes from other Kojima games and while Kiefer did an amazing job imo, you can barely hear him in the game. Thankfully Kojima went back to long ass cutscenes in DS :)
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Naked Lunch

For me, Metal Gear is all about the bosses - and the bosses in MGSV were trash.
Completely missed opportunity using that engine to create more memorable bosses.

The game was still good for what it was - it just felt like a different series to me.


Gold Member
Konami should remake Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake as one game in unreal engine 5, and have david hayter write the script, and have it star hayter and kiefer sutherland, and maybe mads mikkelsen as dr madnar (creator of metal gear)


I will never forget MGSV. Such a mess of a game, felt almost like half of the game was missing..

But still an insane experience that impressed me so much at the time!
I did enjoy it as a fan but mostly because of great gameplay. However story it felt off when you had to repeat the same mission again just to advance and some other stuff which showed how unfinished it was. I did enjoy building the motherbase etc but all that was great as a first playthrough. I tried twice to play it again and I just cant be assed to restart the whole base management and do 5-10 unrelated missions just to get a snippet of story cutscene. It could of been so much more, it was pretty good but compared to previous titles, zero replayability value except for the very story driven first hospital scene.


Phantom pain was disappointing. Ground zero was fantastic and I soooo wish they had built the game around smaller zones like ground zeros to polish the experience more and allow for a better told story. Going open world really was too much for the team.

K' Dash

The worst of them all, you could see Konami just released whatever was finished and some people gobbled it up like it was some kind of masterpiece, what a bunch of clowns.

I mean, it was a big wasteland… of nothing, the joke can’t get more meta than that.
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