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I am so tired of the whole 30 fps this 60fps that discussion. You all lost the sight on what really matters and it's ruining console gaming


I for one am glad that people are complaining more and more about performance, an important aspect of how good a game feels, and demanding more from their games.
The excuse that we should accept 30fps because past generations also ran at that (or worse) has never sat well with me. We had a major performance increase this generation and people shouldn't be expected to lower their standards just because developers suck at optimizing their software.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I guess I just suck but I can't really tell the difference between 30/60 in a game like Spiderman for example.
See I don't mind 30fps in fact I mostly play at 30fps and even I can see the difference in Spider Man
I just don't think 60fps in some games (like Spider Man) looks natural.
I actually find it distracting.
I don't know how to explain it but when it's obvious and has that soap opera effect I switch to 30fps.
But for example Lies of P demo I prefer that in performance mode because I don't think it looks smooth in 30fps.
As long as it stable it's fine.
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I was playing PS2 games here in Europe on PAL TVs at god knows what framerate and it never made me enjoy them any less.

I actually stopped watching Digital Foundry and most stuff on youtube and just buy and enjoy the games i want tbh.


I agree, and 60fps games are not something that has been invented today, but exists since forever.

The narrative "today's consoles are powerful enough for 60fps in all games" makes no sense since devs can always push their ambitions more and more. 60fps are a choice and are possible even on a NES, but this means beeing less ambitious. Some genres needs to be 60fps, but largest part of games are perfectly playable at 30fps (even with some dips).

And especially today that PC only games doesn't exists anymore, the evolution of tech for gaming have to be driven by console, so if devs are scared of release a 30fps game because of reception, everything will move slower in future (like we are already seeing this gen).

Imagine if Rockstar had to release 60fps GTA V on 360/PS3 instead the insanely ambitious 20/30fps game they delivered, we basically would have been something closer to San Andreas than what they delivered. And this same talks works for everything, if Insomniac would have aimed for a 1440p/30fps Spiderman 2, I'm sure the showcase would have been lot more impressive.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
What year were you born in? You never had a Nes, or Super Nes, or Nintendo 64, or Sega Genesis, or played Raiden in the arcade, or PacMan, or Outrun, or Street Fighter II?

Your memory isn't serving you well here. NES had plenty of games that ran at 60fps including SMB1. Pretty sure even Atari 2600 ran games at 60, pretty sure Street Fighter II did in a cabinet. It's not a new technology. I'm not a "60 or nothing" guy but games have been running at 60 for over 50 years at this point.


As far as I am concerned, I discovered 60fps 35 years ago on NES and then Master System. I was playing on CRT in RGB, games were 240p. It was glorious. I am still enjoying this nowadays. Best picture quality ever.

Then 3D happened, and with it 30fps (most of the time). But it was still CRT, and it was still 240p most of the time, so it was quite enjoyable.

Then 480i happened, and the picture started being a bit painful to look at, especially on PS2 where the picture quality was abysmal. DC, Xbox and GC fared better. But this was still complicated. 50Hz is not even a question, the flicker is awful.

And then, HD TVs happened, and this is where all modern issues appeared. Yup, this is totally unrelated to consoles. It's these shit TVs with a ton of blur. I can't look at anything on this without getting eye-strain unless it is 60fps, and even then, blur WILL be present. And this is not new, not some kind of incredible discovery made in 2022 or whatever.

In the meantime, my eyes have aged 35 years. I started wearing glasses 1 year ago. Strain will come more easily if things are difficult to look at. Trying to detect things in a free roaming world that is 30fps is insufferable. Basically, what I actually do intuitively is :
- stop focusing on screen (for example by fixing the character instead of the background)
- moving the camera
- focus again on screen after the movement
We have trained our brains into doing this. At least, this is what I think. And yes, it was already painful in Demons Souls on PS3. Which was, by the way, a bit smoother and more responsive than Dark Souls.

TLDR : someone save us from the curse of shit TVs.
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Gold Member
Some games are unplayable to me at 30 fps, some are to other people more so since they get motion sickness.

I just like 60 fps the better, graphics and animations just look way better at 60+ fps. Many can't get it but games DO look better a 60+ fps, for me they are not only move responsive but part of visual appeal. A 60 fps game will always look more satisfying than a 30 fps given close enough graphic quality.

I can play 30 fps games but they better be Zelda, Xenoblade or feel amazing (ala Spyro on Switch, blurry but solid at 30).
Agreed. Some people are happy complaining about 30fps, but when I see those complaints I feel like those people forget that they only paid £450 for that device. The value proposition is absolutely unmatched in my opinion, but it’s still limited in what it can output.

If you want amazing graphics and the frames to go with it, go and buy a PC. Be prepared to accept that it’s going to cost you a hell of a lot more than £450 for a similar graphical experience at 60fps.


Can’t Git Gud
The Office Thank You GIF

I've been preaching about how awesome FF XVI 30 FPS mode plays at the Demo's topic

People are oblivious. Even on PC, you may be playing at 60 FPS but with some insane input lag.

Input lag is more important than framerate

Put this information inside your noggins

Also framepacing. You may have a stuttery looking mess even at 60 FPS or higher.

A perfectly framepaced 30 FPS game can look glorious.
Exactly. 30 vs 60fps can be as low difference as 16ms of input lag but it's usually more due to not perfect set ups.
And then people who are willing to try 30, disable motion blur and all that stuff as soon as they enter the game... so they are destroying their chance of accepting 30fps from the get go.

30 fps is miserable, peasant-tier gaming.
I am a peasant then!

So what? That it's so juddery that it is practically unplayable?
Bloodborne? that's just not true. It's one of best playing 30fps games. Some stutter here and there is not too bad.


Can’t Git Gud
God some of you all are going above and beyond to defend 30 fps. It is inferior and should not be a thing anymore.

60 fps should be bare minimum. End of discussion
There shouldn't be something as "mandatory or bare minimum"
You limit yourself, you limit the devs, you limit creativity. but its your choice I guess


you can.
you can set Steam to boot up in big picture mode, basically giving you a console menu.

I have a 10m HDMI cable running to my TV.
sadly those longer cables are pretty low quality. you basically only get HDMI 2.0 features at best with them
I do t think I would need 10 m, maybe 7 or so. I double there are many cables like that though? What do you surrender at 2.0?

Also, for big picture mode does it boot right in? I’m pretty interested in this


Can’t Git Gud
says the guy who thinks anything below a 3080/4070/4080 is waste on PC and you cant enjoy games since anything below these would run games worse than PS5. somehow being able to enjoy games on hardware that is weaker than PS5 is unspeakable for him but here he is, talking about how he enjoyed X game at Y FPS at Z resolution with decrepit W hardware when better options existed on PC (back in the day, I can exemplify if necessary).

says the guy who MOST likely thinks or sometimes outright implies no one should play at 1080p on a 2060 and get a PS5/4K screen asap or stop gaming altogether (or at least implies, or or rather inclined to say)

its funny how you can play the "muh just enjoy ur games" card when the narrative is not on your side, but once it is, framerate/resolution/stability gains importance and one should absolutely play on PS5 instead of on a 2060 at 1080p!

Just! I have nothing against 30 fps also, personally. I just can't forget how you mocked people who can enjoy games with a 2060 at 1080p with sane settings when I mentioned such cheap builds that allow PC gaming . somehow it was unspekable and they were ruining their experience when PS5 existed by going that route. but now if a game runs at 120 FPS/4K on PC but 1200p/30 FPS on PS5, it is no issue and all you need is fun in a game!

you were like "lolol 1080p in 2023!!1". but here you are, I'm sure if a PS5 game runs at 900p/30FPS, you will simply say "just enjoy the damn game! we played X game at 480p resolution at 15 FPS back in the day". isn't it you, simply? you enjoyed forspoken at sub 1080p resolutions after all. didn't you? you could get 4K on 4080 and above hardware on PC with stable framerates with better visuals. what hold you back? go pay some money and get that better PC maybe, as you think a 1080p/2060 user should not have rights to have fun, you shouldn't be allowed to have fun on PS5 while playing forspoken when a better alternative exists. how about that, huh?
This shows you never understood my previous post then.
I am saying that moving from console to pc with less than a 3080 is kinda a waste. You move to pc to have a significant upgrade. Not only barely better. Not the way you said it.


I don't know why people point to generations gone by being 30 (or sub 30) as if that means anything. Standards have changed, for the better. Tech improves, we expect more because we have a new standard. We accept playing Ocarina of Time at 20fps because we didn't have the capacity for more. The notion that we should accept it in 2023 is absurd. Especially when so many devs do deliver 60fps (or more!).


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Thank Lord Gabe console exclusives are almost dead so this problem is almost dead too.
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I dont have problems playing games at 30fps, but is hard to go back to 30 when u get used to 60fps. My brain now notices much more how choppy 30fps is but if i keep playing at 30fps after an hour or so i stop noticing it.
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I remember a time where every game was 60fps on console. PS1 and the move to 3D was such a downgrade in this regard, it took decades to recover. 60 fps needs to become the standard again, gfx aren't that important to a games enjoyment but every game plays better in 60fps vs 30fps (outside some fucked up hack jobs where Devs dont know what they are doing).


I do t think I would need 10 m, maybe 7 or so. I double there are many cables like that though? What do you surrender at 2.0?

well the cable I have, which was the best I could find at the length I needed, has issues with VRR, and only supports either 4K60 or 1440p120.

it's not too bad tho

Also, for big picture mode does it boot right in? I’m pretty interested in this

yes, you start the PC, and after you log in, Steam will automatically start and go into big picture mode
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Identifies as young
This shows you never understood my previous post then.
I am saying that moving from console to pc with less than a 3080 is kinda a waste. You move to pc to have a significant upgrade. Not only barely better. Not the way you said it.

There are reasons to game on PC other than having superior graphics than consoles.


Can’t Git Gud
I remember a time where every game was 60fps on console. PS1 and the move to 3D was such a downgrade in this regard, it took decades to recover. 60 fps needs to become the standard again, gfx aren't that important to a games enjoyment but every game plays better in 60fps vs 30fps (outside some fucked up hack jobs where Devs dont know what they are doing).
Saying nes is an example of 60fps console is crazy. The games ran a pal/ntsc limits but the graphics did not update at that framerate. Sprites only had few frames of animation
Every new release we have this discussion "oh it's unplayable"...
You forgot playing your fav games on previous platforms? Your best games were or still are 30fps and you had a blast playing them.
Remember how much fan you used to have with games.
How much you were in awe of new graphics.
Remember the hard boss which required a very fast input response which you had no problem beating in old 30fps games.
To say all of that doesn't matter anymore is nonsense.
I know the argument "but the time moves forward and things change". Yes... and no. Fun never changes. Only your standards do but don't fool yourself, you can't have fun again. Don't become a slave of your standards.
The argument that new tech is more demanding is valid of course. yes, 4k tvs will expose how shitty 720p games look or oled tvs will expose judder at 30fps... but that's only a part of it.

Just because you somehow only now in 2022 discovered 60fps, does not mean the world has ended and "my eyes hurt" when playing at 30fps. It's crazy and shortsighted. just play for 10 minutes.

Let's also not forget. 30fps is not all created equally. Demons Souls 30fps mode got 75ms more input lag than 30fps in bloodborne.... which is snappier than some 60fps gamest this gen.
yes. Bloodborne traded some frame pacing for that fast input response... but so what? It's still the best game ever probably. We played the shit out of it and never once we cared for some stutters here and there... or 30fps at all.
(towards end of the vid it's explained why bloodborne feels so good):

Then there is this huge attack on motion blur and other effects because pcmr said so. I don't know if people still think of motion blur as that gta3 effect. No it's not it. We are talking about a positive, high quality effect.
These methods were invented to improve the experience. Sure, they can go overboard at times but 30fps with good quality motion blur feels 10x better. Remember Lost Planet? exactly.
And especially now, in times of oled, 30fps without motion blur is very juddery.
Take a look here. It's camera and shutter speed so not exactly the same but the point is, if you have low qty of frames, you need each frame to capture the motion that happens in the time the frame is displayed. Not to have each frame be a time freeze picture.

And I got too technical again... and that proves my point. Who cares about any of that? Why does it matter? Don't we just want to play a breathtaking game?
I am gaming for 30 years. I had crt monitors (still have), 240hz monitors, 144 hz monitors compared a lot of gear side by side, spent hours and hours setting .ini files. It is all a time wasted not playing.
You think I remember Dark Souls 1 as a terrible low fps experience it would be nowadays? No. I remember it as a game that changed my life.
You think it bothered me that edf 2017 runs at 10fps in coop during last few missions?! No.... ok a bit but it was so much fun. I remember drinking and having fun with my friend.

Worst case scenario, we are getting very nice and stable 30fps on some games this gen and people still riot.
Remember... it's all about the game. It's all about the experience. You can have a good experience at 30fps. You had good experience at 30fps for past 20 years. You can do it. You just need to give yourself a chance and if the game is not broken, it's fine.

Disclaimer - I am not saying 60,120,240fps is not better. of course it is. But it's not the point of gaming. The point of gaming... is to have an experience and enjoy yourself. If You are avoiding 30fps games because it is unplayable, it is a total nonsense. To discard a possibly ground breaking games. To discard your maybe new favorite games because the fps is not 60? Say goodbye to ever playing dark souls when it release, uncharted games, gears, gta games...
Yeah, I finished tlou2 and death stranding on ps4 at 30fps.... and I will finish them again at 60fps as it released. But the 30fps was needed at the time to created the experience.
If You still can't deal with that... just please, get a pc and enjoy your passion there.

Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama

One of the best posts and thread that i saw here in years!
Congrats OP, you nailed!
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When was the last time you played a 3rd person action / adventure game at 30fps? Starfield has a first person mode too, its gonna feel janky AF playing it like that.

Not to mention we've had tv's that run at 120hz and VRR for years now and NextGen consoles that were supposed to do 60fps @ upscaled 4K and 120 @ 1440.

30fps is absolutely unacceptable in 2024.


Shut up op you console weak sauce bish. 60 fps is the minimum. Otherwise it sucks .
Fuck I can't even play at 60 frames any fps game. 100+ fps is the minimum.

Try and play the new bf on consoles at 60fps and cod at 120. Not even playable.

Joking aside ( semi joke ) and on a more serious note. Just use whatever mod makes you happy man. To each his own. Just because you don't care and you prefer graphics at powerpoint presentation frames doesn't mean we all do.
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30 fps sucks if you tasted 60 or even 120 fps...

Once you are used to 60 fps its hard to go back...and I remember this every time I play the new Zelda.


well the cable I have, which was the best I could find at the length I needed, has issues with VRR, and only supports either 4K60 or 1440p120.

it's not too bad tho

yes, you start the PC, and after you log in, Steam will automatically start and go into big picture mode
Thanks for this. I think I will monkey around with an older pc first and see how it “works” for me. Might be a good way of switching next generation
Your memory isn't serving you well here. NES had plenty of games that ran at 60fps including SMB1. Pretty sure even Atari 2600 ran games at 60, pretty sure Street Fighter II did in a cabinet. It's not a new technology. I'm not a "60 or nothing" guy but games have been running at 60 for over 50 years at this point.
Memory or just ignorance. In any case, if I'm wrong, I didn't notice it and my apologies; I stand corrected. From the advent of 3D games, 30 or sub 30fps became the norm, and again, there are many, many amazing games that were constrained by that.

But, if we go back to the pre-3D days, those 60 fps frame-rates were a pro, but the visuals were nothing like we have today. It seems there's always some kind of trade-off, that's dictated by technological limitations.

Naturally, if we don't have the power in these consoles to get both 60fps and amazing visuals, I say so be it. Neither (visuals/resolution or frames) dictate the enjoyability of a great video game.
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Can’t Git Gud
30 fps sucks if you tasted 60 or even 120 fps...

Once you are used to 60 fps its hard to go back...and I remember this every time I play the new Zelda.
and 60fps sucks if you tasted 240hz. It really does. In fact, it was ruining my 60fps locked games experience so much, I decided to sell that monitor after 6 months and went 4k.
This means, I had a tough time enjoying souls 60fps games because I got used to 240 fps :p


King Snowflake
Does the game do massive simulations that put a huge strain to a 16 threaded Zen 2 CPU? If yes, then does the game run on a spaghetti code that uses only one core? If no, then fine. 30 fps was needed for this visionary game. If not, then people should bitch about it. Take some extra time, hire some extra engineers and figure it out. If the game is not CPU limited, then lower the resolution and IQ appropriately.
It's the same as delaying the game so it doesn't release full of bugs. People pay more than ever for AAA games. Of course their demands will be higher.
For Burning Shores, Guerilla engineers had to rethink the way they rendered clouds because the previous approach on Forbidden West was too heavy and they couldn't make it run in a 16.6ms frame-time. So they got to work, had some Sony engineers help and they achieved it. Alternatively, Guerilla could release the expansion with just a 30 fps mode and cite that the game is just that heavy when it renders clouds. And they would be telling the truth. But they felt that 60fps was necessary for the game and they worked to achieve it.
They just need 2 modes. Quality and performance.


God some of you all are going above and beyond to defend 30 fps. It is inferior and should not be a thing anymore.

60 fps should be bare minimum. End of discussion
Honestly if there was a 1080p/60hz option on every console game I wouldn't build a PC. But at the end of the day my view on it still remains consoles are the Honda Civic of gaming and PCs are the BMW.

Yes, we know that it's more expensive but it's worthwhile.


Thanks for this. I think I will monkey around with an older pc first and see how it “works” for me. Might be a good way of switching next generation
Just remember that if Windows decides to steal focus you need to pick up your keyboard/mouse to "tab/switch" back into whatever game you are playing.

If someone knows how to hack Windows to NEVER EVER EVER steal focus from another program that would be supernice, so far any and every "trick" written online to "fix" the focus stealing problem in Windows have been 100% failures for me
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*Refreshes biennially
sadly those longer cables are pretty low quality. you basically only get HDMI 2.0 features at best with them

That's not true at all. This is the cable I'm using. 15 meters, full 2.1 support.

Saying nes is an example of 60fps console is crazy. The games ran a pal/ntsc limits but the graphics did not update at that framerate. Sprites only had few frames of animation
How many frames a sprite has, has no bearing on fps/Hz. Sonic in Sonic2 had just a couple of frames per move, but the motion clarity was 60Hz (background passing by etc).


Every new release we have this discussion "oh it's unplayable"...
You forgot playing your fav games on previous platforms? Your best games were or still are 30fps and you had a blast playing them.
Remember how much fan you used to have with games.
How much you were in awe of new graphics.
Remember the hard boss which required a very fast input response which you had no problem beating in old 30fps games.
To say all of that doesn't matter anymore is nonsense.
I know the argument "but the time moves forward and things change". Yes... and no. Fun never changes. Only your standards do but don't fool yourself, you can't have fun again. Don't become a slave of your standards.
The argument that new tech is more demanding is valid of course. yes, 4k tvs will expose how shitty 720p games look or oled tvs will expose judder at 30fps... but that's only a part of it.

Just because you somehow only now in 2022 discovered 60fps, does not mean the world has ended and "my eyes hurt" when playing at 30fps. It's crazy and shortsighted. just play for 10 minutes.

Let's also not forget. 30fps is not all created equally. Demons Souls 30fps mode got 75ms more input lag than 30fps in bloodborne.... which is snappier than some 60fps gamest this gen.
yes. Bloodborne traded some frame pacing for that fast input response... but so what? It's still the best game ever probably. We played the shit out of it and never once we cared for some stutters here and there... or 30fps at all.
(towards end of the vid it's explained why bloodborne feels so good):

Then there is this huge attack on motion blur and other effects because pcmr said so. I don't know if people still think of motion blur as that gta3 effect. No it's not it. We are talking about a positive, high quality effect.
These methods were invented to improve the experience. Sure, they can go overboard at times but 30fps with good quality motion blur feels 10x better. Remember Lost Planet? exactly.
And especially now, in times of oled, 30fps without motion blur is very juddery.
Take a look here. It's camera and shutter speed so not exactly the same but the point is, if you have low qty of frames, you need each frame to capture the motion that happens in the time the frame is displayed. Not to have each frame be a time freeze picture.

And I got too technical again... and that proves my point. Who cares about any of that? Why does it matter? Don't we just want to play a breathtaking game?
I am gaming for 30 years. I had crt monitors (still have), 240hz monitors, 144 hz monitors compared a lot of gear side by side, spent hours and hours setting .ini files. It is all a time wasted not playing.
You think I remember Dark Souls 1 as a terrible low fps experience it would be nowadays? No. I remember it as a game that changed my life.
You think it bothered me that edf 2017 runs at 10fps in coop during last few missions?! No.... ok a bit but it was so much fun. I remember drinking and having fun with my friend.

Worst case scenario, we are getting very nice and stable 30fps on some games this gen and people still riot.
Remember... it's all about the game. It's all about the experience. You can have a good experience at 30fps. You had good experience at 30fps for past 20 years. You can do it. You just need to give yourself a chance and if the game is not broken, it's fine.

Disclaimer - I am not saying 60,120,240fps is not better. of course it is. But it's not the point of gaming. The point of gaming... is to have an experience and enjoy yourself. If You are avoiding 30fps games because it is unplayable, it is a total nonsense. To discard a possibly ground breaking games. To discard your maybe new favorite games because the fps is not 60? Say goodbye to ever playing dark souls when it release, uncharted games, gears, gta games...
Yeah, I finished tlou2 and death stranding on ps4 at 30fps.... and I will finish them again at 60fps as it released. But the 30fps was needed at the time to created the experience.
If You still can't deal with that... just please, get a pc and enjoy your passion there.

OP will you be fine today playing games with N64 FPS? Like 15 and 20fps for example? I didn't care about FPS back then and enjoyed playing those games like Golden Eye or Ocarina why should i care about FPS now? I would play a 30fps game don't have a problem with that but there are more options today like 40fps and 60fps. At least the devs should offer those modes and you decided which one you like.
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Just remember that if Windows decides to steal focus you need to pick up your keyboard/mouse to "tab/switch" back into whatever game you are playing.

If someone knows how to hack Windows to NEVER EVER EVER steal focus from another program that would be supernice, so far any and every "trick" written online to "fix" the focus stealing problem in Windows have been 100% failures for me
This is part of why I don’t know if I want to go pc. I just want a nice and simple set up. Between the wife, kids, work, and volunteering, I just don’t have piles of time to mess around with stuff anymore. Some is fine but I don’t want to spend hours at it.
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If playing at 30fps makes me nauseous then what? It has kept me from buying 30fps games, including Bloodborne, for years. How does that fit into this discussion?


Can’t Git Gud
OP will you be fine today playing games with N64 FPS? Like 15 and 20fps for example? I didn't care about FPS back then and enjoyed playing those games like Golden Eye or Ocarina why should i care about FPS now? I would play a 30fps game don't have a problem with that but there are more options today like 40fps and 60fps. At least the devs should offer those modes and you decided which one you like.
I would be fine playing games like that.
I am currently replaying ff7 and I am not using 60fps mod. I like how old it feels :p
But also, for n64 games, The games are very blurry and on a huge screen it can be difficult, I understand
When was the last time you played a 3rd person action / adventure game at 30fps? Starfield has a first person mode too, its gonna feel janky AF playing it like that.

Not to mention we've had tv's that run at 120hz and VRR for years now and NextGen consoles that were supposed to do 60fps @ upscaled 4K and 120 @ 1440.

30fps is absolutely unacceptable in 2024.
I mean I played last of us 2 in 2020, played Jedi survivor and horizon at 30 fps - and am now playing ff16 at 30


Games have always looked better from gen to gen, but we have been stuck at 30 fps for how long now?

Just because older games were fine at 30 fps doesn't mean we shouldn't demand better now. It feels better to play a game at 60 fps and smart devs have provided the option to do so in current gen games.

If you like games at 30 fps, that's fine, but if a game doesn't have an option for 60 fps, I'm not buying it, and I'm going to complain.
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This is part of why I don’t know if I want to go pc. I just want a nice and simple set up. Between the wife, kids, work, and volunteering, I just don’t have piles of time to mess around with stuff anymore. Some is fine but I don’t want to spend hours at it.

You can get an app for your phone that gives you keyboard and mouse control. They usually have additional functions built in, like minimizing to the desktop or alt tabbing.
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Many posters here are trolls who just rip on games all the time. Imagine spending so much time on a hobby just to complain 24/7.

Great post OP. I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of Zelda and Starfield this year. Let the dweebs obsess over framerates.


Don't get the point of this, you don't care if the game has options on consoles? good for you. Some do care and want their console to evolve and have more options, sending them to buy a PC is not a viable solution.. at least not for me, we all know PC can handle much higher resolution and framerate, you don't have to remind us that, but not everyone can afford/wants to play on PC, there were 3 years of almost all games having 60fps on SX and PS5, it can be done.. so what the harm when players wants more options on consoles?


I would be fine playing games like that.
I am currently replaying ff7 and I am not using 60fps mod. I like how old it feels :p
But also, for n64 games, The games are very blurry and on a huge screen it can be difficult, I understand
Will try the FF16 demo in 30fps and see how it feels. Bloodborne didn't felt bad. If it would have no framepacing issue would feel perfect.
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