Hey fellas, there has been a particular scene of some anime on my mind for a while now and I cannot think of what show it is actually from. I feel like I only saw the one episode of the show, and I don't remember much. Maybe somebody can help. I can't even remember when it was from. Airing maybe on Cartoon Network or wherever Yu-Gi-Oh/Beyblade is aired in the U.S., probably between 2000-2006?
Anyway, it was somewhat similar to Pokemon or Digimon or something, where a teenager was going through a land and battling others. The companions/battling things kind of looked like little puppets, maybe?
I remember the main kid beat a really buff military-ish guy who had a cute little puppet guy of his own. The guy who was beaten was working for the bad guys, and was told that his puppet guy was going to be executed if he lost. He loses the fight and disappears.
The final shot of the episode is the guy and his puppet running away, then the main evil guy of the show stops them in a forest, tells the buff guy something like "I told you if you lost he would die", then shoots the cute little puppet guy with lightning and kills him. The military guy is on his knees crying and the episode ends.
This show seemed to be aimed toward kids, and like I said I think I only saw a handful of episodes if that, but this little scene has somehow stuck with me over the years.
Any help would be appreciated, guys. Begging for Nostalgia, I suppose