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I can't sell imports on Ebay?


Is there policy against selling used gamecube imports? I'm thinking of selling my gamecube with a bunch of good games including some imports.


Cool thanks. I asked because a while back i sold Naruto on ebay and they ended my auction because it was an import.


This issue has been around for YEARS now. Since 1998 at least. What it is, somebody at Ebay a long time ago got it into their head that "import" was synonymous with Hong Kong pirate editions. So even now, they'll frequently shitcan an auction for a legitimately-produced import game. Happened to me a few times when I was selling games and hardware last year -- they kiboshed two auctions for Saturn and PSX games and another auction for my switched Saturn console.

The enforcement of the policy is inconsistent. Sometimes an auction will survive to completion, other times they'll kill it in 12 hours or less. "Import" is the word their search keys on, so if you keep that out of your auction description (use "Japanese" instead or something), that sometimes helps.

It seems like they were most harsh on Dreamcast games. Throughout that system's life, it was a real pain to find any auction for a DC import that wasn't ended early. I had a couple of my auctions killed by that - but I got around it later by omitting the magic words. I've heard they had some sort of agreement with Sega during that time, and I do recall reading in their rules that DC imports were specifically disallowed. A couple of years ago they either removed that section or stopped enforcing the rules, because the floodgates opened for DC imports right about then.


Gold Member
Wasn't there also something in the past about Sega trying to assfuck them over anything "Sega" on Ebay?


ManaByte said:
Wasn't there also something in the past about Sega trying to assfuck them over anything "Sega" on Ebay?

Yeah, I do remember that, vaguely...nothing came of it, obviously.



Gold Member
WarPig said:
Yeah, I do remember that, vaguely...nothing came of it, obviously.


I just remember them insta-killing "Sega" auctions for a while there towards the end of the Saturn's life.


i think it has to do with the terminology you use in the auction. like they'll often kill auctions that mention mods or modified consoles explicitly (even if it's a game and you're saying the buyer needs one.)

i always just make sure to say "this is a legitimate copy, not a bootleg" somewhere in there. haven't had problems since the days when DC imports were banned from ebay in general.


(more a nerd than a geek)
The GC Action Replay can't be sold on eBay... as it contains Freeloader functionality, and anything that allows playing imported games on a domestic system is banned.

I found out the hard way.


DavidDayton said:
The GC Action Replay can't be sold on eBay... as it contains Freeloader functionality, and anything that allows playing imported games on a domestic system is banned.

I found out the hard way.

Wonder if this guy will find out the hard way :lol

Ebay link
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