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I find horror movies very hard to watch...


not because the movie is scary, but because the characters in the movie are written to be fucking idiots.

Most of the characters are bumbling idiots who constantly trip and fall or get themselves in the most fucked up situation because they are really stupid.
A lot of the deaths are pointless, meaningless, and can be easily avoided.
Characters are written as caricatures rather than actual real competent people.
Flashlights in real life would actually light up the room. Flashlights in movies operate horrendously and never light up the space correctly, they defy physics.
To set up the environment or atmosphere of the movie, most of the public spaces are rotten, neglected, and often abandoned. I find that the cities either lack funding or hire incompetent caretakers.
There is always something wrong with the lights and electricity in horror movies.
There is always something wrong with the lighter when a character really needs it.
Most authority figures in the movie are in disbelief of actual threats and play it off as imagination and delusions and don't things seriously.
It's when the creature is dead do the army or cops show up at the end of it all. Completely useless.

Horror movies just make my blood boil and angry than terrified.
I'm thinking to myself, how can these people be that fucking stupid. Like holy fucking shit.
It's like zombie outbreaks or whatever usually happens when they allow extremely dangerous samples to be handled by someone with Parkinsons or something.
I then find myself in the end rooting for the monster to kill all the people, because they are doing humanity a favor and taking out the incompetent characters.


Anyway, can someone please recommend me some well-written horror movies with competent characters who navigate situations logically?


Golden Boy
Most are so cringy because of the stupidity of the characters, paired with cheap gore in many instances.
I did like the one with Buffy in Japan though: The Grudge
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You need to watch better horror movies.

Try Hellraiser. Or Dawn Of The Dead. Or The Thing. Or Alien. Or The Fly. Or The Evil Dead. Or A Nightmare On Elm Street. Or The Exorcist.

Sounds to me like you've only been watching slasher flick trash.
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Neo Member
Well, if it wasn't for the silly actions of the characters, then maybe the movie wouldn't have been so interesting. I agree with you that a lot of silly things are done by the main characters in these movies, like - let's split up and go to the killer's basement. But you can't do a horror movie without that.
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Alien (The original, not the action one by James Cameron)
The Thing
The Exorcist
The Shining
Jacob's Ladder (scariest of all of them imo)
The Omen (Movie about the Antichrist)
Silence of the Lambs
Pitch Black

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Have a Blessed Day
not because the movie is
because the characters in the movie are written to be fucking idiots.
Stopped reading right there what I assume was a screeching rant. It's not the 80's anymore hasn't been for 3 decades. You're watching the wrong horror movies.
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I thought Haunt was surprisingly good and put thought into getting around those teen horror cliches. It was by the writers of A Quiet Place and the upcoming 65 dino flick with Adam Driver.

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Have a Blessed Day
I used to moderate a huge horror movie group and I can say horror fans are the worst. They would screech about dumb things people do in horror movies then someone would come along and suggest something like Hereditary, Saint Maud or Possessor and those same people would scoff and claim those aren't even "Real" horror movies.
I love horror movies but a long time ago I got real fucking tired of the usual half ass shit that was being pushed out. Crappy writing, stupid acting, and constantly jump scares.

These days I'm more into horrors that are slow burns, psychological, and straight up weird. Ari Aster and Robert Eggers really gave horror a nice breath of fresh air. Maybe Jordan Peele too with Get Out but that was more of a one off. I didn't like the other films he done.

If you haven't already then watch Hereditary, Midsommar, The Witch, The Lighthouse. Eggers released The Northman but I wouldn't say it's a horror but still worth watching.

Another movie I really liked was The Blackcoat's Daughter (or February in some markets). "As above, so below" was another good movie. Let The Right One In (2008 - not the 2010 Let Me In american remake. It's not terrible but the original is better. Watch Let Me In if you enjoyed LTROI). The Cabin in the Woods. A Dark Song. The babadook. A girl walks home alone at night. It Follows. Raw. Veronica. The Invitation. Ready or not. Don't breathe. Under the skin. Apostle. The Void.

There are way more but I can't remember them all right now.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I love horror movies but a long time ago I got real fucking tired of the usual half ass shit that was being pushed out. Crappy writing, stupid acting, and constantly jump scares.

These days I'm more into horrors that are slow burns, psychological, and straight up weird. Ari Aster and Robert Eggers really gave horror a nice breath of fresh air. Maybe Jordan Peele too with Get Out but that was more of a one off. I didn't like the other films he done.

If you haven't already then watch Hereditary, Midsommar, The Witch, The Lighthouse. Eggers released The Northman but I wouldn't say it's a horror but still worth watching.

Another movie I really liked was The Blackcoat's Daughter (or February in some markets).
Blackcoats daughter is a hidden gem, also Asia has been putting out some of the best horror I've seen in the past few years.
The Maid

The Medium
Watch Oat Studios Zygote, it's a short film available on YouTube and it's amazing. If you like that, watch The Thing afterwards.

The Void is also excellent.
I liked The Black Coats Daughter aswell,

I was watching the horror Sick the other day, the girls think a pyscho might be at the door, out of a drawer full of knives one grabs a knife, okay thats great, but instead of the other girl grabbing her own weapon she takes the knife from the first girl.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
Alien (The original, not the action one by James Cameron)
The Thing
The Exorcist
The Shining
Jacob's Ladder (scariest of all of them imo)
The Omen (Movie about the Antichrist)
Silence of the Lambs
Pitch Black

Never heard of Jacobs ladder. Will watch


What time is it?


Ones that don’t take themselves too seriously are worth a watch.

-The Babysitter 1&2 on Netflix
-The Final Girls (Hilarious Friday the 13th Parody)
-Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Other movies worth a watch
-The Belko Experiment (maybe more Thriller/action than horror but amazing, has Die Hard feels)
-Malignant (go in blind)

Some TV is worth watching too
-All Of Us Are Dead
-Black Mirror
-Haunting of Hill House

Then of course classics like Elm Street, Friday the 13th etc
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People are idiots, horror movies are probably the most realistic depiction of how people really act.

Wanna say this as well. From the outside looking in, these horror movie characters are the dumbest fucks ever, managing to make every stupid decision at all points. But the reality of it is that in reality people more or less act the same way in the same situation.

I remember one criticism about zombie movies is the trope of 'person who gets bitten by zombie but then tries to hide it from everyone else and brings about the demise of the whole group'. a tired and overused trope, to the point that we believed that no person would be that stupid and selfish. But then Covid happened, and well, trope proven by real life.
I liked It Follows, Martyrs, and Raw. The last 2 are really disgusting.

Nothing scares me any more, though. But I am bookmarking this thread!
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Have a Blessed Day
The only horror movie that legitimately terrified me was human centipede.
Human Centipede is more gore porn than horror there's plenty of that out there. OP cleared out once people started listing good horror. I could tell they were just strawmanning from the original post to justify their hate boner.


The movies you describe are mainstream horror movies. Which means there's no horror in them other than how horribly bad they are.
- Character tries to escape the bad/evil guy. Runs into a room. Doesn't lock the door or barricade him/herself in there.

- House is huge and looks creepy but let me stay here all by myself with the minimum amount of lights on and dimmed. Also let me NOT lock my room door just in case.

- We just shot the bad guy 100 times but yeah he's dead for sure so lets not separate his limbs and toss it into an active volcano just to be sure (Halloween movies 🙄) because surely he won't be back again to try and kill us AGAIN.

- Most horror movie cops don't show up until the very end. It's like telephone lines or emergency services are cut off so the cast needs to get fucked 3 ways to Sunday before getting medical assistance and security protection.

- My house is haunted for sure because I hear random banging and noises when I'm home alone so let me not a gun(s) to protect myself because I don't know what is lurking in my basement.
*** I hear strange sounds coming from my basement, I'm dropping a few grenades in there and I'm not even joking. In the movies the protagonist goes down there with tea and biscuits.

- Also the demon/bad guy/evil person whatever tends to open a portal to hell right at the end of the movie. Like a fucking FromSoftware game where the boss reaches his final form, only for the good guy to quote some holy scripture which defeats the evil thing for good?
NO OF COURSE NOT, there has to be a sequel so some dumb cunt will try to bring the thing back again for round 2.

I'm just fucking tired of it all. There hasn't been anything since The Exorcist way back in the day that genuinely was unsettling. Probably mainly due to me being much more religious back then as a kid. You know, the usual shit, always going to church on Sundays etc. etc.

Horror movies have turned into comedies for me because I'm always seeing the above take place. Its more fun to see what stupid shit the good guy does.
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I watched recently "As above so below" and really really enjoyed it. RT score and reviews are disgrace for it lmao. Setting is cool too, catacombs under paris.
I'm a little wimp when it comes to horror movies so I don't watch them too often. My superstitious nature and believe of something being out there might be a root cause.
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