Sorry to turn this thread into my personal dumping ground but that's what it is gonna be.
Saw the details of the new FragO and holy fuck.
Personnel must maintain physical distancing of at least six feet. Commands are encouraged to continue using virtual meeting options instead of in-person meetings when possible.
Personnel must wear cloth face coverings.
o Face coverings need to be conservative in appearance and not offensive
Fit snugly, but comfortably, against the side of the face.
Be from nose to chin. Full-face coverings (like ski masks) are not authorized.
Be secured with ties or ear loops.
Preferably, include multiple layers of fabric if material is cloth.
Allow for breathing without restriction.
If reusable, be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to its shape.
Personnel and commands must maintain strict good hygiene measures such as refraining from handshaking, regularly and thoroughly washing hands, and regular cleaning and disinfecting of frequently-touched surfaces.
Personnel should continue minimizing non-essential travel.
Commands should continue conducting enhanced medical screening for all operational units and headquarters buildings.
Commands should continue coordinating with contractors, vendors and delivery services to ensure their personnel are properly screened and do not perform services while sick or symptomatic.
Personnel should continue to stay home if they are feeling ill, self-isolate as best possible and notify their supervisor. Personnel requiring medical attention should call their medical care provider. Commands should ensure personnel exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19 are isolated or quarantined in accordance with CDC and Dept. of Defense guidance.
Commands should continue maximizing telework options where practicable.
Installations continue to use no-touch ID scanning at all entry control points. Personnel are required to present both sides of their ID/credential for screening by a guard.
Installation visitor control centers (VCC) continue screening all personnel seeking installation access using the most current COVID-19 health questionnaire (which can be found at the bottom of this update). VCCs continue the use of electronic means to the maximum extent possible to grant installation access and discontinued waiting room use when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Face Covering Removal:
Untie the strings behind your head or stretch the ear loops
Handle only by the ear loops or ties
Fold outside corners together
Place covering in the washing machine or wash by hand
Note: Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing.
Face Covering Sanitation:
Washing Machine:
o You can include your face covering with your regular laundry.
o Use regular laundry detergent and the warmest appropriate water setting for the cloth used to make the face covering.
Hand Washing:
o Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:
5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) household bleach per gallon of room temperature water or
4 teaspoons household bleach per quart of room temperature water
o Check the label to see if your bleach is intended for disinfection. Some bleach products, such as those designed for safe use on colored clothing, may not be suitable for disinfection. Ensure the bleach product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser.
o Soak the face covering in the bleach solution for 5 minutes.
o Rinse thoroughly with cool or room temperature water.
Completely Dry Cloth Face Covering:
Dryer: Use the highest heat setting and leave in the dryer until completely dry.
Air dry: Lay flat and allow to completely dry. If possible, place the cloth face covering in direct sunlight.
In addition, Servicemembers are prohibited from visiting, patronizing, or engaging in the following off-installation facilities, services or establishments:
Recreational swimming pools,
fitness facilities
exercise classes
salons: (Tattoo, body art, piercing parlors Barber shops, hair or nail salons, and massage parlors)
Participation in team/organized sports
Dine-in restaurants (take-out authorized)
night clubs
sporting events
public celebrations
public beaches
amusement parks or other events designed to promote large gatherings, to include indoor religious services
Outdoor recreation where common use facilities are used and if a minimum of six feet physical distancing cannot be maintained
Non-essential commercial retail establishments and shopping malls.
To the maximum extent, service members should forego in-person use of the following services and activities.:
Use of mass transit (bus, rail, or ferry)
Auto repair maintenance and annual inspection
Curb-side and drive through services
In-home domestic services (home maintenance/repair and lawn services).
Drive-in spiritual services
Banking services
Pet care and veterinary services
Post office
Laundry services
dry cleaning
In-residence social gatherings that include more than ten (10) guests that do not reside in the residence.