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I just cannot get into Metroid Prime 2


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
My least favourite of the 3, for some reason I just didn't find the world as interesting as MP1. I also hated the dark/light mechanic and seemed to get stuck in the game far more than the other 2.
If there's one thing I don't like about Prime 2 is that it's almost too good.
Wait I'm going somewhere with this, it builds upon the structure of Prime with greater complexity and difficulty, it places you in situations designed to feel harrowing and not entirely enjoyable in the early dark world stages, it pushes forward in such a way with more complicated maps and resource management that it becomes something great for the Prime enthusiast but at the risk of leaving others behind by just being a bit too much.

But really the only thing I don't like is that the more flowing world structure of Prime 1 is lost and the constant key hunts make it feel more formulaic.


The only thing I don't like is the ammo situation. I want to be able to just charge and shoot like in Prime. Other than that I quite like it but it is easily more tedious traversal than Prime. I've not played more than 5 minutes of 3, because I can't stand the Wiimote controls.


The key hunt near the end was the fucking worst.

It's like they looked at the artifact hunt from Prime 1 and said, "Hmm, how can we make this even more of a pain in the ass?"


Prime 2 was the best one, but I didn't like it the first time through either. First time playing the world just didn't feel familiar like prime's did. Second time around you figure out that the game isn't as daunting as it sounds (constantly losing health in dark world, limited beam ammo) and you can appreciate the challenge. Only gripe i still have is that the game seemed a lot more laid out than the more organic exploration in prime.


Sanctuary Fortress blows all the locations from MP1 out of the water, especially it's counterpart the phazon mines.

The world may feel less connected, but the areas overall are much, much better. Shout out to caretaker for being such a cool miniboss.

I can understand why the beginning of prime 2 may feel odd. It's deliberately designed to prevent backtracking until a certain point in the game, so you feel like you're going forward into the unknown.
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