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I just got made a bitch!! (Halo legendary experts needed)


Gold Member
Wow, that hurt! I decided go back to Halo for some practice in the anticipation of Halo 2 and as training for the GAF clan. Since I completed it in Normal mode with no trouble whatsoever, I bravely took on Legendary.

But what the hell! Was I holding the Xbox controller upside down?! I literally got into the first larger room with many enemies and couldn't get past it in a half an hour. I tried a slow approach tactic. I tried a kamikaze tactic. I tried an ambush tactic. I tried a grenade collection tactic. But all my attempts ended up in death sooner or later.

So far I have noticed mainly two things - that shooting draws an enormous amount of attention to you, and that there seems to be an optimal "action window" in the scripted events, after which shooting your way through is virtually impossible.

I would like to hear from you Legendary experts - how long did it take you to get into it? Is practice all it takes?


It's practice. I've gone through Halo a couple times with friends on Legendary and once alone. It was a beast to tame, though.

You gotta stick and move. And you need to pick your targets carefully. And you must make use of that shield. You are gonna take some hits in Legendary, but you must minimize the damage. If you see some grunts and elites hanging out together make sure to take out the grunts first as it'll make it easier to try and take out the elites and their rechargable shields. Every grenade truly counts in Legendary as well. Those things are fantastic at taking out elites and harder to kill enemies. If you find a sniper rifle, use it. Much better to take out enemies in the distance to minimize the amount you need to fight up close.


But what the hell! Was I holding the Xbox controller upside down?! I literally got into the first larger room with many enemies and couldn't get past it in a half an hour. I tried a slow approach tactic. I tried a kamikaze tactic. I tried an ambush tactic. I tried a grenade collection tactic. But all my attempts ended up in death sooner or later.

You talking about the first stage on the Pillar of Autumn, where you go into the open room with the stairs and a ton of Elites on the top greet you and have a big advantage? :D That room is probably one of the toughest in the entire game on Legendary because so many high powered enemies are concentrated in such a small area. Or are you talking about the big cafeteria room with the two doors you can use to enter?


Bish loves my games!
You want pain. Try what me and my friend Ryan are attempting. Project Legendary.

We play co-op legendary. Every level must be completed without either of us dying even once!

We're 6 levels down, 4 to go! Truth & Reconciliation & The Control Room were a BITCH!


Mrbob said:
You talking about the first stage on the Pillar of Autumn, where you go into the open room with the stairs and a ton of Elites on the top greet you and have a big advantage? :D?
That's what fucked me up with Legendary. :(

It was a blast for that hour or so, though. I loved how I was playing an FPS that forced me to play as strategically and skillfully as the (2D) shooters I play.


That room was nothing compared to the first room on the Covenant ship in Truth and Reconciliation. I must've played that one room over and over for a week straight until I managed to barely squeak by.


Gold Member
Mrbob said:
You talking about the first stage on the Pillar of Autumn, where you go into the open room with the stairs and a ton of Elites on the top greet you and have a big advantage? :D That room is probably one of the toughest in the entire game on Legendary because so many high powered enemies are concentrated in such a small area. Or are you talking about the big cafeteria room with the two doors you can use to enter?

It's an open room that starts with two eites and one grunt on the other end of the room, and couple of my own guys running to their death. The two elites and the grunt are rather easy to take down especially with my own guys still alive. Killing those characters triggers the script of many more elites and grunts entering the room, and that's when all hell breaks loose. I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of crap flying in the air. There is very little place to take cover. I could back out to the previous or next hallways, but I haven't done that as I want to see if the room can be emptied by normal means.

That said, I'm not looking for a tip for getting past this room as such - then I'd go to GameFAQs. Instead, I thought it'd be comforting the hear if others felt they sucked as much too, and if they eventually mastered it.

I'm determined to put a couple of hours into this bastard every night from now till Halo 2, so let's see where it gets me.


Halo co-op on legendary is easy... when one person dies just hang out until they spawn again (or backtrack a bit if they don't).

Try playing TS2 co-op, now that's a challenge. Once you die, you're out, and only one checkpoint per level.


Halo on Legendary, especially solo, is a bitch. Anyone who says they made it through Legendary easily is lying. Legendary is a big struggle.

Halo co-op on legendary is easy... when one person dies just hang out until they spawn again (or backtrack a bit if they don't).

There are times you can't do this if you get too surrounded. Unless you are playing cheap where one person stays at the respawn point and the other one goes solo, taking out baddies one at a time and respawning to go take out some more.

Seeing what Bungie has done with Halo 2 on Legendary is exciting. :D I haven't decided if I'm going to play it through on Normal first, then Heroic, and then Legendary. Or head straight to Heroic and then Legendary right after.


Tag of Excellence
I may be very wrong but I beleive the Pillar of Autumn is one of the hardest stages in Legendary.

Chittagong the best suggestion I can give is to practice Legendary in co-op with a friend. While the A.I. is brutal you can easily memorize most of the patterns with a decent playthrough.

Don't sweat it, Legendary is absolutely brutal on your first try. Once you get the hang of things and adjust to the extreme tactics you'll need to employ then things start getting easier.


Gold Member
aku:jiki said:
I loved how I was playing an FPS that forced me to play as strategically and skillfully as the (2D) shooters I play.

Funny you said that, since the first thought I had after being shot down the twentieth time in a row, and starting to memorize the patterns was that "hey, I've done this before. It was called Ikaruga then."


Mrbob said:
Seeing what Bungie has done with Halo 2 on Legendary is exciting. :D I haven't decided if I'm going to play it through on Normal first, then Heroic, and then Legendary. Or head straight to Heroic and then Legendary right after.
From what I hear, they've tipped the scale so it makes more sense now. Like how Heroic was actually Normal in Halo 1 (with Normal being too easy) -- Normal now actually poses a bit of a challenge. Haven't heard anything about how that affects the higher difficulty levels, though.


Only thing I couldn't beat on Halo Legendary was the last Warthog chase :(

It took me a while though,but it was fun as hell.


the room with the gold elites with swords on truth and reconciliation was the hardest part on legendary. needed to do that part in co-op, otherwise it was impossible for me.


aku:jiki said:
From what I hear, they've tipped the scale so it makes more sense now. Like how Heroic was actually Normal in Halo 1 (with Normal being too easy) -- Normal now actually poses a bit of a challenge. Haven't heard anything about how that affects the higher difficulty levels, though.

I'll put this in spoiler tags so in case no one wants to read it the don't have too:

In Legendary for Halo 2, it looks like some of the weaker enemies have been replaced with tougher ones. I.E. areas that have grunts in normal/heroic will have elites in that spot in legendary. So not only is it tougher, but they also have placed tougher enemies in the surroundings!


Porthos said:
Halo co-op on legendary is easy... when one person dies just hang out until they spawn again (or backtrack a bit if they don't).

Try playing TS2 co-op, now that's a challenge. Once you die, you're out, and only one checkpoint per level.

Yeah, TS2 is a challenge, but it's also crap.


There's a part in The Silent Cartographer where you can jump all the way down to this spot once inside, and practically skip the entire level. I'm sure everyone knows that, though.
I don't have a problem owning Halo on Legendary. My friend and I are Halo fanatics. We have completed the game on Legendary more times than I can count and I know I've done it solo at least 10 times. Here's my tips for you:

-When there's lots of enemies, throw grenades like they're goin outta style. Seriously. Frag grenades work best against enemies simply because they explode faster than the plasma grenades and enemies have much much less time to get out of the blast. However, plasma grenades have their advantages. Which brings us to:

-Master the plasma-grenade-stick attack. If you land one on somebody, it sticks, right? Get really good at this. A lot of times you can nail an elite or pack of grunts before they even know you're around. Seriously, getting this down makes your life soooo much easier.

-Master the pistol. Its very powerful. Try practicing headshots on grunts. When you can put them down instantly in one shot rather than 4 or 5, there's that much less firepower coming at you. Practice killing packs of them in rapid succession with pistol headshots. It also works well against elites because you can fire from a distance with the zoom and weaken their shields.

-Remember that elites have recharging shields like you. Try to think of elites as other spartans because they have life and shields to protect it, just like you. If you work one over for a bit and his shields don't necessarily go down right away, don't assume you didn't do any damage. His shields need to recharge just like yours, so he takes cover. Don't give him enough time to recharge or you start over and they have a full shield again. Once you engage those bastards, keep on them.

-Hunters go down in one shot to the back. Aim for the orange in their lower back with the pistol and they're down. Run at them until they charge you (dodge from side to side to avoid those cannons) and then sidestep their attack, turn around, and shoot them in that soft spot. Piece of cake.

-Flood enemies need certain weapons to put them down effectively. Shotguns and assault rifles are your best friends when fighting them. Point blank shotgun blasts can literally save you from the jaws of death. Use their "exploding head" allies against them by using the pistol or shotgun on them. Once you do, they explode and wound all the flood around them.

-Try to conserve ammo by using the melee attack on popcorn flood. I mean the little guys that swarm in great numbers. Also remember that if you shoot one, it will create a small explosion that can often take out the other popcorn flood in the immediate area around it.

Remember/practice all that stuff and you're halfway home. Good luck!
the room with the gold elites with swords on truth and reconciliation was the hardest part on legendary. needed to do that part in co-op, otherwise it was impossible for me.

I think you're talking about the part right after you take the gravity lift up to the ship. Good greif that part is absolutely impossible. If you don't have a sniper rifle equipped for the elites, then you might as well not even try it.


siamesedreamer said:
I think you're talking about the part right after you take the gravity lift up to the ship. Good greif that part is absolutely impossible. If you don't have a sniper rifle equipped for the elites, then you might as well not even try it.

Yes, I would rate that as probably the hardest section in the game to do solo on Legendary. Although, you can probably pick out 5 spots that are relatively as difficult. The problem is the facking invisible sword wielding elites, and it's hard to keep up with the spawn rate. Once a few grunts survive in some corner they start chucking plasma's.. your so busy with the damn sword guys sometimes you don't notice.

Here is my big tip for Legendary. First, you should play Heroic first.. in fact.. you should have never played Normal.

Normal = You might as well just download the cutscenes and watch them online.

Go through Heroic, it'll help you learn a bit of the "strategy" to some of the levels. Heroic is the most fun setting, IMO. It's challenging, but not over frustrating. Once you've beat it on Heroic 10 times or so you want to do the impossible, so you move to Legendary..

Legendary there is no screwing around. In heroic, you can still run up and bash a pair of jackals to death.. not so in legendary. The Covenant will literally tear through you.. they just bring your shields down so fast.

Oh yeah, back to my tip! :) I find the biggest change in Legendary is the change of weapons. You really have to use the right weapons. On solo, you are a one man team most of the time (when marines aren't around.. they die crazy fast anyway). You NEED to be carrying the Plasma Pistol, Needler, or a specialty weapon (rocket/sniper). I carry the plasma pistol as my secondary almost the whole game through legendary. Barring some FLood only sections and when I get a good mess of Rockets or I'll use the Sniper for a bit to thin a big crowd of Flood/Covie's like you see in The Two Betrayals.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
you wanna see some crazy shit? go to HBO and search their video archives for "legend" (i believe thats the name). you'll see a guy go through the hardest fights in the game (inside the belly of the beast - truth and reconciliation, for one) using ONLY grenades and melee attacks. fucking sick

oh, and halo 2's legendary is tougher :D


op_ivy said:
you wanna see some crazy shit? go to HBO and search their video archives for "legend" (i believe thats the name). you'll see a guy go through the hardest fights in the game (inside the belly of the beast - truth and reconciliation, for one) using ONLY grenades and melee attacks. fucking sick

oh, and halo 2's legendary is tougher :D


This movie isn't that one, but it's the same guy showing off some simply incredible Legendary tactics.

Tactics to take note of:

Absolutely master the plasma pistol overcharge shot + plasma grenade combo. Watch it, learn it, use it.

You can be aggressive, but you have to be smart about it.

Don't ever stand still.

That movie rocks.

Followed up by this sequel which is just as insane.



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I've never actually finished Halo, but since I'll probably play halo 2 one way or another pretty soon, I decided to give legendary a shot on the PC version.

It's definitely a bitch, and you'll occasionally see me shouting expletives in #ga many times over as I try to get through it.

I had some trouble in that big room where all the guys flood in after truth & reconciliation (right after you beam up). The area with the grav thingie itself was pretty rough too, since I had long expended my sniper rifle earlier in the level...and now for some reason I'm stuck on those two hunters that come out after you kill the swarm, when you get on the ship. Haven't tried too many times, though.

It's a decent challenge. Frequently frustrating, but doable. At least I don't have to worry about aiming with an xbox controller ;b


Redbeard said:
That room was nothing compared to the first room on the Covenant ship in Truth and Reconciliation. I must've played that one room over and over for a week straight until I managed to barely squeak by.

With the invisible sword-weilding Elites?

I couldnt image ever getting past that on legendary!


Fusebox said:
With the invisible sword-weilding Elites?

I couldnt image ever getting past that on legendary!

On Legendary, only the first one in the room is invisable.

All the rest are Gold Elites....all six or so. (yup - it sucks.)

Wanna feel inferior? This is a video of someone beating that room on Legendary with Melee and grenades only - not a shot fired.


To quote HBO - If you're at all insecure about your Halo-playing ability, don't watch this.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
GhaleonEB said:
On Legendary, only the first one in the room is invisable.

All the rest are Gold Elites....all six or so. (yup - it sucks.)

Wanna feel inferior? This is a video of someone beating that room on Legendary with Melee and grenades only - not a shot fired.


To quote HBO - If you're at all insecure about your Halo-playing ability, don't watch this.

theres the video :D


i'm calling it now, this type of shit will be 100% impossible in halo 2 ;)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
jesus, the last stunt in the 2nd video is INSANE hahaha he actually stuck a grenade on an elite halfway across the map :lol


Mrbob said:
It's practice. I've gone through Halo a couple times with friends on Legendary and once alone. It was a beast to tame, though.

You gotta stick and move. And you need to pick your targets carefully. And you must make use of that shield. You are gonna take some hits in Legendary, but you must minimize the damage. If you see some grunts and elites hanging out together make sure to take out the grunts first as it'll make it easier to try and take out the elites and their rechargable shields. Every grenade truly counts in Legendary as well. Those things are fantastic at taking out elites and harder to kill enemies. If you find a sniper rifle, use it. Much better to take out enemies in the distance to minimize the amount you need to fight up close.


If there are a bunch of Convenants, the Elites are almost always the first to be killed. You need to concentrate all your firepower on one to kill it quickly. If all that is left are grunts then they are most likely running away and they're easy targets then. Otherwise, use the opportunity to recharge your shield and possibly take on another Elites.

Of course, you can not apply this to every situation, but it can work if you have the option to retreat. I would choose, for example, to kill grunts or Jackals first if they are much closer than the Elites.

Grenades can be useful in tackling certain situations. I like to confuse the AI by throwing grenades all around a cluster of enemies and watch them stand still, confused, waiting for their death. I also like to stick a grenade on a grunt and maybe, 1 time out of three, watch it run towards its comrades to devastating effect.

And if you get a hold of the rocket launcher and/or sniper rifle, don't ever leave them behind (unless there's really no ammo), those are the most precious weapons in the entire game. I often switch to more conventional weapons to tackle most situations better, but I always leave the sniper rifle/rocket launcher in a safe place so that I can switch back after the fight is over. The rocket launcher is like your last ditch weapon when all else fails and the sniper rifle can avoid you some nasty fights and allow you to take down annoying invisible Elites from afar, for example. Just try to save your ammo.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Saturnman said:

If there are a bunch of Convenants, the Elites are almost always the first to be killed. You need to concentrate all your firepower on one to kill it quickly. If all that is left are grunts then they are most likely running away and they're easy targets then. Otherwise, use the opportunity to recharge your shield and possibly take on another Elites.

Of course, you can not apply this to every situation, but it can work if you have the option to retreat. I would choose, for example, to kill grunts or Jackals first if they are much closer than the Elites.

Grenades can be useful in tackling certain situations. I like to confuse the AI by throwing grenades all around a cluster of enemies and watch them stand still, confused, waiting for their death. I also like to stick a grenade on a grunt and maybe, 1 time out of three, watch it run towards its comrades to devastating effect.

And if you get a hold of the rocket launcher and/or sniper rifle, don't ever leave them behind (unless there's really no ammo), those are the most precious weapons in the entire game. I often switch to more conventional weapons to tackle most situations better, but I always leave the sniper rifle/rocket launcher in a safe place so that I can switch back after the fight is over. The rocket launcher is like your last ditch weapon when all else fails and the sniper rifle can avoid you some nasty fights and allow you to take down annoying invisible Elites from afar, for example. Just try to save your ammo.

yeah, a good way to make sure you always have ammo too is to pick up and discard (if you chose) every weapon you come across... the game evry now and then clears out all the dead bodies/dropped weapons from earlier battles as you progress, but it will hold all the weapons that the player has picked up... so even if everything else dissapears, you can go back and pick up old discarded weapons :)

oh, and i find sticking a grunt with a grenade almost always gets mass kills. those idiots run TOWARDS comrades when they are about to explode :D

another quick tip, use covenant weapons against the covenant. the needler and plasma pistol are your best friends in legendary.


op_ivy said:
yeah, a good way to make sure you always have ammo too is to pick up and discard (if you chose) every weapon you come across... the game evry now and then clears out all the dead bodies/dropped weapons from earlier battles as you progress, but it will hold all the weapons that the player has picked up... so even if everything else dissapears, you can go back and pick up old discarded weapons :)

oh, and i find sticking a grunt with a grenade almost always gets mass kills. those idiots run TOWARDS comrades when they are about to explode :D

another quick tip, use covenant weapons against the covenant. the needler and plasma pistol are your best friends in legendary.

Indeed. The needler and plasma rifles make Elites drop like flies. The Plasma pistol is all around good weapon against all Convenant, save maybe Hunters. I think they toned down the plasma pistol in Halo 2. Bummer.

Speaking of Hunters, if you have room to move around and you don't have a rocket launcher, sniper rifle or pistol to take them down, you can use melee attacks almost exclusively. They will just keep charging you, not very fast at that, and you can just backtrack and hit them. Just isolate one and deal with it. I hear they made them harder to deal with in Halo 2. :)

Practice those grenade throws. It's also a good way to take on waves of dropships. Again, concentrate on the Elites and try to stick a grenade on them before they are even off their ship then take on the smaller Convenant baddies, most likely fleeing.

Be careful with sticky grenades with the Flood. Human grenades are better.

And speaking of the Flood, try to let them fight the Convenant and try your best to even the odds, from a distance, so that they completely kill each other off.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Saturnman said:
Indeed. The needler and plasma rifles make Elites drop like flies. The Plasma pistol is all around good weapon against all Convenant, save maybe Hunters.

Speaking of Hunters, if you have room to move around and you don't have a rocket launcher, sniper rifle or pistol to take them down, you can use melee attacks almost exclusively. They will just keep charging you, not very fast at that, and you can just backtrack and hit them. Just isolate one and deal with it. I hear they made them harder to deal with in Halo 2. :)

Practice those grenade throws. It's also a good way to take on waves of dropships. Again, concentrate on the Elites and try to stick a grenade on them before they are even off their ship then take on the smaller Convenant baddies, most likely fleeing.

Be careful with sticky grenades with the Flood. Human grenades are better.

And speaking of the Flood, try to let them fight the Convenant and try your best to even the odds, from a distance, so that they completely kill each other off.

yup, and on the topic of the flood, especially for the library, learn to use the environment to create "bottle necks" that charging flood have to traverse to get to you. then, toss down a grenade in their likely path almost constantly. tough areas of the library where you have to wait out wave after wave of flood attacks are fairly easy if you back yourself around a corner and do this method... peek your head out every so often with a shotgun in hand to collect dropped nades too :)


jet jevons you bastard I can't believe you forgot that we also passed the first four stages together on legendary without dying and almost Assault on the Control room. Not even a mention.


Chittagong said:
Wow, that hurt! I decided go back to Halo for some practice in the anticipation of Halo 2 and as training for the GAF clan. Since I completed it in Normal mode with no trouble whatsoever, I bravely took on Legendary.

But what the hell! Was I holding the Xbox controller upside down?! I literally got into the first larger room with many enemies and couldn't get past it in a half an hour. I tried a slow approach tactic. I tried a kamikaze tactic. I tried an ambush tactic. I tried a grenade collection tactic. But all my attempts ended up in death sooner or later.

So far I have noticed mainly two things - that shooting draws an enormous amount of attention to you, and that there seems to be an optimal "action window" in the scripted events, after which shooting your way through is virtually impossible.

I would like to hear from you Legendary experts - how long did it take you to get into it? Is practice all it takes?

Just keep at it Chittagong. There are several sections of the game that literally seem impossible for a while, but when you finally get good enough to do it, it's incredibly rewarding.

I can run through Legendary single player without dying once, and that level of proficiency didn't come over night. My brother and I also can run through Co-op without dying. I also like playing with a highly inexperienced teammate, and seeing if I can keep them as well as myself alive. Fun stuff, can't wait for Halo 2. :)
I guess many people are on the same wavelength since I was also compelled to brush up on Halo before Halo 2 came out. Beat Legendary for the umteenth time a few days ago.

I guess I can describe my legendary tactics as "sneaky bastard". I shoot and duck alot. I have become damn good at the sticky Gs too. Usually can get one stuck on an elite before they notice I'm in the room. I also like to kill at distance with Plasma pistol/Magnum pistol combo (Zap their shields off, then pop 'em in their head).

I also do the "3 weapon transport juggle run" alot in the later stages. There are parts of the game where it's really useful to have sniper rifle, the rocket launcher, and the pistol at hand throughout the level, so I've developed the quick run while juggling two weapons (pressing X while running makes you throw the weapon you are dropping really far).

But most importantly, I avoid direct fights as mch as I can. Any chance to skip chunks of levels, I take. Many such opportunities in "Assault on the control room" level. The 'shake the Banshee off the platform' trick on that level always bring a grin to my face.

Also, I never get detected at locations where the grunts are sleeping, and jackals and elites are on roving patrol. Kill them all before I'm even noticed. Hilarious to hear grunts scream as I bludgeon them to death in their sleep. :D


I beat Halo on legendary, but only in co-op. Co-op makes it a lot easier, since you can die and come back pretty easily. If there are enemies around, you just run and hide for a while until the other player respawns. Only part that became harder in co-op was the warthog crazy driving at the end. My friend was constantly using the mounted machine gun while I was driving. The controller shaked so much my hands were like jelly after a few minutes. :p

I tried legendary alone, and beat the first level with some struggle. On the second level, I reached the big field where the covenant keep landing their ships to rush you with soldiers (and where you afterwards get a warthog to drive down underground). I ran out of ammo at that point and was in really bad shape, so I had to run like hell and hide behind the hills, and they just kept bringing on more enemies. After trying numerous times, that's where I quit. :p


Legendary is no fun if you ask me. Hide-shoot-run-hide-shoot-run-hide-shoot, etc.

The whole aspect of running and gunning like Rambo is removed from the game. :(


Teddman said:
Legendary is no fun if you ask me. Hide-shoot-run-hide-shoot-run-hide-shoot, etc.

The whole aspect of running and gunning like Rambo is removed from the game. :(

Get big weapons, go on a grenade frenzy or drive a vehicule through a bunch of Convenant and you will be like Rambo.

Halo is not Doom otherwise.
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