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"I need a New PC!" 2012 Thread. 22nm+28nm, Tri-Gate, and reading the OP. [Part 1]

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The speeds at which you would safely overclock a 3570K to makes it pretty much equal in terms of performance to a moderate 2500K overclock. So, despite being a lower frequency, it's the same performance.
So er... Should I go with a 3570K or a 2500K then? What does "to be a wash" mean (I'm not a native speaker)?

It means the two differences cancel out, making the two CPUs pretty equal.

I'd go for the 3570K, as OP mentions, unless your struggling to find $15 (or whatever the difference is in your region) go for the 3570K.


Has anyone else experienced issues with the nvidia drivers (301) for the 600 series cards, specifically with a 670 in BF3? I get some really odd framerate drops to ~35-45 for a short time period from a pretty stable ~70 fps. Both GPU and CPU are showing as not being fully utilized so I think its a driver issue now.

Will probably try the beta drivers out tomorrow and see the results.
Hey everyone, I need to build four computers that are able to run Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft for ..... work. It doesn't need to be the latest and greatest, just something that can run point of sale software, browser, and either the two mentioned games at the same time (as per my boss). There won't be any overclocking. There will also be a dual monitor setup going on. I'm thinking i5s? Thanks.


Hey everyone, I need to build four computers that are able to run Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft for ..... work. It doesn't need to be the latest and greatest, just something that can run point of sale software, browser, and either the two mentioned games at the same time (as per my boss). There won't be any overclocking. There will also be a dual monitor setup going on. I'm thinking i5s? Thanks.


Really though, I have no idea what that would require or how it would work.


paid requisite penance
The speeds at which you would safely overclock a 3570K to makes it pretty much equal in terms of performance to a moderate 2500K overclock. So, despite being a lower frequency, it's the same performance.

It means the two differences cancel out, making the two CPUs pretty equal.

I'd go for the 3570K, as OP mentions, unless your struggling to find $15 (or whatever the difference is in your region) go for the 3570K.

I see, thanks. I'll probably go for the 3570K then. Plus I understand it's a bit more power-efficient, so that's always a plus.
Kind of embarrassed to ask this but here goes:

My PC is built and beautiful. I've only tried Guild Wars 2 and DOTA 2 on it and everything is flawless... except horizontal screen flickering.

DOTA has horizontal lines flickering near the animated portrait on the HUD and Guild Wars 2 Had the same horizontal flickering (very subtle but still noticeable) in the skyboxes. I was running everything on highest settings with a GTX670. What is the cause of this stuff usually? Sorry for being so vague and sorry for not having any pics available of what I'm talking about.


That's called screen tearing. You get it when you exceed your monitor's refresh rate, which is most likely 60hz. The two ways to fix this is vsync or getting a monitor with a higher refresh rate (probably 120hz). Vysnc causes input lag, so you can use tools that force tripple buffering to try and minimize it. 120hz monitors cost $250-400, so that's a bit of a roadblock too.



I bought an AMD 7850 a few weeks ago, but haven't noticed a huge difference because my CPU sucks (AMD Phenom II 550). I'm planning on upgrading to an i5 3570k, but for some reason I'm having major second thoughts on my GPU (and that thread about nvidia vs AMD in the OT didn't help).

Technically, I'm still in the return period on Amazon, so I can send it back and grab something else if I want (like maybe a 660 when it comes out).

Talk some sense into me, GAF. Should I just be happy with my 7850 and keep it to pair with my eventual i5, or should I send it back and go nVidia?

I bought an AMD 7850 a few weeks ago, but haven't noticed a huge difference because my CPU sucks (AMD Phenom II 550). I'm planning on upgrading to an i5 3570k, but for some reason I'm having major second thoughts on my GPU (and that thread about nvidia vs AMD in the OT didn't help).

Technically, I'm still in the return period on Amazon, so I can send it back and grab something else if I want (like maybe a 660 when it comes out).

Talk some sense into me, GAF. Should I just be happy with my 7850 and keep it to pair with my eventual i5, or should I send it back and go nVidia?

Yeah, send it back. You dont want to be the one black sheep of GAF.

Plus, I hate two graphics card companies. We all hate AMD. we want there to just be Nvidia only, obviously. Cant wait.


Hi Gaf. I'm about to do an upgrade and thought I'd run it past the hive first to see if there are any glaring issues I've missed. I use my PC for gaming (not as much as I'd like) and writing. When it comes to gaming I like to play on high'ish settings The big thing for me this upgrade is the monitor and resolution which allows much more space for writing and having multiple documents in view. I currently have a 22" samsung and will use dual monitors. I have a single gainward GTX 570 GHL edition and I will buy another 570 to SLI down the track (cheaper than a new card). I'd like to run my spare 360 through one of the monitors too if possible. My current 22" has no HDMI.

These are the upgrades I'm looking at right now:

CPU : i5 3570K
Mobo : Either ASRock Z77 Extreme 4 or ASUS ASUS P8Z77-V LK (only $10 difference fpr the ASUS)
Ram : 16 GB G.Skill Ripjaws (2x8)
Monitor : Samsung S27A850TSK

16 GB of Ram might be slight overkill. I do a little video editing, nothing significant, but the ram is so cheap I don't mind paying a little extra. I've gone 2x8 over 4x4 simply because I figure there is half the chance that something could go wrong. I might do some light overclocking on air, but wont be looking to push anything too far so I havn't included a custom air cooler.

Does anyone have the TSK version of the S27A850? I've read conflicting reports from people saying the new TSK model has a HDMI port? This isn't a make or break issue for me, but it would be nice to confirm or deny. [EDIT] A friend just confirmed the newer model does NOT have HDMI

I'll be upgrading from a Quadcore Q9550/4GB ram machine. As I mentioned I have a single GTX 570 GLH (factory overclocked) card and will prolly buy another 570 to help with the higher resolution for gaming.

I already have a PSU and Case.

Does anyone notice any problems I may have, or suggestions?

Thanks guys.


Yeah, send it back. You dont want to be the one black sheep of GAF.

Plus, I hate two graphics card companies. We all hate AMD. we want there to just be Nvidia only, obviously. Cant wait.

specialguy pls.

Seriously--I'm one of the worst when it comes to buyer's remorse with PC parts. Ease my mind.
That's called screen tearing. You get it when you exceed your monitor's refresh rate, which is most likely 60hz. The two ways to fix this is vsync or getting a monitor with a higher refresh rate (probably 120hz). Vysnc causes input lag, so you can use tools that force tripple buffering to try and minimize it. 120hz monitors cost $250-400, so that's a bit of a roadblock too.

Thanks for the information. Much appreciated.



I bought an AMD 7850 a few weeks ago, but haven't noticed a huge difference because my CPU sucks (AMD Phenom II 550). I'm planning on upgrading to an i5 3570k, but for some reason I'm having major second thoughts on my GPU (and that thread about nvidia vs AMD in the OT didn't help).

Technically, I'm still in the return period on Amazon, so I can send it back and grab something else if I want (like maybe a 660 when it comes out).

Talk some sense into me, GAF. Should I just be happy with my 7850 and keep it to pair with my eventual i5, or should I send it back and go nVidia?
7850 is a great part, and the people in that thread are idiots for the most part. Think of it as one of those threads that someone creates that says "What's better, 360 or PS3?". Brings out the loons and fanboys in droves.

They mostly suffer from confirmation bias as well as the inability to grasp any sort of question that involves widespread issues such as drivers from an empirical basis.

That being said, if buying a $300 card is what you want to do in order to get more performance, it will probably be a good call. Here's hoping their supply issues will be resolved.

*edit* Out of curiosity, what game is it that you are playing where you're not noticing much of an improvement? CPU bottlenecks are almost always engine related, and are nearly non-existent in well optimized titles like BF3 and Civ V.
Yeah, send it back. You dont want to be the one black sheep of GAF.

Plus, I hate two graphics card companies. We all hate AMD. we want there to just be Nvidia only, obviously. Cant wait.
AMD has put out some pretty incredible products for four generations now. They've forced the move away from power hungry cards, put out some major upsets in terms of price:performance, and continually have products that reiterate those two points.


Putting this here in case anyone is interested. Wanting to sell a few items.

1) One of Hazaro's miracle clocking Powercolor 6950 2GB. $170 to your door. This one here.
2) Sabertooth P67. Been used for about... 6 months? Was used in my primary rig for 3 of those, and as a secondary for the other 3. Mostly turned off during that period. No issues with it at all. $100
3) Lian Li PC-V700X. Amazing case, but the main purpose I bought it for (watercooling) turned out not so good. Comes with 4 BitFenix Spectre Pro fans. This price is only on GAF cause you guys are awesome, $180 shipped to you.


With the Sabertooth:


My thread on OCN that goes over it in detail


Junior Member
What would be good to keep my temeratures low while overclocking? I'm doing my first build and plan to overclock a 3570k to around 4GHz. My friends tell me to go with the Corsair H60, but I feel the H80 would be a better buy, especially with the extra fans it comes with.

Which out of these two would be a more justified purchase pricewise? Is the extra $30-40 for the H80 worth it?


Aaaaahhhhh I want that Sabretooth so bad but just bought a 570 and I think my wife would kill me if I spent another $100.


I'm curious as to why you spent the money on the sabortooth but didn't get an aftermarket cooler.
It's in the OCN thread. Was using an H100, tried for about 12 hours to mount it creatively. Was more or less a test run to see where I could put a 240mm radiator for the eventual watercooling build. In the end, I gave up. This was the picture of the end result. Put an H60 in about 2 days later, just didn't have a picture of it handy.

Currently running a 2500K @ 4.8Ghz 24/7, and folding.
Aaaaahhhhh I want that Sabretooth so bad but just bought a 570 and I think my wife would kill me if I spent another $100.
With the Z77 boards as the new hotness, I'm sure I'll have it around for a bit.
It's in the OCN thread. Was using an H100, tried for about 12 hours to mount it creatively. Was more or less a test run to see where I could put a 240mm radiator for the eventual watercooling build. In the end, I gave up. This was the picture of the end result. Put an H60 in about 2 days later, just didn't have a picture of it handy.

Currently running a 2500K @ 4.8Ghz 24/7, and folding.

Ah, gotcha. Looks awesome man.


You can stick multiple HDD's in a redundant array (RAID5) that all gets automated and handled by some pretty slick software, such as FREENAS. Assuming you have some fancy wireless card like the Apple TV or wired gigabit, it's essentially an external HDD attached to every device in your house.

FREENAS alllows you to do some pretty cool stuff, such as streaming to tablets/phones, automated .nbz downloading based on bookmarks, and even notifies you if it detects errors with one of the drives.

This allows you to remove HDD's from any sort of build, which really frees up the space in a computer case as well as removes a fairly loud part from it.

Sweet thanks for the info on that.


Just did my first reformat since I built my system last year. Didn't even do it when I got a new motherboard. Feels nice and clean


Iono... that heatsink is pretty gross. The blue/green wires stick out like a sore thumb to me too. Thanks though :p

Really, I'm sad to see the case go. Just wanting to switch to a really well padded case with quiet parts, probably going with a Fractal Define Mini with a Maximus V Gene. Just need to decide if I'm putting the 7970DCII in there or trading it for something smaller.

Sweet thanks for the info on that.


Just did my first reformat since I built my system last year. Didn't even do it when I got a new motherboard. Feels nice and clean
I know that feel. It's totally refreshing. Running Win 8?


Iono... that heatsink is pretty gross. The blue/green wires stick out like a sore thumb to me too. Thanks though :p

Really, I'm sad to see the case go. Just wanting to switch to a really well padded case with quiet parts, probably going with a Fractal Define Mini with a Maximus V Gene. Just need to decide if I'm putting the 7970DCII in there or trading it for something smaller.

I know that feel. It's totally refreshing. Running Win 8?

You know I was actually thinking about checking it out while the machine was doing its thing. Running my Win 7 copy right now, but I may give 8 a go to see what all the "negativity" is about


Awesome. Maybe after I sell this MacBook...

Will it run Ivy Bridge?
With a BIOS update, yep.
You know I was actually thinking about checking it out while the machine was doing its thing. Running my Win 7 copy right now, but I may give 8 a go to see what all the "negativity" is about
Haven't touched it myself yet. If you do give it a shot, would love to hear your impressions.


Iono... that heatsink is pretty gross. The blue/green wires stick out like a sore thumb to me too. Thanks though :p

Really, I'm sad to see the case go. Just wanting to switch to a really well padded case with quiet parts, probably going with a Fractal Define Mini with a Maximus V Gene. Just need to decide if I'm putting the 7970DCII in there or trading it for something smaller.

Just a heads up, but I'm considering doing a Define Mini build myself soon, and by my calculations the 7970DCII won't fit in there without removing the bottom HDD tray (ie popping out the rivets). Fine if you're going with an SSD-only build, but worth keeping in mind if you'd planned on putting a few hard-drives in there.

If/when you get the Define Mini I'd be eager to hear some impressions, though.


relies on auto-aim
Hey everyone, I need to build four computers that are able to run Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft for ..... work. It doesn't need to be the latest and greatest, just something that can run point of sale software, browser, and either the two mentioned games at the same time (as per my boss). There won't be any overclocking. There will also be a dual monitor setup going on. I'm thinking i5s? Thanks.
3770K and a 670 would do fine I think + 16GB RAM. Just play the games on windowed mode, maybe evne limit FPS through a limiter/drivers to 30 to really lower GPU usage? Not sure if you can assign games to GPUs so dual 7850's or something might work better?
Putting this here in case anyone is interested. Wanting to sell a few items.

1) One of Hazaro's miracle clocking Powercolor 6950 2GB. $170 to your door. This one here.
2) Sabertooth P67. Been used for about... 6 months? Was used in my primary rig for 3 of those, and as a secondary for the other 3. Mostly turned off during that period. No issues with it at all. $100
3) Lian Li PC-V700X. Amazing case, but the main purpose I bought it for (watercooling) turned out not so good. Comes with 4 BitFenix Spectre Pro fans. This price is only on GAF cause you guys are awesome, $180 shipped to you.
In case it wasn't obvious these are really good prices. My 6950 is the fastest clocking in North America on stock cooling TMK.


Just a heads up, but I'm considering doing a Define Mini build myself soon, and by my calculations the 7970DCII won't fit in there without removing the bottom HDD tray (ie popping out the rivets). Fine if you're going with an SSD-only build, but worth keeping in mind if you'd planned on putting a few hard-drives in there.

If/when you get the Define Mini I'd be eager to hear some impressions, though.
Yeah, noticed that myself. Definitely SSD only.


Anyone's M4 been acting up? My Firefox keeps crashing(not responding) and when it happens, i can't even start task manager. A few times the SSD wouldn't even show up in bios.


Yeah, send it back. You dont want to be the one black sheep of GAF.

Plus, I hate two graphics card companies. We all hate AMD. we want there to just be Nvidia only, obviously. Cant wait.

Are you serious? There's no way that, as a consumer, you'd want Nvidia to control the market for video cards. AMD is the last line of defense we have in that market. I think people have yet to realize how screwed we are when it comes to CPUs.
Mkenyon, how do you rate the H60? Seeing as I can't quite fit the hyper 212 comfortably in my case, I was thinking of picking up an H60. Does it compare favourably in terms of keeping temps down? Is it particularly difficult to install? Thanks for the input.

Are you serious? There's no way that, as a consumer, you'd want Nvidia to control the market for video cards. AMD is the last line of defense we have in that market. I think people have yet to realize how screwed we are when it comes to CPUs.

He was incredibly sarcastic, I'm surprised you didn't notice it. Some form of poe's law I guess.


7850 is a great part, and the people in that thread are idiots for the most part. Think of it as one of those threads that someone creates that says "What's better, 360 or PS3?". Brings out the loons and fanboys in droves.

They mostly suffer from confirmation bias as well as the inability to grasp any sort of question that involves widespread issues such as drivers from an empirical basis.

Just had a look in that thread myself, you'd think AMD was the worst company to grace the planet with the amount of hyperbole in there, especially when it comes to drivers.

I've had AMD cards for my last 3 purchases and I could count on one hand any issues I had that were driver related.

I bought an AMD 7850 a few weeks ago, but haven't noticed a huge difference because my CPU sucks (AMD Phenom II 550). I'm planning on upgrading to an i5 3570k, but for some reason I'm having major second thoughts on my GPU (and that thread about nvidia vs AMD in the OT didn't help).

Technically, I'm still in the return period on Amazon, so I can send it back and grab something else if I want (like maybe a 660 when it comes out).

Talk some sense into me, GAF. Should I just be happy with my 7850 and keep it to pair with my eventual i5, or should I send it back and go nVidia?

7850 is a great card, just upgrade your cpu.


So I finished my build a few days ago. Super SUUPPPer happy with the results. My PC died a few months ago so I been gaming on my msi gx640 laptop. So from Lol to tera to d3 I been mainly gaming on my laptop. Granted my old pc was showing its age in itself (8400 duo core, 470sli, a few hdd) it still beats gaming on my laptop.

Anyways my new build consist off of the top of my head (at work atm)
Case: corsair 600t (omg i love this case)
CPU: i5 3570k (at only 116 bucks coming from a duo core...need i say more?)
GPU: kept the 470gtx sli (will wait til the 7xx series comes out before upgrade)
SSD: 256 M4 and two 120 m4 in raid 0 with my old HDD for storage (Holy Shit ssd i love u)
Ram: 16 gig of corsair LP vengeance dd3
PSU: Corsair HX850

First off I knew I needed to upgrade but damn I had no idea how badly I was bottle necking my gaming experiences let alone my two 470gtx. I oc my cpu to 4.8 ghz at full load it sits comfy at under 70c running prime. In games it never past 45c.

Now on to my question :p

Monitors, I am currently gaming on a samsung 22 inch monitor. I think its the 2233bw model? regardless its at 1680x1050. And I feel I am doing my new build a huge injustice by gaming on this monitor. Plus it develop an annoying habit of at first start up it would flicker like crazy to the point I feel like I will get seizures. Now I cant decide if I should get a 24 inch 120hz monitor or an 1440p set. I mainly will be playing guild war 2, Dota 2, some FPS for kicks and giggles. O and the hundred of games I collected during these steam sales (yeah right). Sorry if this question have been asked but I been doing as much research as possible and I keep hearing two sides of the story and its making me nuts lol. Why cant they just make a 27in 1440p set that runs at 120hz >.>

Price range around 500 usd. If i get either an 1440p set or an 120hz set will my 470gtx sli be a problem? I really dont feel like spending 2k on a monitor and a 690 gtx lol.


Thinking of building a PC when the GTX 660 Ti comes out. What would be a good budget CPU to pair with this that won't bottleneck the GPU, and will last for games going into the next generation?

I'm pretty sure I'll have to go at least i5, but trying to keep this rig as cheap as possible, so what would be the best, cheap i5? I guess I'll have to go non-K, as both the chips and motherboards are cheaper.

EDIT: I'm set on Intel/Nvidia, as that combo has never given me problems in the past, and Steam on Linux seems to be focused on Intel and Nvidia components. Especially because Nvidia drivers are far better on Linux..

I'm thinking of the following:

GTX 660Ti
~600w PSU


Everything is moe to me

I bought an AMD 7850 a few weeks ago, but haven't noticed a huge difference because my CPU sucks (AMD Phenom II 550). I'm planning on upgrading to an i5 3570k, but for some reason I'm having major second thoughts on my GPU (and that thread about nvidia vs AMD in the OT didn't help).

Technically, I'm still in the return period on Amazon, so I can send it back and grab something else if I want (like maybe a 660 when it comes out).

Talk some sense into me, GAF. Should I just be happy with my 7850 and keep it to pair with my eventual i5, or should I send it back and go nVidia?



Ok dudes, I have a problem with my new laptop; It has a functional HDMI port that works with my desktop monitor so that's great! However, one of the biggest reasons I bought a relatively expensive laptop is because I wanted to use it as a HTPC when at home (movies, PCSX2, Dolphin etc).

I tried to connect is to my Samsung TV today and the laptop recognizes the TV (name, resolution) but the TV won't recognize the laptop.
I tried connecting another laptop and that one worked instantly so it isn't the HDMI cable or TV input. Anyone know a fix?
Ok dudes, I have a problem with my new laptop; It has a functional HDMI port that works with my desktop monitor so that's great! However, one of the biggest reasons I bought a relatively expensive laptop is because I wanted to use it as a HTPC when at home (movies, PCSX2, Dolphin etc).

I tried to connect is to my Samsung TV today and the laptop recognizes the TV (name, resolution) but the TV won't recognize the laptop.
I tried connecting another laptop and that one worked instantly so it isn't the HDMI cable or TV input. Anyone know a fix?

Restart with the monitor plugged in. Also reduce the resolution and change the refresh rate on the laptop. Lastly, ensure drivers are up to date and the two devices don't have hdmi version differences (shouldn't be a problem, but you never know).


Restart with the monitor plugged in. Also reduce the resolution and change the refresh rate on the laptop. Lastly, ensure drivers are up to date and the two devices don't have hdmi version differences (shouldn't be a problem, but you never know).

Yeah, try this. I'd bet on it being an incompatible resolution or refresh rate. I guess also make sure your TV is on the right input? But I assume you've tried that :p


Anyone's M4 been acting up? My Firefox keeps crashing(not responding) and when it happens, i can't even start task manager. A few times the SSD wouldn't even show up in bios.

I've had issues with Firefox and my M4 but that's it. Might be a bad SSD you got? I used to have FF lock up til I did some tweak to FF, but I cannot remember for the life of me what I did.

mkenyon will tell you to switch to Chrome (and he's probably right too :p )

EDIT: This is what I did and now FF rarely ever freezes. http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2115257

What would be good to keep my temeratures low while overclocking? I'm doing my first build and plan to overclock a 3570k to around 4GHz. My friends tell me to go with the Corsair H60, but I feel the H80 would be a better buy, especially with the extra fans it comes with.

Which out of these two would be a more justified purchase pricewise? Is the extra $30-40 for the H80 worth it?

I have the H60 and my 3570K OC'd to 4.2ghz (baby clock by most standards) and my max temp under normal loads (DayZ, DOTA 2, SRTT) never exceeds 60c.

The Corsair fans blow chunks and are VERY loud. If that is the main difference between the H60 and H80 then I would say save your money, get the H60, and buy two higher quality fans ... because there's a good chance you'd be buying better fans to replace the cheesey Corsair ones anyways on the H80.

EDIT: Also to add, many 3570Ks can get to 4.4ghz or close to it with the stock cooler. Mine cannot. So YMMV in that regard.
Aaaaahhhhh I want that Sabretooth so bad but just bought a 570 and I think my wife would kill me if I spent another $100.

It's not worth it. Tests indicate that unless you've got multiple fans pushing air through the cover only makes your temperatures worse.


i built a computer about 6 months ago, maybe less. everything was running perfect. i didn't install any new hardware or software in the past week. crashed, blue screen. couldn't fix the problem automatically. i wiped out everything and reinstalled windows. after installing the driver for my internet and restarting, everything was fine. once my computer connects to the internet and DLs windows updates and restarts, it crashes again. blue screen. i don't think its the hardware cause i take pretty good care of it. any clue on what it might be? ive tried everything and just can't get it to work.


It's not worth it. Tests indicate that unless you've got multiple fans pushing air through the cover only makes your temperatures worse.
There's no instance in which chipset cooling is even close to a worry unless you're talking about 5+ GHz. Even then, this sustained a 5.2Ghz overclock for some quick benches on my old 2500K without any VRM/Chipset cooling issues.

Those are the only temperatures that are 'worse'. Everything else is unaffected by the shroud.
i built a computer about 6 months ago, maybe less. everything was running perfect. i didn't install any new hardware or software in the past week. crashed, blue screen. couldn't fix the problem automatically. i wiped out everything and reinstalled windows. after installing the driver for my internet and restarting, everything was fine. once my computer connects to the internet and DLs windows updates and restarts, it crashes again. blue screen. i don't think its the hardware cause i take pretty good care of it. any clue on what it might be? ive tried everything and just can't get it to work.
This is so impossible to answer, but it sounds like something that windows is installing is borking your system. No one can figure this out except you by troubleshooting which update it is.

Otherwise, pull your crash/BSOD codes and google it to find out.
Anyone's M4 been acting up? My Firefox keeps crashing(not responding) and when it happens, i can't even start task manager. A few times the SSD wouldn't even show up in bios.
You should install....
mkenyon will tell you to switch to Chrome (and he's probably right too :p )
I'm thinking of the following:

GTX 660Ti
~600w PSU
Go the K route. You will overclock. To appease your "but I won't overclock" mind right now, get the K model just for exponentially better resale value.

Also, AMD drivers are better on Linux. Way better.
Monitors, I am currently gaming on a samsung 22 inch monitor. I think its the 2233bw model? regardless its at 1680x1050. And I feel I am doing my new build a huge injustice by gaming on this monitor. Plus it develop an annoying habit of at first start up it would flicker like crazy to the point I feel like I will get seizures. Now I cant decide if I should get a 24 inch 120hz monitor or an 1440p set. I mainly will be playing guild war 2, Dota 2, some FPS for kicks and giggles. O and the hundred of games I collected during these steam sales (yeah right). Sorry if this question have been asked but I been doing as much research as possible and I keep hearing two sides of the story and its making me nuts lol. Why cant they just make a 27in 1440p set that runs at 120hz >.>
120hz all day erreday. Using a rebranded Apple Cinema Display next to a BenQXL2420T, and I'll take the 120hz any day of the week forever and always. It sucks that it is an either or choice right now though.

120hz choices are easy. If colors are super important to you and you like gloss screens, Samsung S23A700/750/950D is the right choice. The difference in the models is the stand and how they receive the 120hz signal. 700D = worst stand, dual link DVI. 750D = okay stand, displayport. 950D = fancy stand, both dual link and displayport.

If amazing performance, input lag, and a matte screen with decent colors is your thing, then the BenQ XL2420T is the right option.
Mkenyon, how do you rate the H60? Seeing as I can't quite fit the hyper 212 comfortably in my case, I was thinking of picking up an H60. Does it compare favourably in terms of keeping temps down? Is it particularly difficult to install? Thanks for the input.
It works well. It's not even close to worth in in terms of $:performance, but I'm one of those guys that plays 'Dress Me Up Barbie' with his computers, so aesthetics are really important to me. I don't like giant heatsinks in the middle of my case.

Buying good fans to go with it is p'much a requirement, as the stock ones are stupid loud. So that basically adds $20-30 to the price tag.
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