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"I need a New PC!" 2012 Thread. 22nm+28nm, Tri-Gate, and reading the OP. [Part 1]

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I was thinking of making the 690 my next upgrade once it gets down to under $500 but I don't have PCI 3.0. Do I need a new motherboard when I do my next upgrade?
It's $1000. I don't forsee it going under $500 until the GTX 890 is released. The 590 is still selling for over $500.

But, no. There is a performance hit, but it's not huge by any means. It does increase the higher your resolution is though.


This is a total newb question but I've done research elsewhere but would like your guys' opinion. I just purchased a 6950 and I was curious to what wattage power supply I should get for it. I'm considering OCing it as well as unlocking the cores on my X4.

I'm in the process of piecing together a computer and when I finally have everything I'll put it together. This is my first build.



I bought the "Excellent" build in the OP. It seems like the motherboard is running hot. When you touch the side of the computer where the motherboard is seated during gameplay, it feels really hot. The GPU and CPU temps seem okay during load (respectively 70c and 30c).

What could be causing this?


Can anybody who is good with OCing take a look at this guide and tell me if I should follow it, I have the same CPU and MB, any help is appreciated.

I prefer this one.
I bought the "Excellent" build in the OP. It seems like the motherboard is running hot. When you touch the side of the computer where the motherboard is seated during gameplay, it feels really hot. The GPU and CPU temps seem okay during load (respectively 70c and 30c).

What could be causing this?
Well, the motherboard is theoretically insulated from the side of the case by the motherboard tray and a pocket of air. The only parts that get hot on a motherboard is the chipset and MOSFET, and even then, it's not much to worry about. I'd imagine is some confluence of airflow, parts, and the way the case is designed to make it seem as though something is running hot.
So I'm putting together my order for the "excellent" machine. I was debating earlier about holding off until the 660 prices get released, but with the pretty strong sentiment it will be over $300 USD it is simply out of my price range. So I'm going with the 7850 2gig card instead. I'm not looking to blow anyone away with crazy FPS numbers, but I want something that will run the games I've missed out on over the last year and a half such as Witcher 2 and BF3. I'm just stuck between the 128 or 256 SSD. Anyone just sporting a 128 and are you able to get by fine with it? Is that just too small in this day and age with Windows 7, a decent sized mp3 collection, and a nice complement of games?


So I'm putting together my order for the "excellent" machine. I was debating earlier about holding off until the 660 prices get released, but with the pretty strong sentiment it will be over $300 USD it is simply out of my price range. So I'm going with the 7850 2gig card instead. I'm not looking to blow anyone away with crazy FPS numbers, but I want something that will run the games I've missed out on over the last year and a half such as Witcher 2 and BF3. I'm just stuck between the 128 or 256 SSD. Anyone just sporting a 128 and are you able to get by fine with it? Is that just too small in this day and age with Windows 7, a decent sized mp3 collection, and a nice complement of games?

There probably aren't many who are running just a 128 SSD. Most people pair a 128 SSD with a larger conventional drive. You put the OS and a maybe a few frequently played games/used apps on the SSD, and put everything else (music, movies, video, etc.) on the conventional drive.
There probably aren't many who are running just a 128 SSD. Most people pair a 128 SSD with a larger conventional drive. You put the OS and a maybe a few frequently played games/used apps on the SSD, and put everything else (music, movies, video, etc.) on the conventional drive.

Ah ok, the whole hybrid deal. I'll look into the cost for all that. My old rig had a 320 GB drive and I still was only about 60% full on that. Thanks.
There probably aren't many who are running just a 128 SSD. Most people pair a 128 SSD with a larger conventional drive. You put the OS and a maybe a few frequently played games/used apps on the SSD, and put everything else (music, movies, video, etc.) on the conventional drive.

Yep and if your games are mostly steam there is an app that lets you easily move them from one Hard drive to another
Pulled the trigger and got everything. Even had enough in my budget to do a SSD and a HDD. Very excited to get back into PC gaming, feels like I've been away for too long.


Neo Member
EuroGaf! I need your help. Where do you get your parts? I just moved out here to italy, near venice, and the selection out here is horrible.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Looking for help too, my aging rig is starting to annoy me, but I don't have much of a budget so maybe I should wait instead (beyond the one or two months I'm thinking of doing this in that is) unless you guys come up with some awesome solution.

Current Specs: E8500, GTX285 1GB, 4GB DDR2, Asus P5Q mobo, CoolerMaster M700 550w, 2x250GB Seagate Barracuda HDDs, 1x 250GB Transcend Passport portable HDD.

Budget: 700 Euros only, preferably ~50 less, in Greece

Main Use: Gaming, General Usage. 5 on both!

Monitor Resolution: My current monitor is an ancient Viewsonic 1280x1024, but I'm looking to upgrade to a 1080p monitor if I can't repair my old 20" LG 1680x1050 one (it seems to be having power issues which could be simple or not). Outside the scope of this post that is, not with the same budget, so consider 1080p if possible I guess.

SPECIFIC games it MUST be able to play: Er, Battlefield 3 and The Witcher 2 give me the most trouble on my current setup (as in, I can't play them too well even with lower/est settings, it's not like it can't also improve my experience with Skyrim and Crysis 2 and everything else if I could finally use higher settings, AA, etc, without performance issues).

Looking to reuse any parts?: 550W CoolerMaster M700 PSU if it's still viable, GTX285 if I can't upgrade to a good one with this budget at the moment (as long as you suggest which card would fit this rig and make the rest of it with that in mind), Lexa NZXT case if compatible but I'd also like a new one better. something simple like the CoolerMaster Elite 333 .

Overclocking?: Probably not.

I'd like to get a new keyboard and mouse, nothing fancy though, maybe an alright set of 2.1 speakers, my 5.1 setup is slowly breaking down, I already disabled the rear speakers, but yeah, all that probably get a no with this budget too.

If only I could pay in $. In 2008. Then I'd get something like that Excellent rig in in the OP or better.

Don't laugh at me :(

Btw if you want to see price ranges here then see these online stores.

Each page is a new component, click the arrow to move from the case to PSU etc.
Click διαβάστε περισσότερα for more information after highlighting one, click προσθήκη to add it to the rig.

Each drop down box is a diff component.
Click λεπτομέρειες for more information after choosing one.

Shitty configurators and availability and prices, I know.

Edit: I think they have more parts available outside their configurators in the respective parts categories etc but whatever, it gives a good idea, I'm not gonna ask you to learn Greek to try and help, lol...

If it's not at all decently viable then nevermind, I'll just wait for when/if I have a bigger budget.


Can you split your steam collection so you have a few currently played on the SSD and the rest on HDD? Or do you need to move them around before playing?

That's what I do. I keep a few games I'm not currently playing, but would like to play soon, on the HDD, and the ones I am playing on the SSD. I could play from the HDD but usually I don't.


A friend built a new pc and he is now getting BSOD whenever he plays a game (arma 2, dota 2), it seems to usually happen a few minutes after loading the game as in the map or level. He says the BSOD says something about memory would writing down the code in BSOD be the easiest way to troubleshoot this? In terms of power he is more than covered with a 690, i7 and 16gb ram so I'm not sure what could be causing the problem.


A friend built a new pc and he is now getting BSOD whenever he plays a game (arma 2, dota 2), it seems to usually happen a few minutes after loading the game as in the map or level. He says the BSOD says something about memory would writing down the code in BSOD be the easiest way to troubleshoot this? In terms of power he is more than covered with a 690, i7 and 16gb ram so I'm not sure what could be causing the problem.

The last couple of digits of the BSOD code will help. If there's a message like IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL then it's a driver or overclocking error. Is he OC'd?


testicles on a cold fall morning
So I took a risk and bought one of those Korean IPS 27" monitors of eBay for $300 shipped and am very, very pleased. These are the same LG panels found in monitors from Apple, Dell, HP, etc. Here's some benchmarks from Anandtech - http://www.anandtech.com/show/5885/the-achieva-shimian-qh270-a-350-27inch-wqhd-sips-display

And a ton more info here - http://www.overclock.net/t/1215866/...g-90hz-achieva-shimian-qh270-and-catleap-q270
and here - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/07/the-ips-lcd-revolution.html

If you're in the US, Microcenter's selling the same panels for an extra $100 - http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0384780

Purchased last Wednesday and arrived from South Korea last night. No stuck or dead pixels and the screen looks as nice as the 27" iMac I use at work. This is a huge upgrade from the 27" TN panel I've been using the last 3 years at home. Now I just have to test my Steam games to see which are going to choke playing at 2560x1440.

NBA 2k12 still runs buttery on a GTX 460 with everything turned up, as does Minesweeper.


How much, out of curiosity?

The store I was at sold it for $289; they had the 560 for $279. I kinda assumed the pricing would be universal at BB but I definitely wouldn't have put up more than $300 for a card. Maybe I got lucky and got a discount because they didn't have a shelf spot for it yet? I don't even know why the card was sitting out where it was, like it was just randomly placed. I thought it was a return at first :p

On another note, I'm thinking of just upgrading the rest of my computer too. I have about $1,400 in credit card rewards waiting to be spent; I already have an excellent case, an adequate video card, and a good PSU. I'm now in the market for a new mobo/proc, ram, and maybe...maybe an SSD. I think the SSD will be last on my list.

If I wanted to spend up to $500 on RAM, Mobo, and Proc are there any suggestions? Been out of the hardware loop for so long, is there something on the horizon (2-4 months) that would warrant me to wait until then?

I've also never actually upgraded a mobo/proc before. Every time I get into the hardware game I just make a brand new build and re-purpose or give away my old rig.

Heh, as I'm typing this post I'm finding myself wanting to just rebuild a new computer right now. This is the kind of shit that happens when going through a painful breakup. The post-relationship binge on gadgets is in full force for me right now :p


If you don't know how easy it is, and don't have a lot of experience, then I would assume the automatic answer would be no.

So, to answer your question, I would assume it is because they don't know how easy it is.

If I wasn't nervous about overclocking I'd try it on my computer now and if the results were desirable I'd wait longer before upgrading (or if the results were really nice I'd keep the computer and rebuild a new one next year as I originally planned)
The store I was at sold it for $289; they had the 560 for $279. I kinda assumed the pricing would be universal at BB but I definitely wouldn't have put up more than $300 for a card. Maybe I got lucky and got a discount because they didn't have a shelf spot for it yet? I don't even know why the card was sitting out where it was, like it was just randomly placed. I thought it was a return at first :p

On another note, I'm thinking of just upgrading the rest of my computer too. I have about $1,400 in credit card rewards waiting to be spent; I already have an excellent case, an adequate video card, and a good PSU. I'm now in the market for a new mobo/proc, ram, and maybe...maybe an SSD. I think the SSD will be last on my list.

If I wanted to spend up to $500 on RAM, Mobo, and Proc are there any suggestions? Been out of the hardware loop for so long, is there something on the horizon (2-4 months) that would warrant me to wait until then?

I've also never actually upgraded a mobo/proc before. Every time I get into the hardware game I just make a brand new build and re-purpose or give away my old rig.

Heh, as I'm typing this post I'm finding myself wanting to just rebuild a new computer right now. This is the kind of shit that happens when going through a painful breakup. The post-relationship binge on gadgets is in full force for me right now :p

Nothing CPU wise on the horizon for a while. Go with a z77 mobo and a 3570K and you'll be really pleased.


Nothing CPU wise on the horizon for a while. Go with a z77 mobo and a 3570K and you'll be really pleased.

Got the CPU in my shopping cart on Amazon right now. As for the mobo, there are a lot of different options for z77. Any recommendations? Thanks again for your help :)


I've been considering upgrading my 460 GTX to a 680 GTX, but am curious what GAF thinks about potential bottle necks in my system.

CPU: Intel i7-860 2.8GHZ (oc to 3.6)
MB: Asus P7P55D EVO
RAM: 8gb Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600
HD: Intel 320 160gb SSD
PS: Cooler Master Silent Pro M700

When gaming I use either my desktop monitor (1680x1050) or my tv (1080).


Any specific features you are looking for? Small form factor? Huge tower? WiFi? Great audio?

I have a pretty large case, though there's a lot of empty space in there. I have an old Sound Blaster Audigy that I think is sufficient and I always use a wired connection. Don't think I'll do any overclocking. Seems like I want something that's not too extravagant but I don't want to get something that's known to be junk or something :p


I've been considering upgrading my 460 GTX to a 680 GTX, but am curious what GAF thinks about potential bottle necks in my system.

CPU: Intel i7-860 2.8GHZ (oc to 3.6)
MB: Asus P7P55D EVO
RAM: 8gb Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600
HD: Intel 320 160gb SSD
PS: Cooler Master Silent Pro M700

When gaming I use either my desktop monitor (1680x1050) or my tv (1080).

Could maybe squeeze a bit more of an OC out of your i7, and why a 680 over a 670?


I've been considering upgrading my 460 GTX to a 680 GTX, but am curious what GAF thinks about potential bottle necks in my system.

CPU: Intel i7-860 2.8GHZ (oc to 3.6)
MB: Asus P7P55D EVO
RAM: 8gb Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600
HD: Intel 320 160gb SSD
PS: Cooler Master Silent Pro M700

When gaming I use either my desktop monitor (1680x1050) or my tv (1080).
Nope. You'll be limited in a select few games, T:A and SC2, but are otherwise golden. You could try to get a bit more out of the CPU.

I have a pretty large case, though there's a lot of empty space in there. I have an old Sound Blaster Audigy that I think is sufficient and I always use a wired connection. Don't think I'll do any overclocking. Seems like I want something that's not too extravagant but I don't want to get something that's known to be junk or something :p
Grab one of the boards from the OP. You will be over clocking, so get a heatsink as well.


Nope. You'll be limited in a select few games, T:A and SC2, but are otherwise golden. You could try to get a bit more out of the CPU.

It's stable at 3.8~ but I don't have to hear jet engine sounds coming from my fans when gaming at 3.6 so that's what I stuck with ;) I'll likely get the 680 now and upgrade the rest early next year, which at 3 years old will have made it plenty worth it i think.


So I just broke down my old alienware pc to see if I could use/salvage anything from it. after doing some research on the parts I highly doubt it, but I figured i'd ask Gaf and see what you guys think.

Ram: CORSAIR 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200) Desktop Memory Model VS512MB400 X4


Video Card:ATI X800 Pro 256MB Radeon X800PRO 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X Video Card


HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Plus ST3160023A 160GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache IDE Ultra ATA100 / ATA-6 3.5" Hard Drive -Bare Drive


Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Interface

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102012&Tpk=creative labs audigy 2

Cd/Dvd drives:

LITE-ON Combo Drive 16X DVD-ROM 52X CD-R 32X CD-RW 52X CD-ROM Black IDE Model SOHC-5232K - OEM


Power Supply:

PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool 510-SLI 510W Continuous @ 50°C ATX12V SLI Certified CrossFire Ready Active PFC


just looking at these on newegg though makes it seem like these are ancient in computer time. For reference i'm going with a version of the ethusiest build.


paid requisite penance
Alright, I'm almost done with my build, but what is this and what should I do with it?



Heh, still really hung up on the mobo thing.

Is this a good option? Anything better? $140 is the high end of what I'd want to spend on a mobo as is :(

ASRock P67 EXTREME4 GEN3 LGA 1155 Intel P67 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard

I've never bought a heatsink before, not sure if I really need it. I don't think I'll overclock, at least not anytime soon.
Biostar TZ77XE3 and ASUS P8Z77-V LK are the two 'best buys' for motherboards right now.
I suppose I should have also asked, is there a 'one to get' 680 atm? I was considering the EVGA 02G-P4-2680-KR
If you are overclocking, the MSI Lightning 680. If you want silence, then the Palit/Gainward 680 or Gigabyte with their three fans are both really quiet. ASUS DCII is always a good choice as well.
So I just broke down my old alienware pc to see if I could use/salvage anything from it. after doing some research on the parts I highly doubt it, but I figured i'd ask Gaf and see what you guys think.
Yeah, not going to be able to reuse any of it.
So I just broke down my old alienware pc to see if I could use/salvage anything from it. after doing some research on the parts I highly doubt it, but I figured i'd ask Gaf and see what you guys think.

Ram: CORSAIR 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200) Desktop Memory Model VS512MB400 X4


Video Card:ATI X800 Pro 256MB Radeon X800PRO 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X Video Card


HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Plus ST3160023A 160GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache IDE Ultra ATA100 / ATA-6 3.5" Hard Drive -Bare Drive


Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Interface

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102012&Tpk=creative labs audigy 2

Cd/Dvd drives:

LITE-ON Combo Drive 16X DVD-ROM 52X CD-R 32X CD-RW 52X CD-ROM Black IDE Model SOHC-5232K - OEM


Power Supply:

PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool 510-SLI 510W Continuous @ 50°C ATX12V SLI Certified CrossFire Ready Active PFC


just looking at these on newegg though makes it seem like these are ancient in computer time. For reference i'm going with a version of the ethusiest build.

The only thing you might be able to take there is the sound card. Everything else is a nono

Whoops the sound card is bunk as well since its PCI (forgot the motherboards have PCI-E x1 slots).


paid requisite penance
Also, I've got this set of jumpers: one yellow-ish cable on one end (which I suppose is to be put on the yellow-ish thing on the pic I posted), three on the other, respectively markes F1, F2 and F3. What to do with them?


That's a fan controller. Fractal case, I assume?

The big plug is for power, that's called a molex. The little guys are fan headers. They control fan speed via voltage regulation.


Hi there, this is actually my first post in neoGAF
first i would like to thank you for such a detailed thread for a newbie like myself

anyway i am going for the EXCELLENT build in the OP and I would love to achieve max settings in all games (main use is gaming)

though my friends told me that if i want the best graphic i should go for GTX670 which I find a little bit pricey

is there any reasonable alternative to this card or i just have to do a trade off?

Thank you everybody!


paid requisite penance
That's a fan controller. Fractal case, I assume?

The big plug is for power, that's called a molex. The little guys are fan headers. They control fan speed via voltage regulation.

Oh. So what should I do with all that? I already put the 2 black fan headers I had for the 2 chassis fans that come with the case (Fractal R3).


If you want them at full speed, that's totally fine. It's just an added bonus of the case if you want to control the fans with the little knob. It fits perfectly on the vertically oriented expansion slot.

If they end up being a bit too loud for your preferences at full power, then you can go ahead and switch to that.


paid requisite penance
If you want them at full speed, that's totally fine. It's just an added bonus of the case if you want to control the fans with the little knob. It fits perfectly on the vertically oriented expansion slot.

If they end up being a bit too loud for your preferences at full power, then you can go ahead and switch to that.

Thanks, but what I meant is how do I plug all that stuff and make it work? Do I remove the two black fan headers and put the white headers instead, and just plug one of the two molexes into the PSU?



So, the molex (big fat 4 pin) is what will provide power. The power then goes to the little PCB. From there, the three cables that come out with the little 3 pin connectors are what you would plug your fans into. The motherboard wouldn't be involved in any way.


paid requisite penance

So, the molex (big fat 4 pin) is what will provide power. The power then goes to the little PCB. From there, the three cables that come out with the little 3 pin connectors are what you would plug your fans into. The motherboard wouldn't be involved in any way.

I see, thanks. I've got 2 molexes on one cable. Should I plug one or both?

(btw, one of the thingies on the little PCB came bent, as seen on the above pic. Should I leave it as is?)


My refurb (shut your mouths) SSD Corsair Force Series 120GB should be here any day now. Is OP still a good starting resource?

I'm likely going to do a clean windows install on the SSD along with STEAM & most-used apps.

Any suggestions in addition to the OP?

ALSO... I'm getting an SSD for my work laptop. I inherited the computer and I don't have the install disc for MS Office and it looks like I need to image the XP install and transfer it over. Is this advisable or should I bite the bullet and tell my boss I can't make it work unless he buys another license of Office?

With all this SSD action in one week, I won't be able to get it up for ages.
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