Take your time. Getting it together is an amazingly exciting prospect, but with that much legit gear in your system, you want to do it up right. Take time with the cable management, planning use of space, getting the fan configuration just right. Holy shit at that UP7. Ordering mine tomorrow I thinkJust received all my gear today. Before I start putting it together is there any advice words of wisdom I can use? How long should this take me to do including the installation of OS? Any potential issues I may run into that are common to people who are rusty on on building rigs? Thanks in advance
There's a cable management guide, as well as a build guide in the OP I did up with pictures. Lots of little tidbits on how to organize everything and go about putting it together. Some good videos too.
There aren't any benchmarks in that first link that really have anything to do with gaming. The second is just assassin's creed, and gives credence to my claim that frequency is king.http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/677?vs=363
(note, anandtech does not have game benchmarks for the ivy bridge quad core).
More and more games will need quad core CPU's in the future (and Hyperthreading can even hurt performance in some games).
In this, the 920, Phenom IIs, and FX 8150 are all quad (8150 technically octo, but it's really 4 combo-cores) and perform worse than Ivy because of the instructions per clock, frequency, and efficiency.
Here's Civ V, one of the very few games that is n-threaded, meaning it can take advantage of however many cores one has. Almost no difference between processors.

Here's BF3, which is very efficiently coded to use 4 cores.

The only games that have a significant CPU bottleneck are more constrained by frequency and instructions per clock than any other meaningful stat.