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"I need a New PC!" 2012 Thread. Ivy, SSDs, and reading the OP. [Part 2]

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whats the absolute highest i should have my 7850 at? i noticed that the fan isn't even coming on high even though it is past 70C


You could use the stock cooler that comes with the i5 and save $15. It does a pretty good job and is quiet.
Do you really need a fancy case? I think I paid $29 for my mid-tower Antec case (after rebate). I see it frequently advertised on newegg. I just look at the slickdeals.net hot deals threads and wait until I see a case deal posted.

He's probably concerned with noise. I personally found the stock fan to be very loud for the i5 and the R4 to have more effective sound dampening than other cheaper silent cases.
Thank you all for all the advice and a most interesting conversation of SSD vs. HDD which is the very subject I was curious about.

I was debating on this very thing, considering my options of

($70) 120GB SSD / ($70) 1TB HD splitting my money into both (total of ~$140)
($150-160) for 250GB of pure SSD.

I'll have to keep thinking and good deals may decide this, but if my budget really needed cutting I'll opt for a HDD for now.

You could use the stock cooler that comes with the i5 and save $15. It does a pretty good job and is quiet.
Do you really need a fancy case? I think I paid $29 for my mid-tower Antec case (after rebate). I see it frequently advertised on newegg. I just look at the slickdeals.net hot deals threads and wait until I see a case deal posted.
I already bought the cooler and case on a whim unfortunately lol...
I think I'll be pretty happy with the case, yes it is quite a fancy though, as opposed to the ~$50 mark I was originally considering


Thank you all for a most interesting conversation of SSD vs. HDD which is the very subject I was curious about.

I was debating on this very thing, considering my options of

($70) 120GB / ($70) 1TB HD splitting my money into both
($150-160) for 250GB of pure SSD.

I'll have to keep thinking and good deals may decide this, but if my budget really needed cutting I'll opt for a HDD for now.

first one.


Thank you all for a most interesting conversation of SSD vs. HDD which is the very subject I was curious about.

I was debating on this very thing, considering my options of

($70) 120GB / ($70) 1TB HD splitting my money into both (total of ~$140)
($150-160) for 250GB of pure SSD.

I'll have to keep thinking and good deals may decide this, but if my budget really needed cutting I'll opt for a HDD for now.

Do you already have a HDD? Because if you're planning on having a PC with just 250GB of storage even on SSD's that's a pretty bad idea unless you want it for something really specific, 250GB is nothing these days.

Go for the first one.


Do you already have a HDD? Because if you're planning on having a PC with just 250GB of storage even on SSD's that's a pretty bad idead unless you want it for something really especific, 250GB is nothing these days.

Go for the first one.

My OS is a 256gb, my second SSD is 120, and my "storage" is a 750gb.

If tomorrow the second ssd and storage died, I am entirely comfortable with only my OS drive. Second SSD is used purely as Steam spillover for things I'm not playing, storage is just trash that I don't actually need but don't want to get rid of (think hoarders).

I would sooner walk in front of a bus than go back to only a HDD.
USB wireless adapters generally suck. Try to get an internal card if you absolutely must have wireless.

Nice level headed build. Enjoy. :) if it is your first gaming rig in a while, be prepared to be amazed.

You seem to be going for a pretty basic setup except for the 7850 which is mid-range and it's the reason why you should probably go for a slightly better PSU. I'm not saying it won't work the way you have assembled it right now it's just a general good idea to invest a bit more on a PSU since every component relies on it.

Also, unless you're on a budget I'd suggest to go for a slighty better processor/mobo, processor especially since you will be bottlenecked by the G850 with nowadays games.

Other than that it's looking alright.

This too. I missed the adapter.

Thanks guys! I'm on a crazy tight budget as you can see, so I think the PSU is going to have to stay unfortunately since I would like to get something a little better. I was considering dropping the GPU to something a little less powerful so I could fit an i3 3220 in the build instead of the G850. Should I stick with the 7850 + G850 or would you guys recommend something else?
You can always add a SSD later.
Yep :)
My OS is a 256gb, my second SSD is 120, and my "storage" is a 750gb.

If tomorrow the second ssd and storage died, I am entirely comfortable with only my OS drive. Second SSD is used purely as Steam spillover for things I'm not playing, storage is just trash that I don't actually need but don't want to get rid of (think hoarders).

I would sooner walk in front of a bus than go back to only a HDD.


Thanks guys! I'm on a crazy tight budget as you can see, so I think the PSU is going to have to stay unfortunately since I would like to get something a little better. I was considering dropping the GPU to something a little less powerful so I could fit an i3 3220 in the build instead of the G850. Should I stick with the 7850 + G850 or would you guys recommend something else?

depends on how flexible you are with your budget. The Pentiums are perfectly fine for gaming, beat most of the AMDs.


Thanks guys! I'm on a crazy tight budget as you can see, so I think the PSU is going to have to stay unfortunately since I would like to get something a little better. I was considering dropping the GPU to something a little less powerful so I could fit an i3 3220 in the build instead of the G850. Should I stick with the 7850 + G850 or would you guys recommend something else?

Do you already have plans on upgrading that build later on? If so in how long?
Is there a thread for PC questions in general?

I think my processor is running way too hot. CoreTemp says all four cores are running at like 60-70 C and I'm idling.

It's been a while since I've performed maintenance on my PC and I've forgotten what the temperature should be for a processor. I'm on an i5-750 with stock cooling.


Is there a thread for PC questions in general?

I think my processor is running way too hot. CoreTemp says all four cores are running at like 60-70 C and I'm idling.

It's been a while since I've performed maintenance on my PC and I've forgotten what the temperature should be for a processor. I'm on an i5-750 with stock cooling.

Yeah, that's too high for idle temps. I have the same CPU and it was running at 30-35 with the stock cooler on idle. 70-75 on load.

I installed a Hyper 212+ and it's idling at 20-25 and never tops 50 on load. Great cooler. Bit of a pain the butt to install but worth the hassle.


Is there a thread for PC questions in general?

I think my processor is running way too hot. CoreTemp says all four cores are running at like 60-70 C and I'm idling.

It's been a while since I've performed maintenance on my PC and I've forgotten what the temperature should be for a processor. I'm on an i5-750 with stock cooling.
When was the last time you cleaned your computer? BE HONEST, GOD IS WATCHING.

I'm atheist, to be clear. Just wanted to make sure that is understood since this is indeed GAF


Good to hear. That's pretty much what matters.

No real plans to upgrade later on. I could see the parts being the same for quite a while.

Well since you're on a tight budget there's really no way around upgrading the CPU/Videocard, however for 10 more bucks you can improve the PSU to one of these...

Thermaltake TR2 TR-500 500W


COOLER MASTER eXtreme Power Plus 500W

... which IMO are better, more reliable and better for future upgrades, especiallly the Thermaltake PSU since it has 2 PCI-E connectors and one of them has 6+2 pins. Not that the Antec VP-450 is a bad PSU or brand.

Also don't get me wrong about your build, it's a pretty good one especially with the 7850 it's just that with todays games it's a good idea to have a quad core, although the G850 performs really well for a dual core and has good results with a lot of games. To make your build better you'd definitely have to spend more money on the CPU but that's not always possible, good thing you're on a solid socket since you have big range of processors to upgrade later on when you want to.
Thanks guys! I'm on a crazy tight budget as you can see, so I think the PSU is going to have to stay unfortunately since I would like to get something a little better. I was considering dropping the GPU to something a little less powerful so I could fit an i3 3220 in the build instead of the G850. Should I stick with the 7850 + G850 or would you guys recommend something else?

We have had this conversation before so I know that mckenyon will tell you no because he doesn't think there is any evidence you will see much performance increase now or in the future between that dual core and the quadcores.

I however am suspicious even though I admit there is not much current evidence to support my thesis. I just kind of believe that eventually those quadcores will be put to serious use on more advanced graphics engines.

So if it were up to me, yes I would make that trade, mckenyon, though, probably would not.

The one thing I think we can both agree on, however, is that either way you go you will be fine in the near future. Especially if you are "only" gaming at 1080p.


Better card will suit you better now. If time comes where you have an extra $200, plop in an i5 and you're good to go. We can agree on that, amirite?
When was the last time you cleaned your computer? BE HONEST, GOD IS WATCHING.

I'm atheist, to be clear. Just wanted to make sure that is understood since this is indeed GAF

I don't remember exactly, but it's been months since I last opened up my computer for a cleaning. At least 6.

I figured I need to clean it again anyway. I am wondering, though, if there's such a thing as replacing the CPU cooling paste. AFAIK that's not something that can be "replaced"? But I did hear someone saying that a while ago and it got me thinking. If I'm supposed to be doing that I dun goofed again, since I haven't done jack squat to replace anything on the processor since I built this in 2010...
Better card will suit you better now. If time comes where you have an extra $200, plop in an i5 and you're good to go. We can agree on that, amirite?

Actually, you are right. I agree. Especially since we know very well what will get you better performance now whereas in the future we are reading tea leaves.

I still think that anybody that can afford the extra bucks should go i5, though.

But right now Graphics Cards are definitely the more important factor and with GPGPU it looks as if they will only be more so in the future.


I don't remember exactly, but it's been months since I last opened up my computer for a cleaning. At least 6.

I figured I need to clean it again anyway. I am wondering, though, if there's such a thing as replacing the CPU cooling paste. AFAIK that's not something that can be "replaced"? But I did hear someone saying that a while ago and it got me thinking. If I'm supposed to be doing that I dun goofed again, since I haven't done jack squat to replace anything on the processor since I built this in 2010...
Get some new TIM, since they are all about the same price, grab some Prolimatech PK-1/2/3. Stop by a pharmacy, buy some isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, 90%+ and some cotton swabs. Remove the heatsink, clean off old paste with alchohol and swabs. Apply some new paste (line, pea, X, it won't make a difference for the most part), and reseat heatsink.
Even though the SSD HDD talk is over with the person picking their choice i would add that the best choice imo is the best of both worlds and the poster could have half his SSD and get a 1TB with the savings plus some extra.

So why pick one or the other when you can have both?
Thanks again for the help, guys! It's much appreciated. I think I will stick with the parts I currently have since it seems to be the best I can do. I also will swap the PSU to that 500W Coolermaster since it will be about the same price.


Tempted to put a GTX 660 in one of my machines instead of the 7870 since I'm looking at $200 for the 660 or $250 for the 7870. Do I need to be convinced otherwise?


fucking juniors
Question: I have an HDD (WD Green) that shows up in Windows when I have it connected to my case's external drive bay but when I have it plugged in internally it doesn't show up in either device manager or disk management. I've tried using multiple ports and multiple SATA cable and that didn't fix anything. Does anyone know what the issue could be here?
Get some new TIM, since they are all about the same price, grab some Prolimatech PK-1/2/3. Stop by a pharmacy, buy some isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, 90%+ and some cotton swabs. Remove the heatsink, clean off old paste with alchohol and swabs. Apply some new paste (line, pea, X, it won't make a difference for the most part), and reseat heatsink.

Will do. Thanks a lot!




Ok first build in like 8 years lol....OP was a huge help! just looking for some feedback before i pull the trigger.


CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1333 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 670 04G-P4-2673-KR 4GB Video Card
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DG 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card
Case: Rosewill CHALLENGER ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair Gaming 700W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V Power Supply
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer
Monitor: Asus VS248H-P 24.0" Monitor
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)
Total: $1555.81

Mostly used for gaming, so want to make sure i haven't created any bottleneck issues.
Also is there anything im missing to make it 100% functional with what is listed here assuming i have no old system to pull cables or anything out of? besides mouse and keyboard and speakers.



After 3 weeks of looking at almost every case imaginable, i finally decided to purchase the Cooler Master Storm Stryker. It's soooo beautiful.

***Example pics from internet***

I was a few clicks away from purchasing the following part list, but i cancelled the orders because i could not decide which motherboard to choose.


Can anyone give me a quick break down pros/cons of the boards in the op under enthusiast.
I plan on overclocking cpu/gpu till stable for gaming, and wont be tweaking for benchmarking.

In the meantime, i will be custom modding the case while i decide on the mobo. Pics coming soon.

Thanks buddies.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Kind of looks like a space ship. Especially with that fan jutting out.


Tempted to put a GTX 660 in one of my machines instead of the 7870 since I'm looking at $200 for the 660 or $250 for the 7870. Do I need to be convinced otherwise?

I've been debating between the 7850 and the 7870 but I'm about to take the plunge on this 7870 for $195 AR:

SAPPHIRE 100354OCL Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2GB 256-bit GDDR5

Anyone have any advice before I pull the trigger??

Saphire said the problems was with the first batch of cards which is no longer an issue:

"Manufacturer Response:
We are sorry that you have received a card that was affected by the Black Screen issue.

It is a known issue among a few of the early card manufactured but all of the current cards have been fixed and do not have this issue.

Anyone affected with the same issue should RMA their card."


Question: I have an HDD (WD Green) that shows up in Windows when I have it connected to my case's external drive bay but when I have it plugged in internally it doesn't show up in either device manager or disk management. I've tried using multiple ports and multiple SATA cable and that didn't fix anything. Does anyone know what the issue could be here?

Dumb question but do you have power to the drive? There should be two cables to the drive. One is the SATA cable and the other is the power connector.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ok first build in like 8 years lol....OP was a huge help! just looking for some feedback before i pull the trigger.


CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1333 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 670 04G-P4-2673-KR 4GB Video Card
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DG 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card
Case: Rosewill CHALLENGER ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair Gaming 700W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V Power Supply
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer
Monitor: Asus VS248H-P 24.0" Monitor
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)
Total: $1555.81

Mostly used for gaming, so want to make sure i haven't created any bottleneck issues.
Also is there anything im missing to make it 100% functional with what is listed here assuming i have no old system to pull cables or anything out of? besides mouse and keyboard and speakers.


You want DDR3 1866 or at least 1600 which is native to that CPU at stock.


Ok first build in like 8 years lol....OP was a huge help! just looking for some feedback before i pull the trigger.


CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1333 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 670 04G-P4-2673-KR 4GB Video Card
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DG 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card
Case: Rosewill CHALLENGER ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair Gaming 700W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V Power Supply
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer
Monitor: Asus VS248H-P 24.0" Monitor
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)
Total: $1555.81

Mostly used for gaming, so want to make sure i haven't created any bottleneck issues.
Also is there anything im missing to make it 100% functional with what is listed here assuming i have no old system to pull cables or anything out of? besides mouse and keyboard and speakers.


Why 3770K? Are you intending on doing some HD video rendering or CPU-intensive tasks other than gaming? If not, 3570K is more than capable.

Anyway, go for the Gigabyte GTX670 rather than the EVGA, 830 since it's cheaper and does just as good as the 840, and 1600MHz RAM is cheap enough to warrant a buy over 1333 too.


Homeland Security Fail
After 3 weeks of looking at almost every case imaginable, i finally decided to purchase the Cooler Master Storm Stryker. It's soooo beautiful.

***Example pics from internet***

I was a few clicks away from purchasing the following part list, but i cancelled the orders because i could not decide which motherboard to choose.

Damn, that is a very beautiful case.


I'm looking to replace my 2 GTX 460's. I'm thinking of either a 660ti or a 670. I might be going 1440p in the future. Would a 670 be the best bet? Or should I get a 660ti now and another one later for sli? Would I be able to run current games at high or ultra at 1440p with a single 670?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What do you mean "native"?
Ivy bridge does not have a FSB, it has no native memory speed.

I mean if you buy an email checker from Dell that uses Ivy, it's going to be DDR3 1600 MHz. Maybe it doesn't matter for non integrated graphics or even overclocking limits, I don't know.

Well, Intel says it supports 1300 MHz, so maybe i"m in the wrong.


I'm looking to replace my 2 GTX 460's. I'm thinking of either a 660ti or a 670. I might be going 1440p in the future. Would a 670 be the best bet? Or should I get a 660ti now and another one later for sli? Would I be able to run current games at high or ultra at 1440p with a single 670?

660ti isn't too great for high-res. 670/7950/7970 are the best cards for beyond-1080p resolutions.
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