Do it. You have a lot more room for future upgrades on the new one.
Definitely true; the case is bigger too, has more case fans, and probably front audio that isn't broken (for some reason the front audio ports on my case aren't HD Audio). The specs on the other one, especially hd wise, blow mine away.
It's just the sentimental thing, really (beyond the pain of having to set stuff up again). I was waffling for ages on whether to build my own, bought the parts for myself for Christmas, and did it Christmas Eve. A lot of the parts came from friends who had spares too. Then the bag containing the PC was lost on my way home, and I only got it back a week ago. It's been on a trip!
But definitely worth the upgrade? How would it be gaming wise? I can play Hitman and Far Cry on medium-high at 1080p, but it does eventually conk out/bsod on me if I try to do a marathon session. Would there be a noticeable improvement?
Edit: The fact that I have no idea what I would do with the one I built also complicates it. It's custom, so hard to sell, and I wouldn't really need the parts...