I want to upgrade my graphics card but I'm not sure about a few things:
My specs (with newegg links!):
500W Power Supply
i5 &50 clocked at 2.67 GHz
4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3
mATX Vulcan case
The reason why I'm including the case as part of my "specs" is that it's a micro ATX tower, meaning less space to deal with. I can't do fancy cooling solutions for my CPU or an extra-long graphics card, for instance.
Now onto the questions:
1) My CPU is an i5 750 that I can overclock to 3.0 GHz. Should I be upgrading that before the graphics card or am I good with that for a while yet? I don't think I've run into many games that are bottlenecking me because of CPU, but I can't be too sure.
2) I've been eye-ing the GTX 660 Ti for quite a while, but I'm kind of concerned about price ($350 IIRC). Though I've heard that AMD is really quite affordable, I'm wary about getting AMD since for the past several years there are driver problems on the AMD side and I've heard more than a few people on GAF express quite a bit of regret at going AMD. What's the general consensus here? nVidia has been nothing but good to me the entire time I've had my 460, but I have no firsthand experience with AMD. If you really think I should go AMD, which card should I be looking at? (EDIT: I'm not locked down to 660Ti, if you suggest another nVidia card like a 670, which I've read on here can actually be cheaper than $350, please do so)
3) Is a 460-to-660Ti a worthwhile upgrade? I'm increasingly having to lower the settings on newer releases because I don't get a smooth 60 FPS at 1080p with 4xAA and maxed out (or close to maxed out) graphics anymore. Would a 660Ti get me back on that level for most new releases? (Of course, there'll be the exception like Crysis 3, I don't expect flawless performance out of powerhouse games).
4) Is upgrading even worthwhile now? I wouldn't get a new graphics card for several years, and I'm kind of concerned that the new consoles would easily surpass most any GPU in today's PC market (8GB GDDR5 and all that jazz). Is that a legit concern or just FUD?
5) If I were to upgrade to a 660Ti or an AMD equivalent, would it fit in a mATX case? Would it be fine with my power supply? I want to avoid a situation where I get the card but can't actually use it because I have to change something else in my rig.
6) "Optional" question (this sounds like a quiz now

): What can I do with my old 460 if I did upgrade? This is my first time I'd be swapping out GPUs, whereas before I'd wait until the computer is so old I build a totally new one. Is it a thing to sell old cards?