Is there any real difference in performance between the 7970 925Mhz ahd the 7970 GHz Edition? Or is the GHz Edition just an OC'd 7970 out of the box?
What are the best games for testing GPU OC? I am 99% its Batman not my GPU since I can't get it to repeat but want to make sure. GPU has been stable for months, only BF3 hardlocks which were from the beta drivers and BF4 pre patch caused any issues. I've played a ton of Far Cry 3 fine and FireStrike Extreme. Don't really know about metro last light, remember alot of issues with pre OC cards. Any Ideas?
My favorite game for stress testing is BF3, but I guess you could also try Crysis 2 or 3 if you have it. Have you tried evga's oc scanner?
So I decided to use Bootracer to test my boot up time (Windows 7 x64, i5 2500k stock, 8GB RAM, 1TB Samsung F3 HDD).
I got:
282 seconds Windows Boot
26 seconds Desktop Boot
Total 308 seconds.
Abysmal! No idea why my PC boots up so slowly!
I'm going to buy an SSD and reinstall my PC, starting fresh with Windows 8.1.
Kingston Technology 120GB Solid State Drive 2.5-inch V300 SATA 3 with Adapter
Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5 inch Basic SATA Solid State Drive
I have found the above two SSDs. Which one should I buy?
Also, is it possible to install Windows 8 on the SSD while retaining all my data from my 1TB HDD?
so is Fraps the best, most lightweight app to take uncompressed screenshots (for the high res screenshot thread)?
and i'm assuming i'd need the full version?
For screenshots Fraps is great. I think the free version adds a watermark. I've had the program for so long I don't remember. edit: not sure if they add watermark to screenshots. Give it a go.
How would I set it up?Both SSDs are good, just depends on what you want to spend. Evo is a bit faster but in day to day computing both will feel equally quick.
You should be able to yeah, not sure how mind without using Google as it's not something i have done before.
Usb key and owning Gigabyte motherboards. is the best resource in my opinion.
It's possible but very difficult.ASUS Rampage IV Formula....screwed?
I have Crysis 3 which was really good in finding a good stable point, haven't tried it since modding my Bios though. What is OC scanner for?
Both SSDs are good, just depends on what you want to spend. Evo is a bit faster but in day to day computing both will feel equally quick.
You should be able to yeah, not sure how mind without using Google as it's not something i have done before.
Also found those 2 SSDs.
Including the Kingston and Samsung, what is the one I should go for when you factor in price and reliability?
Just got the titans under water, 25c idle 45c load! Now for a modded bios, any recommendations?
I am having a major issue. All of my games are being displayed in this strange 3d mode. The only changes that I've made recently is upgrading to windows 8.1. I know Im being very vague, and Im sorry, but does anyone have any advice for me?
I am having a major issue. All of my games are being displayed in this strange 3d mode. The only changes that I've made recently is upgrading to windows 8.1. I know Im being very vague, and Im sorry, but does anyone have any advice for me?
I am having a major issue. All of my games are being displayed in this strange 3d mode. The only changes that I've made recently is upgrading to windows 8.1. I know Im being very vague, and Im sorry, but does anyone have any advice for me?
so my benq xl2420te came in yesterday.
sigh... compared to my asus asus pa248q, its a let down. colors are verry off.
Yeah, it's an 8.1 glitch with the Nvidia control panel. Right click your desktop. Toggle the 3D settings on/off, apply, and restart. Hopefully that helps!
EDIT: Here's a link - look like this isn't a solution for everyone, but they are working on it:
Nvidia control panel, disable stereoscopic 3D. Enabled after 8.1 for some reason.
Someone please HELP.
I get this on my screen whenever I play COD, like after 15-20 mins of gameplay this pops up, every time in the same spot. and It only does it for COD, not for battlefield or any other game. Only for COD. Whyyyyyyy? lol
This stays even after I close up COD, it remains on the screen. I'm running 7970CF.
That's just the wallpaper for "last of us" (best game ever)
Why would they only appear after a session of CoD though? That's curious.
Are there any 24" 1440p monitors?
Just got the titans under water, 25c idle 45c load! Now for a modded bios, any recommendations?
The highest res you can get with a standalone 24" monitor is 1920x1200
Just got the titans under water, 25c idle 45c load! Now for a modded bios, any recommendations?
Could be switching resolution from the one used during bootup to the one you have Windows set to?Can anybody hazard a guess as to why a monitor goes to sleep right before the Windows 7 welcome screen appears? It literally turns off after Windows 7 finishes loading but before the welcome screen appears, after a second the monitor turns back on.
Could be switching resolution from the one used during bootup to the one you have Windows set to?
That's weird, an iPad has higher resolution than that. I can't be the only one who doesn't like enormous monitors / likes high pixel density.
Another 4GB sounds reasonable considering you're running single channel.
Get more fans. Two are good, three are better, after that it's diminishing returns.
You couldn't OC a 3570K on this motherboard, so either replace that as well, or get a non-K model.
WD Blue 1TB + 128GB/256GB 840 EVO or Sandisk Ultra should do nicely.
A 560Ti will have a hard time playing a lot of modern games on high settings at 1440p.