I like this guide for the EVO. Hate the video ones. http://www.overclock.net/t/1322128/...-775-1150-1155-1156-1366-2011-am2-am3-fm1-fm2
One of my hard drives is making a clicking noise every few hours while idle, is it about to fail? I only bought it this year(2TB Seagate).
[url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2vpGB]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2vpGB/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url] / [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2vpGB/benchmarks/]Benchmarks[/url]
[b]CPU:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i74770k]Intel Core i7-4770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor[/url] (£250.43 @ Ebuyer)
[b]CPU Cooler:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-cpu-cooler-h60cw9060007ww]Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler[/url] (£52.73 @ Ebuyer)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-maximusvihero]Asus Maximus VI Hero ATX LGA1150 Motherboard[/url] (£149.81 @ Ebuyer)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cml16gx3m2a1600c10]Corsair Vengeance LP 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory[/url] (£120.19 @ Scan.co.uk)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz7te250bw]Samsung 840 EVO 250GB 2.5" Solid State Disk[/url] (£118.79 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/seagate-internal-hard-drive-st2000dm001]Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] (£60.00 @ Aria PC)
[b]Video Card:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-video-card-03gp42884kr]EVGA GeForce GTX 780 Ti 3GB Video Card[/url] (£571.75 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/fractal-design-case-fdcadefr4bl]Fractal Design Define R4 (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case[/url] (£77.70 @ Aria PC)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-rm750]Corsair RM 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply[/url] (£93.98 @ Dabs)
[b]Optical Drive:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-optical-drive-sh224dbbebe]Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer[/url] (£11.98 @ Ebuyer)
[b]Operating System:[/b] [url=http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/microsoft-os-wn700615]Microsoft Windows 8.1 - OEM (64-bit)[/url] (£79.08 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Total:[/b] £1586.44
[i](Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)[/i]
[i](Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-01-04 11:26 GMT+0000)[/i]
Well, I disagree strongly. Some of us need 5 PCIe slots - and that's with 1 GPUI've been pushing for the abandonment of ATX in favor of mATX for well over a year now.
Are there any ITX boards that support Ivy Bridge? I kinda want to switch over to a small form factor case.
My 2500k still pimpin.
Ok guys I go straight to the point. Amd fx 8350 or Nvidia I5 4670k ? I mainly use for video editing and encoding. The Amd is cheaper and had better encoding performance but everyone on here seems to prefer Nvidia.
Opinions of this overclock bundle in comparison to the 4670k one from here
My 2500k is fine but my asrock mobo is terrible. I can't oc for shit.
My 2500k is fine but my asrock mobo is terrible. I can't oc for shit.
Yeah as rock have come along way, unfortunately for you... Its done so since the 2000 series Intel chips.
It would certainly be playable in a lot of stuffQuestion
My desktop has been sitting in a corner for two years, it is a AMD Phenom X6, Radeon 6790 with 12 gigs of RAM.
Can I simply upgrade the video card to something modern and get decent performance?
Lots. Depends on what you want to spend.
Word. £120 well spent.
It's an Intel i5 not NVIDIA.
what software are you using?
I wouldn't buy from Aria, heard a lot of bad things. Still some from Scan but not as many.
if anyone needs personal feedback on $400 - QNIX QX2710 let me know. Just got mine
Yeah as rock have come along way, unfortunately for you... Its done so since the 2000 series Intel chips.
I'm running at 4.5GHz at stock voltage on my Extreme4 Gen3. They weren't too bad at that time.
Did you manage to overclock to 120? what card are you playing it with?
Sweet, in on pg. 1!
I know you guys will rage but I replaced my cata-failed system drive with a normal 1TB instead of an SSD. As someone who runs Arch and OpenBox who consistently posts <7 second times on systemd-analyze and has the massively untidy >3k item download folder list instantly in Thunar, I just wanted the space over any marginal "snappiness" improvements.
Sweet, in on pg. 1!
I know you guys will rage but I replaced my cata-failed system drive with a normal 1TB instead of an SSD. As someone who runs Arch and OpenBox who consistently posts <7 second times on systemd-analyze and has the massively untidy >3k item download folder list instantly in Thunar, I just wanted the space over any marginal "snappiness" improvements.
Couple of questions:
1. What's the best way to purchase things? I assume not all at once. Are there price trackers out there? Do people add their build to Camel/Slickdeals and buy at the right time? PCPP is cool but its price tracker isn't fantastic. And I don't see alerts anywhere.
2. AMD cards are overpriced, new GPU architecture around the corner. Is this an inopportune time to buy an all new gaming PC? I get that "there's always something better" but there are better times to jump in than others.
3. 5.1 sound and HDMI are built in these days, yeah? No need for a sound card or anything, unless I'm an audiophile?
My 2500k is fine but my asrock mobo is terrible. I can't oc for shit.
I did not try yet because I came from a 1680x1050 so right now I am in HD heaven and literally amazed at how big this thing is so I cant imagine making any changes to it. I picked up a GTX780 and they arrived the same day . I was running a HD5850 which has reported bios skip error with the monitor? so i rushed the card here.
Im not sure if i will try and overclock or not..haven't read much about it.
I would say the only flaw so far is the base, it tilts but its a little cheep which is fine once you get it situated though
Is it worth moving from a Quad AMD Phenom II core to an I5? Is there a big difference regarding gamming?
Also, subscribed.