Hey guys. When getting a new PSU is there a way I should test it before hooking it up to my rig to ensure I don't kill my system if it's faulty? Or do you just connect it up and cross your fingers
Check your voltage in the BIOS. Thats perfectly fine, but a bit high.
Hey guys. When getting a new PSU is there a way I should test it before hooking it up to my rig to ensure I don't kill my system if it's faulty? Or do you just connect it up and cross your fingers
Google the paperclip test.
Are you overclocked? I have the same cpu and running the stress test only pushed it to 41 degrees. Idle I run around 28-33 degrees, I am not overclocked however. Like The Llama said check the voltages.Finished my build! Everything went smoothly, no problems! Now I just have to wait for Nvidia to announce their new Video Cards to get one of my own.
I do have one question though. I have a 4790k, a Coolermaster Hyper 212 Evo, and an NZXT Phantom 410 case and I wanna make sure my CPU temps are ok.
Idle, it's about 35-40 degrees.
When I stress tested with the Intel Processor Diagnostic tool, it was about 77-78 under load.
Is this all acceptable?
Are you overclocked? I have the same cpu and running the stress test only pushed it to 41 degrees. Idle I run around 28-33 degrees, I am not overclocked however. Like The Llama said check the voltages.
I was worried this would be suggested.. Haha. It seems a bit.. Primitive!? Do you guys actually do this!?
The temps you listed above are totally normal, do not fret in the least bit. Those aren't high at all.I'm not overclocked. I looked at my Bios settings and couldn't really make heads or tails of it. Everything was set to auto though. Do you have a guide on what I should look at? My Mobo is a Gigabyte, for the record.
I filled my first 5 water cooled builds by papercliping my PSU to get it to power the molex.I was worried this would be suggested.. Haha. It seems a bit.. Primitive!? Do you guys actually do this!?
I was worried this would be suggested.. Haha. It seems a bit.. Primitive!? Do you guys actually do this!?
Is the TV big?One more question. I'm using my computer on a 1080p TV and for the most part everything looks real crisp. But certain things look really pixelated, for instance, my Spotify and Quicktime icons look like ass.
Is that just because those icons were made at such a low-res? I'm coming from Macland, so pardon my ignorance but I didn't see anything like that on my macbook.
Is the TV big?
Yeah, whoah, that's weird as hell. I have no idea what's up with that.32 Inches. I can provide a screen-cap. Give me one sec.
See, the Steam icon and and Chrome ones are crystal clear, while the Spotify and Logitech icons are assy.
The temps you listed above are totally normal, do not fret in the least bit. Those aren't high at all.
Also, the 4790K is basically overclocked to 4.4GHz out of the box, which is why you see temps in the 70s. Haswell gets hot.
You don't really need to worry about temps until you get in the mid-high 80s for the average of four cores.
I filled my first 5 water cooled builds by papercliping my PSU to get it to power the molex.
I use literally the same exact one. Works like a peach.I was thinking about picking up this guy to run my pump during filling. Wish it had a switch, but I might mod one in later.
The temps you listed above are totally normal, do not fret in the least bit. Those aren't high at all.
Also, the 4790K is basically overclocked to 4.4GHz out of the box, which is why you see temps in the 70s. Haswell gets hot.
You don't really need to worry about temps until you get in the mid-high 80s for the average of four cores.
They steal this stuff from sites like chiphell.Found these benchmarks on NBR.
Is this site legit?
Hooooolllly!!! CRAPP!!
I just bought and installed a noctua NHU14S, and either the stock intel HSF is utter shit or Noctual know their shit.
Playing certain games would push my cpu to almost 70C, with the noctual the thing doesn't even hit 40C -- 35C is the highest I saw it at. I have my front case fan to speed up when the CPU hits 40C, and because it's not getting anywhere near 40C my GPU temps are getting a little high.
WTF!!! shit is voodoo.
Mobo: ASRock 960GM/U3S3 is good matx for the priceI also have a MA790XT UD4P but since I want a small tower (at least micro ATX), this will need to be changed. I already have the HDD, the SSD and the RAM.
For thr GPU, I had a 560 Ti that started overheating like crazy. I bought a Twin Turbo III but it didn't help. So I want cut the losses and just get a new card with even more CUDA cores.
something i've been wondering about:
is running multiple monitors on different resolutions a problem?
(ie I have two 1080p monitors at the moment and at some point in a few months or so I want to get a 1440p monitor as a third monitor,would that be a problem?)
Stab in the dark. It's possible your router has set up a QoS daily limit.I've got a tech support question for you guys. My laptop's internet connection regularly goes to garbage around 8-9 pm. To the level where YouTube drops down to 144p, while in the morning/afternoon I can have two twitch source streams running at once.
The really confounding thing is that in the evening when my laptop becomes unusable I can stream video on my phone, which is running off the same WiFi, no problem.
Anyone have any ideas?
Mobo: ASRock 960GM/U3S3 is good matx for the price
GPU: 750Ti or above depending on budget
I've got a tech support question for you guys. My laptop's internet connection regularly goes to garbage around 8-9 pm. To the level where YouTube drops down to 144p, while in the morning/afternoon I can have two twitch source streams running at once.
The really confounding thing is that in the evening when my laptop becomes unusable I can stream video on my phone, which is running off the same WiFi, no problem.
Anyone have any ideas?
Stab in the dark. It's possible your router has set up a QoS daily limit.
Log on to your wifi router and poke around.
Do live you closely to other people who are also using WiFi? The first part makes it seem like you might be getting interference during the busy hours when everyone is using their internet. You could use some WiFi analyser to see if more people are on the same channel. There are phone apps that can do this too. It looks like this:
Let's say that yours is yellow, which is overlapped by teal, then you're better off switching it to channel 3 or 4. You can do this stuff by logging into the router.
The weird thing is that your phone seems to be working fine. Did you try updating the network card's drivers? Sometimes that may help when you're not getting a good signal.
I'm looking at choosing a case and I like the look (and price and quietness) of this one, the Aerocool DS200:
I was planning to buy this motherboard+CPU and a GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 780 Ti WINDFORCE 3X OC graphics card (although I'm waiting to see the new Nvidia cards), with a 750W PSU. Would this case be able to fit those components and keep them sufficiently cool? There are reviews of the thermal performance here: http://www.kitguru.net/components/cases/leo-waldock/aerocool-dead-silence-ds200-review/6/ and here: http://www.play3r.net/reviews/cases/aerocool-ds200-chassis-review/7/ but I don't know how good/bad those results are or how close they would be to the temperatures using the components I'm looking at. Also, would I potentially be able to fit a second GPU in there later down the line, or is there not enough room? (I know one card should fit if I remove some of the drive cages, but I don't know if a second would).
Crosspost from the Tech Support thread since this thread is more active and is suited to this stuff:
So yeah, it looks like my video card was the culprit so I'm now in the market for a new one!
What is good currently available (or upcoming since I can wait) sub-$300 replacement for a GTX 660 2GB?
lmao nice. What CPU?
I got a UH14S on my 4790K, it idles around 50C, but even under load (extended BF4 lol), it doesn't go over 60C. I'm confused at idle temps, (all this according to AI Suite 3). I have it on the "quiet" setting. Probably botched the heatsink install, kinda put paste, then put heatsink, then removed, then re-attached a bit later, so paste probably dried or something. xP
770 is still >$300 and is outperformed by the 280X. 285X should be coming soon, which will perform similarly to the 280X with an updated architecture and all of AMD's new features (TrueAudio, FreeSync, etc.) at $300. I'm doubting the new 970 will be sub $300, but the 770 might get a bit of price drop when the 970 is released.
Geforce GTX 980 Alleged Benchmark and TDP Surfaces Just 170W for ~110% 780 Ti Performance
source: http://www.chiphell.com/thread-1122008-1-1.html
EDIT: So the rumor is saying 10% more performance over 780 Ti
Basically. I want to throw this in my HTPC/Steambox build.Give me this. I'm all for running 1080p 60fps more efficiently and with less noise.
Basically. I want to throw this in my HTPC/Steambox build.
Does anyone have any ideas about this? More generally, what should I be looking out for in terms of temperatures when reading case reviews? Some sites give temperature values, some give the change between ambient and load, some between idle and load, and they all use different components, coolers, fan speeds etc.
Well I decided to overclock my CPU today as I never really had time to get round to it. For some reason it keeps reporting the wrong clock speed, this isn't anything to do with power profiles or any sort of speed boosting thing (as far as I can tell).
My i7 2700k sits at 4.1ghz idle then when I stress test it it lowers to default 3.5ghz but I have the multiplier set to 4.4ghz. What is going on? I'm stumped.
They steal this stuff from sites like chiphell.
So it depends if you trust Chinese sites or not![]()
Generally all the reputable case manufacturers produce cases that dont suffer from any air flow issues. Therefore its not even needed to be concerned in this area. If your buying some cheap budget non-brand desktop case then you need to be worried, but you are buying something well above that. So the only things to look out for, is space efficiency, case layout, case cable management features and of course aesthetics. And you may also be concerned about the fan noise.
Did you set the Turbo multiplier to 44 for all cores? There is an option that lets you change each Turbo core individually, enable this, then you should be able to set 44 multi for all 4 cores.
And whats the temperatures like, possible overheating?
Use CPUz to read the clock speeds and use HWMonitor or Realtemp for CPU Core temps.
I turned turbo off but ill try that, temps are fine as far as I can see, I have a custom watercooling loop.
Thats the problem, you overclock by Turbo on this platform. Enable Turbo and itll work as expected.