Not picking on you at all. But, it would be really cool if we could avoid this line of vocabulary here.
I hate r/buildapc
Stop trying. I think the biggest issue is that most the folks there are really really young and don't get it. There's an intense combination of ego, self, and consumer purchases all wrapped up into one on Reddit's PC community. It's impossible to have a rational discussion about such things.
I only wish those people would support AMD with their own cash and not fool other people into buying them.
And unfortunatly ignorant websites like Anandtech give them plenty of ammo with badly made cpu benches.
Anandtech has an "AMD Center", and the only person who actually had something decent to say, Anand, has left. That place is now at Tom's level of quality. Which is to say, that it is lacking quality. I've had direct discussions with some editors there that have pretty much said, "yeah, I realize that this testing isn't very accurate, but to do it right was too much effort." Fuck that place. Anand, Tom's, and TekSyndicate all need to go away.
After reading that reddit context, I'm kinda rooting for him :/ he has no illusions about what he's getting for his money
The thing is, is that they end up buying into poor testing data because it's confirmation bias for them. Then they end up giving bad consumer advice to all sorts of people. Then the trend continues.
If you want to buy their products, fine, go for it. Buy a worse CPU that gives you a stuttery experience. But shut the fuck up about it. There's literally no reason to evangelize that position.
Looking to upgrade my GFs PC. How does this sound:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 3.0GHz Quad-Core
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing
Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA 1150
Memory: Corsair XMS 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" SSD
Power Supply: Rosewill 650W ATX12V / EPS12V
She will be reusing:
Video Card: EVGA GTX 570
Case: Apevia X-Dreamer 3 Mid-Tower
1) Will that Power Supply work with her case? Its an old case with the Power Supply area being on the top of the case instead of below. Also no vent for the fan.
2) Is the PSU good enough for the video card?
3) How good is the Intel Core i5-4430 for gaming? Any other CPUs near its price range that I should consider?
4) Any other tweaks / parts I should consider?
Looks good. I'd consider the bump up to the 4460. Clock speed/IPC is still king for 99% of games. I'd maybe think about replacing the case, but that's more of a luxury purchase that isn't necessary if it's not a big deal for her.
You could probably avoid the CPU cooler, unless you're buying it specifically to cut down on the noise of the stock cooler.